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He Who Was Found In Chains, Set Free. | V.
He Who was found in chains, set free. | V.

Cross posted on Ao3 here!
“I’m glad you enjoyed the dress.” Alucard spoke, almost sheepishly. Like he was embarrassed. He was. You smiled, focusing on washing the cookware from dinner. “It’s very pretty.” You mused, rinsing one off to give to Alucard, who was in charge of drying. “I can’t believe you managed to find something in my size.” He stayed quiet for a while. He wasn’t sure if it was...appropriate, bringing up. Given your circumstances. You didn’t mind the silence though. It beat any yelling that would have normally taken place back in Gresit.
“...My father used to bring home garments for my mother. From his travels. She used to tell him ‘it doesn’t matter if it’s my size or not, if it’s a beautiful fabric bring it, I'll adjust it’.” He chuckled, reminiscing on times past. “She had an extensive collection, I’m glad I guessed correctly.” You hummed, rinsing off another.
“Where are they now? Traveling?” You didn’t pay much attention to your own question, simply living in the docile moment. Being able to actually clean without someone telling you you’re pathetic, or useless, or to do something else.
He blinked, turning to you in shock. “Do you not know?” Word seemed to travel quickly, he was surprised.
“...Know what?” Oh no. You’ve asked a terrible question, haven’t you?
“...My father was Dracula.” Your stomach was in your throat. All of those paintings you saw around the house--all of the portraits of who you assumed to be Dracula. His father. And the beautiful woman you saw must have been his mother. Which means, all the paintings of a small babe in her arms must have been....
“Oh, oh Alucard, I’m--I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” You sounded panicked, ceasing your washing. He shook his head quickly, not wanting to guilt you. “It’s quite alright.” He spoke so surely.
“No.” You whispered, looking down at your hands. “You had to--Oh, I’m so sorry. That must have been so awful, no son should ever have to fight with his own father.”
Alucard wasn’t expecting that. You continued. “I know everyone feared him, I know he was practically the vampire king, but, he was your father. And you had a family. No one should have to go through such a tragedy.” You looked up at him with glassy eyes. You were crying.
Alucard had no idea how to respond to you. Everyone had always thanked him for killing off evil, always a good riddance. Even after knowing who he was in relation to Dracula, they didn’t bother for any kind words or condolences. The closest he ever got was a quick consolation from Sypha after burning the corpse of his dead father. The thought alone makes him shudder. And now he you are, a complete stranger, who had awful parents that cursed you and threw you out for some coin, just for being a witch. A stranger that gave him compassion, a stranger that wept on his behalf for his tragic tale.
God, that alone could have brought him to his knees in tears.
“...Thank you.” He cleared his throat, pushing back the strong wave of emotion he had been feeling. “That’s....very kind of you.”
Dinner was cleaned up fairly quickly and quietly after that conversation. You did your best not to overthink the interaction. Had you been too pushy? Maybe he felt uncomfortable. All these negative thoughts came flooding you, and even though you knew he would have said as much, you couldn’t feel like you did something wrong. You bid him a good night, and scurried off to the library. You weren’t done for the night, there was so much more reading to do.
You yawned for the umpteenth time within the hour, rubbing your eyes raw of sleep. You hadn’t a clue what time it was, but you were so sure it was well into the night. You had been perusing different books now, wanting to learn about different topics, you couldn’t even choose which one. You started a book of herbology, and marked it where you left off. Then you started a book about the human body, that one was so difficult. You marked off a page, wanting to get back to it. Maybe Alucard can teach me about this. You nodded to yourself, placing all the books you had been reading in a neat pile on the desk. You wished you had some paper to write down notes. It was difficult remembering everything, but you did your best anyway. After another yawn, you decided it was time for bed.
You went back to your room as quietly as you could, in fear you would wake him. Getting ready to retire for the night, you had decided that you would continue to pay his kindness back, starting bright and early in the morning.
Alucard has woken up the same as he always does, bathing and dressing for the day. He was going to train with his sword first, as he usually does. But, on the way to the ballroom he had been using for combat practice, he heard rustling in the kitchen. That’s odd, he mused, it’s barely light outside. Maybe you couldn’t sleep, or wanted a snack. That was the sensible part of his brain. Or maybe she’s plotting against you, ready to poison you, trying to get a knife to kill you, was the more...manic part of his brain. He steadied himself, trying his best not to think the worst of you, and continued on to the kitchen. What he saw honestly made his heart stop.
You had been back in your old clothes, except your hair was up, with a piece of torn off cloth from your skirt, eyes focused and brows scrunched over the stove. You had been slowly stirring some red sauce, placing the spoon down and cracking a few eggs in. Alucard looked around and saw some fruits from the market he had recently visited cut up, and smelled fresh bread in the oven. Had you...been making breakfast for him?
