cakemixkookies - Havenfield.

"We are such stuff / As dreams are made on, and our little life / Is rounded with a sleep" writer| she/her masterlist

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Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon a Time (jjk)

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)

❦ synopsis: Caught between a rock and a hard place, Queen Areum will do whatever it takes to protect her kingdom even if it means marrying the Valeris Tribe's Chief and welcoming the enemy through the front door. Chief Jeon makes claims of working towards peace between the kingdom of Jnaria and the Valeris Tribe but is it all a ploy to exact revenge?

❦ pairing: jeon jungkook x named OC (Song Areum)

❦ word count: 3, 391 words

❦ warnings: violence, fictional war, mentions of minor character death, child slavery, murder, mentions of kidnapping and people going missing. (If I missed any warnings let me know, this story is going to be kind of dark and it would have been a genuine mistake if i left out any warnings out ;-;)

❦ genre: tribal au, royal au, fantasy au, angst, fluff

❦ author's note: I may or may not have bitten off more than I can chew with this story but we'll see how it goes. I love these characters, this story idea and really wanted to take a chance and see if I could bring the idea to life so please tell me how I did! Depending on what the feedback is to Chapter One I'll decide whether or not to continue posting the rest of the chapters however I must give fair warning I'm a slow writer and it may be a while before I finish and post Chapter Two ;-; (if I post it at all) that being said I hope you enjoy :D (unedited)

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)


“Yes, princess?”  

“If we got married, do you think you would…love me the same way mom and dad love each other?”

The boy with midnight blue wings and doe eyes whispered as pink dusted his cheeks, “I think…I already do.” 

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)

The wedding bells were rung and white rose petals were tossed into the air as those gathered at the bottom of the castle steps cheered and applauded  the newly wedded royal couple. Though past the noise Queen Areum could see the distrust and doubt in the eyes of her people. The whispers and the shaking of their heads in disappointment. 

Areum couldn’t  fault the reaction. She too would have felt betrayed if the queen married the kingdom’s enemies and linked Jnaria with the violent people of the Valeris tribe. 

For millennia the kingdom of Jnaria and the Valeris Tribe had been at war. Each year passed the losses both sides endured worsened as their desire for vengeance grew. It was not until two years ago her father, King Song Dong-hyun, made the first move towards peace and paid the price for trusting these people with his life. 

Though Areum wasn’t making the same mistake as her father. Her hands were tied and this marriage is what will save Jnaria from starvation. 

As she stood before the Tribe Leader, his hand in hers, about to be his wife, she knew they didn’t trust each other but it didn’t matter. For now her kingdom would have food to eat and water to drink for winter. 

Ever since she was a little girl, Areum foolishly dreamt of her wedding day. Dreamt of the pretty white dress and walking down the aisle to marry the man she loved. The corner of the Queen’s mouth quirked despite herself. How stupid of her to think this could be the happiest day of her life when she had always known from young, royals rarely ever marry for love. 

Marriage was strategic, calculated, cold. 

It wasn’t a promise of love but a negotiation. A marriage between the children of two kingdoms to ensure both kingdoms held their side of the bargain. 

It was a political move, a business traction wrapped in gift wrapping paper and tied together with a big bright red bow on top. 

She  knew it was foolish to think her marriage would be any different. It was foolish then and it was foolish now but she knew why she had hope. She was once promised to marry a boy whose nose scrunched when he smiled, who was kind and adventurous yet shy, who turned bright red when she teased him. The boy her eight, ten and even her nineteen year old heart was convinced it loved. Someone she knew would smile at her as she walked down the aisle. 

It was all a child’s daydream.

Though, one part of Areum’s dream did come true. 

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love.” 

They were oddly romantic vows given the circumstances but used by her family for centuries. His face was blank as he slid the ring onto her finger and his words were hollow.

He didn’t give her that bunny smile as she slid his ring on his hand but it was the same  boy she played with when they were little. The one she met by chance  and who instantly decided for the both of them she needed a friend like him. He was the tribe leader now, not the Leader’s son sneaking off to meet a princess by the border that separated their lands. 

“Do you Queen Areum take Chief Jeon Jungkook of the Valeris Tribe to be-”

“I do.” 

Before she knew it, it was nightfall and almost time for the wedding banquet at Jnaria’s castle. There were speeches and toasts by noblemen and congratulations from villagers but it was all white noise to Areum. No one from the Valeris Tribe spoke and Areum wasn’t sure if that meant none spoke the common tongue or they simply had nothing to say concerning this marriage. 

