Bedman? ASMR
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nothing special
Look out, the airliners are coming for you
woag. fatigue is sucks. wait post canceled what the fu k


Overthrow Hamas and I genuinely think that the world would help Palestinians.
Hamas is the terrorist organisation, overthrow Hamas and a two-state solution could actually work. Or the nations around Israel could donate some of their land to Palestinians and welcome them into their borders seeing as though they love them so much (the joke is that the countries funding Hamas refuse to actually help Palestinians and have forbidden them from fleeing the country).
Also remember that Hamas wants to instate Sharia law. Israel does not force you to be Jewish, but Palestine/Hamas will force you to be Islamic under threat of execution if you are not. Remember those girls that were beheaded in…was it Egypt? Off the top of my head I cannot remember, but a nation around that area executed two girl for not being Islamic.
It could’ve been Saudi Arabia actually, my bad, not Egypt.
Hamas is an organised terrorist group leading a country into a war, not for independence, but for domination and control. They do not want to be free, they want to kill Israel’s population.
Hamas must not survive. They are a threat to the civilian lives of Israel with their nightly rocket attacks on civilian housing, but they also plan to enact a law that forces all Israelian people to give up their religion and convert to another under threat of death. And on top of that, LGBT people too, accepted in Israel, punishable by death under Hamas. They are NOT the organisation you should be fighting for in this conflict.
Also the post makes no sense, because then surely YOU don’t deserve liberty because you STOLE the land you live on from someone or something. But I guess that’s just me overthinking things.

No liberty on stolen land
Rb if you agree
Like I just wanna play Kiriko, but I end up having to play DPS/Tank because anyone else who gets it seems to be awful at it.
Random teams on OverWatch make Germany mains on War Thunder look insanely smart. Do none of you understand what ‘stop rushing in, group up and go together’ means? If you die using the same dumbass strategy 7-8 times in a row, your strategy DOES NOT WORK!!!!!! Let your healers HEAL YOU!!! You are NOT immortal!! If you try to 5v1, you will die and are basically just throwing the game.
This week on shit War Thunder Balancing ideas with me as your host:
This fucking god-forsaken enemy of mid tier

The Me 264 - A B-29 with less bombs and objectively better attributes in all other stats.
‘B-but the max speed and max height are lower!!’
Have you ever gotten a B-29 to 12000m without being intercepted by a jet fighter with a roof of 18km? Exactly. And the top speed is lower, but realistically? You ain’t gonna surpass 370km/h in a B-29 due to spawn height being so low and optimal alt being so high (5000m in between on average, so with a (SPADED, might I add) fully loaded bomber with 2m/s of climb, it would take you a fuckin long ass time to reach that height. The Me 264 technically suffers the same fault - low climb rate…but uhh it has to climb 3000m less so it’s just better due to having the same climb rate.
It also has better defensive armament for a bomber. Fight me. I’ll take 2 roof mounted and 1 ventral 20mm over 12.7mms any day because 20mm actually do damage.
So in normal conditions, it’s faster, better defended, turns better than some fucking fighters at its BR and yet is below the B-29…by 2.3 BRs…riiight.
Send it to 7.7
Or fix the B-29’s fucking awful BR and make it spawn higher so spawning isn’t a fucking death wish, but Gaijin won’t do that, so I suggest nerfing everything until it balances out (nerf Me 264 to 7.7, nerf jets to 10.0, keep going until reserve is 3.0 or something and we’ll get somewhere).