brewstersbru - brewstersbru

blog where i write lil blurbs and scribbles; check out my ao3 if you’d like:

66 posts

Guys. Bad News. School Has Started And I Am Veritably DROWNING In Work Bc As Always I Have Bitten Off

Guys…. Bad news…. School has started and I am veritably DROWNING in work bc as always I have bitten off more than I can chew. SO I’m going to put the 100 days on pause for now and update when/if I can from now to January (when grad school apps are due) and THEN when I hopefully have more time I’ll be able to start again. IM SO SORRY FOR EVERYONE WHO WAS ENJOYING I WAS HAVING SO MUCH FUN,,,, in the meantime if there’s anything you wanna see feel free to use my askbox :)

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More Posts from Brewstersbru

7 months ago

Little late, but I got it done!! Have some dincobb 🤠 (coming up with pairings is more difficult than I thought LMAO)

Day 5: Din Djarin/Cobb Vanth

Din's shoulder aches. He'd applied some emergency bacta once the vertigo had faded, but the pain persists. He stumbles from his speeder and drags his feet as he lurches into town, trying to ignore the searing in his shoulder.

It's late, the roads are empty, but he knows where he's going.

"Hmm. Mando?" Cobb Vanth is radiant in the moonlight, yawning and rumpled in a loose nightshirt. Din nods.

"Can I come in?" His voice is strained, even with the vocoder.

Cobb blinks, pauses, then roves his eyes over Din's armor.

"Course. Need anything?" He asks, eyeing the way Din favors his shoulder as he sidles through the doorway.

"No. Just- just you."

Words: 113

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6 months ago

Getting a jump on today cuz i have work- decided to do another character study! Link this time :)

Day 16: Link (Legend of Zelda)

There is a toll that heroism takes. No good act stays unpunished. Every life Link takes, no matter how evil, is a strike, and the tallies build.

He can't not do as he is destined, but sometimes, when he's alone, mopping his own blood from his skin, he wishes he didn't have to. Surely, this cannot be all there is.

Is it so wrong to want peace? To hope, each time a blade makes it past his armor, that it will be the last? He has done nothing but fight and bleed and kill for his people. For Zelda.

When is it enough?

Words: 103

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7 months ago

Another day another blurb, this time, hanklogan !! I saw a fanart on twitter and have become obsessed 💛 💙

Day 6: Hank McCoy/Logan Howlett

"How much longer?"

Logan blinks in the doorway, leaning in a loose-collared sweatshirt against the jamb as a yawn shakes through him. Hank looks up from his laptop, humming.

"I'm not sure." His expression softens as he takes in Logan's slumped form. "I'll try to be quick."

With a low growl, Logan stalks into the room, slipping between Hank's arms and budging up against his chest. "Too long." He mumbles, nosing into the side of Hank's neck.

Hank chuckles, taking the aggressive affection with good humor and shifting around until the two of them are laid on the couch, his laptop rested against the gentle curve of Logan's back.

"Good?" Hank asks, adjusting his glasses to look down at Logan, who rumbles contentedly.


Words: 124

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7 months ago

That’s right babey Im back in the groove, have some mattfoggy!! 💼♥️

Day 4: Matt Murdock/Franklin “Foggy” Nelson

“Put those away, you slut.”

Matt grins and cocks his head. “What do you mean?”

His voice is light, teasing and entirely too sensual for the middle of a pool game. Foggy squints at him, forcing his eyes to stay up.

“You know what I mean!”

The front of his shirt is unbuttoned, enough that smooth, toned skin peeks out.

Matt hums and stretches, cat-like, onto the table to set up his shot. His shirt hangs low, barely more than a scrap of fabric.

“But I’ve got to take my shot.”

Foggy gives up. A man can only be so strong. He throws his hands up.

“Do it! Do it, then, you absolute whore.”

Matt smiles and jabs his cue.

The ball sinks in, just as he intended.

Words: 128

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7 months ago

Classes started so I'm more productive, have another character study, this time, matt!! 💼

Day 8: Matt Murdock

The pain is depurative. More than any number of 'hail mary's could be. This is a true penance, action without the self-pity of words. Without the excuses.

Matt takes his punishment as he has earned it, with a bloody smile.

It hurts, of course it hurts. It's supposed to hurt. Each blow tastes sweet, like pennies on a rainy day. Feels jagged and jittery like something close to love. The caress of something bigger than him.

This fight only ends one way—Matt, standing, bloodied over a pile of unconscious thugs—but first, he has to earn it. Spit enough blood on the concrete to pay for what drips down his knuckles.

Words: 110

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