Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.
1481 posts
In The Presence Of An Iconic Marvel Character... Sandy B And Flexonaut Make Their Parting Shot With Baby

In the presence of an iconic Marvel character... Sandy B and Flexonaut make their parting shot with Baby Groot in the club! #flexonaut #sandyb #babygroot #groot #floracolossus #gotg #iamgroot #theyaregroot #wearegroot
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Slaying all of the Disney Princess lessers with her charm, beauty, and lust for life... Princess Kaguya from her magical birth within a bamboo stalk blossoming all the way into graceful adulthood. #princesskaguya #kaguyahime #thetaleoftheprincesskaguya #littlebamboo #studioghibli #isaotakahata #cosmicroyalty

Experience the feeling of partying in the discotheques of Germany right here on Philippine turf! J. AVE Superclub invites you to bid adieu to the last Saturday night of 2014 as we present BERLIN RUSH featuring FLEXONAUT and SANDY B! Danke schön and see you there! ;) #javesuperclub #saturdaynight #berlinrush #flexonaut #sandyb #dankeschön #fuckyeah #fromberlintocebu

When awesome DJs from all over the world collide... Flexonaut from Germany meets Vega of the United States and Jack Stone of the Philippines. Only here at J. AVE Superclub!

A happy and yummy lunch at Bigby's now that I have my beautiful deluxe hardcover copy of SAGA, BOOK ONE by Brian K. Vaughan and @fionastaples which I got at Fully Booked!!! Hazel be feeding on her mom Alana on the gorgeous cover while I'll be feasting on beef-and-chicken quesadillas, Hungarian sausage with Cuban rice, and a nice tall glass of bottomless lemonade. Namaste! #saga #briankvaughan #fionastaples #bookone #deluxehardcoveredition #allthegraphicnovelfeels #sohappyicoulddie #omnomnom #fullybooked

From sketch to screen... Meta moment in "Snowpiercer" given that the film is based on a French graphic novel and the rough charcoal drawings featured in the movie are done by the original artist who created Le Transperceneige. #snowpiercer #letransperceneige #chrisevans #tildaswinton