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Drinking Shakes And Watching Inspirational Fatties

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Drinking shakes and watching inspirational fatties

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1 year ago

A gorgeous friend of mine. Long time stalwart of the gaining lifestyle and someone who truly started as a twink and is now verging on superchub.

Show him some love and support and he continues to grow and become the huge fat boy he has always wanted to be.

Love ya, fella.

bulkbrit - BulkBrit

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1 year ago

We’ve been sorting out stuff as we are unpacking and Chris asked if a fresh, new set of boxer shorts were mine. They are XXL so they might have mine from a few years back.

So I tried them on.

Weve Been Sorting Out Stuff As We Are Unpacking And Chris Asked If A Fresh, New Set Of Boxer Shorts Were
Get more from  Bulkbrit on Patreon
To Obesity And Beyond
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1 year ago
Feeling Nice And Plump. Now I Need To Gorge And Grow And Add Some Serious Weight

Feeling nice and plump. Now I need to gorge and grow and add some serious weight

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1 year ago

Very wise advice. The more muscle mass you have, the more blubber your body can carry and cope with.

If you are in to pure, unadulterated blubber, complete softness with zero muscle mass and immobility as quick as possible, don’t follow this advice.

If you want to keep your mobility until you get to superchub or Megachub status, do some basic exercises.

Easy home exercises include lunges (with or without weights/plastic milk bottles filled with water), squats, bicep curls, pec flys, tricep extensions. Even a regular short walk will help improve muscle tone and cardio vascular fitness.

When my Feeding Season starts on Thanksgiving I will be doing daily walks as my mobility is shocking. Admittedly mainly through pain but also because I’ve done so little exercise (or movement of any kind) over the last few months.

If you want proof you can be a superchub and do exercise look no further than SFGutmuscle. Exlifter, 600 odd pounds of gorgeous waddling obesity and walks all over the place.

And no one can say he doesn’t look damn GOOD!

•How I’ve gained weight•

I’ve wanted to make a post like this for a while now because I get the question ‘how do I gain weight’ often. Here is an outline of what I’ve been doing

-In the morning, I try to have eggs. 4 eggs scrambled with a slice of cheese is my go to. That’s 24 grams of protein right away. Add a tall glass of milk (for me chocolate milk) and boom, 30 grams of protein immediately.

-I work on the road during the year so around lunch time I would try to snack on cashews and peanut butter crackers. Once I’m off work around 2-3pm, I would try to have a burger. Literally just a plain ass burger or 2 with ketchup. Alternate that with grilled chicken or a deli sandwich with some kind of red meat. Or even full fat greek yogurt is good.

-Dinner is…dinner. Eat whatever. Pasta. Pizza. Chicken. Steak. Burgers. Tacos. Hell pb n js will do. Go nuts


•Weight Training

I weight train. Almost every day. I can tell I am ruining some of your ‘ooo fat boy is out of shape. He probably can’t do a push up’ fantasies. Very sorry but I can. I can do a lot actually. I lift weights. I do lunges. I do squats. I have a fat fucking milkshake made up simply of ice cream and milk. Not even trying with the milk either, it’s low fat. Imagine if I did whole milk? In due time 😉 but this is important. I’m not saying ‘hit the gym blimpie!’. Get some dumbbells. Work your lower body. You need to do this anyways to carry your growing body. Plus you’ll feel A LOT better…and your ass and thighs look good, win win 😃

-Midnight snack/second dinner. My go to second dinner/before bed snack is a steak and cheese grinder. I don’t have it every night but probably 3-4 times a week. Again, it doesn’t have to be red meat but protein is key.

In conclusion

I started doing this for a few reason

My job causes me to move around a good bit and I lost weight because of it. I had no muscle. I was just pure fat. I wanted to change that and have

I figured it would help fill me out a bit more. Uhhhh mission accomplished 🥵

It’s healthy. Pretty simple

Final reason. I am always trying to find the most effective weight gain regimen. This is it. At least for me it is.

I’ve gained 23 pounds since June 25th. I have to make adjustments do to my upcoming work schedule but I plan on keeping this routine for the foreseeable future and even tweaking it a bit.

-I can add protein powder, whole milk and heavy cream to my milkshakes

-I can have 2 milkshakes a day (or 3 or 4 or just a constant stream 😅)

-I will go up in weight with my weight training. Increasing weight is key, don’t do a ton of reps because that is how you cut/tone. You want to build. Only way to build is to increase the weight you lift. Don’t hurt yourself. Start low, then grow

I’m not saying this is a guarantee plan for you. Everybody is different. But this worked for me. It DESTROYED a plateau I was hitting and then some.

Side note: this was influenced by a post that I have a screenshot of but I didn’t screenshot the name of the blog and I can’t find the post. When I see it resurface, will rb

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