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63 posts
Bakugo Katsuki Flirting
Bakugo Katsuki Flirting
Bakugo: ‟You're like a sunset.‟
(Y/N): ‟Aww, really?‟
Bakugo: ‟Yeah. You're ugly as hell when I take a picture of you.‟
(Y/N): ‟...‟
Bakugo (Pink cheeked and pouty): ‟But you're pretty as hell in person... dumbass...‟

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More Posts from Cascade05
BNHA Characters As Things I've Said Part 3
Part 1 • Part 2
Small note, everything a rando is saying is not something I've said.
Bakugo : You're stupid.
Bakugo : That's right, pout.
Note : I said this to a dog but Bakugo would probably say it to anyone.
Eri : Look at my freaking cat's butt.
Eri : Touch it for strength.
Note : Most likely Aizawa's cat.
Midoriya : I don't have braces anymore. Now what? Braces were part of my character design.
Rando : What?
Rando : Small world isn't it?
Aizawa : No.
Bakugo : I'm allergic to kindness.
Jiro to Kaminari probably : Speak your words.
Kaminari : I like that song.
Kaminari : I like that song real good.
Kirishima : He was trying to show off but it didn't happen, so that's funny.
Shigiraki : Shut up. No one likes laughter.
Shigiraki : Laughter is disgusting.
Bakugo : Just sit there in your sad, miserable existence.
Rando : I'm not sad, I'm watching Markiplier play Among Us.
Bakugo : Markiplier is a lie.
Todoroki : Betty White's dead.
Todoroki : She looks like a gravestone.
Note : I love Betty White, she was great.
Alexa : *Starts talking randomly for the millionth time*
Uraraka : Alexa shut up. You're stupid and no one cares about your opinion.
Note : I headcannon Uraraka hates Alexa. It's like a rivalry.
Rando : What would you do if I—
Dabi : Nothing.
Rando : What? But I didn't even—
Dabi : Nothing because I don't care.
Kaminari : Butt is no longer funny, anus is.
Kaminari : See.
Kaminari : I've grown.
Mina : Jeez, you scared the tits outta me.
Bakugo : I identify as not to be trifled with.
Rando : *Slaps him really hard*
Todoroki : *Unaffected and uncaring* Thank you.
Kaminari : Kiwi? More like kiwaii *excessive laughter*
Note : It's pronounced : Key-why-E A cute kiwi.
Jiro : *Sarcastically* In my defense, Ben and been sound kinda similar.
Rando : Are you having a good time?
Kirishima to his dog : I thought she was talking to me and I was like, ‟I'm sitting in a chair doing nothing, soo...
Kirishima : Yeah.‟
Bakugo : You do you.
Bakugo : I'm still gonna insult you though, when I think of good ones.
Mina or Kaminari : What in the nicknack pattywack ballsack are you talking about?
Shinso : Cat, you just need to understand that you cannot get food whenever you're hungry.
Shinso : You're not a human being, you don't get fat privileges.
Rando : This actually hurts me—
Bakugo : Then be hurt.
Rando on TV : America runs on Dunkn'!
Jiro : No it doesn't.
Jiro : America doesn't run.
Aizawa who probably had ten shots of expresso : I am existing in a different plane of existence.
Bakugo : Glad you told me so I can do nothing about it.
Kaminari : I'm not stupid, just mentally incapable.
Aoyama : I don't need others to recognize me because I know my worth and it's priceless.
Rando : You're worth nothing.
Aoyama : *Unfazed* Priceless.
Rando : Don't kick me!
Monoma : I didn't. I hit you with me shoe and my foot just happened to be inside of it.
Bakugo : I refuse.
Rando : You can't refuse it's—
Bakugo : Yet here I stand, refusing.

