buckyisloved - Who The Hell Is Bucky?
Who The Hell Is Bucky?

Bucky Barnes is no villain, I'll fight you if you say he is //mia//18//masterlist

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I Am Very Happy About This

I am very happy about this

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7 years ago

Missing tag: @theassetseyeliner

Epilogue will be out soon I promise!

Shattered Glass Part 4 (end)

Ship: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Warnings: Its more fluff than angsty

Summary: You and Bucky have bee together for three years now, you don’t understand how he could break your heart the way he did when you found him in your bed, but not alone.


“I’m leaving the Avengers.”


“I spoke to Steve about it. The rest of the team knows now, I packed the rest of my stuff this morning. This isn’t permanent, I just want to live a normal life.”

Bucky stared at you in shock.


“Is- is it because of me?” Bucky’s gaze on you hasn’t left since you told him you were leaving.

You shake your head and walk up to him, placing your hand on his cheek. “Of course not buck, it’s just well… after all that happened I just feel like I need to find myself. I haven’t really had the chance to move on because I see you everyday Bucky.”

A single tear drops from his face and you swipe it away. “I really fucked up, didn’t I y/n?” You cringe at the thought of Bucky being upset. You always hated seeing him distressed because he would just hide himself away.

“Please Bucky, don’t cry. It’ll only make it harder for me to leave.” You say pulling him into a warm embrace. All the sudden Bucky starts sobbing into your neck. “I know, I know buck.” You say running circles into his back.

Then he pushes away from you but locks your eyes. “No y/n you don’t know! You don’t realize how much I hate myself for what I did and how much I want to protect you from the world! Every guy you talk to every dating website you talk about with Wanda!! I can’t stand it, because I’m so deeply in love with you I would risk my life for you to be safe!”

He startled you at the point he was making, you love him so much that you just want to run into his arms and never leave him again. But you can’t.

You walk over to him and peck his cheek, “Goodbye buck…” you say before turning away.

More tears rip through his face and he brings his arm up to wipe them away.

“Please forgive me y/n.” Bucky says before pulling your elbow and twirling you in to a strong kiss. You kiss back, you can feel tears falling down your cheeks. You can taste his need for you but you pull away knowing that you’d be stuck like that forever. “Ill miss you James Buchanan Barnes.”

“I’ll miss you too Y/N Y/L/N.”

You kiss his forehead one more time before running off.

___________________ *2 years later*

You wake up bright and early to the bright sun rays in your eyes. You smile to yourself, this is the day you’re moving back into Stark Towers to be an avenger once more. You were surprised that tony didn’t even have a second thought before letting you back in.

You were so excited to see everyone, even Bucky. Since it’s been a while you assumed everything would be good terms. Maybe you’d give him a chance.

You shake your head and pack your bed up since that was the last thing you needed to put away last night.

The ride to the tower was some what stressful, as much as you were happy, you didn’t know how easy it would be to get back into the combat filled life. You had moved on to own a small book shop. Now your world was going to be so loud.

When you pulled up people rushed over to your moving truck and started unloading it and bringing things in. You were greeted by Tony Stark himself.

“Y/N darling! It’s so amazing to see you! I’m glad you’re back!” He says with his arms out wide. You slip yourself into a quick embrace and answer, “It’s good to be home tony.”

Tony started informing you that there was going to be a party held tonight in your honor for your return to the team on your walk into the building.

There stood the Natasha Romanoff herself. “Nat!!” You broke away from Tony’s side to crash into her arms.

“It’s so great to see you!!” You say still holding your hands. She agrees then flicks your arm, “We should’ve still hung out together though!” “You know how it was Nat.” “I know I’m just messing with you.”

“Not to break the slumber party but the rest of the gang would like to see you y/n.” Tony says cutting in, hooking arms with you and leading you towards the meeting room.

When you walked in everyone was sat at the table with cups of wine.

“Welcome home!!” They all shout. Almost the whole team was there, except Bucky. It confused you but you let it slide. You can yell at him later for not being there.

Throughout the small get together everyone chatted with you. Most of them said that practice was boring without you there. Whenever you would do a practice mission you would crack jokes and mess with everyone. It usually ended with Steve yelling at you.

“Steve!” You run into his strong embrace. “Y/N doll, thank god you came back! When you were gone the whole team was super lazy at practice.”

“See! I told you my jokes kept them going.” You say pushing on his shoulder.

You talk with him for a bit but then your thoughts overwhelmed you. “Hey Steve, have you seen Bucky?” His face goes flat then he smiles, “He had to go pick up his daughter from karate.”

You felt your heart ache. You make sure not to show the pain that’s consumed you. “Oh, well he better get here asap!” You say laughing and moving the conversation on.

After a few more minutes of banter you decided it was time to go to your new room.

Everyone understood, moving is a hard process.

When you got there the place was set up exactly how you wanted it. “Welcome back y/n.” Friday says blaring through your room making you jump.

“FRIDAY, I didn’t greet you I’m so sorry!” “It’s alright miss y/n, I am only a simple AI.” “Oh don’t say that, you are our family too.” “Thank you miss.”

“Still kind hearted as usual.”

The low voice makes you jump once again. Except this time it isn’t Friday, but it’s Bucky.

You turn around and see him leaning against the door frame with his dorky smile.

You blush and walk over to him, and hug him before he can react. “I’ve missed you too y/n” he says laughing, you can feel his chest vibrate.

When you separate you look up at him smirking. “So I heard that you missed the welcome back pre-party because you had to pick up your daughter from karate?” Bucky laughs and ruffles your hair. “Don’t worry, I adopted her.”

“Why would I be worried?” You say smirking and placing your hands on your hips. You felt a blow of relief.

Bucky frowns, dropping his shoulders. “Okay I was a little worried…” He quickly replaces his frown with a warms smile and quickly hugs you again.

The two of you stay like that for a bit, it wasn’t even awkward. “God I missed you.” You squeeze the back of his shirt and hug him tighter. “I did too buck.”

When you finally let him go the two of you head back to the room to find that Tony’s party had already started. “Tony still makes his parties the biggest of them all huh?” “Yeah I think he’s compensating for something.” Bucky says putting his arm around your shoulder. You laugh and lean into his warmth.

You didn’t know that you and Bucky would work out again but you might as well try.

Because god damn he was the love of your life.


I hope you guys enjoyed this story! It’s the longest and only reader pov story I’ve written! I’m sorry if it caused any feels. I kinda felt like crying writing the first part.

please if you have anything you want me to write, send in a DM or ask! <3

Leave some feedback if you want as well!

Tags: @smsimoes @a-common-name @chipilerendi

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When I First Met You I Honestly Didnt Know
When I First Met You I Honestly Didnt Know

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When I First Met You I Honestly Didnt Know
When I First Met You I Honestly Didnt Know
7 years ago

when the teacher says you can work in groups of 3

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