Hi! This Is My Feedback From Your Reading. Also Thank You Very Much .
Hi! This is my feedback from your reading. Also thank you very much 😊.
Okay so your reading kinda scared me tbh. Mostly because I actually liked someone with the same qualities that I didn’t want to like because of his straightforward personality, big ego, and the way he literally flirts with every girl. That is the reason why I have officially made it my mission to get rid of my feelings and it was very hard.
I actually have managed to convince myself that I don’t like him for good and recently I started crushing on someone else. Someone not as intense.
Another scary thing is that I might relocate to his workplace for good 👀 I might have gotten an offer…
Overall your reading does resonate a lot tho.
Good job 🙂
Don't ever stay in a relationship that doesn't resonate with you. You are in charge of your life, boo. You don't owe anyone anything. When you spot the red 🚩 tie your shoes and run 🏃💨to the hills 🗻💕

fourletterlipservice liked this · 2 years ago
More Posts from Burningrebelsworld
Your reading seems so intense compared how he doesn't show it, but other readers said the same things which confuses me. The situation is that we are classmates and I crushed on him since school began but he was always cold to me so I never confessed, somehow he found out and told literally everyone he knew. There things get weird bc he always looks at me, tells me what to do, sometimes yells at me in class in like a teasing tone. My friend then said that I have a boyfriend and yeah. BUT I DO NOT HAVE A BOYFRIEND. Tbh w the DČ guy i feel a really close connection I really don't know what's pulling me towards him. For the men that will help me through my spiritual awakening is really accurate since everyone told me that so now I'm waiting. There is this one guy who texted me on accident today and I feel we might start talking now on. Thank you alot <3
I'm soooo glad the reading resonates with you!
Whenever you're asking same question to multiple tarot reader's, take a break so the energies can be interpreted without hassle!
It was lovely reading for you ✨🥺
Remember that you're a bad bitch and you deserve better 💕💖

How are you?
I would love to participate in your exchange reading.
How will I recognize my FS?
For you it seems like you would already have a massive crush on this person. But the build-up would be slow. Maybe you will hesitate to confess but I'm getting a very excited energy from this. When you see your person from a distance you will be totally into that person. "What's a fs? I don't care about the future"
From the energy I'm getting, you will not even think about the past or the future at that time. You really want to strike up a conversation and just talk and talk and talk with person. I'm seeing you two finally opening up but this will take effort from your side. Your person is cute and they use a lot of hand gestures. You will fond this habit adorable. I must say I'm getting a simp energy. But here's the twist. Are you into intellectual >> beauty?? Because once you two become close and finally start *dating* I'm sensing a tower moment. This person is not what you thought they would be. All your opinions about them will crumble down. When you are really together with them, that's when you'll realize who they really are and then my friend you'll realize that you want to spend every freaking minute of your life together with this person.

I hope you liked this reading. Please do leave a feedback :)
My initials are a.s. , 20, leo sun
Thank you
Hey there! :)
I'm doing well, thanks for asking! I hope you're keeping well too 🌻
Thanks for participating ✨✨
How will you recognize your FS?
I see that your FS is a chivalrous gentleman. He's a romantic at his core (lucky you 🥺) He's going to enter your life out of the blue, and sweep you off your feet. I see him being extremely charming and attractive. He would also be very sensitive and intuitive (I'm getting INFP). He could invite you over to a party or take you out on a date (a lunch date specifically, or a movie date followed by lunch) to please you. He could also get you flowers, open the door for you, pull the chair etc. He's a sweetheart awww. I see him being in a carefree energy when he meets you.
He's gonna be very passionate about life and what he's doing to keep himself happy. He's a happy-go-lucky person and very adventurous. He'd be very spontaneous and your dates could be unplanned most of the times. The kind to drive at your place and ping you to pick a bag and hop in for a hike haha. Could have air and fire placements (moon sign could be watery tho/venus sign).
I see you both embodying very different energies when your paths cross. You would be in a defensive energy and you'd have your walls up. You would turn your back to him/turn his offer down in some way because you're so guarded and hurt 💔 You could've got your heart broken before meeting him and you'll be slowly coming out of the pain, therefore, you'd not be very open to a playful and laid back energy.
