borbsbirbs - Bird on a Keyboard
Bird on a Keyboard

thought about starting a writing blog but kinda failed. 18 | they/them | bisexual

446 posts

Remembrance (Chat Log 1)

Remembrance (Chat Log 1)

{A "Totally Normal" Genshin Modern AU Chatfic ;)}

TW/CWs: School, Homework, mentions of Nightmares, and headcanons.

venti: yo @viator can i copy your homework for theater?

ajax: wait you guys have homework for theater? 

venti: yeye. memorization, scriptwriting and shit

Zhongli Lapis Dei: Aether, please don't let Venti copy your work.

Barbara⭐: Has anybody seen Aether or Lumine recently? 

xiao: something up?

Barbara⭐: No, it's just that Mister Dainsleif wanted to talk to them, but I can't find them anywhere...

venti: oh nooo are they ghostin us

venti: @viator @viatrix @viatwinz YOOOOO HOMEWORK PLZ

venti: nvm

Ningguang: I have some paperwork for them to fill out, but they haven't been coming to student council either. 

Pirate arrg: Wait do they usually skip or somethin

Ningguang: No, and why is your name

Pirate arrg: Oh wait this was a theater thing

Pirate arrg: And no, ven i won't let you copy my shit. 

Pirate arrg: not that it's good anyway lmao. different assignment

[Pirate arrg] has changed their name to [Beidou, baby]

Beidou, baby: There we go

Thoma: Sorry guys, has anyone seen Aether? I need him to grab some dog food for taroumaru but I cna't find him

Zhongli Lapis Dei: This could be rather problematic, for you see, neither Aether nor Lumine have been spotted recently. 

Thoma: ? I know they aren't missing. They're bedsheets aren't made, as per usual.

venti: oh yeah before i forget 

Thoma: *their

venti: @ajax u use the school counselor right

venti: what's their email again

ajax: ye it's

ajax: u ight?

venti: yeah just weirdass nightmares i wanna sort out

venti: Something about dragons and abyss whatever.

venti: Wasn't scary, just... strange.

ajax: you know it's serious when you pull out hte punctuation.

ajax: sure i'll let em know you might call


Direct Message: 

Aether Viator Genshin > Dainslef Twili

AVG: Is there something you need of me?

DT: in regards to your current status as students, I am aware I am not to show favor to neither you or Lady Lumine

AVG: Yes, and?

DT: The separation is getting weaker. Barbatos and Morax have shown signs of remembering parts of the Impact through nightmares. DT: Should this pattern continue, I may have to step in.

AVG: That is fine.  AVG: As of now, do everything you can to preserve this dream. AVG: I'm finally back with Lumine. AVG: And that's all that truly matters.

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2 years ago

i "like like" you

request from anon - "Single dad headcannons for Zhongli. Reader could be his kids teacher maybe"

a/n - *dies from how cute this is* AAAAAAAAAA YES YES AND YES single dad!zhongli is everything <3 (also i'm not sure if everyone heard of the childhood phrase "like like" but it's a way that we'd say we had a romantic interest in someone as children. i'm not sure if this is exclusive to NA which is why i'm explaining it, but i thought it was a cute title hehe)

I "like Like" You

pairing - zhongli x gender neutral reader (modern au!)

word count - 8246

genre - fluff

format - headcanons + blurbs

warnings - alcohol consumption

summary - between raising his two beloved children on his own and running his own business, zhongli can't quite find the time for romance—that is until he meets you

I "like Like" You

to most, zhongli is a professional businessman and ceo of his own company

though polite and mild-mannered, he's known for his sharp intellect and quick thinking

through his hard work and dedication, his tea company which manages several popular teashops in the city, has seen immense growth and success

though he dons the face of a hardened ceo while walking through the halls of his workplace, behind closed doors zhongli is known as "papa" to his two beloved children: ganyu (5) and xiao (2)

there's absolutely nothing zhongli loves more in this world than his children

he's quite the doting father: the wealth he amasses from his successful company is poured into ravishing his children with the comfiest beds, finest toys, the best education, and college funds to last them years to let them pursue whatever they want

ganyu is more of the quiet book worm of the two: she spends time with her papa snuggled in his lap with a picture book or two eager for him to read to her

though zhongli isn't a goofy character, he'll oblige his little girl's request to "do the voices" of the various characters in the story book and relish in her giggles

she loves to draw and write stories that she often gives to zhongli; his office at work and at home are both littered with framed pictures of ganyu's best handiwork and he's proud to show them off if anyone asks

much to his surprise, ganyu is quite adept at higher level thinking and as such, he's begun to teach her how to play chess and checkers

he's let her win far too many times though, but it's the thought that counts!

