bubybubsters - "Don't Let The Hard Days Win"
"Don't Let The Hard Days Win"

Alex |18| she/her | Requests OPEN | writer/reader |

600 posts

Ily As Much As A Bear Loves Fish

ily as much as a bear loves fish <3

Ily As Much As A Bear Loves Fish

as in you wanna eat me..?

alright BET

i love you as a monarch butterfly loves milkweed.

Ily As Much As A Bear Loves Fish
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6 months ago

Hounded Encounters

Eris Week 2024- Day 4 Hounds

A/n: @erisweekofficial probably my personal favorite lol my title sucks 💀

thank you for the dividers @strangergraphics-archive

(pairing is Azris)

Hounded Encounters

Eris taps his foot impatiently, hissing in frustration as he glances to his watch for the 10th time in the past minute. The famous Night Court shadowsinger is 14 minutes late. Stupid illyrians. Eris dimly wonders if something went wrong with getting to the Forest House but he pushes the thought from his mind. Why was he even worried? If Azriel doesn't show up soon, Eris could take his hounds for a run, maybe even catch a deer or something.

Another 15 minutes pass in a blur of boredom. The clock strikes 4:30. Eris takes off his finely tailored jacket, leaving him in just a skin-tight gold shirt. He walks past the guards, nodding to dismiss them and slowly meanders towards the dog pens. A cool autumn breeze ruffles his carefully slicked back hair.

Suddenly, a loud bark tears through the air and Eris immediately recognizes the sound as Willow's playful cry. He turns, closes his eyes and braces himself for the full weight of a smoke hound. He's not sure how they got out of the pen, but he's not at all surprised. A few seconds later when Willow doesn't jump on him, he opens his eyes, shocked at the sight in front of him.

The usually stoic spymaster is now the picture of panic, sprinting in eclipses as he runs from Willow and her pups.

Eris laughs, loud and full of amusement as Azriel takes off with a single flap of his wings. He floats above the hounds, just out of their reach. Sweat soaks through his clothes, making the black shirt he's wearing press against his toned muscles. No wonder he hadn't been able to get into the Forest House.

Eris whistles and Willow immediately comes to jump at his feet. He chuckles, kneeling down to pet her.

"Who's a good girl?" He purrs softly.

Willow's cubs stop jumping at Azriel and greet their owner wiht licks to the face. Eris smiles, swatting at Scout as he licks Eris's nose.

Azriel hesitantly lands on the ground, walking over. He keeps at least 15 feet away as he watches the High Lord of Autumn coo over puppies.

"Sorry... about being late. But it's not really my fault."

Eris is pulled out of his puppy world, having forgotten that Azriel was there. "Don't worry about it. Maybe we can reschedule?"

Azriel hesitates.

"Otherwise it'll be cutting into my free time with the hounds and we'll have to keep them around." Eris smirks, figuring Azriel wouldn't want to spend more time with the hounds.

Azriel nods, ready to leave but hesitates again. "What's her name?" He points to the biggest hound.

Eris looks up. "What?"

"Her name?"


Eris cannot fathom why Azriel would want to know his hounds name. His confusion grows when Azriel walks over and sits near him. He hesitantly reaches out towards Willow and she quickly moves towards him.

Eris frowns as Azriel smiles and pets willow. He massages his chest, not understanding the ache in his heart. Why did the sight of Azriel and his favorite hound touch him so much? Why did he always feel more nervous around the spymaster?

"I thought you were leaving?" Eris asks, tone harsh.

Azriel shrugs, making Eris stare into his beautiful hazel eyes. "Thought I'd stay and get to know the dogs that attacked me."

"They're hounds." Eris grits out.


"They kill and hunt and track. They are not merely dogs."

"Ok, I'm sorry." Azriel holds up his hands in surrender. Willow jumps at his hands, sniffing and licking all over.

Eris can't hold back his smile.

Azriel takes that as an invitation to stay. He starts talking about the reason behind his visit.

"So... Rhys wanted a member of the Night Court to help with the rebuilding of the towns that were destroyed by Beron before you stopped him. Rhys wants to show everyone you're our ally."

Eris hums, considering. "Okay sure, who?"

"That's what this meeting was supposed to be about."

"Oh..." Eris considers for a moment. "Not Cassian since I heard what about what happened at the summer court. Not Rhys or Feyre because they're too elevated. Not Morrigan. Not Amren or Nesta because they'll scare everyone. Who does that leave?"

Azriel stares at him. "Me."

"Well shit."

Willow barks jumping away from them. Both males look over to see her greeting the other hounds. They all run over, licking and pawing at Azriel.

