carsweirdness - Car's Weirdness
Car's Weirdness

Car, 16 going on 17(anyone get the reference?),Bi/Pan, Disastrous Imagination, Bookworm, Wierdo Friend,Musicals Are Awesome YouJustDidGinger on AO3

245 posts

Does Anyone Know Any Editors On Tiktok That Do Magbel????

does anyone know any editors on tiktok that do magbel????

i'm going through a rabbit hole through every single social media platform i have an account for. help.

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6 months ago
Gonna Get Myself A Fun Little Surprise I Guess

Gonna get myself a fun little surprise I guess

6 months ago

I have a few ideas for Isobel/Maggie fics that i haven't written out yet because I have so many other ideas for fics that are constantly overlapping one over the other. But I also have close to zero motivation or interest to sit down and finish a oneshot completely, so the ideas stay in my mind for quite some time.

begging and pleading for people to write more isobel castille fanfics because i have a few ideas but then i don't like them when i write them and delete them i'm-