xiao, on the other hand, is always on the move: crawling and stumbling on stubby hands and feet from one room of their penthouse to the next, it's hard to get him to settle down unless his papa is there to lull him to sleep

he's not one to throw tantrums, but he is known to crawl into a corner and sulk until his papa comes to get him

though zhongli wouldn't exactly describe xiao as a terrible two year old, xiao certainly was quite fussy and picky with just about everything

from xiao's toys to his food to who held him, all three categories had to be managed either by zhongli himself or his personal assistant, childe, who often babysat for him while he worked overtime or had business meetings overseas

xiao has a preference for sweet things: specifically very soft almond tofu, and though zhongli does his best to manage the diet of each of his children to be healthy and nutritious, he can't help but indulge xiao when he tugs on the fabric of his dress pants and asks for "ah-mond to-hu"

zhongli has had difficulty in getting him to start talking, but he does have a few common phrases: "papa", "ah-mond to-hu", and "go" are the ones he uses most commonly

he often attempts to pronounce ganyu's name but has difficulty and just ends up calling her "yuyu"

xiao does love when his papa manages to sit down with him and play dolls or roll cars

zhongli finds that xiao is most at peace late at night when he's rocking him to sleep in front of the large, glass window pane under a blanket of stars

both of his children are his entire world, but some days he can't help but feel a pulsing emptiness

he's had lovers in the past, but they've never worked out either because some weren't interested in becoming a parent, and some couldn't deal with his hectic and evasive schedule

apart from external reasons, zhongli himself felt like there was simply no time for romance

but that all seemed to change the day he met you

you are ganyu's first grade teacher and a very patient one at that

the first time he lays eyes upon you is on ganyu's very first day of grade school

more content utc!

I "like Like" You

zhongli wasn't an emotional man, but the manner in which ganyu clung to the leg of his charcoal dress pants, gripped his hand with all her little might, and tried to hide her sniffles in his waist had his heart crumbling in his chest. up until now, ganyu had been home schooled by private tutors and wasn't used to being in such an unfamiliar environment.

"come now, little one, no need to cry." he cooed, stooping down to cup her ruddy face within his large hands and dry her tears with his thumbs.

"papa or mister childe will be back to pick you up as soon as you're done, okay?"

to no avail, ganyu's muffled wails would refuse to cease and drew looks from other kids and parents in the schoolyard that zhongli did his best to shield her from by pulling her close and rubbing his hand soothingly up and down her back. though xiao had been left in childe's capable hands with only the slightest bit of fuss, ganyu was quite attached to zhongli and it broke his heart to see her so sad. his gentle shushing and loving kisses to her head did little to calm her down.

he'd always been quite helpless in situations were his children required some sort of softness for them to absorb their tears into. no matter how hard zhongli tried, he never quite felt like he fit into that role and the way ganyu wailed ceaselessly into his shoulder solidified that great worry in his mind.

a gentle tap twice on his shoulder brought him out of his own head and had him looking upwards.

if you had told him you were an angel, he would've believed it. calm, gentle (e/c) eyes peered back at him, matched with a reassuring smile. to top it off, a pale yellow apron hugged your body and laid overtop of your regular clothes. pinned near your breastpocket was a little name tag that read "teacher (y/n)" with stickers of flowers and hearts decorated around the border.

"if i may, sir?" you asked, whispering only to him.

zhongli struggled to maintain his composure and merely swallowed down his own awe in one gulp, before gently prying ganyu's face away from his shoulder.

"hi there!" you cooed quietly, crouching down so your palms rested on your knees and you balanced on the balls of your heels, "i'm teacher (y/n)! may i know your name?"

ganyu sniffled once, wide eyes wandering to the name tag on your apron, then to your kind smile. she looked up once to zhongli, who gave a reassuring smile and nod before replying, "ganyu," in a quiet voice, still half muffled into her papa's shirt.

"hi ganyu! that's a very pretty name for a very pretty girl," ganyu whines embarrassingly and burrows further into her papa's arms.

zhongli shot you an apologetic smile while running a soothing hand up and down ganyu's back, to which you meet him in the middle with your own equally radiant grin that needed no words to dismiss his apologies.

"do you like to play any games, ganyu? i have lots of toys in my class that you'd like: dolls, cars, robots, and there's lots of picture books too!"

at the mention of picture books, ganyu's head shot up and her glimmering eyes met yours with piqued interest. "books?" she asked, voice hoarse from wailing.

"yep! lots and lots of picture books. we can read them together until your dad comes to pick you back up, is that okay?"

gingerly, you stretch your hand outwards, palm up, in an invitation to the little girl. ganyu hesitantly looked back at zhongli as if awaiting his approval.

"go on, little deer." he gently ushered with the flat of his palm pressed against the back of her periwinkle dress.

ganyu timidly placed her tiny hand in yours and nodded once to accept your offer. you beamed brighter than the sun itself and quickly produced a napkin from a small pocket in your apron.

"come here, sunshine," you coo, bringing the soft fabric to dab at her eyes and wipe away the tracks of tears from her face with gentle motions.

ganyu was always his easier child, but she never took so kindly to strangers so quickly. zhongli watched in awe as her cries ceased and she so pliantly gripped your hand. he beamed with pride at the courage of his daughter, but also felt a part of him deflate knowing he'd have to leave her here all day.

"don't tell me i need to get a tissue for you as well, sir."

hand on your hip, there was no denying the teasing lilt to your voice as you met his eyes. upon his silence you fear that you may have overstepped your boundaries.

"a-ah forgive me it's just, you looked so sad." you hesitantly chuckled and rubbed the back of your neck.

"no, no, do not apologize. it was a humorous joke, i'll admit." he tailed off with a breathy laugh, still fixated on the way your eyes glimmered under the shimmering rays of golden, morning light.

