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Starker!Makeup Drabbles For Peters Return To The MCU Its A Teeeny Bit Meta.

Starker!Makeup drabbles for Peter’s return to the MCU… it’s a teeeny bit meta.

Part 1 and 2, Part 3

“You can unpack things later,” Tony says, tugging Peter from the dressing room and pulling him in.

“I mean, I can,” Peter smiles and sways with him, “I’d like to get it done, though.”

“Later,” Tony insists, kissing him, “Later, when I’m not here or something. Right now I want to spend all of the time I have with you.”

Peter stares at him and leans in to rest their heads together, “Can’t believe I was gone for over a month,” he says, melting into Tony’s arms.

“I know,” Tony sighs, his hand moving to Peter’s lower back, “Felt like an eternity to me. Every day… just made it that much worse.”

Peter pulls back to look at him, frowning, “You weren’t reading the articles, were you?”

“Every single one I could get my hands on,” Tony says shamelessly.


“I know, I know,” Tony shrugs helplessly, chuckling, “I’m a glutton for punishment, what can I say? The memes alone were absolute torture. But I… I couldn’t help looking for those small glimmers of hope.”

Peter rolls his eyes, “People are so dramatic, /you’re/ so dramatic.”

“I live for the drama.”

Peter leans in and kisses him, “You know that if I had any choice in the matter, I’d stay here with you for the rest of my life.”

“I know,” Tony says, but there’ll always be a part of his heart that fears how unrealistic it really would be, for them to continue on without at least a few more hiccups on down the line.

“I love you.”

Tony smiles and kisses him, “I love you too, you know I do. I’ll always love you.”

Peter shakes his head, glancing away but then laying his head on Tony’s shoulder, “Maybe if you hold me hard enough, I won’t go anywhere.”

“We both know that doesn’t always work.”



Enjoy? You can buy me a ko-fi or join my Patreon for lots more Starker stuff early and some exclusives, live writing etc…


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More Posts from Cammerel

5 years ago

From that convo about Dom!Peter being younger than Tony...

From That Convo About Dom!Peter Being Younger Than Tony...

I wasn’t kidding @ironspiidey, it’s over here. But if anyone wants a quick fix (out of context) on the scene in question, here’s a bit:

“You would never,” Peter assures him, “/You/ would never. Let me treat you, show you what you’ve been missing. And, if you don’t want to risk it in the end, it’s our secret and it stays that way.”

Tony's eyes have an unfamiliar ache in them, slowly breaking in front of Peter, redness, tears. He can’t say anything, he just nods.

“Oh, baby,” Peter leans up, hands moving over Tony’s stomach and chest as he crowds in close enough to kiss Tony. Their lips meet and it’s so much like the last time. Something Tony never loses is his /fire/, that same fire for doing the right thing is always twisted into each and every kiss they’ve shared. Even the small ones.

Peter pushes his hands under Tony’s shirt, caressing the scars he finds, putting his palm over the one at the center of Tony’s chest as he slides his tongue in and takes over.

The older man lets out a broken whimper and Peter takes a quick opportunity to pull off his shirt.

He kisses Tony’s chest right there in the center, and then scoops him into his lap, standing up as their lips slide together once more.

Tony panics, surprised and confused as he breaks off the kiss, but only for a second before wrapping his arms around Peter’s neck, hands in his hair as his legs hook around. Peter can feel the squeeze of muscle from his thighs, the press of his half-hard cock.

Peter walks to the exit door of the lab, pushing Tony against the wall and working to pull off his own shirt before moving them along.

They make it to Tony’s bed before they’re fully naked, but not for lack of effort. Peter steps up to the edge of the bed and sets Tony down, standing back upright to push down the last of his pants, stepping out with his left leg first and then his right.

Tony stares up at him, those wide eyes taking in all of him before he mutters, “Not a single scar…”

“Mhm,” Peter climbs over him, taking off Tony’s pants as well, “You wouldn’t /believe/ how difficult it makes things. But in your favorite ways.”

“What do you mean?” Tony presses.

“Well,” Peter considers telling him, then decides against it, “Your Peter will have to tell you all about it. I think it’s a learning experience, and maybe motivation to do the right thing and give the poor kid a break.”

“You realize you’re calling yourself a kid, right?”

Peter smiles wickedly, “Oh, yes, Mr. Stark,” he says as he sits up on his knees, not missing the dark look that comes over Tony - the one that makes his cock finally go from semi-erect to fully erect in a split second.

“I feel like I’m going to regret this.”

“You’ll beg me for more,” Peter says confidently, running hands down before grabbing his cock and pumping it a few times, “But you don’t get to suck my cock. I’ll keep that first time luxury for your Peter.”

“Not gonna happen,” Tony insists, mouth dropping open when Peter rolls his palm.

