Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.
1481 posts
Bird's-eye View Of This Fantastic Strobelight Wonderland! HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM J AVE SUPERCLUB!!!
Bird's-eye view of this fantastic strobelight wonderland! HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM J AVE SUPERCLUB!!!
More Posts from Brentofthefabulouswild

Scenes of a life as lived by Princess Kaguya... #princesskaguya #thetaleoftheprincesskaguya #studioghibli #isaotakahata

In "Snowpiercer", you don't say 'Happy New Year' to welcome a brand new start. Make like the deliciously despotic Minister Mason and say... #happyyekaterinabridge #youfilthyingrates #ministermason #snowpiercer #letransperceneige #tildaswinton #fierceandflawless #cinematicvillain #moviequotes #happynewyear #newyear2015 #twentyfifteen

Yeah. I get major nerd boners whenever I am in the presence of bookshelves, especially when said books on the shelves are aged well and have that perfect old-book-scent that turns me on so hard. Haha! #books #bookworm #bibliophileforever #booksturnmeon #bookporn

FUCK YEAH!!! Shit is about to get down and hella real now that Gwendolyn and Lying Cat have finally caught up with Alana and Marko's family hiding in the planet Quietus on "Saga". And you just know this boss ass bitch and scorned ex-fiancee of Marko won't be taking any prisoners!!! #saga #bookone #gwendolyn #lyingcat #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples

One of my wishes for 2015: no more homophobia. And if that can't be helped, then I also wish for my LGBT brothers and sisters to remain classy, sassy, and fabulous in the face of blatant discrimination against their sexuality and their life choices. Have a happy and gay new year, everyone! ;) #happynewyear #endhomophobia #nomorehomophobia2015 #lgbtrights #hatersgonnahate #dearstraightpeople #dealwithit