"i must thank you, for being so kind to her. i'm grateful for that."

his heart trembled in his chest when you simply stood up with a small giggle and waved your hand dismissively.

"nonsense! it's my job to look after the little ones, besides," you paused to look down at ganyu, who still held onto your hand yet had her eyes trained diligently on her papa, "something tells me this is her first time being away from you for long."

your perceptiveness was a warm welcome to him, and he began to feel less hesitant about leaving ganyu in your care. with a pleased hum and rosy cheeks, he tried to dismiss the trembling of his fingers as the result of the beginnings of the bitter, nipping frost of autumn.

"i am zhongli."

and when you shook his hand and spoke your name, he felt the cobwebs around the rusted gears of his heart begin to rip and disintegrate. for the first time in a while, zhongli felt the faint beat of amour underneath his dress shirt.

he heads to work that day, a bit frazzled by this morning's encounter

there's no denying that he hasn't felt such a warmth in a long, long time

and he can't seen to get his mind off of how sweet you were with ganyu

childe was still preoccupied with xiao and other paperwork for the company, so zhongli is the one that picks ganyu up from school that day

he's a bit late and arrives when all the other students had already gone home

upon entering the vicinity of your classroom, he finds you sitting on a colorful beanbag chair with ganyu in your lap and a picture book in front of both of you

you read with such a soothing voice; not only that, but you did "the voices" of each character just as he does when he reads to ganyu

speaking of his daughter, her eyes are trained solely on where your pointer finger scans through the lines, and he can't help but be enamored at how easily you gained her trust

reluctantly though, he has things to do and takes her from your arms

you place your palm on his forearm—a friendly gesture—while you bid him goodbye and it's hard for him to deny how electric the area you touched made him feel

on the ride home, ganyu is more talkative than usual and the topic of her chattiness is all about you

apparently: you're the "bestest" teacher in the whole world (though zhongli has to remind her that "bestest" isn't a word) who loves to read and sing

the singing part intrigued him; with how lovely your voice had been just speaking to him, he couldn't imagine just how lovely the saccharine cadence of your singing voice must be

and so he begins to fall into a steady routine: drops ganyu off early in the morning at school in your care, then returns sheepishly around an hour late after school ends to collect her from your arms

it isn't until one day, when childe had important company matters to attend to and all his trusted babysitters were busy, that zhongli runs to pick ganyu up from school with xiao in his arms

and he discovers that you're most taken with his son

"mister zhongli, you never told me you had a son!"

intrigue lit your eyes up like a glowing lantern as you cautious peeked past the soft folds of the blue puffer jacket zhongli had carefully dressed xiao in to shield him from the bitter autumn air. his glimmering amber eyes peered up at you with bated curiosity just as your finger gently connected with his little fist.

"ah yes, apologies, teacher (y/n), it appears to have slipped my mind." he bashfully coughed into his fist and shifted xiao in his arms.

he couldn't help but let a rare smile creep onto his face as he watched you interact with xiao: the excitement laced on your face as xiao's little hand clasped around your finger, the sheer awe that had practically branded itself into your eyes as you locked gazes with xiao, it was all quite amusing to him.

"would you care to hold him?" he offered, shifting xiao's weight in his arms to extend him forward.

wordlessly, you took the toddler into your arms and giggled in tandem to the few words that did manage to slip from xiao's mouth.

"well hello to you too, little mister." your finger waggled over xiao's face as his little hands stretched up to reach it.

ganyu had been awfully quiet, watching from your side as you held her brother so fondly. zhongli had never seen her make such a face before: little lips turned downwards and brows furrowed to crease in the middle of her forehead. her fist clutched the soft fabric of your apron and it seemed that she'd tug every now and then. a particularly harsh tug got your attention...and zhongli's as well as you jolted with xiao in your arms.

"little deer!" he hissed, swooping in to scoop her up into his arms. "i apologize dearly, ganyu doesn't usually act like this." the last part seemed directed moreso towards the little girl in his arms, who shamefully buried her face into the crook of her father's neck.

you, however, seemed to realize exactly the intentions behind her actions immediately. "care to switch, mister zhongli?" you asked, extending out his son to him.

"please you need not address me so formally, just zhongli is fine." he countered, wordlessly shifting ganyu so her little hands stretched out towards your body.

"you as well, (y/n) is just fine." you smiled at him after exchanging the two children in your arms.

ganyu immediately melted in your embrace and slung her around around your neck, whereas xiao began to wriggle in zhongli's broad arms and babbled nonsense.

"i think she was just a little jealous." you giggled and whispered discreetly for only zhongli's ears.

"my, that's quite unlike her. i do apologize for her behavior though."

zhongli was quite sure he would've said more if not for how tender you looked with ganyu in your arms. your deft fingers gently tucked a stray lock of her hair from her head behind her ear and a pleasant smile had painted itself upon your lips. your very, very, soft looking lips.

but he was getting sidetracked, far too sidetracked.

"i-i do believe we must be going now." he cursed himself for his unusually unkept manner and hoisted xiao once more in his arms.

