breezespirit - Pixie

Blog where I talk about my autistic ramblings. other blogs:

64 posts

Hi! Omg Another Blog Like Mine Haha

Hi! omg another blog like mine haha

Hi! Yes finally!

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4 years ago

Hi! I was just wondering if you have any methods/tips to help with being confident showing your art style in posts and such? I'm not a pro by any means and my anxiety finds it really hard to post a drawing without thinking it looks awful. I love your style so I felt like you were the person I wanted to ask — Thanks in advance!

I-I I'm not really that confident myself. I started posting my art on Instagram years ago and I think I got better with showing my art to others. I'd say just show your art to friends at first to get comfortable with it before posting to a large platform like Tumblr.

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5 years ago

Mapleshade's Forgiveness Chapter One

Frecklewish flicked her tail as Mapleshade left the camp with her three tiny kits behind her. She was still filled with rage but also sadness. She really wanted to get to know Mapleshade and even though the kits weren't her brothers, she still cared about them, even now. She followed the she-cat, telling the clan that she was off to check if the traitor had left the territory. She followed Mapleshade's scent to the river where the black water lapped at the shore like a hungry fox, waiting for it's next meal. She spotted the tortoise shell she-cat with her three small bundles, they were at the first stone and as Frecklewish opened her mouth, she looked to the other side of the bank, seeing a brown tom with holly green eyes.

"Appledusk..." She hissed and then noticed that there was a large wave coming towards them. She knew that if the kits were hit with the wave, the tom won't save his own kits. If he could kill Birchface and let Flowerpaw dive in after him, then he would probably watch, happily as his kits and mate drown. She needed to act quickly and started to run towards the she-cat.

"Mapleshade! Grab the kits and come back!" Frecklewish screeched, terrified. "Hurry there's a wave! You won't make it!"

Mapleshade's fur stood on end as she saw the wave, she grabbed the closest kit to her, a small calico tom, and tossed him over to the shore before grabbing both the pale brown she-cat and dark brown tom and jumped next to the calico tom, Patchkit, and curled her tail around him. Frecklewish sighed with relief and sat down in front of the queen.

"I'm so happy you're safe!" Frecklewish purred, she looked at the kits, drenched and shivering. The poor things looked extremely tired and she knew that they would need to nurse soon.

Mapleshade hissed and kept her kits close. "Why did you help me? Why are you here?"

"Well... At first I was making sure you left the territory but I also came to tell you that, even though you betrayed the clan... I forgive you" Frecklewish shifted her paws in the sand. "It was wrong of me to have assumed your kits were Birchface's" the spotted she-cat thought for a moment, Mapleshade never agreed with her, she'd only looked at her and Frecklewish thought it as a sign. Frecklewish understood that Mapleshade was only trying to make sure her kits weren't treated differently but by telling the clan that they were Birchface's, she'd doom them to being in the toms shadow.

Mapleshade looked at her kits. "I don't understand why you care... Don't you hate me? Like everyone else in Thunderclan for what I've done?" Her tail lashed, still keeping her kits close.

"Mapleshade... I want to help you, maybe I could convince Oakstar to let you back, yes you might not be trusted for awhile but after they see that you are a loyal warrior again then they'll forget about what happened"

"And what about my kits? They weren't treated like other kits that are born in the clan! All you and Thunderclan did was compare them to Birchface!" Mapleshade hissed, her claws unsheathed.

Frecklewish folded her ears, the queen was right. She looked up when a rain drop landed on her muzzle.

"Please just trust me... I promise I'll make things right you just need to trust me and let me help you"

Mapleshade looked at her kits and then at Frecklewish. "Where will we sleep? We can't go back to camp that's for sure"

"Come with me, I know where an old fox den is, you can stay there until Oakstar allows you back" Frecklewish rose and waited as Mapleshade grabbed her kits and placed them on her back, she whispered to them and they soon settled down in the queen's glossy dappled fur. Frecklewish started to pad towards the treeline, going slow so Mapleshade could catch up, the she-cat looked moons older than she was and Frecklewish knew she needed food and rest. They made it to a hole hidden under a root of the tree. Mapleshade settled the kits down onto the ground as Frecklewish was getting moss ready for the nest they would sleep in. She placed it inside the den and let the queen the settle in with the kits.

"Stay here, I'm going to get something for you to eat" Frecklewish left the den and padded off, catching a scent of a magpie and raced up the tree. She killed it quickly and padded to the den, placing the prey down. She started to pluck the feathers off and placed them in the moss nest so that the kits could play with them when they wanted.

"Thank you Frecklewish... If you truly forgive me for what I've done... I'm glad to call you my friend" Mapleshade said before starting to eat, the kits were at her belly and had started to nurse.

Frecklewish felt a purr rise in her throat and she nodded, she left the small family and padded back to camp, her heart filled with hope of what would be coming next.

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4 years ago
Guess Who's Back From The Dead With Redesigns! Life Has Been Freaking Hectic And I Haven't Had Much Time
Guess Who's Back From The Dead With Redesigns! Life Has Been Freaking Hectic And I Haven't Had Much Time
Guess Who's Back From The Dead With Redesigns! Life Has Been Freaking Hectic And I Haven't Had Much Time
Guess Who's Back From The Dead With Redesigns! Life Has Been Freaking Hectic And I Haven't Had Much Time
Guess Who's Back From The Dead With Redesigns! Life Has Been Freaking Hectic And I Haven't Had Much Time
Guess Who's Back From The Dead With Redesigns! Life Has Been Freaking Hectic And I Haven't Had Much Time

Guess who's back from the dead with redesigns! Life has been freaking hectic and I haven't had much time to do things concerning personal work. I'm going to be more active and I'm working on Chapter 2 now so yay.

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2 years ago

Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.

If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals

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4 years ago
The River Scene From Mapleshade's Forgiveness. I've Been Planning To Draw This For Months But I Was Too

The river scene from Mapleshade's Forgiveness. I've been planning to draw this for months but I was too busy to. Finally had time to do so today. I'll be posting their designs later today before I hopefully post chapter two.








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