buckyisloved - Who The Hell Is Bucky?
Who The Hell Is Bucky?

Bucky Barnes is no villain, I'll fight you if you say he is //mia//18//masterlist

1516 posts

Help Me Plz

Help me plz

There’s this video of someone doing a voiceover of a text post where someone is saying something controversial and the person reads it all out THEN they read someone’s reply and it’s just like “poo poo pee pee goo goo gaga? Ooo poo pee pee! Pee poo gaga!”

At some point one of them start like “ahhhh poo poo pee pee goo goo gaga.”

If someone can find that and send me it I will love you forever bc that video makes me cry tears of joy and I laugh hysterically and I could really use it right now 🥺🥺🙏🏼🙏🏼


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More Posts from Buckyisloved

5 years ago



I’d really appreciate this guys! Please DM me if you’re interested!

I know the price is low, Ive been told it should be higher because of what I’m doing but I feel too guilty lol

So im basically just asking for you guys to send me a picture of what you want and I will use my water color markers to create a doodle for you!

Here are some examples:


Thank you all so much!

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I’m not exactly sure about that, I really want to but I just haven’t had the urge to write

I’m sure it will be updated someday, it’s just hard for me to give you guys good content when my writers block is so strong with this story

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