"oh yes! ahaha sorry about that. come on, ganyu, your papa's waiting." you stooped down and usher the girl away from your arms into her papa's hands.

ganyu reluctantly let go of your clothes and clung to zhongli's leg with each of her little fists full of the silk, charcoal material of his dress pants. zhongli relished in how warmly and fondly you looked upon his children, but not before realizing how dark it had gotten outside.

before he said his goodbyes and turned to walk through your classroom door, zhongli chose to make an offer that fell perfectly in tandem to the unnatural thump of his heart: "would you care for a ride home?"

zhongli ends up giving you a ride home that day (and bites back his amusement when you eagerly gawk in awe at his fancy, sleek, black car equipped with a touchscreen gps and heated seats

with your address in his gps, zhongli ensures that you're home within thirty minutes, no more no less

his routine continues, though you did shyly ask to see xiao a few more times and he would happily oblige your request by letting xiao tag along when he'd pick up ganyu

you've also grown on him quite considerably:

your quick wit, tender kindness, and complete and utter patience is a stark contrast to the world of stoic business that zhongli is deeply familiar with

not to mention you make conversation flow so easily, to the point where zhongli felt that he could sit and listen to your voice forever, even if his conversations with you only lasted briefly and were about his kids and your jobs, before he'd leave with ganyu in tow

he finds himself staying a bit longer with every pickup, and you're more than happy to indulge him just a little longer each time

zhongli often brings you samples of tea that his company had not yet put into wide distribution; majority of the time your feedback is very positive with the occasional wonky blends or two

there's something pulling him to you and for once, zhongli doesn't feel himself pushing against the tide

even his children have noticed how fondly their papa looks at you

ganyu once asked him during a game of chess if he "like liked" you, and after asking her for a brief explanation of what that meant, he nearly choked on the cup of oolong tea he'd been sipping

though his daughter's words are childish, they haunt him while he lays awake at night and wonders: does he really have a romantic interest in you?

his thoughts are answered oddly enough the very next day, when he goes to pick ganyu up from school and a very irate looking person who isn't you, is pushing ganyu into his arms and scolds him for his lack of punctuality

ganyu explains on the drive home that the "subtute" (she can't quite pronounces "substitute" yet, as zhongli corrects her and helps her sound it out while peeping through the rearview window at traffic stops) teacher had replaced you for the day, and you were sick and home

sick, and all alone

and something tugs at his heart once he's fed and lulled his children to sleep and leans against his counter with only his thoughts to keep him company

he's not one to give into impulse easily, but with only a quick phone call to childe, he's tugging on his jacket and slipping into his car with your home in mind

zhongli felt a bit...guilty, about forgetting to delete your address from his gps. he'd be sure to apologize properly with some extra tea and goods from his shop. a shopping bag filled with tissues and ingredients for rice congee jostled in the passenger seat when his tire hit a pot hole. he wasn't quite sure what you'd like, but rice congee had always helped ganyu feel better when she'd fallen ill.

his car pulled up to your modest, warm-looking home; flower beds decorate the front yard, along with little gnomes and garden decorations. if he were to look up "welcoming" in a dictionary, he'd find a picture of your house as an example. zhongli stopped the engine and exited the car with the bag in tow, heart in his throat and palms clammy and sweaty. he's a grown man who can strike a business deal with anyone and dominates bargaining offers, but still sheepishly hesitates to knock on the wood of your door, illuminated only by the nearby streetlamps and a little metal lantern that hung to the side.

against his better judgement, his knuckles find their way onto the wood of your door and knock thrice.

his breath caught itself in his throat the minute the door creaked open and your familiar face greets him.

you're bundled up in warm looking pajamas, snowy bunny slippers on each of your feet, and a thick, pale blue blanket draped over you body like a hooded cloak. all in all, you looked quite adorable if not for the redness in your eyes and obvious struggle to breath right.

"z-zhongli! what a p-pleasant surprise!" there was obvious enthusiasm behind your voice and yet its gravelly nature couldn't lie about how awfully sick you seemed.

"i apologize for coming so late, would you be opposed to me coming inside?"

you open your mouth to respond but are immediately engulfed by a fit of coughs, to which you motion for zhongli to come no closer when his arms automatically go to catch you should you fall.

"i-i'm quite sick...i'd hate for you to catch it."

with a sheepish, boyish smile that he admittedly hadn't worn in years, zhongli held up the plastic bag with his index finger and shrugged. "i do have a strong immune system."

that seemed to be enough for you, who gestured inwards with a giggle and shut the door behind him.

your living room is relatively clean except for the occasional scatter of books and sky-high pile of kiddy drawings on a nearby table.

"excuse the mess, i-i haven't really had time to clean up, heh..." you whisper meekly, tugging the soft fleece of the blanket to conceal your face.

zhongli can't help but find the action adorable and tugged the fabric back from your face to revel in your gleaming (e/c) eyes.

"please, i insist that your home is quite lovely, (y/n)."

you emerged from your blanket burrito, embarrassment written all over your face. you eyed him curiously with a warbled smile on your lips. "are you here to discuss ganyu's progress? i'm not feeling the best right now but i am still thankfully s-sound of mind."