However, Areum couldn’t help but feel uneasy by the silence. She let her enemy in through the front door and now she had to make sure he didn’t stab her in her sleep.  

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)

The back and forth, pitter patter of the Queen’s footsteps echoed through the study as her advisor read out the country’s finances for the coming year while the orchestra began their performance downstairs in the ballroom. The banquet starting as guests arrived, their chatter and murmuring cutting through the gentle music. 

“How do our food and resources look for the winter?” Queen Areum asked quietly, bracing for the worst.  

“Low,” Yoongi, her royal advisor replied. His brows creased and usually neatly styled hair unkept with his eyes glued to the documents in his hands, "It’ll be a difficult period for the kingdom.”

“Any traders? I’ve sent out letters to neighbouring kingdoms but...they’ve gone unanswered.”

“I’m afraid my answer is the same as before, your highness.” No. His answer was no. It has been no for almost two years There was no denying the other kingdoms were isolating them. The other half of a bloody war that had been going on for far too long. Who wanted to go into hostile territory when they could trade where it was safer further up north?

“There’s a rumour,  a father and daughter were passing through Jnaria at night, they were caught and the Queen had their throats slit for trespassing! ”

“I heard a merchant was brave enough to trade there, he wandered into the wrong territory they say, the next day they  found his body buried in the woods…”

“I heard apparently a slave boy had run away from his master, the child was hungry and took food from someone’s plate when they weren’t looking. They said the child’s missing still ‘til this day.”

At least that was how the rumours went. They had spread like wildfire from every mouth that told the tale to every ear that was willing to listen, far and wide. It was outrageous! Ridiculous! Who would believe such foolishness? 

With no ships coming in and no merchants travelling to Jnaria, her people and her had to heavily rely on themselves while trying to recover from the last battle. 

‘Your highness, you also have to respond to King Gwan’s letter concerning his kingdom’s festival next week in honour of their harvest being bountiful,”

“You want me to attend a festival while my kingdom-'' Areum asked incredulously, baffled he'd even suggest such a thing. 

“You and your husband,”

“Yoongi, be careful what you say I’m still your Queen, you know this marriage isn’t…” 

“Yes but I’m your advisor. Let me advise you, King Gwan has offered his help again this year. It would seem ungrateful and rude for you both to not attend as King and Queen even if we don’t accept his help this time,” 

Areum fell silent. Yoongi was right, through Jnaria’s struggle the Dyson Kingdom’s king has always been kind to them and helped them in their time of need. It was the only way Jnaria was able to put together an attractive dowry for the Valeris Tribe. It would be disrespectful to not attend but to leave the kingdom like this…

“You have nothing to fear your highness, I’ll be here to look after Jnaria while you are gone.” Her royal advisor reassured her as he scanned the documents laid out on the table. 

“But what if you're in need of me..”

“Then I'll send a messenger bird immediately but I believe I am capable of looking after the kingdom for a few hours on my own."

Areum rolled her eyes though she was smiling as she teased her friend, ”You sound very sure of yourself Advisor Min,”

“Maybe I’ve done it before and the kingdom hadn't fallen to pieces then, I’m a humble man your majesty,” Yoongi shrugged, smirking at her, “though I think you’re the one with the challenge ahead.” 

Areum growled in annoyance, no longer amused now that she was the topic of teasing. 

“Ahh it’s going to be like when you both were little huh? Jungkook and Areum hand in hand on the dance floor,”

“You know that isn’t how it’ll be Yoongi,” Areum sighed, defeated, a shadow crossing over her features. 

Her royal advisor spoke so quietly she thought he hadn’t meant for her to hear, a small smile tugging at his lips, ”You can’t lie to me your highness you can try to lie to everyone, including yourself, but you can’t fool me…”

“We should join the others soon,” Areum steeled herself, not ready to face the truth Yoongi spoke. 

Her friend and advisor simply nodded, “After you, your highness.”

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)

When a monarch passes away his kingdom feels the loss but it is important that his heir takes over the throne immediately. After all, the people can not go without a ruler. They then rule the kingdom until the end of their life and the cycle repeats with their children. 

Although it was her birthright, in this moment, Areum felt like nothing but an imposter. 

Her shoes bit into the sides of her feet, the material of her dress scratched her skin and her jewels tugged at her ear, heavy on her neck. 

