brandedx2 - BrandedX2

Taking Big Guys Down a PegCash keeps my content flowing. Venmo: @brandedx2

616 posts

Brandedx2 - BrandedX2 - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago

(via bodyswap-possession-shapeshift)

I like the idea that this is a closeted superheavyweight pro bodybuilder—Nick Walker maybe?—taking a serum to shrink down to a sexy little muscle otter for the weekend.

Imagine the surprise on the muscle top’s face when he’s about to finish in this little dude and it wears off. Stud bloats up to 300 pounds of grunting muscle pouring sweat begging for the cum in his face right before he realizes he’s himself again.

brandedx2 - BrandedX2
9 months ago

The big lug was done hiding his Omega status. He knew the audience was packed with Alphas, and his newly developed man-womb was tingling with need.

All these guys were revved up, smelling his Omega pheromones coming off him in a thick fog. They all licked their lips, well aware that the big man was ovulating and desperate to be knocked off.

All the big man had to do was show off his assets—his massive pecs, mainly—and prepare himself for the nine-month journey one of these lucky alphas would be sending him on.

Alfonso Del Rio, Spain IG: alfonsodelrioifbb

9 months ago
New Patreon Story Available To All Tiers!

New Patreon story available to all tiers!

9 months ago

Loving the idea that some guy bodyswapped with Antoine and is absolutely wrecking his physique with gluttony and laziness.

The duality of bodybuilding as shown by Antoine Vaillant 😂

9 months ago
Ty Meets His Ex-boyfriends New Guyand Turns Him Into A Balloon!

Ty meets his ex-boyfriend’s new guy—and turns him into a balloon!

Read the whole story at my Patreon:

9 months ago
New Patreon Story!

New Patreon story!

A skinny businessman drinks a formula that turns him into a hunky musclebound stripper.

Read the whole tale on my patreon:

Get more from Brandon Twice on Patreon
creating Transformation Fiction
9 months ago

New audio roleplay! A QB's rival decides to use some sketchy chemistry to help the star athlete put on a few (hundred) pounds. Hear the full audio (and tons more) on my only fans:

9 months ago

I want—SO BADLY—to shrink every other IFBB pro worldwide to nipple-high on Elliott Dermond so he can stomp through them like the king he is.

Bodybuilder, Coach & Online Coach Elliott Dermond.

“12 weeks 🏁”

10 months ago

My boy looking REAL lorge!

Coach Put Me On A Special Diet..

Coach put me on a special diet..

10 months ago

Now just imagine his pits are sweaty and he’s doing his best to spread clouds of his pheromones!

Antoine on 17 April 2024 looped and cropped

10 months ago

Derek got the sound effects he deserves.

10 months ago

Thanks to @pupamp for reminding me that this delicious little story exists!

Troy’s Ex

[send me pics! cast this story!]

Troy hurried to finish the one drink he’d agreed to have with his ex, Barry, after which he planned on cutting off communication for good. He glanced down, unable to face Barry’s intense grey eyes which had been fixated on him, sizing him up, since he’d walked through the door. Barry motioned toward the bartender, snapping him out of his glass-polishing trance.

“We’ll have another round,” Barry said.

Troy shook his head. “Honestly, I really can only have the one.”

“But we’ve barely talked. I want to hear all about your life since we parted ways.”

“I really have to get going before Dylan starts to worry,” Troy said. He focused on the ice cubes clinking around in the bottom of his glass, afraid to see the look on Barry’s face when he mentioned his new boyfriend.

Keep reading

10 months ago

Do you have twitter?

I do! @brandon_twice

10 months ago

Might be Bubblegumshane on Twitter you're thinking of?


10 months ago

All right my beautiful perv horde!

I need help finding a content creator who’s a broad-shouldered built guy with a moustache and glasses who does sexy videos role-playing as a step-dad/coach. He has an onlyfans.

The video I saw (and loved) had him walking in with a shirt, tighty-whiteys and a tray of snacks doing the hottest “dorky step-dad” rp I never knew I needed.

Who can help me find this guy?

10 months ago

UNBELIEVABLY well-done story. Gay-to-straight is usually hit or miss for me but this one BULLSEYES me.


Jax was about to have his very first one-night stand, and it was going to be with two pornstars. 


Just an hour ago Jax had been flaunting his twinky physique at the clubs. With a group of his friends, he had been making waves along one of the city’s most prominent strips. This was mainly due to his flirtatious attitude and newfound sense of freedom, after having been dumped by his boyfriend only a week before. The two had been going at it for almost a year, but after six days of grieving Jax was ready to be reborn. With a glittery crop top and tight black jeans, Jax was to have fun.

