carsweirdness - Car's Weirdness
Car's Weirdness

Car, 16 going on 17(anyone get the reference?),Bi/Pan, Disastrous Imagination, Bookworm, Wierdo Friend,Musicals Are Awesome YouJustDidGinger on AO3

245 posts

Respond To This Post If You Guys Have Ever Gone To/worked At A VBS. I've Been Going Since 2013.

Respond to this post if you guys have ever gone to/worked at a VBS. I've been going since 2013.

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6 months ago

does anyone know any editors on tiktok that do magbel????

i'm going through a rabbit hole through every single social media platform i have an account for. help.

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6 months ago
My Problem Is That I Think I Could Be Her

My problem is that I think I could be her

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7 months ago

I have a few ideas for Isobel/Maggie fics that i haven't written out yet because I have so many other ideas for fics that are constantly overlapping one over the other. But I also have close to zero motivation or interest to sit down and finish a oneshot completely, so the ideas stay in my mind for quite some time.

begging and pleading for people to write more isobel castille fanfics because i have a few ideas but then i don't like them when i write them and delete them i'm-