Hermitcraft On R/place - Superfast Repair Mode (4/4/2022) LAST DAY PART 1
Hermitcraft on r/place - Superfast Repair Mode (4/4/2022) LAST DAY PART 1

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 1 Day 3 Part 2
Hiii [twirls hair], your GMT timezone running-on-caffeine-and-adrenaline reporter Ria here <3 with mildly scuffed summaries of whatever's happening on the final day of r/place
My sleeping schedule has been annihilated like many of our fallen allies LMAO
For disclaimers and introductions, please read Day 1 and 2. Link to discord is here, it is preferable if you join or else your efforts might be seen as from rogues :D (also they know more than I do!)
1. The End Is NOT the End / Xisumavoid without Xisuma
RECAP from cassberry who was present during the time!!
XQC, a streamer, decided to start a void near us. Fuck no. The void came in through SpaceX and stabbed through our logo. We were not targeted, we were just in the way as many other voided murals before us.

(Screenshot from Coalshower from HC discord, the time at the bottom is a bug)
In the middle of all the panic, Mumbo Jumbo discord people asked for help with settling their logo above Argentina's flag because they thought Argentina had a lot of area already, but was staunchly refused because we were allied with Argentina. It's very interesting to see where our loyalties lies. If they had asked on Day 1, we probably would have joined forces.
r/Technoblade came by to help (their very pretty mural is right next to DSMP corner which was built after the second canvas expansion). r/LoveLive was panicked and also came to help. Argentina was apparently botted because a streamer with 40k viewers attempted a void but failed (Argentina's botting was not news, LL and Argentina attempted to draw LL's logo there but also failed due to bots). People were yelling to HOLD YOUR PIXELS and wait for the void to pass because we had a complete master reference of the area.
Brazil was contacted as the beloved bird was also destroyed, but it was 1am in their timezone. GME's line was brought up because we NEEDED it as a border. However, GME line was not under control of Superstonks discord, so we might have to fight rogues again- and again- and again. Taiwan, being midday for them, also kept an eye out. It was agreed the void attack could've been much worse like the one over MCC, and the chat was spammed with KEEP CALM. Pixels were called to HOLD THE HEADS.
This is when you can see the strength of being allied with neighbours. Although ideologically we were with Mumbo Jumbo's discord, diplomatically we were with Argentina / Love Live and they helped us in return for helping them. Alliance with Brazil was also important because they could coordinate to rebuild. While rogues might disrupt peace, what mattered was that the central headquarters kept communications open.
Funny thing is that some people in XQC's chat was like "do flags, not small communities" and his response was that flags were botted and small communities couldn't fight back, which is just a dick move tbh lol. After a bit of chatter, the storm rose again. People were asked to be patient and calm because the void would move over, plus we had support from our neighbours and they would not coordinate invading us. It also worked vice-versa and we wrangled people into NOT shifting the logo to the left because we would be going against MCC, whom we had both ideological and diplomatic ties with since the beginning of time. After all, MCC was with us against the initial fight against the GME line. Restoring what we placed (for historic purposes) became very important. Hermitcraft would not be seen as an aggressor.

(Screenshot from CWG from HC discord)
Brazil was apparently spared (good, you don't want to fight against them). However, as you can see, Brazil filled in where half of the logo used to be. Negotiations were held with Brazil and they agreed to our previous truce but it would take some time to cede it back. The area they had taken up was botted, and they would have to write a new script to give it back to us. Imagine if the void happened merely 2 days ago when ties with Brazil were shaky.... we would likely lose that half. We can see that PEACE and ALLIANCES are IMPORTANT. Touhou also popped by and offered help, somebody reached out to r/celeste also with success. Names that hadn't been really aligned with HC before came by to fight against the void, which was very nice and reassuring. MCC came by to advice us to hold our pixels and leave a path for the void so they wouldn't be further aggravated.
With the storm calming down, in came another storm- between HC discord and HC rogues. Ahh, a tale as old as time.
2. Herm Her'n vs Hermitcraft - the Hermitcraft Civil War

Of course rogue redditors decided to take advantage of the void and rebuild the logo to the left <3 they were uncontrollable and I'm half-certain some of them who post on Reddit are trolls <3 We gave MCC full permission to blast on the rogues lmao, and we also fought against our rogues. While this was an awful battle because we were endangering relations with both MCC and Brazil, it also made for hilarious spelling mistakes.