The night had luckily provided him with what he needed. Jax’s typical shy, romantic personality was ditched after a few shots of tequila, instead adopting a more flamboyant, slutty nature. Jax rubbed his body against any male figure he could, no matter how attractive. He was feeling easy and sleazy, a look that suited his 5’5 lithe frame quite well. His friends even commented on it, encouraging him to embrace his more feral side. And they were the ones who encouraged him to go home with Malik and Martin.

The pair had bumped into him on the dancefloor. Jax had first started grinding his perky bum up against Malik, the shorter and tanner of the two. Martin approached shortly after, sandwiching Jax in between their bodies. Both well over six feet, Jax melted into himself, the pure walls of masculine meat like heaven. His own meat, a solid 4 inches, displayed his ecstasy. He quivered as he realized the two massive sausages poking at either end of his exposed torso were not even hard yet.

“How about you come home vith us,” Martin requested in a slightly accented English.

“Yes,” Malik agreed, his English notably rougher. “Ve give you good time.”

After a confirming nod with his friends, Jax left with the pair. They rented a house that even in the night appeared desperate for some renovations. Jax’s heart was pounding as he entered the home, trying his best to disregard the unkempt space. The place reeked of sour food and musky men, each floor painted with an array of unwashed clothes and unknown stains. And he would not even try to discuss their intellects–Jax was not that picky but he at least wanted a guy who could hold a conversation. Yet he reminded himself that he was here for one good time, not a relationship of many.

“Let’s see vat ve are vorking vith,” Malik chuckled, helping Jax remove his small shirt. His pale, beautifully thin torso often led others to assume he was years younger than his actual age of 22.

“Ah yes,” Martin began rubbing one of his thick mitts along Jax’s bare skin, examining him. He had removed his own shirt to reveal two sculpted pecs and a muscular build gifted by the gods. “Zis vill do nicely.”

Malik smiled, “I agree, big money.” Malik’s own revealed torso was just as marvelous.

“This is insane,” Jax replied giddily. “You two are built like pornstars.”

The pair looked at each other before laughing, “Zat is because ve are.”

Jax gulped, “Really? What site do you guys work for?”

“StraightShot” Malik said. “Have you heard of it?”

Jax nodded slowly. He had never actually seen any videos from the site, but he was familiar with the name. He remembered thinking it was clever, assuming it to be some joke on forceful ejaculation.

Martin noted the concern in Jax’s face. “Do not vorry, ve are both clean.”

“Yes, very clean,” Malik added. “Very talented too.”

Jax began to feel the downward slide of his adrenaline, the logic and doubt he had tried so desperately to force back seeping in. 

“If you are vorried, ve can give you aid for fun.” Malik suddenly voiced, extending a hand slowly to cup Jax’s bulge. Instantly, his softening cock began expanding once again.

“‘Aid’?” Jax questioned.

“It is vat producers give if we have off day, are nervous,” Martin answered. “Vould you like some?”

Before he could answer, Malik dug the hand fondling Jax's dick up and into his skinny jeans, his rough calluses completely rubbing erotically against Jax's skin. Jax moaned a little in response, rolling back his eyes as Martin opened a drawer beneath the sink in front of them. Inside was a stack of syringes, each filled with a hazy white liquid.

“W…wait,” the sight momentarily broke Jax out of his glazed state. “What is that?”

“Do not fear,” Malik cooed, tightening his grip on Jax’s shoulder and dick. Martin's giant hand landed on Jax’s shoulder, their combined strength suspending him.

“Guys?” Jax’s voice cracked nervously. “What is going on?!”

“Just relax,” Martin notched the cap off of a syringe. “Zis vill take one second.”

“No, wait, I don’t consent-!”

In a flurry of action, Malik yanked Jax’s dick out of the tight jeans while ripping down his jeans with the other hand. With Jax held still, Martin jabbed the syringe into Jax's hard dick and slowly released the milky liquid. The pain was incredible, paralyzing Jax until the last drop had entered his system. Once he was finished, Martin slowly removed the needle and tossed the syringe aside. The pair then released Jax, watching carefully as he collected himself.

“What the…” Jax started slowly. “What did you do to me? What was that?”

“Zat vas ze Straight Shot,” Malik answered. 

“The what?”

“Ze Straight Shot,” Martin over-emphasized each word dramatically as if Jax did not understand what they were literally saying. 

Jax backed out of the bathroom naked and in disbelief, the two carefully following. The muscles Jax had previously wished to be wrapped up and tangled in were now frightening to his eyes. “What does that mean?”