“Oh!” You startled, almost burning your hand on the iron pan over the fire, and turned around to look at him almost with shame. Had he said that out loud? “I’m sorry, Alucard, I just...thought it would be nice if you woke up to breakfast. I didn’t know you’d be up so early.” You yawned, sleep evident in your voice. Dark circles under your eyes indicated you hadn’t slept much. And he figured, when he past the library last night he saw a small light from the cracked door. What surprised him the most is that you were able to get up with such little sleep, let alone start cooking a meal.
“What are you making?” God, that was rude Alucard! He tried to track backwards but you answered him polite as always.
“It’s something I read in an old cookbook back in Gresit...He had to pretend to be a kind man to save face in front of everyone...So sometimes the elderly woman a few houses down would come get me and teach me to cook. This was a recipe in the book, from Africa I think...i’m sorry, I don’t remember the name.”
The name didn’t matter, not to him, not really. But the fact that you had memorized facts about the food and the recipe itself was astounding. You spoke again. “It’s almost ready, if you’d like to eat. I just have to set the table, and wait for the bread. A few more minutes, I think...” Alucard was already a few steps ahead of you, grabbing dishware and cutlery. “Don’t worry, I’ll set the table. You’ve cooked a meal, and I’m very grateful for that.” You could feel the heat rise from your neck, embarrassed from his words. You decided not to mind them very much.
After a few more minutes of finishing up, you had brought over the rather heavy pan onto the table, with cloth in between so as to not tarnish the wood. (Alucard asked if he could do it for you, and you stubbornly rejected it. It’s fine, not so heavy! Liar). Finally, the bread was brought out to the table with a delicious aroma. Alucard has always baked fresh bread, but something about the way you baked it made it smell more delicious than ever. You cleared your throat, feeling rather awkward, before cutting into the bread. “This, ah, is meant to be a family meal. Shared, in the pan, I’m sorry for assuming that was okay--”
“It is, okay. Don’t worry.”
You stuttered for a moment, before plating some bread on a side plate for Alucard. “It’s meant to be eaten almost like a dip, so the bread is a good way to have the flavors soak up. I hope you enjoy it.”
To say you were absolutely terrified of his reaction was the understatement of the century. You plated for yourself, trying to stall so you can look out of the corner of your eye as he dipped the fresh bread into the hot pan.
The taste of the breakfast was nothing he’s ever had before. The acidity of the tomatoes were so sharp, but it was wonderfully balanced out with the eggs that were cooked to perfection. The yolk was still runny, but the whites weren’t undercooked. He couldn’t believe the spices and seasonings came from his pantry. He’s never used them in such a way, but it worked so perfectly and balanced. It was a strong dish that can stand on its own, but didn’t overwhelm his senses. He could eat this for days. The bread alone was phenomenal. And it’s bread. But yours was...well it didn’t taste like it was made out of pure survival. It tasted homemade with love, and enjoyment from cooking.
Or maybe it was just because someone had cooked for him, for the first time in a while. He scratched that thought out, it was actually delicious.
“It’s not perfect,” you spoke. “It’s missing a big ingredient, difficult to find here in Europe, the elderly woman had a stash of it away in her house. Said she would travel in her youth.” You smiled at the reminiscence. “ But I hope you like it.” You bit your lip, dipping your own piece of bread into the dish.
Alucard went back in for another slice of bread to dip some more, trying his best to not make a mess of himself and the table even though he’s so sure he looks like a kid again with how animated he’s acting. He spoke your name, with a laugh.
“This is the most delicious breakfast I think I’ve ever had.”
You almost preened at the compliment, if you were a bird you’d ruffle your feathers. (And Alucard was so sure he could see it in his mind anyways).
“I’m so glad you like it.” You breathed out, and continued on with breakfast as normal.
The day went on, with you studying and asking Alucard for help, and then night came.
And then the next day came and went.
And then the rest of the week came and went.
You woke up on the seventh day, more sluggish than usual. You didn’t want to go. You had grown very fond of being in a safe shelter. Alucard had given you more dresses and skirts to wear each day, with a nightgown so you can comfortably rest (he apologized profusely after realizing that he never gave you pajamas). And now today was the day you had to leave. You wouldn’t take advantage of the kindness he has shown you.
You put your old clothes back on after one last bath (god you were going to miss that) and folded up the clothing he has lent you nicely. On the bed. You made your way down to the kitchen, Alucard immediately greeting you with a smile, and then he noticed what you were wearing.
And his smile dropped.
“You’re wearing your old clothes.”
You nodded, trying your best to smile.
“My only clothes. I have to leave today. I’m very grateful for the knowledge you have given me, and words can do no justice as to how I feel now that I can read better! You’ve been very kind to me, Alucard. And you’ll have my word, just as I said. If you don’t mind, I just ask for a loaf of bread so I can bring with me, then I’ll be on my way honest.”
Alucard couldn’t disguise his disappointment, though you thought he was just finally happy to be getting rid of you.
“Where will you go?” Why don’t you stay here instead?
You shrugged, looking around.
“How will you stay safe?” You’re safe here
Another shrug, picking at your nails again. Your bad habits coming back full force.
The silence was entirely too loud for your liking, deciding it was time to leave quickly.
“Thank you, I think it best if I leave while it’s still light outside.”
You turned around to leave, and in an instant he was in front of you, with an indistinguishable emotion behind his eyes. “You don’t have to go, you know.”
You furrowed your brows, confused. “Isn’t that what we discussed? One week’s time. It’s been seven days, I’m sure of it. I counted.”
“You can stay, it’s safer for you.”
“I can’t continue to be a bother to you, Alucard.”
“Please.” The emotion turned into pain, voice desperate. He whispered your name. “I don’t want you to go...please, won’t you stay here?”
You were taken back by his sentiment. You’ve never, not a day in your life ever had someone want you there. You’ve never had someone ask you, beg you to stay.
You’ve never had someone look at you like Alucard looks at you.
“Please.” He repeated, a hand taking a hold of yours, to stop yourself from picking. You gasped, but don’t pull away. You stayed quiet, the two of you simply staring at each other. You released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
“....If you’re sure...I would like to stay. I would like that very much, Alucard.”
“My name is Adrian.”
You blinked.
“I thought your name was--”
“The rumors call me Alucard. The...the legends call me ‘The’ Alucard, which is even more ridiculous.” His face scrunches for a moment. Then it softens. “But my mother...my mother called me Adrian. That is my given name. I haven’t...ah, used it, in quite some time. It’s easier to be known as a rumor.” But I think I would like it if you used it.
“...Adrian.” The way you spoke his name made butterflies erupt in his stomach.
“I would like to stay, Adrian.”
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More Posts from Catarsis96
Weird Alucard Mermaid AU

AN: @queenondeezmatatas I am sorry but my brain is not functioning and I cannot properly write a mermaid au for Alucard but I tried...its a little crackhead. (P.S. I have been listening to the same song for past week, my adhd is at its peak)
Summary: “when I asked for a souvenir I meant something smaller…”

“It was your first time on a boat and you brought back a mermaid?”
“Technically it’s a merman,”
“Bitch you can’t even swim-” Aril paused with a comical expression on his face. “Listen,” he gently held your shoulders and spoke in an exasperated tone, “when I asked for a souvenir I meant something smaller…”
Uncaring of your brother who was minutes away from a break down you could not help but admire your find. “Isn’t he pretty,” you tucked away the disarrayed strands of slumbering merman’s hair. Pretty golden hair that complimented his glimmering black tail.
“Do you think we should cover him with a blanket or would that be weird for his skin textu-”
“Y/N this isn’t the time to think about skin texture!” Aril finally exploded with his booming voice. He motioned his hand to where the merman lay, “We have a Merman in our house. On my bed. 50 miles away from the shore.” Whenever Aril got mad his face turned red. Tomato red. It was comical. “He could die, for all I know we could be killed by this creature.”
“Just why did you do it?”
“I couldn’t leave him to die Aril,” you met the merman on the shores of the busy port city. A place where many wandered yet, none cared to look at the injured creature by the water. Maybe none had seen him. But he was there, motionless and pale in the waters that seem to bleed red with his injured tail.
So abandoning the hard-earned boat ride that you had bought, you covered the merman in your cloak and carried him on your back. You did take a carriage ride but that isn’t dramatic enough to be mentioned.
Maybe you could have been smarter and left the merman in the coastal town, where he would be closer to his home but you could not bring yourself to do it. Not when the town with brimming merchants is also a hub for illegal slaves.
The wounds on his tail and the marks on his wrists were enough signs to not let him suffer any more confinement. And if it is the sea, he desired, then you would give him that. You would take him back wherever he desired.
“Whoever you are,” you took the merman’s hand in yours. His much colder than yours. “I promise you that I will not bind you to this place and I promise you the warmth of this hearth, even though you might not like that so…more like the water of our lake?” You smile at your own little joke. Too bad the merman does not get to listen to your excellent innuendoes yet.
But something told you that he would soon. Maybe it was the deepening frown between his eyebrows.

Blood, crashing relentless waves, coarse sand of the seabed on his tail, nails scratching his skin until it gave away to blood. Screams surrounded him. They were after him. They want him dead just like they killed his mother.
They killed his mother. Ha…Alucard felt an unbearable pressure on his chest. His mother was dead…and his father was gone in grief. Lost to the world as his mother was. Only one left was him.