Eris laughs at the sight. Maybe having to rebuild houses with Azriel wouldn't be too bad.

Hounded Encounters

taglist: @thelov3lybookworm @profound-imagination @randomgurl2326 @theduskyprincess @mp-littlebit

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6 months ago

Hi all! Welcome back to ACOTAR Secret Santa 2024! We are SO EXCITED to bring this event back and engage in a little holiday gift giving and/or shenanigans! For anyone interested in participating, check out the timeline, FAQs, and other information (and of course make sure to follow the blog so you don't miss any updates!)


Sign ups will open September 9th and close September 21st

Assignments, barring unforeseen circumstances, will be announced by October 7th- you will receive a message with your recipient, as well as what they've requested. This will be done in a staggered manner over the week.

You should reach out to your recipient no later than October 16th, or within 72 hours of receiving your recipient. A mod for the event will reach out to you, so please be looking for a DM- if we do not hear back from you within 72 hours, we will remove you from the exchange and reassign your recipient.

Gifts can start to be given December 15 and must be received by December 21


Anyone who creates some sort of fan content is welcome, whether than be fanfiction, fanart, edits, or a really good playlist. There is no restriction on characters- EVERYONE is welcome.

Participation includes creating a gift for your assigned recipient, but also spreading the holiday cheer and dropping in their inbox with nice messages, questions, and other friendly interaction! Communication with your Secret Santa (if they send messages), your recipient, and the moderator (me!) is essential.

You will need to have a tumblr to participate (so spread the news far and wide to all of your fandom friends, even if they delete it right after the event!).

This event is open to the entire fandom, no matter what you ship or which characters you like

Check out...



Looking forward to seeing what everyone creates this year!

5 months ago


If I offer you the moon on a string...

If I Offer You The Moon On A String...

This is the result of waking up at an ungodly hour, and doing art studies. I'm so sleepy now, but I at least got this out.

Also, can people stop trying to gaslight me into thinking THIS man isn't the hottest man in Prythian?! That he isn't canonically wanted by every human and fae in this world!!

((edited!!! OMG I forgot I painted over his scar when I was painting his face! It's now added back in! I'm so sorry!!!))

5 months ago

heyy, how are you?? i just wanted to say, i love you and your writing. you are one of the best people i have come across and i love you. if you ever feel bad about your writing, just know that only you can put that story out tHere so NEVER GIVE UP!! hehe okay bye ily đŸ€­đŸ˜˜


omg form september 1st?.


i kinda forgot i had an inbox

THANK YOUUUUUU, you too! I really needed this today so thanksssssssssssss.

Heyy, How Are You?? I Just Wanted To Say, I Love You And Your Writing. You Are One Of The Best People

^me to youu

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6 months ago

Doubtful || pt. III

Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader

Summary: An unexpected team-up between you, a Slytherin, and the proud Gryffindors that go by “The Marauders” causes an unexpected relationship between you and the one and only Sirius Black.

Warnings: none


Part I // Part II // Part III // Part IV // Part V // Part VI


Most students don’t smile after serving detention with Professor McGonagall. However, the evidence presented by your unexpected grin shows that if it is spent with the right person things might change.

Maybe that’s why what you saw in the Slytherin common room didn’t ruin your mood. Not initially at least.

But things can change, and the minutes following your arrival had quite the impact.  


Sirius entered his dorm with a dreamy look in his eyes, shuffling his feet and staring at nothing in particular. Although he was quickly broken out of his trance when the other marauders bombard him with questions.

“What took you so long?”

“How was detention with the Slytherin?”

“Why do you look so happy?”

Sirius was two hours later than expected, so of course, his best friends were concerned. And Sirius still didn’t know why he hadn’t expected this behavior after all these years.

“Would you all calm down.” Sirius shook his head at his overexcited friends.

“Why are you so late?” Remus asked.

“McGonagall gave us two extra hours of detention,” Sirius recalled and a faint smile formed on his face. McGonagall may have stayed in the room to monitor you and Sirius this time around preventing you from talking, but the shared glances between you and him were enough to keep you both content.

“Why? Did you guys start dueling or something?” Peter asked with an excited look spread across his featured as he hoped for some epic story.

“What? No. We, uh, slacked off and didn’t do the work she expected us to do.” Sirius explained, finding comfort in the fact that he technically wasn’t lying.

“And why do you look so happy?” James tilted his head, both suspicious and amused.

“What? I’m not happy. I just got two extra hours of detention.” Sirius defended.