Malik and Martin did not know how exactly to respond, and luckily, they did not have to. With a groan, Jax felt his dick stiffen up again. Unlike before however, his boner was more intense, more demanding. It was so stiff and rigid that Jax could have sworn it was bigger. It globbed out a spurt of precum, and to Jax’s shock, his dick grew. The previous 4 inches had plumped up into to 5.

“What the-” but Jax did not finish his statement. He groaned again as another drop oozed out of his head. Only this time, the growth did not only come from his dick. Slowly, his bones creaked and extended as his height was altered. His legs were stretched out, torso lengthened, and even his midsection was vertically pulled. More precum began pulling out, only fueling Jax’s ascent until he reached Martin’s height, a glorious 6’5.

Jax’s height was not the only thing affected by the steady trickling leaking from his current 6-incher. Across his body, Jax’s skin began to inflate, as if filling with cotton. At first, Jax thought it could be some temporary allergic reaction, but after some painful recognition he realized it was quite the opposite.

Jax's thin frame was bulking out with muscle rapidly. It was granting him biceps the size of footballs and quadriceps the size of watermelons. Calves with steel tendons, triceps carved by intricate valleys, gigantic hands built for cupping gigantic pouches. Even his buttocks had discovered a new harder, tighter curve. In the back of Jax’s mind, he reckoned it would be harder to bottom now.

Another groan showcased Jax’s new voice: a deeper, gruffer tone. It made him sound much older, his vocal color introducing him as a more experienced person. Through the agony of his transformation, Jax realized his voice was not the only thing that aged. His body proportioned itself differently–a more even distribution of his muscle mass, tighter skin, a sharper jaw that was covered quickly by a luxurious beard. 

Body hair instantly followed, dusting Jax’s pecs, pits, and coating his legs all the way down to his new monstrous Size 15 feet. The skin around his face grew a little taut, plumping out his longer nose and larger brow. With one hand on his 7-inch pump, Jax ran his other giant mitt through his taller, lusher quiff, just barely feeling the new age lines upon his forehead. No one would ever assume he was younger than 22 again.

“You are almost zere, brother,” Martin cheered.

“Yes, so very close,” Malik encouraged. “Ze viewers will love zis, love you.”

“‘Ze viewers’?” Jax questioned, his rich bass now also tainted with their same accent. “Vat you mean by zis?”

Jax followed Malik’s and Martin’s eyes, discovering a phone had been propped up onto a stand to his right the entire time. Its screen mirrored himself back. His entirely new, muscular, naked frame was currently gracing the audience of their livestream. And according to StraightShot's numbers, the audience had just hit four digits.

“I am being live streamed?”

“And later, your video vill be published on our channel,” Martin grinned. 

Malik added, “You vill join our content house.”

“But vat if-'' Jax grunted, thrusting his hips forward. “Vat if I don’t want zis? I liked being tvink!”

“‘Tvink’?” Malik questioned, as if Jax had just spoken a foreign language. Jax stared at Martin for help, but was met with the same dumbfounded expression. That was what he was, or at least what he had been. Any gay man should have known what a twink was.

Jax blinked. Even through the pain, the unwanted ecstasy, and the fear, he now began to fully grasp the scene before him. StraightShot was not some pun on ejaculation, it was a literal conversion drug. And the signs had been there all along. Malik and Martin's continuously soft cocks, their inspection of his body, their unfamiliarity with queer terms.

“Does zat mean…” Jax moaned, his 8-inch dick throbbing and quivering. “ two…you two are straight?”

The pair chuckled, with Martin replying, “And you vill be too.”

Jax’s heart skipped a beat, the rush of despair clouding his judgment. He did not even recognize his guard faltering, lowering just enough for the ecstasy to completely override his system.

“Oh god,” Jax tried to protest in agony, but he had already lost. Both of his hands were working him towards release, one pumping his long, girthy cock and the other cupping the succulent, drooping sac that had already removed all of its former homosexual occupants. Jax held himself for just a moment before releasing his head back, the pleasure overpowering his will. 

"ICH KOMME!" The roar was that of a mighty manly beast, accompanied by hot, sticky cum. After a few labored breaths, the new man settled back into reality.

The young, romantic, little gayboy Jax was gone, now splattered across the room and even partially onto the phone in front of him. Malik, Martin, and their subscribers were now presented with Maximillian. Bolstering 32 years, 200 pounds of pure muscle, and 9 inches of pure heterosexual meat, the newest member of Malik’s and Martin’s content page was bound to rack up views and money.