The bodice was too tight, it made it difficult to breathe and her shoulders fought to bear the weight of the dress. It was a dress fit for a Queen and it was just as restricting as the role. 

It felt as if her mother....

As if her mother would burst through the doors…and scold Areum for playing with her expensive pearls, only to give in to Areum's pleas to play dress up. 

She was a girl, a child pretending to be more capable than she actually was and her mother was going to tell her off  any minute now. 

Unknowingly, the corner of the queen’s mouth turned up at the thought of the fond memory, Areum’s first authentic smile all night. 

“What’s so amusing, your highness?” 

The young woman jerked back into the present, her smile slipped off her face as a formal and polite tug of her lips replaced it. 

She was an actress on stage with a mask to cover who she truly was and as much as Areum felt like a fraud, she wore it perfectly and as a professional actress she never forgot her lines. 

"Oh, the story you just told was too funny my lord, I'm still laughing!" 

"Ahh yes it was quite funny." Lord Eunwoo replied, snickering a little as he turned his attention back to Princess June who was animatedly re-telling the story of how she fell in front of King Herold at a peace summit. How embarrassing. 

"Congratulations your grace!" Duchess Marie greeted Areum, beaming at her and breaking the young queen from her reverie. She gave her a quick embrace before drawing back a little, her arms loosely around Areum. 

"Oh! You look so beautiful, when do I get to see your husband? I just arrived, is he here yet?" 

"Ah no not yet, you're just in time he should be here soon," 

"Is he as handsome and intimidating as they say he is? He doesn't leave Valeris very often so everyone who wasn't at the wedding is very excited to see this beautiful, mysterious Tribal leader. “

Areum chuckled, “Well you’ll have to see for yourself,” she playfully returned hoping she sounded like a smitten bride. 

While it was known this marriage was unwanted by almost all, as far as the people knew it was a love marriage. 

It was taboo for an avian and a human to be together so the royal council hoped to fabricate a story about star-crossed, forbidden lovers who were once promised to each other to win over the hearts of the people. It meant appearances were to be maintained at all times. 

The duchess sent her a warm smile as she squeezed Areum’s shoulder. Duchess Marie had always felt to Areum like  the closest the queen would ever get to a friend or an older sister. 

“Chief Jeon and his party have arrived!” the master of ceremonies bellowed, announcing the arrival of the tribe leader. 

“Oh, it seems your husband’s here,” Duchess Marie mused, swirling the glass of wine a server had offered her. 

“It would seem he is.”

Jungkook hadn’t said a word to her since the council and the Tribe elders met for the first time in decades, to discuss their union. 

“So it is settled then? You agree that the best course of action to solve all our problems is uniting as one?”

“Yes I agree, and I agree to your terms Chief Jeon,”

“Then  we’ll  hold the wedding at Jnaria’s castle in a week”

“Your highness, the customary first dance.”  Yoongi reminded, at her side now after the entrance of the Tribal Leader. 

“Let them at least  properly enter the castle,” 

All heads turned to look on as their new King made his entrance,  even the band played with a little more enthusiasm and energy.

Chief Jeon and his warriors hadn't walked in but rather flown in gracefully before landing on one knee in front of the queen, a fist coming up to rest over their hearts with their head lowered. Chief Jeon in front and his warriors forming a V shape behind him. 

“Queen Areum, your highness,” Jungkook rose as he spoke, coming up from his low bow. 

The divide between the people could not have been more known  even if there wasn’t a big gap between where the Jnarian citizens stood, clad in their formal attire and where the Valeris tribe members stood, their wings tucked in a colourful kaleidoscope, traditional markings decorating their bodies.

Areum swallowed as she dipped into a curtsy, returning his greeting, “Welcome Chief Jeon,  I hope you and your warriors enjoy tonight,”

“Thank you your highness,” 

With the arrival of the groom and his Tribe, the official wedding reception celebrations began and with that came what Queen Areum had been dreading the most: the first dance of the royal couple. 

“Will you do me the honour?” Chief Jeon gently asked, his hand outstretched for her to take. 

Areum nodded, her heart dropping to her stomach as she dipped into a low curtsey, slipping her hand into his, he led her to the centre of the dance floor.  

“We'll have to leave the castle early in 3 days time for the Avian ceremony." 

"I'm sorry. We'll be what?" Areum asked, a little ungraceful as a queen should be but too preoccupied to notice if anyone saw her act in such a manner  in front of the Chief. 

