26 mtf she/her/her's/herself bat/bat's/batself, I'm just a hypersexual kinda gal Buy me sex toys please ;p
571 posts
I Wish They Were Bigger And Full Of Milk

I wish they were bigger and full of milk
More Posts from Bunnybaby-doll
I’m very much a , oh no! help! I’m stuck under the bed kind of puppy , definitely not wagging my ass and tail , hoping my scheme will end up with me begging and crying as the fat cock/strap pounds into my tight pussy from behind. hands gripping my waist tight and using them as leverage as they ruin my hole and fuck their hot load deep inside me while I whine and sniffle
Detailed NSFW asks!
What is your most tame kink, and why do you like it?
What is your most extreme kink, and why do you like it?
What kink are you the most embarrassed by, and why?
What kinks have you tried with other people? Did you both enjoy it?
Have you got any kinks you haven't tried yet but really want to? If so, what are they?
Did you enjoy your first sexual experience? Why or why not?
A genie has granted you 3 nsfw wishes, what are you wishing for and why?
You now have a superpower of your choice, with the condition that it must be only used sexually. What power do you have and how are you using it?
You can only perform 1 sex act for the next month, what would you pick? Why? Would that change if it was a year?
You can only receive 1 sex act for the next month, what would you pick? Why? Would that change if it was a year?
What is your favourite sex toy? How do you normally use it?
What is your go-to fantasy? Why do you think you enjoy it so much?
Do you have a favourite sexual memory? If so, what is it?
Do you have an outfit that makes you feel sexy? If so, describe it.
Would you ever make porn of yourself? Why or why not?
What type of porn do you usually prefer (pics, videos, audio, etc), and why do you prefer it?
What is your favourite nsfw compliment to receive?
What is your favourite nsfw compliment to give?
What is the funniest sexual thing that has happened to you or someone you know?
Is there anything completely non-sexual that always turns you on?
What was the best orgasm you've had recently? Why was it so good?
Do you have something sexual that you are really proud of? What is it?
Have you ever had an orgasm without meaning to? Describe what happened.
What is your perviest confession?
What is the most unusual place you have had an orgasm? What led to it?
What was the most recent not porn thing that made you horny?
Have you ever masturbated to something that was not porn? If so, what was it?
Do you have different tastes in sexual vs romantic partners? if so, what is different?
Have you ever had an inappropriate crush? What made it inappropriate?
What is your definition of having sex?
Have you ever been naked around other people in a non sexual situation? Would you do it again, and did you enjoy it sexually?
Have you ever had an orgasm in your sleep?
Describe your ideal romantic evening.
Describe your ideal sexual evening.
Describe your ideal sexual partners body.
Describe the ideal nude that someone could send you.
Describe your favourite sexual position.
Are you satisfied with your sex life? What would you change?
What sex act do you think you are best at? Describe how you do it.
Describe how you usually masturbate.
What nearby object, that is not a sex toy, would you use to masturbate with? How would you use it?
Describe your most recent sex dream.
Describe your ideal genitalia. Is it the same for your ideal partner? If not describe theirs too.
Describe your orgasms.
Describe your favourite sexual position.
Describe the most recent time you had sex.
Where on your body do you enjoy being stimulated, that is not typically used for sexual stimulation? Have you ever had an orgasm from it?
Describe your favourite nsfw body part that you have. Why is it your favourite?
What is you favourite nsfw body part on other people? Why?
Describe your body as positively as you can.
Send me your most disgusting fucked up fantasies in my ask box, and I'll rate them on a 1 to 10 scale of how likely I am to be willing to do them!
i think being ruthlessly pounded into the mattress by an older mutt would be really good for my mental health
“See, I told you my favorite girl could take it all.” (Balls deep in her tight little asshole)