He turns to the bedside, reaching under for the bottom drawer where they normally hide the toys and various other things. He’s slightly disappointed that the only thing he finds is the lube he was aiming for. Shame, this Tony doesn’t even give himself that little bit of pleasure in the privacy of his own bedroom.

“You don’t…” he twists his lips, stopping himself from pointing it out, choosing instead to slap Tony’s ass, “Turn over.”

Tony doesn’t object or argue, but dutifully turns over as Peter warms the lube between his fingers.

“What’s the most you’ve done?”

Tony glances back at him, “I don’t really talk about-” he stops when their eyes meet, “Fingers, barely, I’m-”

Peter wraps his hand around, using the lube he has in his palm already to jerk Tony as he presses their bodies together, “Not even a woman-?”


“Not even-”

“/Nothing/,” Tony responds, “I don’t do that, I haven’t done anything. Nothing like that. Nothing gay-”

Peter bites his shoulder, /hard/, enough to probably break skin and Tony’s cock jumps in his hand, words choking off in his throat.

He moves down, taking his hand away so that he can spread Tony’s cheeks, running his tongue from his perineum of the ripple of virgin muscle above. He takes his time working Tony into a comfortable, relaxed state before finally adding not one, but two fingers.

Tony moans, spine arching as Peter scissors and spreads and coaxes him to the point where he can take a third. His other hand wraps back around, pumping the drizzling cum from his cock and pulling him into each thrust of his fingers.

It isn’t until he curls and starts rubbing at his prostate that Tony really loses it.

“Oh…” Peter watches Tony’s mouth drop open again, his hands tight and white on the sheets, body rocking back on Peter’s hand, “Please.”

“Mm, not yet,” Peter teases, letting go of his cock, “Touch yourself for me, baby.”

Tony does, he does so good.

Peter bites the skin just above the crack of his ass, then shifts over him, the first three fingers of his right hand buried knuckle deep and rubbing his prostate with every thrust, his left reaching up to grab a handful of silver-foxed wild hair just at the crown of his head.

His lips press to Tony’s ear, “Come on, baby. Come on,” he says, glancing down and changing his tone, “Cum for me, Mr. Stark.”

Sure enough, right on cue, like a tune played a million times, Tony blows his load and Peter pulls his fingers back. His hand returns to Tony’s cock to milk him for every last drop.

“Not so bad, was it?”

Tony chuckles, the sound miserable and deliriously happy at the same time. Peter takes it as a win.

He slicks his cock up with lube, adding more to Tony as well. The man loves it when it’s slick and squelchy. Something about the feel and the sound that makes it so much dirtier than it has any right to be.

“On your knees, baby, I know you can do that much still.”

Tony listens, back arching as he keeps his upper half low and Peter groans.

“God, you always look fucking beautiful like this,” he says as he positions himself. He grabs Tony’s hair again and pulls him back on him, lips to the older man’s ear once more, “Fuck yourself, Mr. Stark, show me how bad you want it.”

Tony shudders in his arms, but starts moving immediately, not even giving himself time to acclimate to the stretch.

Peter knows him too well to question it, he can all but /hear/ the questions and exclamations and dense content Tony is trying to sort through about what all of this says about himself. But it’s not stopping him from /doing/ it, and, as a result, vice-versa.

He coos and babys Tony vocally, praising him as he holds his hair tight.

Tony’s half out of it when Peter pushes him down, holding him in place as he starts drilling into him so fast that it takes Tony’s breath away.

He sobs and clutches back, grabbing Peter’s hand as their eyes meet.

“God, you’re so fucking tight, Mr. Stark,” Peter says in just the way he used to, that awed voice, his hips pistoning hard enough to make the bed groan.

Tony’s toes curl, his face red, his hand gripped tight in Peter’s as he cums more, Peter following right after him.

They collapse together, Peter being mindful to clean them up and put the lube back before pulling Tony into his arms.

Tony’s always been a cuddler. The intimacy after sex is his favorite part and this Tony is no different, clinging to him and burying his face in Peter’s neck.

He’s silent and trembling for so long that Peter’s convinced he’ll fall asleep before he finally says something.

But he does, at last, speak up.

His voice is wrecked and low, “I… didn’t know it could be like that,” he admits, chuckling and shaking his head, “I’ve been with every kind of woman, but I’ve never let someone… do /that/ to me.”

Peter nods silently, running his hand up and down Tony’s back, “We’re not always like that,” he says, keeping his voice light and open, “Sometimes it’s sweet and slow, sometimes it’s half-dressed against a wall at the front of the lab, sometimes it’s in the shower because we can’t get enough.”


“But you love nothing more than when I lay you out.”

Tony chuckles again, “I knew I… I had a theory, I mean. I assumed… that… but I just…”

“You were afraid,” Peter says and Tony pulls back to look at him. Peter stares up at him, “You thought I wouldn’t respect you after, that I’d think of you differently. And I /did/ think of you differently,” he says honestly, smiling, “I loved you /so/ much more for allowing yourself to let me give you what you needed.”

