callmeclara235 - Hii Helloo ^^
Hii Helloo ^^

Reblogs and art stuff!! *tweaks the thwack out*

137 posts

Uegeheueueh FINALLY, AO3 Is Available For Me Again!!! But My Motivation Is Dead Asf So No Real Progress

uegeheueueh FINALLY, AO3 is available for me again!!! But my motivation is dead asf so no real progress on any of my stories, mb to whoever reads them 😔😔

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More Posts from Callmeclara235

7 months ago

did this only happen to me or why can’t I access AO3 anymore???

some block thingy shows up and an other says that AO3 is dangerous or smth. I’m so confused and upset, so if anyone knows what’s going on, can you explain maybe what’s happening????

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7 months ago

Oh well, that was unexpected. Uh, you can cry yourself out I guess. *awkwardly pets his back*

[ " The sexual tension between my head and the wall 😍 " ]

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7 months ago

warning about su!c!dal shit bcuz my sanity is dead atm

oooooo i'm having funny thoughts!! a nice scissor with a shiny sharp edge, stabbing me in my heart. all good, all happy, smiling and crying, laughing and sobbing as my heart squeezes itself and crumbles into an empty shell. i'm dead, i'm dying, can you see? i love to hate me, i hate to love me. i'm tired. good night

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7 months ago




Goodnight, sweet prince dear medic


[ The unseen timer clicks, then stops. ]

[ Time has run out. ]



Quiet. It was far too quiet in crossroads. Perhaps everyone was asleep? Busy? It's none of his business anyway.

The tip of his tail twitched and swayed a bit as he sat similarly silent at his desk, arms crossed on it, head nested in arms, thoughts running rampant again.

Thinking about everything that led up to him getting this filthy disease, everything he's ever done up to that point, everything he's done WHILE infected. It was all for not, every last bit of it. And he still barely actually had anything.

Sure, he had pets, but two aren't even his and were just creatures that were put into his care.. And his cat.. Someone could surely just take her and care for her themselves when he's gone. He doesn't exactly want to leave her behind, in someone else's care, but he doesn't exactly have a choice.

He had friends, two of them, perhaps three. But Sword and Rocket had eachother, no matter how much they care, no matter how upset they get about it, they still have eachother. Other than healing or having someone else to drag around on their little shenanigans or to nag them for doing stupid stuff, did they really need him? Probably not. And that ghost.. He still wasn't quite sure what to think of him. He seemed to be acting nicer, but what if that's just a way to get him to let down his guard again. The spirit could just leave him without a word and he wouldn't know anyway, it doesn't matter.

Hell, the clothes he wore wasn't even his.. It belonged to the cult, it was a cult uniform. They could just take that too.

He didn't have much money to his name. Hell, he made ROCKET pay for HIS meal, not that it matters..

He had the apartment he lived in and all the little furniture he put around the place but what does it matter if he's just going to die. They'll just take the house and sell his stuff for an extra buck.

His mechanical and technological skills were all but useless because of that freak's actions back when they worked together, that attack, the fact he got the whole faction against him now. He couldn't trust anyone because of him, he would never truly be safe. Not when he's alive, and probably not while he's dead either.

None of it matters, he has nothing. Absolutely nothing and he can't do anything about it, especially now that he's in his condition.

.. His eye is aching again..

Oh how he wanted to scratch it.. Rip and tear at the flesh of that hole like his fellow scientist did him. Perhaps then he could get his mind off everything, pay more attention to patching it back up, getting out that feeling of maggots chewing away at the decaying flesh and making a living in his socket even if he knew deep inside that nothing was in there, to hopefully stop feeling so disgusting.

Maybe he was right. He was worthless, a waste of oxygen. Nothing he did truly did matter in the end, he never got to make something that could help millions, make that huge impact that infected the entirety of the impherno and make that world a better place for everyone. How was he supposed to help everyone if he can't even help himself.

Everything he's ever made, discovered, all his hopes and fears, the connections he's made, all that he had actually managed to gain on his own, all the time he's spent here. It was all for nothing, nothing at all.

And yet.. Somehow, he felt content with all this.

Gods.. What a useless, insignificant, disgusting bug. What a mound of garbage and grease he was to be FINE with this all... What a useless piece of-


God.. He was making himself tired with his own thoughts again

oh, who is he kidding, he was already tired. He was just too caught up in all his thinking to notice it, but now..

He doubt he could even move..

His head hurt, it's starting to get fuzzy. Maybe from the mold particles that were left from that anon? He wasn't certain.

.. Maybe a nap couldn't hurt, he needed to be well-rested to be able to hang out with either one of those two some more afterall.

He breathed.. Before closing his eye, and drifting off

into a slumber that would last longer than he wanted


Cream blinked her eyes awake, uncurling and stretching out a bit with a yawn before getting out the catbed and padding over to Medkit, tapping his leg with a paw like she always did. It was a daily routine at this point, to bother him a bit in the morning until he eventually gave in and got up to get her food and then bother him some more. All in a day's work for her.

But something was wrong. No matter how many times she poked at him he just wouldn't get up.

" Mrrp mrow? "

Her ear twitched, tail flicking a bit in annoyance.. Before she decided to move onto more drastic measures, clawing up his leg to get onto his lap and curl up, surely then he would finally get up.


There was something missing..

She couldn't feel him breath.. She couldn't hear it either.

Was.. He even breathing?

Cream meowed at him again. She kept meowing, increasingly getting louder in volume until it became akin to yelling.

He's not getting up

Why is he not getting up

He isn't moving at all..

get up.

get up...

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7 months ago

“Call me Clara”, hmmmmmmm interesting job

Your Tumblr username decides your profession. How is your first day at work?

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