"no not at all, i simply...ganyu informed me that you weren't at school today and i thought i would come by and prepare some tea and rice congee for you. they are things that have helped my daughter and myself in the past so-"

"zhongli, a-are you sure? i know i appear to be a mess, but i-i'll be fine! i really would hate to keep you from your kids."

you truly were so considerate, and he knew now that he'd absolutely hate to leave you on your own to bear the brunt of your illness.

"i promise, they are fast asleep and well taken care of. i'd like to help you out as well, if you'd indulge me." much like a business deal, his hand automatically stuck itself out forwards. but when you slipped your warm hand into his, the "business" element faded away and left something much more tender and supple than he could ever recognize.

a mumbled "thank you" is all you can muster before a fit of coughs took hold of you once more.

"come now, you should be resting in bed. i shall prepare the tea and congee," he paused and pressed his forehead against yours despite the lurch of his heart upon contact with your hot skin, "hmm, you are far too warm. your fever must break and then you shall be alright."

your sleepy mumbled did far too much to his hammering heart as you trailed off into your bedroom, zhongli's hand still in yours as if you hadn't realized. your room was quite modest with a bookshelf or two lining the walls, but you ignored the pile of texts on the ground beside your bed and clambered up onto the mattress under the sheets.

"i'll be in the kitchen should you need anything." he warned just as your warmth disappeared from his hand.

a muffled "okay" from the pile of blankets underneath your body let him set off to prepare the tea and congee for your consumption, all while his hand burned pleasantly with the remnants of your touch.

with muffle thoughts and flushed cheeks, he got to work. as the tea water began to boil and his large hands stirred a pot of congee, his mind began to slip under into his deep depth of thoughts. here he was, a grown man, who still treated love like a lovesick teenaged boy. it was most shameful to him to be acting in such a manner, but it seemed to be almost out of his control. there was no use fighting the vivid blush or panting of his heart when you'd connect eyes and talk about anything.

so lost in his thoughts, zhongli had nearly forgotten about the kettle on the stove and scrambled to turn the heat off just as the congee had finished boiling.

"archons above..." he mumbled and dragged a hand over his face.

just what were you doing to him?

he'd long since discarded his work blazer on the coat rack near your front door and rolled up the sleeves of his white dress shirt to better accommodate the cooking space. this, however, revealed the slightly embarrassing dragon-style sleeve tattoo on his right arm he had gotten so many years ago.

much to his chagrin, it seemed to be the first thing you noticed upon his entry with the congee and tea into your room.

bundled up under layers of blankets, you immediately locked onto the intricate lines of gold and charcoal ink that layered his arm.

"such a pretty tattoo..." you mumbled and tentatively stuck your hand out to trace over the detailing.

"a mistake of my youth, but i'm glad you find beauty in it." he hummed in an attempt to ignore your electrifying touch and set the tray of congee in front of you along with the tea by your bedside.

"i really can't thank you enough, this was all very sweet of you to do for me."

your body shifted to sit upwards only to wobble and collapse back downwards onto the soft sheets with a hissed "oof". zhongli's quick reflexes ensured that the tray holding the bowl of congee wouldn't have spilled all over your sheets.

"please, i insist that i help you. do not overexert yourself further." he gently chided and pressed one of his large hands to your shoulders, leaning you back against a fortress of pillows.

"spoon feeding me now, are we? i feel like a little kid." you wriggled under the sheets and lolled your head to the side just as zhongli pulled up a chair to your bedside from your desk.

"well you must remember: i am a father of two, so i'm quite accustomed to this."

your lips parted to greet the ceramic spoonful of congee, eagerly swallowing the warm food. zhongli's keen eyes picked up on a smidge that had caught on your bottom lip and instinctively went to swipe away at it with his thumb, palm cupping your cheek, only to feel the moment your breath caught in your throat and locked gazes with you. he's sure his cheeks are flushed a rosy red and judging by the pounding of his heart in his ears, he's quite sure you heard it too.

"i- um-, apologies that was invasive-"

"no, no! y-you're alright, don't worry i just got a little's been a while since someone has treated me so kindly, i suppose is all." you quickly reassured and placed a palm over his knuckles.

his mind wandered back to ganyu's question, and though he's not quite sure of a solid answer, as you babble on about how sweet ganyu is while he spoonfeeds you congee and helps you sip tea, he does begin to think that what he feels around you can be described as "like liking".

zhongli commits himself to staying by your side until you feel better

which means he does end up falling asleep at your bedside in the chair with his arms folded on your bed

as soon as he's awake, he's immediately on the phone with childe, apologizing profusely and reassuring him that he'll add on extra pay and more vacation days for the poor ginger

you're also an apologizing mess, but zhongli quickly shuts you down and reassures you that he'd rather have kept you company than you be all by your lonesome

he leaves that day with awakened butterflies swimming around in his stomach, but not without stopping at home first to greet his children and get them ready for the day

ganyu's questions about where her papa went are relentless and much unlike her usual quiet and shy self

whereas xiao clings to his pants leg for most of the time it takes zhongli to get ganyu ready for school

since his first visit, you often invite zhongli over

the invites are masked under "discussing ganyu's education" but in reality, you two sit and discuss so many things over a pot of freshly brewed tea

he finds himself coming to you a lot with new proposals and ideas for his company and your input almost always results in success! (except for the one time you mistakenly thought tea from pine trees would be a good idea, yikes)

his visits to your classroom are also a running ordeal, and he's begun driving you home as well even if you insist on not being a burden

