bvz1800 - Untitled

375 posts

Bvz1800 - Untitled - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

i asked my sister to get some pics of our cats since im at university and im going insane over what she sent

I Asked My Sister To Get Some Pics Of Our Cats Since Im At University And Im Going Insane Over What She
I Asked My Sister To Get Some Pics Of Our Cats Since Im At University And Im Going Insane Over What She

the sinister sniler and the slovenly sitter

5 months ago
As Promised, A Very Quick Bagginshield Drawing~

As promised, a very quick Bagginshield drawing~

5 months ago

“don🦍t believe anything your brain tells you after 9 pm” wrong. the prime time for decision making is when you🦍re sleep deprived

^example of what life would be like if we used gorillas instead of apostrophes

5 months ago

an attempt to use a different kind of color pallete than im use to

An Attempt To Use A Different Kind Of Color Pallete Than Im Use To
5 months ago
Thoth And The Chief Magician, 1925. Evelyn Pau

‘Thoth and the Chief Magician’, 1925. Evelyn Pau

5 months ago
I Have Tears In My Eyes

I have tears in my eyes

5 months ago
This Post's Hypothetical By Itself Is Already Ridiculous But The Thing That Gets Me Is How The Wording

this post's hypothetical by itself is already ridiculous but the thing that gets me is how the wording implies two very funny things that become funnier in tandem

1. "Accidentally, the pitcher tosses a Christian baby" means this is a mistake on the pitcher's part. i imagine the pitcher is breastfeeding on the field and they pitch and they look down at their hands and they see the ball still in the glove and they go "fuck"

2. hitting the baby will still win you the game

5 months ago
Takes Psychic Damage

takes psychic damage

5 months ago
Im Gonna Be Honest, I Watched The Menu Last Night And All That Been On My Mind Since Then Is Getting

Im gonna be honest, i watched The Menu last night and all that been on my mind since then is getting a cheeseburger

5 months ago

House starts asking Wilson a lot of questions out of nowhere. Naturally, Wilson assumes they've got something to do with House's patient, so he answers genuinely every time

And a lot of these questions don't seem to have any obvious medical relevance, and House doesn't really ask follow-up questions about the answers, but that doesn't stop Wilson from trying to figure it out

"Do you rehearse what you're going to say before you make a phone call?" Sure, maybe House wants to know if his patient's phone-call anxiety and rituals are typical behaviour or enough of an outlier to be a symptom. (Wilson answers yes, that he has a script he uses whenever he talks to patients, calculated to come across as the most empathetic and caring he can be)

"What do you value most in a friendship?" Is someone giving House a hard time about why Wilson puts up with him? (Wilson answers this one sarcastically at first, but House keeps looking at him so he gives a real answer, that he values not having to mask around House. He doesn't have to perform his persona of Friendly Doctor Wilson)

"Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?" Maybe that's a repeat of House's patient who thought a cat could predict death

"What if anything, is too serious to be joked about?" Someone must've called House out for making insensitive jokes

He rationalises all of them, but it's only after House asks a question that sounds so un-Houselike and strange that he looks it up and realises where House has been finding these questions: he's been working his way through the list of 36 questions to fall in love

When Wilson confronts him about it, House says that he wanted to prove these questions were bullshit, that they don't work (and, secretly, House wouldn't have complained if it worked, if it made Wilson feel the same way House does)

HOUSE: I've asked you all 36 questions now, and it's not like you're in love with me, right?

[Wilson's face does Something™]

HOUSE: No. No! They don't work, they're made up. The only way you'd be in love with me now is if you were in love with me before—

Which is how these losers realise how long they've been mutually pining for each other

Something something and then they kiss

5 months ago
Uncle Barry's Smiling Lessons
Uncle Barry's Smiling Lessons
Uncle Barry's Smiling Lessons

uncle barry's smiling lessons

5 months ago
Stanford Pines And His Brother Stanley
Stanford Pines And His Brother Stanley

Stanford Pines and his brother Stanley

5 months ago

every few months i forget the name of my favorite painting of all time and have to google twinky guy bare chest doctor look at

Every Few Months I Forget The Name Of My Favorite Painting Of All Time And Have To Google Twinky Guy
5 months ago

I just reada really good fic but halfway through I realized "oh shit this is really familiar.... didn't I write something like this once?" And as I kept reading I kept predicting what happened next and the further I went the more convinced I was that they'd ripped off my story-

like, copied the ENTIRE plot and re-written it, just better than I had? The characters were more fleshed-out than mine were, and the POV was more interesting, and the pace made more sense- but it was MY STORY?

So close to the end I was like "holy shit.. do I message them? Ask if my story inspired theirs? Should I be angry? Flattered?" Cause their tags and description didn't mention me AT ALL, which, sure, it's fanfiction to begin with, but if you're using my work than at least credit me as inspo, right? Just to be courteous?

But I get to the end of the final chapter, and it's not finished, and I'm kind of disappointed cause I never finished my story and I was really immersed in their version now and had been looking forwards to seeing how they tied up my loose ends- so I scroll to the bottom to leave a comment, and.

It's MY URL.



In *2013*.



And I'm just sitting here now staring into space thinking about every shitty story I've ever written now like


I Just Reada Really Good Fic But Halfway Through I Realized "oh Shit This Is Really Familiar.... Didn't


I Just Reada Really Good Fic But Halfway Through I Realized "oh Shit This Is Really Familiar.... Didn't


5 months ago

i hate when people call me on the phone like this is for my mom only....

5 months ago
Your Lingering Presence.
Your Lingering Presence.
Your Lingering Presence.
Your Lingering Presence.

Your lingering presence.

5 months ago
bvz1800 - Untitled
5 months ago
Club Xile, 10.28.08
Club Xile, 10.28.08
Club Xile, 10.28.08
Club Xile, 10.28.08
Club Xile, 10.28.08
Club Xile, 10.28.08

club xile, 10.28.08


5 months ago
Inside Me There Are Two Wolves

inside me there are two wolves

the one is gay for falin

the other one is gay for falin too

I'm so gay for falin 🥹🙏

5 months ago
bvz1800 - Untitled
5 months ago
Preview Because I'm Really Into This Face

preview because I'm really into this face 👼

5 months ago
Eugh..!! Pleugh.. Cough Cough.. Eugffh.. Bleugjh.... Ptoo...

eugh..!! pleugh.. cough cough.. eugffh.. bleugjh.... ptoo...

5 months ago


5 months ago
It's A Huge Shame I Missed Her Because He Would Have LOVED A Pet That Talks Shit Back
It's A Huge Shame I Missed Her Because He Would Have LOVED A Pet That Talks Shit Back

It's a huge shame I missed her because he would have LOVED a pet that talks shit back