Bucky Barnes is no villain, I'll fight you if you say he is //mia//18//masterlist
1516 posts
I Need Some Dad!bucky .. So Here's My Request .. Dad!bucky X Single Mom!reader .. Bucky Is Sick And The
I need some dad!bucky 😢.. So here's my request .. dad!bucky x single mom!reader .. bucky is sick and the reader needs to attend a meeting so her 5 year toddler takes care of him. And surprise she calls him daddy for the first time. God that's a long ass description. Language! I know, sorry. Anyways thank you. And excuse me while i go read your pieces. 💙💙 ~Y
I will get on it as soon as possible! This is such a good idea! It may take me a bit but I promise to get it done 😁❤️
More Posts from Buckyisloved
Accent challenge for fic writers
If you get 10 ‘read it’ in your ask inbox after reblogging this post then do this:
Record yourself reading two passages from one of your favourite stories that you have written out loud and upload here!
(This is entirely @whothehellisbella idea, I just wanted to make it into a reality lol)

I’m good boy only
An invitation for the skeleton war:
Please join us on this big day. The skeletons must prepare for the fuckbois, they are coming.
Here are some of the requirements:
It's okay if you don't have any guts for this war, the skeletons don't either.
Must be prepared to roast a fuckboi
Must go "nyeah!" when attacking
Be appreciative to other skeletons and pray to the skeleton god
We need as much help as we possibly can, we will be waiting for your answer by October 31st.

All it Takes is a Week
ship: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You decided to attend an art class thinking it would be a fun and simple experience... well it was far from that.
Warnings: None yet (Creds to the owners of the gifs)

Alright, you have drawing class at 8:00 tonight! It's your first day.
You pace around your apartment getting ready and losing more patience by the minute.
"Keys. Keys. Keys?" You say searching around for your keys then find them on the counter and rush towards the door.
When you pulled into the parking lot you rushed out of your car, only to crash into a rough figure. "Jeez watch where you're going!" The tall man says, staring down at you.
"I'm so sorry!"
"You better be, you can't just run places without looking doll." The brunet says scoffing, rolling his eyes and walking into the building.
You wait a few seconds to go in so you wouldn't have to walk with the rude man and enter the building.
You finally find your art room door and open it slowly, examining the room.
Everyone was sitting at a two person desk, the kind you'd find in the science room at school.
All the seats seemed to be taken except one in the back, where the man from before is sitting.
You sigh and sit down, placing your bags to the side and turning to the man.
Just as you were about to introduce your self he speaks up, "Oh, it's you."
You lift your eyebrows at him and shake your head "Let's start over, my name is y/n." You say holding your hand out to him.
He looks at you then to your hand, hesitantly shaking it with a small smile on his face.
Your cheeks light up and you nod at him.
"Well James, it's great to meet you."
He smirks and scoffs, turning back to the teacher. "Ditto."
You sigh quietly to yourself and pull out your sketch book.
You open to the last piece you were working on and decided to keep going before class starts.

You can see James glancing over to your work and watching you intently.
You continue working and laugh slightly, "take a picture it'll last longer."
He stiffens and scratches the back of his neck. "Sorry, I just like your art style." You turn your head slightly to him, your cheeks only tinted pink. "Uh thanks, I'm actually trying something new. I usually stick with cartoons but I thought I'd give realistic drawings a try."
He nods, just about to speak up when the teacher starts calling out names for roll call.
"Y/n y/l/n?"
"Here!" You say raising your hand slightly.
"James...Buckuhnon Barnes?"
You hear a deep sigh beside you as James lifts his arm. "It's Buchanan."
"That's nice.. Natasha?" The teacher continues calling names and you let out a soft chuckle, causing James to side glare at you.
"Somethin' funny doll?"
You stop and look at him with a shy smile, "no, nothing at all."
"I thought so."
You continue to smile and put your sketch book away and listen to the teacher drone on about the techniques of drawing.
You look over to see James sketching a small drawing of a star on a sticky note.
You roll your eyes and look back at the teacher.
"We are going to be doing personal drawing presentations for our first week. The rest of the year I'm going to give you guys actual work to do. This is just a crap first grade."
You silently cheer to yourself, you love getting to draw what you want but you have been looking for some challenges.
The teacher walks around and hands everyone a single piece of sketching paper. "This is due by the end of the week class! It can be anything you want!"
The teacher then stops in the front of the room and makes a sorry looks. "Also my name is Clint. That's something I should mention right? Please don't treat me like an elderly teacher. We can all be friends alright?"
A couple of 'yeahs' string throughout the room and Clint claps his hands together.
"Now get to work!"
You sit there and start brainstorming what you can draw when it clicks in your head that James doesn't have any idea either.
"Hey I have an idea!"
The blue eyed man looks over at you "good for you y/n."
"No you can do it too! If you want to."
He seems to be intrigued and turns his chair to you. "Alright, shoot."
You grin and sit up, "let me sketch you?"
He makes a confused look and goes to refuse, "I just want to get better at realistic work, and if you let me I can buy food for you after."
He opens and closes his mouth, trying to think of what to say.
"You'll do it?" You say squeezing your hands.
He puts his finger up and to your face "on one condition."
You slouch back down and look at him and nod "what condition?"
"You will let me draw you as well... but as a superhero?"
You automatically grin at the idea and hold your hand out. "Deal."
He shakes it strongly and bits his lip. "Deal."
The class zips by and it was time to leave. You and James walk out together and stand on the sidewalk together, exchanging phone numbers.
"Alright, you can come to my place after class if that's alright, I can text you the address."
James gives you a devious smile and you smack his arm. "I mean to draw you, you dope."
He laughs and stuff his hand in his pocket and pulls out the sticky note he was doodling on earlier and hands it to you.
You look at the card and see that under the star was his number. Above it read, "sorry for almost knocking you over outside, please text me."
You giggle and push a strand of hair behind your hair, and put the note in your pocket.
"No need to apologize James, I've got to "watch where I'm going" you say mocking him.
You tilt your head to the side and look up at him. "Huh?"
"Call me Bucky." He says nervously sticking his hands in his pockets.
"Bucky? Hmm. It has a nice ring to it. I'll see you later Bucky."
You can hear Bucky catch his breath as you walk back to your car.
As you drive by you wave at the tall figure making his way to his car.
"This'll be fun." You say as you make your way home.
Thank you for reading! Please give feedback!
Roommates (Double Date)
Summary: When your friend moves out to pursue a career overseas, you find yourself sharing your apartment with a handsome stranger. Inspired by the Filipino TV series titled Single/Single [Modern AU].
Word Count: 2,928
Warnings: Mild language
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part :)

“Elena, there’s no way in hell that I’m asking him to go on this outing of yours,” you affirm for the nth time, rushing past your friend as she chases after you in the parking lot. “Why can’t you ask Jemma and Fitz to come with you guys?”
“Because she’s going to her niece’s dance recital that evening with him,” she reminds you with a huff as you pinch the bridge of your nose. “Besides, I thought the both of you were getting along already. Didn’t you guys sleep together?”
You gasp and shake your head furiously. “We did not sleep together! What the hell are you talking about?!”
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