I see him putting in legit efforts to help you open up though. I see him driving you to a mountainside or a lakeside???? He'll want to spend time with you alone to get to know you. He'll want you to share your problems with him. He'll be there when you need him, very gentle and patient with you. He's gonna wanna take a leap of faith right after your first date (you might not even consider it to be a date haha stop this is hilarious) 😂 slow burner ;)
However, I see you letting your guard down and warming upto him. I got the queen of cups. You're gonna let him see your softer, more nurturing side. You are a softie, but you're very picky who gets to witness that side of you. It's nothing but a defense mechanism. Your FS will help you transition from the queen of swords energy to the queen of cups energy, all with love and perseverance. That's how you'll recognize him. He'll care about you, and he'll want to support you in every way 🥺✨
Please reverse the gender(s) as they apply and take what resonates 💖 Don't forget to leave a feedback if you like the reading ✨❤
P.S. I've dropped a feedback in your asks 😃
Hello, here for the exchange, for you I picked “How will I meet my future spouse” I immediately got crowded, public place, maybe like a party? Or a Anyways, you’ll be surrounded by your family and friends, someone will be nervous to approach.I heard “Lights” and I feel like the person that’s nervous to approach will introduce themselves first. Or it could be a cookout and your future-spouse gets introduced to you by family or friends. They’ll be staring a lot.
My question isHow will I recognize my FS?
Initials-Sun sign- Leo, and A.T
Have a good day🤎
Hey there! :)
Thank you so much for participating in the exchange! I hope you're keeping well!
Your fs is being represented as a man of power. He is very ambitious and high up in his career whenever guys meet. He might come off as cold and distant initially, but that's because he doesn't express his emotions upfront. He needs time to warm up to people. However, he's a man of authority and is a leader of some kind. He could have very soft hair. That wanted to come through. As far as how you'll recognize him, I seee that you'll have a lot of options when it comes to potential partners and you'll face confusion when it comes to recognizing him. Too many people interested in you romantically. This could lead to a major heartbreak because I'm seeing that you would pick the wrong person hoping it's your FS, but that will not be the case. It could also be a false twin (if you do believe in twin flames). The relationship is a significant one because it's meant to teach you discernment and all about true love. Watch out because your FS will not be flaky or make false promises. He won't lead you on and ghost you later. He'll follow up and keep his word. Spirit's advise to you: Watch out for red 🚩, don't idealize anyone, do not romanticize toxicity and ground your energy. :)
Feedback for my reading ✨
You were bang on about the meeting taking place in a crowded place, I get that a lot. I don't know how much I enjoy being stared at, but thank you for mentioning that XD
I hope your reading resonates with you. Take what resonates and leave the rest. Have a good day! 💕
How will your FS show their love for you? Let me show you.
Pile 1 -> The young girl
Pile 2 -> The lover
Pile 3 -> The Chinese man

TW: toxic relationship, violence.
Ten of Wings – Nine of Wings – The Sun – The Devil – Seven of Gems.
The way your future partner loves is complicated. Your future partner will love you disproportionately and almost, reaching toxic levels. This person will be obsessed with you, he will want you only for himself; up to twisted levels.
At first it will be difficult for him to show his love as it is too big to be taken as normal. What he really wants is to make you happy, you are the light of all his days and he would hate it if something bad happened to you. That is why he will always be protective and complacent with you.
Your partner will also be codependent and jealous, so much so that he himself will be frustrated and will not understand his own feelings. Your partner's love language is acts of service; and will act like this:
Your partner will protect you and try to seduce you into staying with him through carnal touch and the art of sex. This person will wipe your tears aways if you have any problems and he Will always stick up for you. It is a very loyal love, very lonely too. He wants to make you happy and would do anything to get it.
This person is probably not the partner you expect in the future, so you will have to keep an open mind if you want to find them. He is not a soulmate, he is not an ideal match. There is a feeling of obsession, it is a dark and twisted love, it is not for everyone.
Channeled messages: Celoso of Lele Pons. Anthony and Kate from The Bridgertons. Yandere partner. Black t-shirts. Summer. Virgo, seventh house, moon. Wands. Storms.
Princess of Roses – Justice – Nine of Wings- Strength – Five of Gems.
The future partner of this pile will be affectionate. Yor fs love language will be skinship, physical touch. There will be touches, kisses, hugs. Your partner will love to show their love for you by treating you like a princess who needs joy and positivity every day. You both will always try something new, and you will have many adventures: fun dates, discovering new things together, even adopting a pet together...
