Scorpio/8th House + Sexuality
Scorpio/8th House + Sexuality
I want to get into a stranger topic because I never really see anyone cover this;
Something I’ve noticed is that we tend to associate Scorpio being the most carnal and sex driven archetype out of all the signs which I don’t think is necessarily the true connection between Scorpio/8th House and sexuality. Don’t get me wrong, Scorpio and the 8th house do define sexual expression, but on a completely different level.
I think we need to break the idea that Scorpio is the most hyper-sexual out of all of archetypes and start making the real connections to placements that do symbolize or allude to hyper-sexuality. The amount of times I see posts implying that a Mars in Scorpio is the “kinkiest” placement followed by posts of someone who identifies as asexual complaining that being born under the sign of Scorpio didn’t make them sex-crazed. Well, if you know a thing or two about astrology, you would know there is always more to the picture.
Scorpio is not pleasure driven. Scorpio is driven by soul intimacy; just how close can two souls get? How close can you get to death without leaving your mortal self? Scorpio sees sexual expression as a conquerable death. The so-called “lust” that tempts Scorpio is just a yearn for transformation. Scorpio has rulership over sexuality because it understands intimacy on a far less carnal level; a soul level. One must also keep in mind that the 8th house is one of the three soul houses, therefore it has no rulership over materialism (aside from accumulated materials). In fact, the 8th house does not actually have rulership over intercourse, although it does rule over intimacy, that intimacy being on a spiritual plane. It does not rule the act, but rather the expression. You have to look to the 5th house for sensuous enjoyments, physical pleasure, promiscuity, and sexual intrigue. Another thing to consider about the 8th house is that it comes after the house of partnership (7th) meaning the 8th house does not symbolize meaningless pleasure. It symbolizes connections one has with people that are profound and deep; soul bonded connections. Anything casual, meaningless, or “just for fun” is always put into the 5th.
For your curiosity, here’s some notes on placements that effect one’s sexuality (feel free to send an ask on any of this because I’m not really going to elaborate too much on this post);
The 8th House;
-Sun in the 8th house can symbolize a deep connection through intimacy; like a profound awakening through being intimate with another soul.
-Moon in the 8th house can be similar to the Sun placement, but this is the perfect representation of someone who favours an emotional bond over sex.
-Mercury in the 8th house verbally communicates about intimacy.
-Venus in the 8th house can be sensual, but lazy. Expects the deep connection to come to them rather than they go searching for it.
-Mars in the 8th house symbolizes high sexual energy. It can also symbolize strife in that area (especially if afflicted); however that strife manifests could depend on a lot of things.
-Jupiter in the 8th house can symbolize great desire and exploration for intimacy. Easily could be labelled as one of those “high sex drive” placements, but the fantasies driven here are more about ‘soul’ intimacy, whether the individual consciously knows that or not.
-Saturn in the 8th house will likely do the opposite of Jupiter. There can be fear of intimacy or difficulty understanding its importance. Attitude towards sex may need some improvement as Saturn teaches lessons in whatever house its placed in.
-Uranus in the 8th house can make an individual sexually impulsive.
-Neptune in the 8th house makes for profound experiences in intimacy. Loses self in intimacy and fantasy.
-Pluto in the 8th house makes for the greatest appetite and desire for understanding and experiencing intimacy. Could symbolize obsession.
The 5th House;
-The 5th house defines a person’s turn ons and carnal knowledge.
-The sign in which the 5th house cusps, aspects to, and planets in the 5th house can give you some hints to someone’s turn ons. The sign and house Mars sits in as well as aspects to Mars can also give you hints to a person’s turn ons.
-Mars, Jupiter, or Pluto can symbolize a higher sex drive whereas Saturn does the opposite (Especially if Neptune afflicts Saturn, there can be some confusion on the topic of sex).
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More Posts from Burningrebelsworld
Your reading seems so intense compared how he doesn't show it, but other readers said the same things which confuses me. The situation is that we are classmates and I crushed on him since school began but he was always cold to me so I never confessed, somehow he found out and told literally everyone he knew. There things get weird bc he always looks at me, tells me what to do, sometimes yells at me in class in like a teasing tone. My friend then said that I have a boyfriend and yeah. BUT I DO NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Tbh w the DČ guy i feel a really close connection I really don't know what's pulling me towards him. For the men that will help me through my spiritual awakening is really accurate since everyone told me that so now I'm waiting. There is this one guy who texted me on accident today and I feel we might start talking now on. Thank you alot <3
I'm soooo glad the reading resonates with you!
Whenever you're asking same question to multiple tarot reader's, take a break so the energies can be interpreted without hassle!
It was lovely reading for you ✨🥺
Remember that you're a bad bitch and you deserve better 💕💖

Hi there!! I wanna take part in your exchange reading!!