I saw this post
About Endgame and it was about a perfect ending.
The person who made thought a “perfect” ending wouldn’t be one where Tony died. It would be one where Steve took the gauntlet and sacrificed his life for victory.
On the post, the person said he would have a selfless ending and not one where he would be “selfish” and “old.”
And a lot of people liked it probably because it was better than the ending we have. People said in the comments of the post that the ending we have was “selfish” of Steve and it went against his “character.”
What do you think?
I know what I think. I disagree strongly. Why?
1. If Steve made the sacrifice, Tony would not have been able to prove himself.
Now, we all know how selfless Tony really is and we weren’t surprised when he was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. But do you remember in the first Avengers movie? That one scene where Steve and Tony were arguing,
Steve said Tony would never be the one to make a sacrifice. Of course, as Steve got to know Tony he knew that wasn’t true so Tony never needed to prove anything to Steve or anyone else. But it still was a beautiful finish that left a huge impact on MCU fans.
2. Steve lived a selfless life.
In Captain America, Steve found love in Peggy. A love he gave up in order to defeat Red Skull and start the fall of Hydra.
In Captain America Civil War, Steve threw what he had away for Bucky. Not to mention in all the Avengers movies Steve fought, not for himself, but for the world.
His whole life has been filled with selfless acts and the second he makes one selfish act, people are upset with him.
3. Like Bucky, Steves whole life has been filled with fighting.
Yes, Steve made that decision himself but that doesn't make it any less exhausting. Veterans of war may be haunted by what they have done. We know Bucky is but what about Steve?
He's made out to be this perfect man who stands for justice and righteousness but that's not who he is. Deep down, Steve Rodgers is just a good IMPERFECT man with a good punch. Don't you think he might have nightmares?
In the first Avengers movie, he was obviously upset over his past. We saw him having flashbacks of when he was frozen and the moments leading up to that. You cannot tell me the past doesn't haunt this man.
In my opinion, Steve is just as tired of fighting as Bucky and he has every right to be. Why can't he have his peace?
4. Peggy loves Steve.
The post I talked about before also touched on how Steve ruined the life Peggy made for herself but lemme remind you of somthing.
In Captain America Winter Soldier, Peggy was so happy to see Steve. You could see it in her eyes, despite the love she had for her deceased husband and despite the life she lived, she still loved that man. And it was so beautiful because in Agent Carter, Peggy developed feelings for someone else. But even after all that, when Peggy saw Steve again, she was happy.
Peggy's life wasn't ruined when Steve decided to go back to her. Look at how happy and at peace she is when she finally danced with Steve at the end of Endgame. You cannot tell me she is missing a life she doesn't have. If she even remembers that life.
But if she remembers the life she had, she still chose Steve.
5. Why can't Steve choose this?
To everyone who is against Steve's decision, why? Comment why because I honestly want to know. I want to see the other side of this argument.
Why can't Steve chose Peggy?
Is it because he's abandoning Bucky? No. Bucky knew what Steve was going to do. In Falcon in the Winter Soldier, Bucky talks about Steve and him talking about giving Sam the shield.
Did this talk happen before Steve left to return the stones? Most likely but it's not for sure. If that was the case, I'm pretty sure Steve talked to Bucky about his plans to live with Peggy.
Steve didn't abandon Bucky and Bucky isn't bitter.
I may not like having an MCU without Steve Rodgers and I may hate the cracker-jack Tom they got holding the shield, but I respect Steve's decision.
I understand and respect what he chose.
What are your thoughts?

I don't have many followers but this would be so fun so I'm making sure I don't lose it lol
send an ask: get to know your author
1) is there a story you’re holding off on writing for some reason?
2) what work of yours, if any, are you the most embarrassed about existing?
3) what order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
4) favorite character you’ve written
5) character you were most surprised to end up writing
6) something you would go back and change in your writing that it’s too late/complicated to change now
7) when asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
8) favorite genre to write
9) what, if anything, do you do for inspiration?
10) write in silence or with background noise? with people or alone?
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
12) your weaknesses as an author
13) your strengths as an author
14) do you make playlists for your current wips?
15) why did you start writing?
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
17) if you could give your fledgling author self any advice, what would it be?
18) were there any works you read that affected you so much that it influenced your writing style? what were they?
19) when it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timeline, ect.?
20) do you write in long sit-down sessions or in little spurts?
21) what do you think when you read over your older work?
22) are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?
23) any obscure life experiences that you feel have helped your writing?
24) have you ever become an expert on something you previously knew nothing about, in order to better a scene or a story?
25) copy/paste a few sentences or a short paragraph that you’re particularly proud of
Bakugo x Reader
[Insert Argument]
Bakugo: Fuck you!
(Y/N): So do it.
Bakugo: Wha-
(Y/N): Fuck me. Coward.

I don't see these things enough so...
Bakugo with a s/o who can't speak but when their hands move, he swears they're a siren because they lure him in so easily and he really can't get enough of their smile.
Bakugo with a s/o who can't hear but he tells them everything because they're the most sacred vault and he couldn't imagine confiding in anyone else.
Bakugo with a s/o who can't see but he shows them the world—his world in so many different ways because they are the only one he trusts to know the darker parts of him.
Bakugo with a s/o with a prosthetic limb he finds cool as shit and that may or may not be because they look like something out of an apocalypse movie... Not to mention they still kick ass and it hurts like hell.
Bakugo with a bedridden s/o who always says he deserves someone who can go outside and be with him but he says he could run around the world and he'd never be as happy as he was in this room.
Bakugo with s/o in wheelchair is dangerous because he always pushes them as fast as he can and it's because their laugh makes his face warm and heart way too full.
Bakugo who doesn't feel ashamed when people can see his s/o scars, no matter how many times his s/o says he should be because they show just how strong his s/o is and he wouldn't trade them for the world. He always always traces each mark with such fondness and pride because his s/o has been through some shit but they are still the best thing in the world and will never stop telling them that.
Honestly, anyone with a s/o who doesn't fit that overused cookie-cutter mold and even with a s/o that does. Favorite character or person x a s/o of any shape, size, ethnicity, gender, etcetera.
Favs x you bb (ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc)