Gay. Elder Millennial. Leo. Pop Culture Vulture. Content Creator.
1481 posts
The Creative Geniuses Behind The Astonishing Force Of Fictional Nature That Is "Saga": Fiona Staples

The creative geniuses behind the astonishing force of fictional nature that is "Saga": Fiona Staples (art) and Brian K. Vaughan (writing). #saga #sagacomic #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples
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Huehuehuehuehue... Look at what I found while browsing Fully Booked today, @jinlalavernee 😉 These babies arrived too late given that I already have the deluxe hardcover edition of the first three volumes, but better late than never, right? Also, have you heard of this awesome comic series, @sanyasmith007 ??? If not, then I highly recommend you check this out ASAP because this one will BLOW YOUR MIND!!! 😄 #saga #sagacomic #sagavolumeone #sagavolumetwo #sagavolumethree #fullybooked #bookporn #bookworm #books #comicseries #graphicnovel #imagecomics #briankvaughan #fionastaples

Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but it's kinda funny how the figurine trinkets on Yondu Udonta's pilot seat are parallel to the each member of the Guardians of the Galaxy... #gotg #guardiansofthegalaxy #yonduudonta #dashboardfigurines #peterjasonquill #starlord #gamora #draxthedestroyer #rocketraccoon #groot

Now you have plenty of reasons to hit up LifeDance this coming Sinulog weekend! Presenting the complete lineup of DJs performing at the biggest outdoor rave party in the Philippines on the 16th of January, featuring the most awesome local talents as the opening acts and the international headliners taking over for the rest of the show. Every hour on the hour, from 4 P.M. to 4 A.M., experience the thrilling and relentless sonic onslaught brought to you by the super-charged performers of LifeDance 2015!!! If you don't want to miss this one, get your event passes ASAP before they're sold out!!! Contact @pjgerona at 09166428511 for more details on ticket prices. #lifedance #lifedance2015 #lifedancecebu #sinulog #sinulogfestival #sinulog2015 #sinulogweekend #mybodyisready #letsdothis #letsgetinternational #fuckyeah #shutupandtakemyfuckingmoney

Take your pick of the various colorful and hypersonic main stages when you hit up the Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas!!! This major EDM festival is definitely one of the things to cross off on my life goal bucket list! #edc #electricdaisycarnival #lasvegas #edclasvegas #edcmainstages #circuitgrounds #basspod #basscon #kineticfield #cosmicmeadow #neongarden #undertheelectricsky

YAAAAAAAASSSSS SLAY!!! Marko and Alana aren't the only hot alien couple to be featured in "Saga". Hot on their fugitive tail are gay investigative journalists Upsher (writer, in blue) and Doff (photographer, in green). Thank you to Brian and Fiona for infusing this fantastic comic series with LGBT characters and themes! #saga #sagacomic #bookone #graphicnovel #comicseries #imagecomics #upsheranddoff #lgbtcharacters #gaycoupleincomics #gayjournalists #lgbtrepresentation #briankvaughan #fionastaples