Maximilian’s memory of his past and transformation had been erased, along with a notable chunk of his intelligence. Now lacking the certain motor skills he had once looked for in a partner, he simply began to flex for his fans in front of the camera, still covered in sweat and the afterglow.

“Hey,” Malik whispered eventually, breaking Maximilian out of his mindless haze. “Time to sign off.”

“Vat?” Maximilian growled. “Zey love me.”

Martin winked, “Zink of ze slutty babes zat vill love you more.”

To the delight of his viewers, Maximilian’s massive dick instantly sprung up. To their dismay however, he grabbed a pair of tight black undies and covered his package. Flexing one last time, he confirmed his departure quickly with the pair before addressing his audience.


“It is time to go,” Maximilian remarked matter-of-factually. “I’ve got to StraightShot into some chicks!”

Maximilian signed off, ignoring Malik’s and Martin’s comments that he would have to work on his English to create a better closer. As they left, the pair began discussing how they could catch their next content creator. Maximilian did not listen however–he needed pussy and he needed it now!

10 months ago

I love imagining that this used to be a young politician running for Mayor, hoping to clean up crime in the city.

Then a head of a crime syndicate slipped him a serum that made him a simpleminded growth obsessed bodybuilder who cares about nothing else.

Jean-Pierre Fux Nasser El Sonbaty 1999

Jean-Pierre Fux Nasser El Sonbaty

11 months ago
New Discord Stories! Sign Up For The Patreon At The Bulked Up Level And Enjoy These And More!

New discord stories! Sign up for the Patreon at the Bulked Up level and enjoy these and more!

1 year ago
brandedx2 - BrandedX2
1 year ago

@tobebig86 and I finally teamed up. He makes one hell of a coach, doesn't he? And with a little magic, he makes ME his star defensive lineman by inflating me with size... almost everywhere.

1 year ago

That's right boys... I'm back! New MPREG-focused audio roleplay!

1 year ago

Questions for TF fans

Send me a number, I’ll answer that question!

1. What’s your Favorite kind of TF? 2. Do you like Inanimate TF? 3. Would you rather Transform other people or change yourself? 4. What got you interested in TF? 5. Absolutely favorite TF art? 6. Absolutely favorite TF story? 7. Anthro or full animal TF? 8. Best part of transformation for you? 9. All good TFs need to have… 10. Willing or unwilling TF subject? 11. TG in your TF? 12. What other kinks do you have? 13. What excites you about TF? 14. What embarrasses you about TF? 15. Does anyone else know about your TF kink? 16. What other kinks do you have? 17. What kink excites you most, excluding TF? 18. Any kinks you’re embarrassed by? 19. Any kinks you didn’t think you’d be into but are? 20. What’s your favorite TF fantasy? 21. Favorite way to initiate a TF? 22. Mental changes to match physical changes, or a human mind trapped in an inhuman body? 23. Clothes ripping as the transformation progresses, or changing to match? 24. Favorite part of the body to watch transform? 25. Size changes? 26. Inflation? 27. If you could transform one person into anything you wanted, who would you change and into what? 28. Someone transforms you… what do they do with you after? 29. Who is your favorite shape shifter in media? 30. Favorite depiction of a transformation in media? 31. Permanent transformation? 32. Willing or forced transformation? 33. One part of your body you want to change? 34. One part of your body you’re really happy with? 35. What kinds of TF do you find a turnoff? 36. Magic or science? 37. Favorite thing to TF into? 38. Do you RP? 39. Ever act out a TF fantasy with a partner? 40. If anyone found out about your TF kink you’d…

1 year ago
Daddy Had To Sit Out This Season. Coach Sees Him Every Day To Check In On Him. He's Watching Him Closely

Daddy had to sit out this season. Coach sees him every day to check in on him. He's watching him closely since their baby was due ten days ago. No signs yet . . .

1 year ago

He moans as you rub it, massaging it, pressing your face up against it. It's so firm, the rippling abs rock hard, but it's warm to the touch. You kiss it, stroke it's comforting roundness, all while the big man moans and writhes. Clearly he loves having this big tank worshipped.

Later, when he's got you on your knees and you're doing your best to pleasure him, it's the only thing you can see, hanging above your face. When he grunts and unleashes into you, the round turtle-shell collapses in on itself. He keeps grunting and you feel a thick warmth filling your belly.

When it's over, his waist is thin as a wasp's (while still maintaining its splendid musculature). You look down and see that you, now, have a protruding belly... and it's just as sensitive on you as it was on him.

John McDunkin Had One Of The Best Roid Guts In The Game

John McDunkin had one of the best roid guts in the game 😮‍💨