I choose the questions- how will you meet your fs and your first impressions of them!!💖
So here's your reading!!🍒💕
How will you meet them!!
Its like you have hoped to meet them for a long time. It's a wish upon a star. You will meet them when you are healing from your past addictions of some sort. Healing past patterns and cycles. They might be your friend or child hood friend too. They could be someone from your past. You have kind of manifested this person in your life. Do you have an Aquarius Venus or 7th house. Or Venus in air houses. It's that kind of vibes. You will have a string friendship with your fs and they will be like a best friend to you. You will meet them after creating some sort of balance in your life. You will meet them after getting out of some sort control or a controlling environment. Something that wasn't healthy and something that was addictive. That's when your future spouse will find its way to you. When you take a leap of faith or just start going with the flow in life while having faith in the universe too. Maybe somewhere near water.
🍒Your first impressions of them!!🍒
Again it feels like a childhood friend of yours!! This is so cute. And if not then, you will see them as charismatic, charismatic, childlike and bubbly. They seem as someone who is very satisfied with what they have in life. They are emotionally aware and also very nurturing. They is the more sensitive and soft side of earth element that they possess. A very feminine vibe to them. Like they are intune with their emotions and they have a lot of faith in life. They are some who loves to party and meet people. They jolly and happy vibes. They are very carefree and you will see them that way. Overall someone who is exited about life and someone you feel comfortable around. I feel like you already know them. Or they have been in your life for a very long time.
I hope this resonates with you!!💖
My Sun sign is Aquarius. And initials- Aashi 🌻, loves her phone, quiet, curly hair. Taurus Rising, Cancer Moon 🌙, loves talking to the moon, loves Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift and V.
Thankyou so much for this!! Have a great day!! bye!!💖
Hi Aashi ✨ I love your name and your energy, oml, you seem like a sweet person! And hey, I'm a huge fan of Olivia Rodrigo and Taylor Swift too wohoo! Fun fact: I'm a Taurus sun myself 🥺
Thank you for the beautiful reading!
How will you meet your FS?
To start off, I see you being very emotionally wounded when your FS enters your life. I see you extremely burdened too. Something could be resurfacing at that time (for deep healing) and you could shutting the door on your emotions. Idk why but you seem very emotionally distant 😐 the way I see it. You would be extremely disinterested in love and romance, and all the "clichë" stuff but heyyyyy, the cliches are cliches for a reason :P You could be very focused on your career, not paying any attention to other areas of your life. I see you burning out though. You could lose contact with your friend's at this time and isolate yourself a little? I see you being kinda unhappy with your job/studies too. Idk why but I'm getting very resistant energy from you. A friend might drag you out for an outing, this could be anywhere. A cafe, a trek, a casual hangout idk, and you're gonna wanna dodge it but I see that you'll give in ultimately and join your friend??? (Is she a stubborn taurus ♉😂) This is where you could meet your FS! As far as the signs are concerned, I'm leaning more towards gemini and Aquarius. They could love to debate or could be extremely good at it? They could've won a lot of medals too 🏅 A smarty pants 👖
Your first impression of your FS
He'll be someone who is very intelligent oof, extremely hot and witty! Quick witted, great sense of humor, sarcastic asf, might have a comeback for everything! He's gonna charge forward very quickly, fr! He could walk upto you and strike a conversation, I see it being a mentally stimulating conversation. I'm getting very airy vibes. He could be an air sign fosho! He'll know how to keep a conversation going. Either one of you is a sapiosexual. His communication skills could turn you on 🥵I see you taking a step back and being like "OMG 👁️👄👁️" You won't see it coming at all! You're gonna feel like it was worth the "hangout" hahha. For some reason, i get that you're gonna notice this person but you'll turn your back to them? It's almost like they come off too strong (cocky perhaps) and you're like nawwwww, rejected 🤨 But you see a softer, more caring side of them later. They'll spoil you. They're gonna wanna treat you. Plan suprises for you etc. I also get that they're wealthy, side note. And the way they see you, they think you're extremely hardworking, ambitious, goal oriented but you have a lot on your plate. You overwork yourself and you bite more than you can chew. However, they don't fail to notice your beauty. They think you have a fragile frame. They notice your curves??? They wonder what holding you in their arms would feel like (18+ 😐😳). You are going ignore them at the first meeting (even though they continue to spark your interest/debate a lil and they think it's hawt) haha. I think I lost the track of your question here, sowwie haha. I see you finding him interesting, but at the same time being confused. "I like him but.... " so yeah, you're gonna have mixed feelings. Once you get to know him, you're gonna feel like you kinda 'judged a book by its cover' tho.
Thanks for participating! I'll drop the feedback in your asks 😃 I hope the reading resonates with you ✨🥺🥰
How are you?
I would love to participate in your exchange reading.
How will I recognize my FS?