Tony shakes his head slowly, “I don’t see how that kid turns into this.”

Peter finally laughs, “You’d be surprised.”

“I /am/ already. I’m mostly surprised that I just came twice in… less than fifteen minutes.”

“It’s not always possible,” Peter shares more, “When you’re gone for a long time, though? When we’re separated? When we haven’t been as wild… sometimes.”

“Yeah, well, I haven’t pulled that off myself since I was about twenty-seven, not in a normal fashion, at least.”

Peter shrugs, “Practice.”

“I see.”

A lot of this and more is on my Patreon tho...

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5 years ago
Fanfic - Multiverse Shenanigans

Fanfic - Multiverse Shenanigans

More parts to come, if you guys have an idea for a universe, lmk, but I've got quite a few others in planning, most already written for the higher tier.

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5 years ago

May need to change my icon a lil...

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5 years ago

Starker!Makeup drabbles for Peter’s return to the MCU… it’s a bit meta. 

Part 1 and 2, Part 3, Part 4

I may have gotten a little Dom-y with this one, wherps...

Tony peers back out into the bedroom, frowning, “Peter?” he checks the kitchen and dining room, “FRI, where’s the kid?”

“Peter is downstairs, working in the lab, boss.”

“Jesus, you think he couldn’t stay out of there for one day,” he huffs, smiling and heading downstairs, pushing open the door quietly and slinking over to the workbench Peter’s standing at.

“You know I have super hearing, right?” Peter asks and Tony almost throws himself back dramatically, surprised.

He stops, turning to the one nearest and trying to feign innocence, “Uh, yeah, of course I do. Trying to sneak up on you would be really, really foolish. Especially since I’m a genius, I would never make that kind of rookie mistake, not in a million years.”

“You’re an idiot.”

“Your idiot.”

“You’re… oh,” Peter chuckles and glances at him, “Right, yeah, I guess so.”

Tony winks at him the moment their gazes lock, “Listen,” he clears his throat and moves over to Peter, “It’s been a few hours since I had my hands on you and, I gotta be honest… I’m going a little crazy.”

“Tony,” Peter gives him a look, “We can’t fuck /all/ day.”

“And we haven’t been,” Tony says innocently, smiling wide, “Not /all/ day. Just like… some of the day.”


Tony moves in and kisses him, backing him against the workbench and lifting him to sit him on it, “I just want… you know, some attention.”

Peter sighs and looks at him like he’s /trying/ to be upset, but there’s the ghost of a smile that spoils everything, “Fine, fine. The sacrifices I make.”

“I know, baby, I’ll make it up to you,” Tony says lowly, palming the front of Peter’s jeans, “How about I take you out to eat tonight, hm? Something nice? Give the media a little tease of things to come… let them see that you’re back where you belong?”

Peter laces his fingers together behind Tony’s head, moaning when Tony drags his palms up the kid’s thighs, “I like the sound of that.”

“Mmm, I thought you might,” Tony pushes up the hem of his shirt, tracing his fingers up under, “My baby likes being the /center/ of attention, doesn’t he?”

“I-” Peter’s voice breaks off with a sharp whimper when Tony drags the rough pad of his thumb over Peter’s left nipple, “Yes,” he says helplessly, his legs clenching at Tony’s waist, “I… can… you…”

Tony lifts a brow, waiting, but Peter stammers more, “Take your time, baby. What are you trying to ask me?”


“Please what?” Tony breathes against his lips, their mouths barely touching, “Use your words.”

It’s always so easy to work Peter up from nothing. Taking him from mild interest to a puddle of goo in less than a minute. The poor kid couldn’t even speak properly.

Peter reaches out tentatively, touching Tony’s face.

“Ah,” he turns to nip a sensitive fingertip, “Better?”

“More,” Peter says, moaning when Tony takes his index finger into his mouth, flicking his tongue along the underside and then sucking slowly, “Mr. Stark-”

Tony smirks and pulls back, taking Peter’s small wrist in his hand and doing the same to each finger in turn until Peter’s sweating and tensing against him, clutching at his shirt with his free hand and tearing the fabric as he tries to rock forward.

“Nope, mm,” Tony holds his hip in place, moving his own back out of reach, “Not all at once, you know it’s better.”


“Shh,” Tony touches his chin, turning his eyes back up, “I’m not gonna leave you out to dry, am I?”

Peter blushes and shakes his head, “No.”

“Right,” Tony confirms, “What does daddy give you?”

“What I need.”


Peter shudders, “When… when I need it-”

“And not before,” they say together, Tony reaching out to run his fingers through Peter’s hair.

“Good boy.”

Enjoy? You can buy me a ko-fi or join my Patreon for lots more Starker stuff early and some exclusives, live writing etc…

@ironspiidey , @starkermydaddies (hope it was ok to tag you, you seemed to like the others ;) if not lmk)

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