"it's hardly a burden if i'm offering, now come, i wouldn't want you walking alone during nightfall."

even his children had begun to notice how close their papa and you were

ganyu would always ask to accompany him if she knew he was heading out to see you, and some times he'd have to indulge her because how can he say no to his little girl? (you're more than happy to have ganyu over at your house either way)

and xiao has surprisingly taken quite a liking to you after you showed up with your own homemade almond tofu and asked him to be your first taste tester (your almond tofu is now xiao approved)

you grow to become close friends with zhongli, and he finds that time seems to slip from his hands whenever he's engaged in a conversation with you

everything you touch, all the topics you speak of, they feel so incredibly warm in his chest

the more you talk, the closer you get

and one day, zhongli finally gets the courage to invite you over for dinner at his penthouse

"papa has a date?" ganyu asked with an innocent tilt of her head to complete the look. her little feet dangled over the end of the bathroom counter she sat on, and brushed the edge of her pretty pink dress as childe fixed a matching pink bow into her periwinkle locks.

"you bet he do-"

"no, little deer, papa does not have a date." zhongli scolded and eyed childe with a sharp look in his eye as he fixed his charcoal tie in the ceiling high mirror beside the bathroom counter.

"oh come now, mister zhongli, what part of this isn't a date? i haven't seen you so nervous since xiao's birth." childe poked and hoisted ganyu from the counter into the air. "isn't that right wittle ganyu wanyu? aww look how pretty you look!" childe cooed in his baby voice and spun her around in the air, making sure to rile up a good amount of giggles from her before he set her down. ganyu scurried quickly out of the bathroom lest she be subject to any more of childe's antics.

"this isn't a date, merely a dinner with a friend and my children." zhongli replied once ganyu was out of earshot

childe snorted and leaned against the bathroom counter with his arms crossed. "yeah, a friend that you run straight to for advice on tea flavors rather than the actual advisors that work for you."

"it's nothing more than a dinner, i can assure you that."

"oh? really? what's with the fancy getup then?"

it was rare for zhongli to feel such a buildup of irritation, cringing as it manifested into a nervous, weighted pit in his stomach. he owed a lot to childe, but as of right now he was being little more than a fly hovering in front of his face.

"alright, alright, i know when to call it quits, boss," childe raised his hands in surrender, metaphoric white flag waving pathetically, and strolled past zhongli on his way out of the bathroom, "i'm a phone call away if you need anything." he clamped a hand down on zhongli's shoulder with an encouraging smile and headed out to the front door.

zhongli would be damned if he said he didn't need the extra encouragement—his previous dates had gone running for the hills once they spotted xiao's toys or ganyu's coloring books, and yet you willingly chose to come over and tread the grounds of the unknown despite knowing he had kids. it thawed his heart ever so slightly.

"papa, is mister childe not eating with us?" zhongli broke from his thoughts upon feeling the slight tug of his dress pants via ganyu's little hand.

"not today, little deer," his knees stooped to collect ganyu into his arms and hold up her against his chest, "but we do have another important guest, so i must ask that you be on your best behavior. could you do that for papa?"

ganyu nodded feverishly, periwinkle locks that had been styled up into a pretty ponytail bounced with each motion of her head.

"very good." he hummed and smoothed down her frazzled locks.

as if on cue, xiao stumbled in past the bathroom door on shaky legs with his arms outstretched and eyes wide, watery, and wandering. how was it possible that zhongli had contributed to the birth of something so adorable? it was a question he often asked himself at moments like this when his children managed to wriggle their way into his heart.

"alright, little one, i know, i know." his back groaned as he shifted ganyu to one arm and stooped down to hoist xiao with his other arm.

xiao instantly went limp against the heat of his father, little dress shirt and clip-on-tie scrunched up against his coiled body as he pressed himself inwards to zhongli's chest. zhongli's amber eyes roamed the peaceful visages of his children, comfortable and safe in his arms. and for a moment, he recalled the many times you had held his children in such a similar manner—as if they were your own, with such tender, supple love and adoration in your eyes.

the gentle pound of three knocks against the door of his penthouse broke him from his thoughts.

"is that the important guest, papa?" ganyu asked, stretching her neck to peer at the door from around the hallway.

a hummed laugh bubbled up from the depths of his throat as he nodded and began hurriedly pacing towards the door. "it is indeed, and i'm sure you'll be quite excited to see who it is, little deer."

despite the outward courage and nonchalance he displayed, his insides were a gooey mess of nervousness that he hadn't felt in years. he managed to thickly swallow down a dry patch of air that had been caught in his throat and shuffled his children around in his arms so that his clammy hand could grasp the cool metal of the door lock.

the wood pulled open and zhongli felt his breath hitch once more in his throat.

elegant cloths draped over your skin and hugged and pooled around your body like an antique fountain. your hair had been styled so uniquely, and on your face lay your usual tender smile, and he couldn't help but bite back the thought that you were dangerously attractive.

"papa close mouf!" xiao's stubby little hand moved to zhongli's jaw and unceremoniously pushed upwards; he hasn't even realized that his jaw had gone slack.

