Me usually being silly or narcissistic
194 posts
Brandonbc - MasterOfNone - Tumblr Blog
A battle cry

This is amazing

me, listening to ‘familiar’ and thinking about the journey i’ve been on and steven’s been on during this show:

I’ve never related to something as much and felt as personally offended at the same time.

For NSFW content creators, artists and writers, Pornhub might be another platform that you want to consider.
Watching this place fall apart but realizing were finally free to leave

I agree with 80% of what this woman had to say She 👏🏾 Had👏🏾 Time👏🏾

Brenda had TIME today
I am not a straight people.
Reblog if you are also not a straight people.
God I love this actor

“When two tribes go to war a point is all you can score.” Legion | Chapter 15
This just made my whole day
Gay culture is Boy A trying to talk to you and you hit it off for a while but then after a month he responds less and less. By the end of the month Boy A posts a pretty cryptic picture on his social media with Boy B but no tag. You don’t really think much of it and decide they’re probably just friends.
After dealing with the initial sting Boy C comes along, tries to talk to you, but you’re not really interested because you’re still recovering from Boy A. You do a bit of research on Boy C and you find out that he used to date Boy B. You find Boy B’s social media and find out that Boy A and Boy B are fucking and it all makes sense!
Gay culture is putting 2 and 2 together from little to no information and finding out way more than you were looking for and in the end your feelings are hurt.
Why am I just hearing about him?! 😍
When some asks you what “masc” means?
Comedian: @jaboukie
Lies! Top vs Bottom

You vs the guy she tells you not to worry about
Love it❤️❤️❤️

Kelly Marie Tran is the ultimate Porg lover. Gah, it’s too cute it brings tears to my eyes.

gays and their fruit
oliver and elio: peaches
achilles and patroclus: figs
hades and persephone: pomegranates
the gays do not choose the fruit, it is the fruit that chooses the gays.
I live, die, and am born again
What is happening right now?
they really went in on each other
I need this shirt

Were the world mine
I need everyone to watch this I’m smiling so fucking big

Gal Gadot for GQ Magazine

…but I…fear living.
please check out Diana’s amazing Countdown to Countdown fic!! it’s a brilliant character study of iris, one of the main characters!