brightpolaris20 - what the fuck do i put here-
what the fuck do i put here-

He/They/Flare - inside flare head a lot

78 posts

Brightpolaris20 - What The Fuck Do I Put Here- - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago


a small sign with a picture of a blue drink and the words "the blue thing is back!"

Sign at my local movie theater that feels like a desperate warning

5 months ago
@feign-tries-to-be-funny & Anyone Who Wants To Join!!
@feign-tries-to-be-funny & Anyone Who Wants To Join!!

@feign-tries-to-be-funny & anyone who wants to join!!

GLAD TO INTRODUCE my new uquiz!!

Here’s the picrew: you’re fine with the amount of variety here, I just didn’t want to use any of the overly popular ones because I’ve personally grown bored of them)


@caffeinated-eccentric-polymorph @azazel-with-lots-of-time @boyswillbedogz and anyone else feel free to continue!

5 months ago

@bisexual-airforce ikr???


5 months ago

here, have this post

burning text gif maker

heart locket gif maker

minecraft advancement maker

minecraft logo font text generator w/assorted textures and pride flags

windows error message maker (win1.0-win11)

FromSoftware image macro generator (elden ring Noun Verbed text)

image to 3d effect gif

vaporwave image generator

microsoft wordart maker (REALLY annoying to use on mobile)

you're welcome

5 months ago

Virgo, (the new chart says i'm a leo???? nuh uh i refuse) i am omni, and i can do a swim good

Hey guys rb this with ur sign, ur orientation + if you can swim or not, im gay a leo and I cant

5 months ago

<3 <3 <3

I'd care if the person I reblogged this from committed suicide.

Reblog this from anybody. literally. ANYBODY. even if you dont like them or even know them that well. YOU COULD SAVE THEIR LIFE.

5 months ago

yes i will put whatever i want on my blog

"i didnt make a blog for you i made a blog for me" -alex hirsch, probably

Saw the ask about Doc having taken over the world once or twice and it’s running through my head rent free. Imagine you’re new to the Hermitcraft server and you just bump into the former global dictator. He’s really apologetic about running into you and saying he wasn’t paying attention and you’re just standing there absolutely slackjawed because how the hell is here???? You thought god like. Smote him???? Isn’t he crazy evil????

This happened to Joel and X had to pull him aside like “yeah he’s here but he’s just like. Chill now. For the most part.” Doc has to deal with this nearly every season and doesn’t care


5 months ago

what the fuck

Found On Etsy

found on etsy

5 months ago

sorry for all the mcyt reblogs i'm just so pissed about the """minecraft movie"""

I Made This Meme In A Blind Rage

i made this meme in a blind rage

5 months ago
Frogger? I Barely Know H- [mic Cuts Out]
Frogger? I Barely Know H- [mic Cuts Out]
Frogger? I Barely Know H- [mic Cuts Out]

Frogger? I barely know h- [mic cuts out]

5 months ago

prolly not, sadly

brightpolaris20 - what the fuck do i put here-
5 months ago

finally someone said it

pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual

im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out

5 months ago

get on my blog

did i tell u guys i got into an argument on twitter bc i said foxes are dogs and someone tried to bring up their actual fuckin. classification or whatever and i just said “foxes are dogs cause they are fluffye” and they kept arguing with me. the entire time i was like “you will not survive the immigration to tumblr you are lucky we are not there right now”

5 months ago

are you a lightswitch

because you turn me on

*trying to call a woman beautiful but i've forgotten how to engage other humans in conversation* girl, you remind me of architecture

6 months ago

reblog if ur bi, ur not biphobic, or ur best friend is a beautiful valid bisexual

reblog if ur bi, ur not biphobic, or ur best friend is a beautiful valid bisexual

6 months ago

what glue is best for b e a n s ?


My partner and I have a running joke with a friend. Every time he goes on holiday we increase the quantity of beans in his flat.

The first time we bought ~30 cans of kidney beans and hid them around the house like some Easter egg hunt thing but with beans.