"he's right you know, you'll swallow flies if you keep your mouth open like that." you quipped and smoothed over the top of xiao's fluffy hair, allowing your nails to scratch gently over zhongli's skin for just a brief moment (he'd have buckled at the knees if not for his children in his arms).

"need a hand?" you giggled and held your hands out in an invitation to him.

ganyu immediately clambered forwards, joy illuminated in her eyes as you scooped her into your arms.

"teacher (y/n)! are you here for dinner with us?" ganyu asked, fisting the fabric of your clothes.

you meet zhongli's stunned gaze with a slightly amused glimmer in your eyes and speak unspoken words to him in the brief moment your eyes connect, before you turn to look at ganyu.

"i sure am!" you reply and fix her bow into place. "my you look so pretty! your brother looks dashing too." you cooed and gently pinched the soft chubbiness of xiao's cheek.

"and your father..." your eyes meet his once again and zhongli's insides become a mess, "...looks quite handsome." you packaged a coy smile for him and fixed the silky fabric of his tie back down into the center from its crooked position.

zhongli managed to snap out of his stupor and moved to pick up your hand. your mouth opened to intervene and ask what he was doing, but the soft, tender flesh of his lips against your knuckles halted all and any questions you might have had.

"thank you, for coming this evening. you look beyond stunning." his voice vibrates against the skin of your hand, and you know you're a goner when flashes of his smile hit your heart like a beacon.

zhongli's not exactly known for being a mess but he can't help but want to impress you

he's pulled out all the stops for making this dinner go as wonderfully as possible

all the dishes are hand-made himself, and the desserts were made with the help of ganyu and the slight help of xiao (it was a challenge to not let him near the almond tofu though)

despite the aggravated pounding of his heart, he does his best to be a gentleman: leads you to the dining room by the hand, pulls out your chair for you, and pours you sparkling water all with xiao in one arm

the dinner overall goes quite well!

just like before, conversation is quite easy between you and zhongli despite the lingering alluring tension in the air between the two of you

but in addition to that, zhongli admires how you communicate with his children

ganyu has a tendency to ramble about things she really likes, and so you patiently nodded along as she recounted the story of a novel her papa had read to her the other night in between bites of crystal shrimp and adeptus' temptation

and upon discovering xiao's love for sweets, you were more than happy to slide him an extra portion of your almond tofu just to see the elated glimmer in his golden eyes (and though the action didn't go unnoticed by zhongli, he let it slide just this one since he found it adorable)

but there were a few hiccups here and there

xiao accidentally managed to spill his juice over his bib and the sensation is enough to have him sniffling

but before zhongli can react, you're already scooping him into your arms and rocking him back and forth until his tears had settled

ganyu had accidentally dropped a plate while helping her papa carry the dishes to the sink, and like before, you swoop in and immediately comfort her while zhongli hurries to grab a cutesy bandage and a dustpan for the broken porcelain

your skin connects briefly with his over the course of the meal as you reached for salt or swooped in to wipe food away from xiao's chubby little face

the tension between zhongli and you is so palpable that he was sure if he breathed in too much he'd be consumed by you

xiao had immediately fallen asleep at the table, and ganyu had been tiredly rubbing her eyes

but you'd taken the liberty of bringing each child to their bedroom and let zhongli redress them in their night clothes

and as he watched from their bedroom doors, how you tucked ganyu in and kissed her forehead goodnight, and made sure xiao had his stuffed bird and fleece blanket, he knew that his mind had come up with an answer to the question that had been haunting him for months

there was no denying that the question ganyu had asked him a while ago was one he could answer now

zhongli finished pouring a second glass of wine just as you emerged from the hallway to the kid's rooms.

"wine?" he offers, stretching out a glass to you from across the immaculate amber marble counter.

your brows furrow in thought before easing with a shrug of acceptance. "sounds lovely, what kind?" you ask between sugary inhales of the sweet liquid.

"osthmanthus. a fine brew i save for exemplary occasions such as this one." he smiled and scooped your hand into his to once again press his lips to the back of your knuckles. "have i told you how lovely you looked tonight?" he hummed with a coy brush of his nose against your hand.

"you have, but i wouldn't mind hearing it again from you." you smile against the rim of your glass and take a modest sip.

"come, the view from the veranda will be far more to your liking." his elbow jutted outwards in true gentlemanly fashion.

"i feel like royalty, you're quite the gentleman, zhongli." you teased and looped your arm through his.

"ah, that pleases me to hear. you deserve nothing less than the best treatment." he hummed and slid open the glass door for you to step out onto the balcony.

his forearms found their way pressed against the metal railing of the balcony overlooking the many twinkling lights of the bustling city below, wine glass still in hand. cars screeched and lights flared vivaciously and yet nothing could draw his attention away from the manner in which the world reflected like a kaleidoscope in your glimmering eyes.

despite the easy smile on his face, his heart nearly jolted out of his chest when you melted into his side and leaned your warmth onto his body. his arm unconsciously moved to shelter your body from the slight chilly evening breeze and it's when your eyes lock that he realizes just how close the two of you are.

zhongli set his wine glass down with trembling hands, not trusting himself to hold a proper grip on the glass without it slipping from his hands. much to his surprise, you downed the entire contents and placed the glass on a nearby table.