Remus chuckled, “Your smiling, Padfoot.”

Sirius forced a frown, “No, no I’m not.”  

The trio laughed at Sirius’ response, causing the boy to shuffle his feet and look down at them awkwardly.

“C’mon Sirius, what’s up?” James asked, “Does it have to do with the Slytherin?”

“Her name is Y/N,” Sirius responded instinctively, cringing when he realized what he said and knowing what his friends would say next. 

Remus smirked, “Oh it definitely has to do with the Slytherin.”

Sirius cast each of his friends a dark look, “Would you all piss off!”

Only adding to his friends’ amusement, Sirius huffed and made his way to his bed announcing he was going to sleep, quickly closing the curtains around his bed without even changing out of his robes.

The truth was, Sirius didn’t want to think about what his friends were insinuating simply because he didn’t know if it was true or not. Could he really like someone like that after only one conversation? He didn’t know. What he did know was that he was unusually excited for multiple classes he’ll have on Monday. Classes that he shared with you.


Sunday was dull for Sirius. His plans for that day were to eat, study, eat, study, eat, study, and sleep. However, not much studying actually went on no matter how many times Remus reminded Sirius of the multiple tests they have in the following week.

What Sirius did do was spend a lot of time in the great hall. He arrived early for each meal and left late. It wasn’t that he was unusually hungry that day, it was that he was waiting for you.

He would be perfectly content with even a single a glance of you sitting at the Slytherin table, but you never showed up for any of the meals so Sirius was in no way content whatsoever.

After supper had come to an end, Sirius had become annoyed that he had no idea where you were. And for the same reasons, he was worried too.

“Prongs, do you have the map?” Sirius asked after dinner. For the third time that day, the Marauders were all studying in the library.

“Uh, I think I left it in the dorm on–”

“Alright, thanks!” Sirius interrupted and bolted out of the library, leaving the other three marauders confused.

Sirius had made it back to the dorm in record time, skidding to a halt in front of James’ bed where the map was lazily left.

Sirius took out his wand and recited, “I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.”

First, he checked the Slytherin common room and dorms but you weren’t there. Then he wondered if you were in the kitchens. You did skip every meal, after all, you must be hungry. It was a plausible assumption if you even knew how to get to the kitchens. But you weren’t there either. So he checked the library, maybe he walked right by you. Nope, not there either.

Sirius was beginning to get frustrated.

Did you leave the grounds? He thought, Was something wrong? Were you hurt?

And suddenly something horrible clicked in his brain. He had finally found you. Unfortunately, he found you in the hospital wing.

Remember how Sirius made it to his dorm in record time? Well, he just broke his record.

“Madam Pomfrey!” He panted, skidding to a stop at the entrance of the hospital wing. 

“Slow down, Mr. Black, or I’ll give you a de-”

“Y/N. Where’s Y/N? Y/N- uh- I don’t remember her last name, um-”

“Y/L/N,” your voice called out as you pushed the curtains around you to the side, “My last name’s Y/L/N.” 

“Lie back down Miss. Y/L/N! You need your rest!” Madam Pomfrey ordered, “Ten minutes. That’s when I’ll be back and how long you have to visit, Mr. Black. Be gone when I return, she needs her rest.” With that Pomfrey left in the direction of her office. 

Sirius mumbled a halfhearted “thank you” to Madam Pomfrey and made his way to the chair by the side of the bed you returned to. 

“I’m a bit offended. McGonagall has said my last name around you at least a dozen times and you couldn’t even remember it.” You teased. 

Sirius smirked, “Well I was kind of distracted.”

You tilted your head, a playful look in your eyes, “Oh? By what?” 

Sirius felt his cheeks heat up and he looked away. He was so off his game. 

“Anyways,” Sirius cleared his throat, “What happened?”

You sighed, hoping he wouldn’t overreact, “Death Eaters on training wheels were waiting for me. Didn’t wait five seconds after I walked in to start hexing me.”

Apparently you don’t know Sirius at all. Of course he would overreact. 

“What? They cornered you? All of them against just one? That’s just- well that’s just unfair! It’s cheating, they can’t do that! How would they like it if-”


“-me and the guys jumped each of them when they were alone? You know what? That’s a-”


“-perfect idea! Tomorrow is gonna be a day that’ll haunt them for years! I’m gonna-”

“Merlin, Sirius, stop!” You shouted, finally shutting him up, “You’re not gonna do anything. And neither are your friends.”

“But look what they did! You’ve been in the hospital wing all day!” Sirius said. 

“And I’m fine. It was just a bad stinging jinx.” You explained, maybe downplaying the situation a bit.

