bridesofbaphomet - Brides Of Baphomet
Brides Of Baphomet

41 yr old timeless milf, Queen of Chaos, Weaver of Magick, Luciferian Witch, Superhero of the Heart, Daughter Of Babalon

357 posts

Last Year's Halloween

Last Year's Halloween
Last Year's Halloween

Last year's Halloween

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More Posts from Bridesofbaphomet

8 years ago

A mere thought

That love in particular tore me apart like a fucking pinata..

8 years ago

I feel small, but so are stars from a distance.


(via the-wolf-and-moon)

Don't forget how fucking special you all are

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8 years ago

This place is no joke.. vanishing is a very strong possibility

Skinwalker Ranch

Skinwalker Ranch

Skinwalker Ranch is a ranch located in Utah that is known for paranormal and extraterrestrial occurrences. Many people have reported strange events in the area, ranging from cryptids to unexplained lights in the sky. Some of the most unnerving encounters include:

An encounter with an unkillable wolf has been reported on the property, telling of a wolf that was completely unaffected after being shot five times at point blank range while attacking a calf. The wolf was unaffected, and simply walked away.

Other strange wolves have been spotted on the property, including one so large that it towered above a car being driven by one of the ranch’s occupants.

Sometimes in the night, the entire pasture would be lit up as though illuminated by powerful stadium lights. Bright shafts of light would also be seen beaming from the ground to the sky.

Unexplained noises occurred frequently, with sounds like heavy, earth-moving machinery being heard from underground, and mysterious voices being heard as they worked in the pasture, seemingly floating above them.

Crop circles and other anomalies like circular ice patterns and large holes in the ground would appear all over the ranch.

Cattle mutilations were incredibly common, resulting in the loss of 20% of the herd in only 20 months. One day, all four of the ranch’s bulls went missing, and after a search were discovered stuffed into a small trailer like sardines. The trailer was locked, and the locks were covered in cobwebs. No one could explain how the locks were untouched, or how four massive, aggressive bulls ended up crammed together in a small trailer.

UFOs of various shapes and colours were often spotted flying back and forth above the ranch. On one occasion, the owner of the ranch thought he saw an RV in the pasture, and, thinking it was lost tourists, went out to help. As he approached what he thought was an RV, it rose straight into the air and flew out of sight.

Skinwalker Ranch remains under investigation, and is fenced off and heavily guarded to this day.

8 years ago

Ha ha

bridesofbaphomet - Brides Of Baphomet
8 years ago

Into the void

Art By Aleksey LitvishkovMotion By TheGlitch

Art by Aleksey Litvishkov Motion by TheGlitch