The Second time we bought ~6kg dried white beans and hid those in various places. Nearly every receptacle that could safely hold beans became the home of beans. My personal favourite was emptying an oat milk carton, very carefully washing and drying it, filling it with beans and then just putting it back among several other cartons.

He went on holiday again a couple of weeks ago. Obviously there is an expectation of bean-based shenanigans. And obviously we have to beat our previous efforts.

Our friend has (had) a mosaic on his wall of the famous Marilyn Monroe Pop-Art by Andy Warhol. He made the mosaic himself. Over the last couple of weeks we have spent hours and hours assembling a frame, drawing up a pattern and gridding out a 70 x 70 frame and gluing an untold amount of beans to it. I have spent over 21 hours gluing beans to a frames.

For the last couple of days I ended up going to bed at 5:00 am because I lost track of time whilst experimenting with which types of glue works best with different beans (I now have *opinions* on this, y’all). The day of our friend’s return we spent the morning and afternoon grouting the piece and wiping it down and wiping it down again and wiping it down again because grout is just like that. In the evening we went to install the mosaic, just a few hours before his return. Here’s a comparison between the original and our clearly superior replication, and the new piece installed in its rightful place.

a photo of the bean mosaic hanging on the wall. it is made of kidney beans for the background and red lips, black beans for the shadows, white beans for the skin and yellow beans for the hair.
photo of the two mosaics lying side by side. the red of the tiled mosaic is brighter than the red of the bean mosaic and has less white grout showing through than the bean replica
6 months ago

his name is remy you heathen


i wish i could be brave like brave from disneys brave but instead i am coward from real life

6 months ago
Im Not Really That Close With Any Of My Mutuals So If U See This On Your Home Page Please Play Lmao

im not really that close with any of my mutuals so if u see this on your home page please play lmao

6 months ago

ferb i know what we're doing today

i’ve seen a lot of really messed up images in my time on the internet, weird fetish shit, even a few IRL gore images but nothing. NOTHING evokes such a deep seated, gut wrenching fear in me like this image of the fucking water slide from Action Park with the loop in it

Ive Seen A Lot Of Really Messed Up Images In My Time On The Internet, Weird Fetish Shit, Even A Few IRL
7 months ago

alright i see these everywhere so here goes

1 note: i will nod happily

5 notes: i'll clean out my drawer

10 notes: do a cool drawing

50 notes: i'll start doing more art trades

100 notes: finish learning inertia and steve's going to london on the recorder

150 notes: ill post my recorder covers

200 notes: learn the entirety of the maybe man on the recorder AND post it all

250 notes: FINALLY draw that portrait of all my close paras and hang it on my wall

300 notes: i will learn shakespearean english

400 notes: learn all the lyrics to the normal album

500 notes: finish me and @feign-tries-to-be-funny's shitty self insert fic <3

1000 notes: ill kiss my boyfriend lightly on the cheek and then run away because I'm a coward

1000 notes: ill start dressing more in the alt style because i love it

9000 notes: ill post the shitty self insert fic on ao3

1000000000000000 notes: tell my parents i use they/them pronouns (i don't exactly but its close enough XD)

184630374037643047857848368730373969 notes: ill stop daydreaming

i don't expect these to go anywhere but who cares!

Tags :
7 months ago


did I fool you?

Did I Fool You?
7 months ago

this isn't over. you shall rue the day you okoed me. (/j)

use these 3 response images to prevent your friends from uttering the phrases "yes" "alright" or "ok"

Use These 3 Response Images To Prevent Your Friends From Uttering The Phrases "yes" "alright" Or "ok"
Use These 3 Response Images To Prevent Your Friends From Uttering The Phrases "yes" "alright" Or "ok"
Use These 3 Response Images To Prevent Your Friends From Uttering The Phrases "yes" "alright" Or "ok"
7 months ago

May thou blood not leaketh through thy trousers and onto thy place of rest.

May your next period be light and end quickly

7 months ago


the maybe man

The Maybe Man