But Sirius wasn’t fooled, “A stinging jinx? Maybe I fell asleep in class, but I don’t remember learning about a stinging jinx that hospitalizes someone for 24 hours.”

You focused your gaze away from Sirius, fiddling with the end of your sleeves knowing Sirius would blow up again after you told him, “Well, I s’pose when seven people cast it at the same time it-”


You flinched at his shouts and quickly reached over to grab his hand in an attempt to calm him, “Of course they don’t, but it doesn’t matter right now because I’m fine.”

“Luckily,” Sirius mumbled, absentmindedly running his thumb across the back of your hand, “but there has to be some kind of retaliation.”

“There already has been. They’ve got detention for weeks.”

“That’s not enough!” Sirius exclaimed, “They could have really hurt you.”

You paused for a moment. Sirius seemed to be really
 concerned. Why would he be so concerned for someone he’d only known for a few days?

“Why do you care so much?” You asked before letting your brain process your words. 

“W-what?” Sirius stammered.

“You heard me.” 

Sirius could have sworn the room became a few degrees warmer as his throat became drier. And suddenly he was very aware of your hand resting in his own. How long has that been going on? 

Sirius brought his free hand up to loosen his collar, millions of thoughts going through his mind.

“Wait, I should’ve used the hand she’s holding. It would have given me an excuse to pull away before my hand got too sweaty. What if it was already sweaty? No, she would have pulled away. But maybe she’s too nice for that. 

“Hold on she asked a question. How long have I been quiet? I must look so weird! Just sitting, saying nothing, after being asked a question. Merlin if my hand wasn’t sweaty before it definitely was now. Pull yourself together Sirius! Your usually much cooler than this, what’s wrong with you?”

“Um, Sirius?” 

“Huh? What? Oh, sorry
” Sirius felt his face burn red. He couldn’t remember a time he was so awkward. He was so out of it, maybe he should check into the hospital wing since he was already there. 

“We’re friends.” You said suddenly, making Sirius’ head snap up so he could look in your direction. 

“What does that mean? What does that mean?” He asked himself. 

“You care because we’re friends. Friends care about each other, right? And we’re friends
 r-right?” You explained and Sirius found himself nodding excitedly. 

“Exactly! I mean, we’ve caused enough trouble to land ourselves in detention with one another. That’s basically what a friendship with me is!” 

You found yourself smiling at his response, “Well good. I’m not one to stay out of trouble.” 

Sirius raised a brow, “And what kind of trouble do you get into?”

“Little bit of this, little bit of that. I don’t particularly like trouble with Madam Pomfrey, though. It’s been much longer than ten minutes. You better get out of her before Pomfrey comes back and starts breathing fire.” 

“Your probably right, but isn’t the knight supposed to be saving the princess from the dragon, not the other way around?” Sirius smirked.

“Exactly, Princess.” You said without missing a beat, but Sirius kept it going.

“My knight in shining armor!” He winked, standing up. His smile faltered as your hand slipped out of his, but you didn’t notice because it only lasted a moment, “Get better fast, alright?”

“Oh, I’ll be better just in time to attend my classes.”

“Lucky you. I guess I’ll see you then.”

“In that case, lucky you.”

Sirius chuckled, opening his mouth to speak but was interrupted. 

“Mr. Black, what are you still doing here?” Madam Pomfrey’s voice boomed through the hospital wing. 

“That’s my cue,” Sirus saluted, speed walking away from the scene. 

The smiles you had after detention were nothing compared to your expressions now. The looks in your eyes alone could brighten someone’s day, and Madam Pomfrey seemed to notice.

“He’s awfully concerned. Very sweet of your boyfriend to come visit.” She said, trying to strike up a conversation while she checked up on you. 

“What? Oh, no no no. He didn’t even know my last name a few minuted ago so how- uh, I mean we’re not, uh, I mean we-we are just friends.” You stammered awkwardly.

“My mistake. You’ve just got that look about you. And he seems to want more as well.” Madam Pomfrey continued. 

“That’s doubtful,” you nearly snorted. Why would Sirius Black have feelings for you? You just met.

“Well, do you want more?” She asked. 

What was she? A life coach? 

“You are recovering quite well,” Madame Pomfrey changed the subject, “You’ll be able to attend breakfast in the Great Hall tomorrow.”

You nodded to show you understood, but couldn’t bring any words to leave your throat. You were too busy thinking.

Specifically, thinking about what the answer was to Madam Pomfrey’s question. And honestly? You had no idea.


Next Part