For you it seems like you would already have a massive crush on this person. But the build-up would be slow. Maybe you will hesitate to confess but I'm getting a very excited energy from this. When you see your person from a distance you will be totally into that person. "What's a fs? I don't care about the future"
From the energy I'm getting, you will not even think about the past or the future at that time. You really want to strike up a conversation and just talk and talk and talk with person. I'm seeing you two finally opening up but this will take effort from your side. Your person is cute and they use a lot of hand gestures. You will fond this habit adorable. I must say I'm getting a simp energy. But here's the twist. Are you into intellectual >> beauty?? Because once you two become close and finally start *dating* I'm sensing a tower moment. This person is not what you thought they would be. All your opinions about them will crumble down. When you are really together with them, that's when you'll realize who they really are and then my friend you'll realize that you want to spend every freaking minute of your life together with this person.

I hope you liked this reading. Please do leave a feedback :)
My initials are a.s. , 20, leo sun
Thank you
Hey there! :)
I'm doing well, thanks for asking! I hope you're keeping well too 🌻
Thanks for participating ✨✨
How will you recognize your FS?
I see that your FS is a chivalrous gentleman. He's a romantic at his core (lucky you 🥺) He's going to enter your life out of the blue, and sweep you off your feet. I see him being extremely charming and attractive. He would also be very sensitive and intuitive (I'm getting INFP). He could invite you over to a party or take you out on a date (a lunch date specifically, or a movie date followed by lunch) to please you. He could also get you flowers, open the door for you, pull the chair etc. He's a sweetheart awww. I see him being in a carefree energy when he meets you.
He's gonna be very passionate about life and what he's doing to keep himself happy. He's a happy-go-lucky person and very adventurous. He'd be very spontaneous and your dates could be unplanned most of the times. The kind to drive at your place and ping you to pick a bag and hop in for a hike haha. Could have air and fire placements (moon sign could be watery tho/venus sign).
I see you both embodying very different energies when your paths cross. You would be in a defensive energy and you'd have your walls up. You would turn your back to him/turn his offer down in some way because you're so guarded and hurt 💔 You could've got your heart broken before meeting him and you'll be slowly coming out of the pain, therefore, you'd not be very open to a playful and laid back energy.
I see him putting in legit efforts to help you open up though. I see him driving you to a mountainside or a lakeside???? He'll want to spend time with you alone to get to know you. He'll want you to share your problems with him. He'll be there when you need him, very gentle and patient with you. He's gonna wanna take a leap of faith right after your first date (you might not even consider it to be a date haha stop this is hilarious) 😂 slow burner ;)
However, I see you letting your guard down and warming upto him. I got the queen of cups. You're gonna let him see your softer, more nurturing side. You are a softie, but you're very picky who gets to witness that side of you. It's nothing but a defense mechanism. Your FS will help you transition from the queen of swords energy to the queen of cups energy, all with love and perseverance. That's how you'll recognize him. He'll care about you, and he'll want to support you in every way 🥺✨
Please reverse the gender(s) as they apply and take what resonates 💖 Don't forget to leave a feedback if you like the reading ✨❤
P.S. I've dropped a feedback in your asks 😃
Hi! I hope you’re doing well. My initials are A.D. and my sun sign is Cancer
What you need to know about your FS
- Based on my intuition, your FS might be in a bit of a toxic relationship right now. I have this gut feeling your he/she is probably in their first relationship…if not then it’s probably one of the first. It might be ending soon which will unfortunately cause your FS to stop dating for a while. This is where you come in the picture. It won’t be an easy path but you’ll get through your FS and it will all be worth it. If this resonates, my advice would just be to never give up. You’re definitely the one.
Now I would like to ask for a book summary about me and my future spouse. Keep it detailed as much as possible.
Anywaysss thank you very much :)
Hey there 🦄 Thanks a bunch for participating⭐
Feedback for my reading ✨
I'm not sure if he's in a toxic relationship, but I hope he learns all the lessons he has to before entering my life. I don't mind a hard road but I hope he meets me halfway. I'm not bending backwards for anyone. ☺Thanks for the reading!
Book summary about you and your FS
I see that your relationship will your FS will progress in leaps and bounds. The relationship will be very action-oriented. You will meet him when you get out of a relationship or relocate for job Or further studies. You both are enthusiastic people but you could judge each other harshly because of your egos. I did not get a single cup card, you will have to learn to be patient with each other and be gentler with one another in this relationship. Your FS could be a go-getter. You both like to be in charge and have things done their way, and this could lead to power struggle. However, this is an abundant union. It'll open doorway to wealth and prosperity. You both are a perfect match (I got the king and queen of pentacles) yay 😁
I hope the reading resonates with you. Please drop a feedback if it does ✨ 💕💖
“You are going to break your promise. I understand. And I hold my hands over the ears of my heart, so that I will not hate you.”
— Catherynne M. Valente, Deathless