"the wine tasted really good...everything tasted really good tonight." you mumbled, more fixated on the structure of his face than the lingering droplets of wine in your mouth. "thank you for inviting me." with a smile warmer than a summer's day, your lips curled upwards and met his heart in the middle.

he was sure you could hear the aggressive pounding of his heart with how your ear had pressed itself against his chest.

"the pleasure was all mine, i insist. you were lovely to host for dinner." his fingers daringly moved upwards to swipe a bead of wine that had clung to your lips. the spur of confidence he'd been looking for all night had finally dropped into his lap when your hand overlapped his and allowed him to cup your cheek.

"ganyu had informed me of quite a peculiar term a while ago." he murmured, not breaking eye contact or removing his hand from your cheek.

"what would that be?" there's an inquisitive, invisible dance of tension beneath your layered words; unmistakable in his eyes no less.

"she inquired as to whether or not i...'like liked' you," your adorable giggles muffled by his palm interrupt him and he finds himself smiling along.

"ah yes, i'm aware that the manner by which i address this is a bit...childish but-"

"but nothing, zhongli," you murmured and pressed your palm against his lips to silence him, "keep going, it's sweet."

"very well," he chuckled and maneuvered your body so your chest molded against his and his hands settled at your hips.

"i've given much thought to her question, and i think that now i must admit..." his voiced mused in tandem to the gentle rising of his hands to cup your cheeks and lock gazes with you; deep enough to where his heart began to pound at the swell in your pupils,

"you occupy all crevices and cracks of my mind every hour of every day, and it's beyond any shadow of a doubt that i do indeed 'like like' you."

the thick bands of tension had finally come undone and what was left were the tender pulsations of both of your synchronous hearts. your lips parted and fell agape at his honesty and tender words masked beyond a childish shield.

"i-i recognize the implications of my words and by no means do i wish to force-"

"i do too."

his ramble is immediately halted with your gentle touch on his cheek to mimic his tender hold on your face. peering at your face reveals an endless treasure trove of piled on affections ravished by the illuminations of the city lights. your free hand gently wraps around his tie and tugs him impossibly closer before you whisper just under your breath,

"i like like you too."

his breathed hitched rigidly in his throat, the familiar jumpy nervousness coming back to bite him as his lips part to ask, "may i kiss you?"

he only needed a single nod of your head to dive inwards and slot his lips against yours. the immediate connection of skin sent a tingling feeling of electricity through his veins; a feeling that he thought he'd long forgotten. his eyes slipped shut and he let himself drown in your ocean. he'd lost count of how many times he'd laid awake at night imagining this exact scenario; how tender and supple your lips would feel against his or the reverent warmth emanating from your body.

your hands entangled themselves in his chocolatey locks just as his large hand moved downwards to splay against the small of your back. his lips hugged yours with such gentle intimacy, you'd swear you'd come undone in his arms if your embrace continued any longer.

a sudden clutter of noise drew your faces back from each other, breathy and flustered in the face. you longingly stare at each other for what felt like an eternity before you remembered the noise. both of your heads whipped towards the sliding door only to see a flustered ganyu whose tiny hands covered over xiao's eyes, still in their night clothes. a vivid blush covered the span of her nose and cheeks, and a single glance to the left would point to a tipped-over vase as the source of noise. she most likely knocked it over trying to back away from the sliding door.

"she must have seen us..." you gasp apologetically, but zhongli is quick to quell your worries with nothing but a gentle smile.

"i-i'm sorry p-papa..." ganyu stuttered and folded in on herself, clutching the hand of her brother tightly as zhongli slid the door open.

"it's alright, little deer. but you and your brother should really be asleep right now. it's quite late." he cooed, stooping down to be at eye level with her.

xiao shrugged ganyu's hands away from his eyes and stumbled towards you with outstretched hands out onto the balcony.

"aww, i think they missed you, zhongli." you mused and scooped the toddler into your arms, who melted into the crook of your neck.

"perhaps you mean that they missed you, (y/n)." he chuckled and gathered his daughter into his arms.

his hand guided you by the small of your back to the railing once more, a child in each of your arms. zhongli's arm maneuvered itself to wrap around your shoulders with ganyu nestled comfortably in his other arm. you gratefully leaned into his side and pressed a chaste kiss to his jaw as a sign of thanks. in that moment, something in zhongli finally clicked perfectly into place when he realized just how much of a family member you'd become.

"teacher (y/n)?" ganyu called, cheek smushed against her papa's shoulder.

"yes?" you hummed, hoisting the now sleeping xiao in your arms.

"do you and my like each other?"

zhongli can't help but fall into your depths when you look at him so lovingly with his child in your arms, and there's no hesitation in his reply nor does he break his gaze from you when he replies, "yes, we do."

he really like likes you.

I "like Like" You

date published: october 21st, 2021

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2 years ago

“Those poor boys”


“She deserves to be punished too.”


“I’m not saying I support rape, but-”


“Sorry to say - she deserved it.”


“She put herself in harm’s way”


“But if she was fingered, then that’s not rape.”


“She ruined their lives.”


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