bunwbun - Bun W. Bun
Bun W. Bun

Hi! I'm an 18+, aspiring African American author who hopes to be published one day!

71 posts

Can Someone Help Me Find A Fanfic? Its A BNHA One Thats Posted On AO3. It Involves Izuku Being An Ex-assassin

Can someone help me find a fanfic? It’s a BNHA one that’s posted on AO3. It involves Izuku being an ex-assassin that gets adopted by Aizawa. Izuku in this fic is selectively mute and communicates through bird-calls. He also really loves bird documentaries.

If someone can link me the name, that’d be great.

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More Posts from Bunwbun

4 years ago

I’m thinking of writing a new story wherein Izuku has a quirk that lets him turn intangible and possess people. He’s essentially like Shinso, but times 10.

4 years ago
Your Daily Reminder That Black Lives Still Fucking Matter. Casey Christian Goodson Jr. Was Mudered By

Your daily reminder that Black Lives Still Fucking Matter. Casey Christian Goodson Jr. was mudered by police on December 4th and no one is talking about it. He was shot three times in the back entering his own home. The police are not going to get any better under Joe Biden, in fact, they will continue to get worse because there will be less media scrutiny. There is little to no media coverage of this story because of that very reason. We have to keep these stories in the public eye and continue to fight to defund the police just as hard in 2021.

Here’s a link to the full story from one of the few media sources reporting it.

5 years ago
I'm Fucking Dying Someone Please Make A Pink Panther-style Crime Comedy About This
I'm Fucking Dying Someone Please Make A Pink Panther-style Crime Comedy About This

I'm fucking dying someone please make a Pink Panther-style crime comedy about this

3 years ago
The Bad Faith Attacks on Archive of Our Own Have to End
A strange and ugly discourse has reared its head on social media over fandom mothership and Hugo Award-winning website Archive of Our Own.
5 years ago

Prologue for my original AU for BNHA. Hope you enjoy.

Loss—Izuku Midoriya: Origins [Part 1]

One day long ago in Quig Quig, China, a luminescent baby was born. As time passed, this similar phenomena happened all over the world, and soon the majority of the population had obtained superhuman powers—known as Quirks. Due to this, people were now able to pursue their childhood dream of being a superhero as a profession.

But when I was four years old, I learned that not all men are created equal.

I was born quirkless, which is the word used to describe those within the twenty-percentage of the world’s population that don’t have a power.

Because of this, I was bullied by my peers, one of which being my own best friend.

At first, I was saddened by this. But, as I grew older, I didn’t let it break my spirit. I continued to study heroes and take notes hoping that maybe I could be like my idol, All Might one day.

All Might is the number one hero. He smiles no matter what when protecting people from villains.

I would always watch the video of his debut. In it, he saves over one hundred people in a span of five minutes.

It was always inspiring no matter how low I felt.

But on the night of my tenth birthday, it didn’t feel inspiring nor did his famous catchphrase ‘I am here!’ quell the fear I felt my heart at the sight of my mother being bitten by a Nekomata—a cat yokāi who inhabits cities and towns in order to find its preferred prey; Humans.

I don’t remember much from that night—and in all honesty I’m glad I don’t—but I do remember flames firing from the palm of my hand as I protected myself as best I could from the beast.

The pain filled yowls emanating from the Nekomata still echo in my head from time to time.

It took awhile for me to get the scent of burning fur, skin and ash out of my nose though.

After that, I must’ve passed out because I found myself laying in a hospital bed when I awoke. Sitting near my bed was a man who introduced himself as Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. He asked me to tell my story. I did. When I was done, he told me that he believed me when I said a Nekomata attacked and killed my mother. It was all thanks to his quirk, Human Lie Detector. It allows him to know if someone is telling the truth.

He then explained to me that my quirk manifesting wasn’t an abnormal thing, but it was a rarity. Trauma induced awakenings as he called it were special in their own right. Not that I really cared in that moment. The only thoughts that consumed me were of my mother and that Nekomata.

An hour later the Bakugo’s—family friends of ours—came to get me. I was going to be living with them from now on since my father was too busy overseas to get me himself.

Mitsuki Bakugo was my mother’s best friend. She’s middle-aged but looks younger thanks to het quirk—Glycerin. It allows her to secrete glycerin from her skin, which has a moisturizing effect that helps her maintain great skin quality.

She was quick to start fussing over me while her husband, Masaru—who’s quirk was Acid Sweat—stood by the door with a soft yet somber smile.

Their son Katsuki, or as I call him Kacchan, was beside him. A slight scowl on his face as he used his quirk—known as Explosion—to I guess drown out his mother’s voice.

Inwardly, I sighed. While it was standard motherly love that I received from Mitsuki, it wasn’t the same and never would be.


A few days went by with Mitsuki taking me shopping and getting me settled into living with them. I was put up in a mid-sized guest room that I was quick to make my own, though I didn’t have as much All Might merchandise as I did before.

Kacchan told me he’d be nice to me for awhile, but that I shouldn’t get use to it. Apparently he was only doing it because it’s something a hero would do.

He still bothered me about quirkless status, though once I showed him my fire, he clammed up. Still there was a smoldering anger in his crimson eyes as he watched me move it about.

Naomasa came by at the end of the week to check on me. He was happy to know that I was enjoying my time at the Bakugo’s. But before he left, he slipped me a card.

“Your quirk isn’t what it seems,” He said, face and tone stern. “It’s something far more powerful. Go to this address when you get a chance. The man there will tell you everything you need to know.”


That afternoon I followed Naomasa's advice and headed to Hajime Dojo. It was a quaint building situated between two shops—one for clothes another for convenient items—in Musutafu. It wasn’t flashy or anything advanced. Just a red brick building with a gray tile roof.

From the window I noticed that the floor was made up of teal colored tatami mats where a few kids that looked to be my age or a little older were doing stretches.

A man knelt at the front of the room in a white karategi, golden eyes trained on the kids before him.

He had orange hair that was lined with black stripes. This matched the rounded ears atop his head that were tipped with black and the long tail that bobbed every so often behind him.

He must have a mutation type quirk that gives him a tiger’s features. I thought, wishing I’d brought my notebook—I’m up to my sixth volume—to sketch him.

The man looked at me once I stepped inside. It was then that I noticed his eyes were hazel in color.

His stoic face was quick to break into a grin at the sight of me.

"Ah Naomasa told me I would see a new face," He said. "But I didn't think it would be this soon."

I blushed at that. I couldn't help feeling curious at Naomasa's words. What did he mean by my quirk isn't what it seemed, that it was far more powerful? That, along with many other questions, raced through my mind on both the train ride and walk over.

"I was just curious," I muttered. "If you're busy, I can come back another time."

The man let out a boisterous laugh at my words before clapping me on the shoulder. I nearly fell to my knees at the strength behind a simple gesture.

"No, no son I'm not too busy so there's no need for you to leave," He said. "Whenever Naomasa--or anyone within the police force sends someone like you to my door, I take it seriously."

"Someone like me?" I asked looking up at him once my knees stopped wobbling.

He nodded, looking to me with a small smile, before gesturing to a door at the far end of the room.

"Follow me, young one. We have much to discuss," He said. "My name's Hajime Yamamoto by the way."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya." I replied.

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