bubbles-on-the-tide-of-empire - trapped in the amber
trapped in the amber

there is no why

140 posts

I Feel So Much For Seven Year Old Me Who Used To Cry And Meltdown When My Mom Would Put Me In Those Awful

I feel so much for seven year old me who used to cry and meltdown when my mom would put me in those awful late 90s fake velvet dresses. The fabric felt so WRONG when it touched me and I couldn't explain that my brain was itchy just like my shoulders and my mom said "she's such a tomboy she hates wearing dresses" and like no mom. It was the undiagnosed Autism.

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bubbles-on-the-tide-of-empire - trapped in the amber
I'm A Believer Through And Through. Also With The Recent Announcement Of The Shrek5 Movie, It's Only

I'm a believer through and through. Also with the recent announcement of the Shrek5 movie, it's only a matter of time before the new album drops

“I still catch myself feeling sad about things that don’t matter anymore.”

— Kurt Vonnegut