bri3ll3 - ☽

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212 posts

Fade Away - Peter Parker

fade away - peter parker

pairing: peter parker x black!reader

summary: you never forgot peter after stranges spell but even after he promised to find you and make you remember, you did what was best for him and let him move on.

warnings: angst upon angst, heartbreak, one-sided love???, lovers to strangers sort of ???, idk what ever this is it needs a trope.

new fic coming soon!!!

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More Posts from Bri3ll3

3 years ago


I’ve seen a lot of discourse over Pam and Tommy in the past few days. So as a lover of Sebastian Stan, and someone who is heavily invested in 80s/90s rock and grunge culture, I’m here to give you the facts, because some of you fuckheads won’t do your own research.

Just because Sebastian Stan as Tommy Lee fuels your love for rockstar!bucky, does not mean you should support it.

And remember folks, Tommy Lee is a horrible piece of shit, and Pamela Anderson deserved much better.

ONE - Tommy Lee is an abuser. In a case Pamela Anderson filed with the Los Angeles court, she stated that Tommy Lee had gotten jealous of the fact that she gave their children more attention. And so, he resorted to physical violence. According to Daily Mail, the papers stated, “Tommy kicked me violently in the back several times and in the buttocks. He was completely out of control.” Tommy Lee only gained four months in jail. He also abused his children. Pamela Anderson reported that he dangled his son in front of a “temperamental” rottweiler. She also wrote in the documents, “Brandon has told me that Tommy hurts him and pinches him and Dylan. Dylan has told me that he hates me for making him go to his father's.” He remained abusive well into their adult years. In March 2018, Lee’s fiancé, Brittany Furlan, called 911 after a fight broke out between Lee and his son, Brandon Thomas Lee. According to a transcript of the call, Furlan told the dispatcher, “My stepson and my fiancé got into a fight and pushed his father; And then he asked his son to leave and he wouldn’t leave and he punched him.”

TWO - Tommy Lee also has a history of sexual assault. According to a report from Tucker Max, one passage in the book “The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band” read, “For ten years solid, we had been invincible. No one could touch us. Tommy and I had raped a drunk girl in the closet, and she had forgotten about it.”

THREE - Its easy to see how much of a womaniser Tommy Lee is. Another major confession in the band’s book involves Tommy Lee and his womanising habits. One of the stories in the book claims Tommy Lee had sex with a woman just so he could drive her Jaguar. He was notorious for his womanising ways. His marriage to Heather Locklear also failed due to his infidelity, as he cheated on her with a porn star.

FOUR - He fetishes a disability. During his interview with Rolling Stone, Tommy Lee explained, “I have this crazy fascination with little people. Like, if I see one, I’ll run up to him and be like, How’s it going? To be really honest with you, I want to take them all home with me. And I know I can’t do that, but for some reason I always try. They just remind me of fun and the circus. I don’t know what it is. And I’ve just always called my world “Tommyland” — like Disneyland, but a lot crazier.”

FIVE - He’s racist. He and Sixx verbally harassed and assaulted a black security guard during a concert in October 1997. According to a report from CBS, it all started when Sixx allegedly started a racial tirade against the guard and then encouraged a crowd of 2,500 to attack him. Lee, in turn, poured a drink on the guard’s head. When charges were filed against Lee following the incident, he turned himself into the authorities.

SIX - He fired workers without paying them a single cent- even after they had obliged by his constantly changing wishes and lack of pay.

SEVEN - He was seen as a ‘sex god’, and both he and his band, Motley Crue, were thrown back into fame. Pamela Anderson was shunned by society, and was completely sexualised and harassed over it.

I beg you to do your own research. Read about why Tommy Lee isn’t a good person, in any way. And please, respect Pamela Anderson. She deserved so much better than what she got. Don’t support Pam and Tommy just because your favourite actor is in it. Don’t support any show that tells a morally wrong and traumatising story, just because you like someone in it.

Please also reblog this, share it, just make sure you and your mutuals arent supporting this shitty man, just because Seb plays him.