Your partner will also try to make you understand that you have nothing to lose with him. That he will always be loyal to you. Another of his love languages is that of trust and loyalty. He will always be fair to you, he will always be honest, and he would never make an important decision without consulting you. Some of you must suffer from anxiety or some OCD, so your partner will understand it and will try that you never suffer from for he.
Your partner is willing to be the strongest base or pillar, so that you can lean on him if you need it. He will never fail you. His love is so loyal that your relationship will soon lead to a strong and lasting commitment, to a successful marriage.
His greatest language is loyalty.
Channeled messages: Pretty smile. Pale face. Lot of handholding. Hats. Pisces, 1st house, Pluto. Blonde hair for the female. Flowers as roses or daisies. Pets. Tiger. Music and the infinite sign.
PILE 3.- The Chinese man
The love language of this pile is change. The biggest and deepest love language of your partner will be the change and loyalty to you in a transformation.
When you get into the relationship there will be a transformation, your love for him will change you for the better; and from that moment you will dedicate yourself to building a new life together. You will share many experiences and adventures. Above all, I think you would like to spend time together creating with your hands, painting, carpentry, playing wooden instruments... (Quality time love language).
Another of his languages will be the empathy and the capacity for analysis and perspective that he has towards you. Your future partner is intelligent and will always try to put himself in every position inside his head to offer you the best advice and solutions. This is their way of protecting you. (Words of affirmation).
Your future partner will not face danger for you, if not, he will destroy it even before it has a chance to appear. He will always think about how to put you in a position where you will be happy and safe.
Your partner will always remind you that you deserve to be loved with their strong magnetic pull towards you.
Channeled messages: Glasses. Ghost (the movie). Crocked smile. Freckels. Skinny limbs. Striped t-shirts. Nature. Red jacket. Learning together. Gemini, sun. 5th house.
Hey! I will like to participate in your exchange reading!
For you I will be answering which fictional character does you future spouse represent?
I don’t know why but once I started thinking for you I channelled your future spouse to be similar to superman in a sense there is a duality in their personality on one hand they may seem really gentleman, intelligent and geeky types but on other times they may seem like a force to be reckoned with. Regardless, your future spouse seems like a generous and charitable human who thinks about welfare of other people. But anyway for some reason I channel a duality in their personality or they are just mysterious which always makes you discover something new about them.
I would like you to answer how will I recognise my fs? For me.
My initials are H.T. and aries sun.
Thank youu!! 💖💖
Hello there! 😻
I hope you're doing well! Thank you so much for participating!
Feedback for my reading
I love how you picked up on the duality and mysterious nature. I've been told that he'll keep me on my toes (well, I love that because my gemini mercury gets bored very easily). Generous and philanthropic? Gosh! I wanna meet this man already. I'd love me a Superman in human form haha. Thank you for answering such a fun question🙋
Now onto your reading,
How will you recognize your FS:
Your FS is someone who is very vocal about his beliefs. He could love studying politics, law and subjects like sociology (I'm getting the book Animal Farm). He likes observing how the society works, and he'd be very annoyed by casteism, racism, homophobia etc. He could be an activist of some sort. He wants to be the face of a cause. He wants to contribute towards equality. He's very diplomatic too. He doesn't believe in violence. He knows how to kill with kindness. He's very thoughtful, intelligent, just and fair. He does everything with zeal and zest. I see him enjoying prayer too. He could be into meditation🧘♀️💭 He misses his guides hints tho 🙄 Haha I don't know if he's just dipping his toes into spirituality or is really into it the way we believe it :P Moving on, you're gonna recognize him after some sort of an emotional awakening. I see you coming to the realization suddenly. He'll do something to awaken your emotions and feelings and thats when you'll recognize him. His soul. It's like until yesterday you saw him as a friend and didn't want to take it any further but today you see him in an entirely different light. Ngl, you would be very naive and ignorant of this connection 😭but I see a transformation taking place. A spiritual transformation, you may call it. You're gonna feel very intense emotions for him (do you have scorpio placements) they're gonna be activated. You'll feel very attached to him, almost obsessive, it could scare you how much you can feel for a person.
Side note: You could be in a long distance relationship at first/he could be at a physical distance from you. I see him being very generous with his time tho. He's gonna wanna make it work even though the timezones are so different! Cute. :')