"We will do the Avian engagement and wedding ceremony in the morning, we must arrive early, the auspicious time only lasts for a few hours." 

"We'll be getting married...again, is that what you are saying?” Areum asked burrows furrowing in confusion, lips set into a line, “What are you talking about? I never agreed to anything." 

"I sent a messenger bird two days ago,” at this Jungkook genuinely paused in his movements,  his expression mirroring her confusion, before falling back into the dance steps a beat later. 

“I haven't gotten any messages. Why do we need to do another ceremony? I thought those not of the tribe weren’t- ”

“Weren’t allowed to enter the village yes, but you are my wife now, you are the wife of the Chief." 

You are my wife now. Clearly Jungkook had no problem referring to her as his wife. 

“There’s something else I need to discuss with you.”

He surprised her when he moved to spin her into his arms and away from his body, then continuing into the original steps again. She had no idea when he learned to dance. 

“There has been unrest in the tribe after a few of our members have gone missing.”


“All who have gone missing at the Northern border.” his voice dropping to a low murmur. 

Perhaps it was the way he looked at her, watching, waiting, as if he expected her to know the whereabouts of the persons and he would find them in the minute changes of her expression. 

Areum stopped dancing altogether, stumbling a little as she felt a new rage build up, realizing his underlying accusation. How dare he accuse her of kidnapping, on the day of their wedding when they had just made a formal alliance. 

“Are you suggesting that I devised some sort of plot to kidnap these people to- to do what exactly with them Jungkook? hmm?” she asked mockingly, voice laced with venom. 

“To ensure I went through with the marriage? Maybe they were useful to you in some way all I know is that there are families that are waiting for their brothers and sisters, if you have any goodwill in your heart you would-”

“I can’t believe you. Why in the name of the stars would I ever-”

“It can’t be coincidence, Areum. There must be a reason they all disappeared there and haven’t returned to the tribe for days”

“I’m sorry, my heart breaks for those families”

“Then tell me where to find them,” He gritted out, losing his patience as his calm facade broke. They stumbled again, stepping on each other's toes. Areum unconsciously tightened her grip on his hand as Jungkook looked away, jaw dipping in and out.

It felt as if all eyes looked over to see the couple stop dancing. Areum gave her best polite smile, encouraging everyone to carry on before she excused herself, the crowd on the dance floor parting for her as she tried to not run out of the banquet, Jungkook close on her heels.

She hurried down the corridor to her bedchamber when he suddenly grabbed her upper arms and shoved her into the wall once he was sure they were alone in the empty hallway. 

With a palm on the wall on either side of her, he spread his wings to surround them, effectively caging her in his arms. He was unbearably close, his breath fanning her face as he spoke. 

“I stayed Areum, you don’t need to threaten their safety for the alliance your father so badly wanted-”

“Keep my father’s name out of your mouth-” she spat as her eyes welled with traitorous tears, she bit her lip and turned her cheek to him, eyes glued to the ceiling, she refused to let them fall. 

This man did not deserve her tears, only her red, hot, searing anger and hatred. 

A rage that she desperately clung to, to help swallow the pain. 

Instantly his anger dissipated and he softened at the sight of her unshed tears. Forgetting himself and the last two years, he reached to brush them away as he gently whispered in the dark hall, “Areum you were shocked, you were scared and confused that night, but I wasn’t the one to-”

“Yes you were, I saw you!” she smacked his hand away before he could touch her, furiously wiping her own tears. 

Her tears fell freely now. She hadn’t cried once since that night. She couldn’t but it was almost natural to her to slump against the wall and let him see her in this weak and vulnerable state. 

She hated it, she hated how easy it was to remember a time in which he was her closest confidant. A time when he was the only one to see her cry. 


“I don’t want to hear it, good night Chief Jeon.” she said, her voice hoarse with emotion. 

Tears streaming down her face, she shoved him away slamming the door shut before disappearing into her chambers. 

Yes, she was scared and confused that night but she saw him.

Standing over her father’s lifeless body, blood dripping from his glaive 

He was there. 

Even if her memories were foggy and marred, she remembered the pain, she remembered his betrayal. 

Even if something was tugging at her heart, pleading with her, believe him, it said. 

She couldn’t.

She pushed that voice aside.

Her father was gone, he was there that night and she needed someone to blame.

Blue Wings | Chapter One: Once Upon A Time (jjk)
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