Hermitogami? Hermitcramift? Hermitcrafiiit? The idea you had of me, who was she <3
Presumably other HC groups were working on the logo and HC discord was outnumbered. People started asking for support on Hermitblr, since we're famous for being the majority hahaha. Quaranmine has some posts here (Quara if you're reading this hiiii <3) HC was afraid we might lose to our own rogues, and called for allied support. This majorly sucked because it looked like we were betraying MCC, PLUS we had to tell Brazil we were not moving. Way to create tensions with our two closest allies with one stone. I know lots of people were unaware of the coordinated effort, but it was still frustrating.
Did I tell you I was trying to cut down my bias? I gave up, much like the rogues should-
After a long struggle, the logo and everything else was finally replaced. Big thank you to everybody that helped and coordinated to keep the status quo! :D

(Screenshot from Ely in HC discord)
Look at how quickly we rebuilt after the void! <3 We can only hope the void won't attack last minute :O
3. Back and Forth
SOR came to ask if we could help build their logo over Dimden dev. However, we were allied with Dimden dev and we were not seeking to replace existing stuff with new stuff, even if they were for our allies. This is the same situation as Mumbo Jumbo discord, with alliances + need for peace > our shared MC roots.
Omori was allied with us now (or allied with our allies, I can't tell). NA based r/CalgaryFlames asked for our support overnight. We also agreed to help out SpaceX. Touhou, after helping us, asked for our help with building. Udub, the W on top of MCC, and Indie corner also asked for help. Hermitcraft's allies kept on diversifying and solidifying <3 In my opinion it's because we're a rather international fan community :D
3L also decided to shift their murals a bit to connect better with Portugal. I think the BrazilxHC and 3LxPortugal means Something <3
Sausage was also being relocated along with many other tinier projects. Wynncraft asked for assistance with their logo. The cat collars were made to be bi and nonbinary to represent our LGBT hermits <3
At the time of writing, it's 3 hours before 5pm GMT aka. predicted time of ending. There appeared to be something going on with Dutch and nether portals but I want to get this out soon soooo
Hermitcraft was once again stabilized thanks to our allies and Superfast Repair Mode, and we were distributing help to our allies. Good luck for what appears to be the final stretch! :D
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coords for mcyt art on r/place if you want to help protect them:

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(875, 573)

(250, 292)

(134, 152)
Hermitcraft on r/place - And The Blocks Need Placing (3/4/2022) Day 3 Part 2

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Part 1
Greetings cyberdogs and citizens of the interdubs, welcome back to another episode of "What Is Going On At r/place?", here is your morning (afternoon? nighttime?) newspaper. I am still losing my mind, exhausted but enthralled. For an introduction or explanation to what r/place is please read the first two instalments. This is Part 2 of Day 3, Part 1 has been summed up with relative Hermitcraft stability and helping allies far away.
For how to help, please refer to Day 3 Part 1.
1. Allies from Far
Now that main HC area was chill, forces turned to helping others. The 3L area was being watched over, but the WSB people appeared to be less organsied than 3L so 3L could maintain its area. Portugal thought 3L was cringe (lmao) but accepted our existence. Hong Kong had a second mural to the right which was being taken over, they asked for help but alas, they died.
Someone from farmcarrots popped by and asked for help against good ole Macedonia. In return, they would build a golden carrot to honour us. Later, Macedonia made an agreement with the carrots.
2. Civil Conflicts Just Don't Stop, Do They?
So the diplomats had just been WRANGLING people to STOP EXPANDING, whether towards Brazil or Love Live or even MCC. A small EvilX was built between LL and HC. Brazil decided to do some pixel art on their left corner aka. the HC-Brazil border. HC liked the bird and the tree a lot (they were Brazil's design, actually), so after a bit of communication they kept the tree in the background <3
People were also screaming about the finer details on the HC heads. We sought to maintain and defend, not to expand.
We started anticipating the expansion of the canvas at the same time they expanded yesterday, but nothing happened. Perhaps one expansion was enough... or perhaps Reddit wanted to surprise us. No one knew.
3. Don't you love the smell of built bridges?
The threat of WSB eroded over time, and communication was set up between 3L Empires and Portugal. The banners and heads were agreed to have a bridge under them, and the space next to RK Ren would be used for their Portuguese streamer <3 People between 3L and HC were scurrying back and forth to tell HC not to worry about the 3L area. After a long and exhausting battle (particularly concerning Fwhip and Ren being drowned), 3L appeared to be secured, no more heads would drown, and Martyn added a blush pixel on RK (truly the highlight of that segment). All was good in the world. Portugal also planned to build a sick pixel art at their bottom right corner and asked us to help with them. Since we were now cool with each other, aka. 3L had been integrated with their canvas, we agreed. A Portuguese streamer was built to the right of Ren, and he was eventually blushified like everyone else.
Fwhip and Jimmy also started looking at each other, and Martyn started looking at Ren. To the great surprise of the active Treebark shippers, a pink heart was suddenly constructed between Ren and Martyn, causing a wave of ?!??!?!??!?!??!?!. (Background info: a community of Treebarkers basically quarantined themselves in a private discord server to stop spamming #treebark, only showing up to do stuff like Trafficpose, Maidtyn Monday, Treebark Week 2022, Space Opera AU etc etc. Nobody from the private discord was responsible for the heart.) Somebody in Martyn's discord also pointed out the heart and jokingly said "bring out the fanfics". This is very funny because the Treebarkers were putting their stuff where no CC could see it, only for others to slap Treebark on r/place and put it in Martyn's discord. Fishfucker flag was also added between Jimmy and Fwhip <3 So the 3L area ended up looking gay as fuck. This is what happens when tumblr gets involved <3