3 years ago

i only have eyes for you

nwh spoilers

nwh spoilers

nwh spoilers

nwh spoilers

nwh spoilers

pairing: mcu!peter parker x reader

summary: when peter walks into the cafe that you and mj work, he still only has eyes for you

warnings: none, angst and fluff, no happy endings, this is not prof read so there are typos!

a/n: i don’t get hurt very often writing this but i am actually heartbroken, this shit took days to write simple’s because i didn’t want to cry while writing. i do not think that it is my best work but i still think that i did a bombass job.

also happy fucking new year i hope that you all have an amazing year and i also want to thank you guys for all of the support last year when i started this blog, i love you all!


peter was walking down the street going over the piece of paper that had down all of the things he was going to say on it. once he walked into the café everything immediately stopped as his eyes found you. all of the memories that the two of you shared came flooded his mind as he looked at you.

“hi is this seat taken” the voice startled him a little, when he looked up he saw the most beautiful girl ever seen. “um a-actually it’s not” he stuttered, you smiled at his antics before sitting down in the stool next to him.

“im y/n” you say looking over at the boy, his cheeks and ears were rosy making you smile. “im peter” he squeaks, nerves filling his whole body as he talks to you. “nice to meet you peter” you beam making him smile.

everyday after that peter would go home and tell may about your interactions and she would always encourage the boy to ask you out but the boy never did, well not until homecoming came around.

when he finally got to ask you to homecoming he was a stuttering and shaking mess.

“hey y/n” he calls and you turn around to see him smiling at you. “hey peter what’s up” you greet and he starts fiddling with his hands and start shifting from side to side.

“i-i was wondering if you wanted to go to uhm homecoming with me” he asks looking at the ground, you smile at him “i’d love to” you beam. “it’s fine if you don’t wan- wait what” he asks, his big chocolate eyes looking at you. “id love to go to homecoming with you” you express again and peters smile grows.

“ok yeah uhm cool” he starts “yeah i’ll see you around peter” you giggled before giving peter a kiss on the cheek and walking away.

peter went home once again and told may all about it, she was happy to see the boy excited for once.

“may she said yes” he screamed as he ran into the small apartment “oh my gosh she did” she asks running up to him and hugging him. “oh peter im so happy for you” she coos as she rocks him back and forth. “thanks may” he sighs as he hugs her back

at the dance peter was a sweaty and nervous mess, he hated being in the public eye and this out him directly in the public eye. he could hear the whispers of people thanks to his spidey senses, it didn’t help that they were all judgmental.

“hey pete you ok” you whisper in his ear and he nods trying to play it cool “yeah yeah i’m fine” he whispers back but you’re not having it. you grab his hand and pull hims out of the back door of the gym, “it’s better out here, less muggy and not as loud” you grinned making peter smile.

as a new song came on peter grabbed your hands gently and pulled you into him, the familiar tune of i only have eyed for you by the flamingos filled the air. “i love this song” you whispered making peter smile.

the both of you felt comfort in each other’s arms, your warmth was something peter got use to quickly seeing as though a couple months (well years) later he asked you out.

“PETER” you yelled looking around at the damage that had been done “Y/N” peter yelled as he saw you looking around for him. the moment you spot him you run up to him and hugged him, he immediately wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you as tight as he could.

“are you ok” your questions was muffled in his neck but he still heard you “yeah i’m fine” he chuckles. you move your face from his neck and hold his face im your hands “god i’m so glad you’re ok” you whispers feeling tears well in your eyes.

“are you ok” he asks and you nod “don’t worry about me i’m so glad that your ok” i whisper finally pulling away from him. “oh this tall guy who’s uhm in love with your aunt gave me this necklace” i say, looking up at him.

peters face drops as he looks at the broken flower in your hands “oh no i’m so sorry” he starts “i had this plan to give you this necklace and-“ he’s cut off with you giving him a quick peck on the lips.

he looks at you stunned before pulling you in for another kiss, your wrap your arms around his neck and card my fingers through this hair. when you both pull away your rest your foreheads on each other’s.