4. Movements in the Southwest
Nano, our neighbour-ish, got targeted by an anti-crypto streamer (asmongold). Love Live started eyeing the area with interest. Nano apparently asked LL for help, but the streamer would likely target everybody that helped Nano. HC would stay put and observe.
Around this time, a void started next to DSMP and we went to defend. People started joking the DSMP and HC communities have never been so cooperative before this.
EvilX was half-hidden by the LL girl and we would want to keep it that way to respect LL. Ah yes, the neverending battle of wrangling rogues.
5. Running Around
HC continued to do what they always did- fix rogue pixels, make contacts with allies, stop people from expanding, argue among themselves /lh, watch out for the void, etc etc. People were very anxious about attacks from streamers. We watched as the area below 2b2t was converted into a large pixel art based on orders from a streamer. A small HP (Harry Potter) mural asked for our help defending because they were invaded by bots for unknown reasons. HP lost, but apparently the public HP subreddit had their own secure thing elsewhere. Mindcrack also repeatedly asked for help with their logo.
Continued support was shown towards MCC's secondary area called MCC2 (which made me very excited because I thought someone was making a tribute to the actual 2nd MCC, and my pipe dream of [you guessed it] MCC9 Blue Bats mural could come true without me doing anything LOL). Noxite and Mysticat appeared under the team icons and were maintained. The team coin was also salvaged.
Brazil also occasionally popped by and asked for help with minor things, like their pixel art at their bottom left corner and when red hearts suddenly appeared next to the Pesky Bird of Peace (unofficial name by me, it's actually Brazil's blue macaw but everyone at HC had grown SO FOND of it).
Jellie also became bi (then mlm?) and Nugget became trans.
6. A New New World
More than 3 hours past the expected expansion time, the canvas suddenly doubled again, meaning it was 4x its original size. HC was way more excited about new colours than area because we finally had a decent skin colour instead of yellow for the hermits. 3L discord was burnt out and just focused on changing colours, maintaining, and giggling over Martyn's blush pixel. Hermitcraft Civil Conflicts were slightly starting again, but they were nowhere near the intensity of the Brazil-HC Crisis just yesterday (was it just yesterday? It felt like we were allies for days). HC argued over colours and tiny pixels and which hermit to start changing first. Also False's skin finally had better colours.
2b2t suffered another attack to the void, and while people were still distrusting of 2b2t due to their reputation, again we helped them out. It's actually really nice to see all of MC(YT) come together despite all the discourse and frustration. We know we're cut from the same cloth :) It's like when you have that one annoying kid from highschool and you two moved to another town and you only know them so you're forced to take care of each other? It's fun.
We watched in exasperation as the flags came to the New New World and started occupying again... what did we expect, lol. Cubfan also started being griefed for some reason, leading people to boom "KEEP CALM AND DEFEND CUB". Apparently they're targeting Cub because he said something anticrypto??? I have NO IDEA what went on, and HC discord didn't talk about it because it was a cause of stress, and I definitely respect that. Around this time, our old ally Skyrim asked for help for their new mural after they got destroyed, however HC forces were preoccupied right now.
HC was also collecting ideas to change the colour of half of the logo to (I think) potentially finally stop Kermitcrapt (which is seriously not funny anymore and a waste of pixels). The OG design also had two colours before the green bit got swallowed by mini Brazil (that conflicted seemed an era ago). Also, it looked nicer.
We also worked on maintaining our close allies, eg the SOR axolotl head, misc Brazil griefing. Then Jack Manifold came in to vandalise XQC and they thought it was the French...? Or something. "You've Been Etho'd" mural was also planned next to Green Lattice. Wynncraft was also relocating following the whiteout and request assistance. SOR also announced they would make a logo tomorrow. Whenever 3L asked for help, HC was eager to give it. As you can see, since HC was stable, we were extending our pixels to allies. Rogue GME continued the lime pixels into HC logo, we fixed them, blah blah blah.
7. Little Touches feat. the Knight
HC decided to move the Last Life (they share initials with Love Live, goodness gracious) hearts to the left to give space for Recap guys, which also required contact with MCC. HC was also very happy whenever Wels added a pixel <3 Ely was also VERY ACTIVE in chat :D The GME portals were refined a little to be more 3D. I'm very proud that we've come so far that we can care and negotiate on little aesthetic details <3 Last I heard, people were debating Gem's design, and the Hermit half of the logo was changed to purple!
Also, You've Been Etho'd was voided and needed rebuilding. MCSR also had their own mural (directed by Feinberg for a bit :D) and their heads :D It's so cool to see patches of Minecraft heads scattered around- if we all come together, we would be such a big target.
Also, little pics of DSMP and MCC2:

I have to sleep now, I seriously don't know how I long I can keep this up. I need my life back LMAO. Apologies in advance if I never make a Day 4 post.
o7 to everybody, good luck and take care! We got this!! :D

Four friends are trapped together on a tiny raft. What could go wrong? Everything. (ft. Jimmy, Grain, Fwhip, and Joel)
- Jimmy shows off Norman on camera, and mentions that he's getting neutered tomorrow. This was a big mistake on his part, because Joel brings it up throughout the whole stream.
- As always, there's a reason for Grian being late. ("I won't be long, I just need to put my ties in color order." "What order?" "Rainbow. I've got over 120 ties. How many people do you think are here to hear my excuse for why I'm late?")
- Despite his lateness though, they actually start the game within 20 minutes of the stream beginning, even though Grian hadn't installed it yet. That's unusual.
- Joel and Grian immediately figure out how to kill Jimmy by shoving him into the water and getting him eaten by a shark. This is a reoccurring pattern of course. ("The real aim of this game is how many times can we get Timmy eaten by a shark.")
- Grian confirms that he'd eat Jimmy if they were actually stranded on a desert island. The other two agree. ("If you were stranded in an island, who would be your choice of person to take with you? Personally, I would take Timmy, because I think he'd be really tasty." "Wait, what." "He's going to eat you, Jimmy.")
- "Guys, can I put down my-" "Everything about you is pathetic."
- "So you would give him a melon, but not me." "One-hundred-percent, yes."
- "I need sustenance! Please! GIVE ME SUSTENANCE OR I'LL STAB YOU!"
- Joel decides to dramatically fall off the raft. ("Jimmy." "Yeah?" "Goodbye.") He then gets immediately hit by a shark. ("He's not dead!")
- Jimmy, being hungry, tries to eat a fish. ("You're gonna take the first fish that WE cooked. You can eat fish when you earn fish.") Jimmy does it anyway. ("I was always gonna push you into the ocean, but now you're really going into the ocean.")
- "I'm not gonna refill it because I want my friends to die."
- Fwhip, in the calmest voice possible: "Can someone come and defend the raft. A shark's eating it right now."
- "I'm about to die, I'm about to pass away." "Oh, that's a shame." "Shall we leave, guys."
- "Guys, I got a beet. Do we need more beets or not," "Nah, I think we're beat for them." "I got a potato, do we need a potato?" "Nah, we're potato for them."
- Jimmy is excluded from the main area of the raft, a small wall being built to separate them. ("You gotta prove that you can survive without draining our resources." "...does anyone got a cup?" *collective laughter*)
- "Joel, are you on my side of the raft?" *Joel silently walks out the door and closes it behind him*
- Jimmy does have to tell the chat that this stream is all in good fun once some of them start becoming a little overbearing, and Grian points out that Jimmy did invite them to play with him, so this was expected.
- "I didn't know chickens had legs. ...seagulls, sorry." "You didn't know they had legs."
- "You have Live, Laugh, Love on your wall." "I don't, but I wish I did." "I have Hate, Hate, Hate on my wall." "That wouldn't surprise me." "Hate, Envy, and Cry." "I have Like and Subscribe on mine."
- By the end of the stream, Fwhip has a large shark head on that belonged to Joel, who had replaced it with a boar head.
- "Is there any last words before I go?" "Pythagoras." "Amble." "Now I feel like I've gotta come up with a word. Seagull." "I've got another word: Raft."