“i really really like you” he whispers and you smile “i like you too peter” you whisper and he smiles. “so that makes you my girlfriend” he asks and you nod “yeah and that makes you my boyfriend” you beam and he smiles.

things quickly went down hill after that’s, peters identity had been revealed and because of that peter, you and ned had lost lots of opportunities. peter felt so bad for you and ned, you guys had nothing to do with it and because of his guilt he asked the one person he knew who could fix this, dr, stephen strange.

peter asked strange to cast a spell to make everyone forget that peter parker was spider man, long story short he messed up the spell and opened up the multiverse.

this created a lot of problems, the main one being him losing his aunt may. peter had never felt such rage and loss in his life, he was angry at the world, at himself especially for trying to be a good person but you never let him forget that being good is apart of who he is.

“peter you can not let that man change who you are, may wanted you to help them out right” you ask and he nods feeling tears fall from his eyes “then you do that, she would be very proud knowing that you fulfilled what she wanted you to do” you assure him and he nods.

“thank you” he whispers and you nod wiping the tears from his cheeks. “you’re welcome baby, now let’s go cure some ass” you joke making him laugh.

peter would have never thought after curing everyone that he would have let go of you and ned and pretty much everyone he loved.

peter heart broke when he had to tell you and ned that you wouldn’t remember him.

“peter you cant just make that decision for me” you say and peter nods “i know i know but it’s the only way” he stresses. “i don’t wanna forget you” you mumble as tears continue to fall down your face.

peter pulls you in for a hug, probably one of the tightest hugs he has ever given anyone. “promise me you’ll come find me” you beg as you continue to hold onto him “peter promise me” your voice broke as you spoke making his heart break even more. “i promise baby i promise” he promises.

when you pull apart his heart breaks as he sees your demeanor, you’re shaking, your eyes are bloodshot and tears are still falling from them, the bags under your eyes are extremely prominent.

“make me remember when you find me, make me remember when i sat next to you our first day of junior year, homecoming, and london” you plead and peter nods “i’ll make you remember” he promises placing his forehead on yours.

“and if you don’t you know i’m gonna figure it out, i always do” he knew exactly what you meant, you found out he was spider man before he even got the change to tell you. “i know” he chuckles before going silent again.

“i love you peter parker” his heart breaks knowing that’s the first and last time he’ll hear you say it “i love you y/n y/l/n” he whispers before kiss you gently, he pours all of his love for you into that kiss. when you pull apart you peck his lips gently one more time.

and here peter was staring at you in the little café that you and mj worked at, “hi how can i help you” your voice broke peter out of his trance. “hi can i uhm get a coffee” he asks and you nod “would you like anything with that like cream or sugar” you ask and he shakes his head “no just black please” you smile and him and nods before going over to the machine.

“hey mj can you get ned’s doughnut ready for him, he should be here soon” peter overhears you say and mjs nods. once the coffees done he watches you put the lid on the cup and walk back over to him “im sorry but i forgot to ask your name” he smiles at you feeling tears brim in his eyes “peter” he says and you smile “well here your coffee peter” you beam as you hand him his coffee cup.

“oh i love this song” peter mumbles as i only have eyes for you by the flamingos plays lightly in the background “i love it too” you whisper making him smile.

“well have a good day y/n” he smiles at you as he walks backwards out of the door, you smile back at him “you too peter” you wave at him before he walks out of the door.

peter walks to the windows and sees you talking to mj about something that clearly makes you flustered, peter smiles before walking down the cold street knowing that no matter how much time may go by he’ll only have eyes for you.

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3 years ago

finished euphoria and i feel empty

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3 years ago


just watched the toms spider mans over and i miss may so much

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3 years ago

ok ok so i know i’ve been promising a lot of fics and they are all in the writing process but i want you all to know what they are.

mcu! peter parker x black!reader- nwh spoilers!!!! (fluff leading to angst, literally no happy endings)

mcu!peter parker x black!reader- nwh spoilers!!!!(angst just pure angst once again no happy endings)

tasm!peter parker x black!reader - pt.2 to nice to meet you peter parker (fluff)

tasm! peter parker x black!reader -nwh spoilers!!!! pt.2 of nothing new, peters pov (angst sadly again no happy endings)

that’s all i have for right now, i know all of it is like straight up angst but a lot of the stuff i post is but i’m really excited to put these out!!!

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