Not for long though. He would join them. Maybe his pursuers would grant him the mercy of joining his mother.
A big chunk of his tail had been ripped apart by claws. It bled into the sea. Vanishing into the depths of storming waves.
Rippling pain continued to pulse through him. Even in the dark of his unconscious mind, it stayed. Ever present. Until it settled onto his every pore. A grating sensation.
Alucard’s eyes flew open and what welcomed him was not the comforting dark of the sea but something different…it was wood. Was he on a ship? He could not feel the waves, nor could he sense the existence of other sea creatures.
“I told you blanket was not a right choice for slimy mermen,” Alucard very much wanted to protest that he was not a slimy merman. But before he could another voice replied “Jeez forgive me Y/N that I am not a mermaid, expert and that I didn’t plan for our little guest that you brought.”
First of all, Alucard was not little. “Mer…merman,” he tried to interject his capturers who had entrapped him under a formidable net, likes of which he had never seen.
“Yeah I told you he’s a merman- wait what?” a note of surprise rang in the voice of one named Y/N, “shit…you’re awake!”
“Aril you got the pan?” Is he going to be cooked? He heard the tales from others of his kind. Humans loved to devour almost anything edible.
Alucard's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled to make sense of the situation. He was trapped, captured by these humans, and his fate seemed uncertain. The memories of his mother's death and the relentless pursuit by his attackers still haunted him, and now he found himself in an entirely different danger.
The wood above him, the lack of crashing waves, and the absence of other sea creatures made it evident that he was no longer in the sea. There was no easy escape from land…had he been on a ship it would be easier.
The voices of his captors, Y/N and Aril, continued to echo around him, their words both confusing and alarming. Y/N seemed to be surprised by something, perhaps his ability to communicate, while Aril seemed preoccupied with something called a "pan."
"Aril, maybe we should think this through. He seems aware, and he's not attacking us."
Aril grumbled in response, his tone still cautious. "Aware or not, he's still a merman, and we can't just ignore the risks. What if he lures others of his kind to attack us?"
"Hey," Alucard looked at the owner of the hesitant voice, which belonged to you—the woman with the brightest voice and a staggering intellect. You returned his gaze with a blinding smile. "You okay?" you asked, your concern evident as you pointedly stared at the sheet covering him.
Your words, though familiar in their cadence, were foreign to Alucard. He struggled to focus on what you were saying, his head pounding with a thudding ache. His tail was his only connection to the sea, and without water, it felt foreign and uncomfortable. The air seemed to cling to him, grating against his exposed skin.
Desperate to free himself from the constraining cloth, Alucard tried to pry it off. The fabric stuck to him, unlike the seamless flow of water through his fingers. The air seemed ruthless and his hands flapped awkwardly. Despite his efforts, the cloth persisted, trapping him like the nets that humans used to ensnare sea creatures. "Let me help ," you spoke again, your fingers inching towards him.
As your hands neared him, Alucard couldn't shake the memory of the claw marks on his back, inflicted by his own people. The pain was still fresh, and he couldn't trust these humans, even though you seemed to want to help.
He bared his teeth in a defensive growl, a warning to keep your distance. Uncertainty clouded his mind, unsure of your intentions and whether he could trust you. The memory of his mother's death at the hands of humans haunted him, and he couldn't risk facing a similar fate.

You paused, sensing his fear and apprehension. Your eyes softened with understanding, and you slowly withdrew your hand
You encounter a stalemate, as you watch a wriggling merman who won’t let you help him. Behind you, you can feel Aril with a pan in his grasp. Your own defenses had sprung up at the sight of menacing fangs that the mer possessed.
Yet, it is not just fear that welcomes you but also a longing tug. You can see the wounds on the mer’s back. A story imprinted on his body. But even in his clumsy movements there is a desperation. A need to save himself. It would be easy to help him and free him or maybe knock him out and release him back into the seas that he comes from. But the forming tears in his eyes stop you. And maybe that is the reason that you step back and allow the creature to fight his battle with your bedsheet. You allow him the freedom of his struggle.
And as you do so, you yank a hesitant Aril out of the house. “Get some Kingfoil for him,” your brother rightfully glares at you. He is afterall, smarter than you in most situations. “What? You want me to get herbs?” You exaggeratedly point at yourself. “You want the fish inside to die…don’t tell me you want to grill it into our next dinner,” Aril does not entertain your shenanigans. “He doesn’t look that appetizing but…”
“I’ll go but you keep this,” your brother very responsibly hands you his trusted pan. “Aim for his head if he is a menace.” He expectantly looks at you. You grace him with a firm salute which he does not appreciate enough and walks away towards the woods.
By the time you return the mer, seems to have won the battle with your sheet and pants on your brother’s bed with fervor of an exhausted lover.
“Well well, looks like you won,” your clever remark goes very much unanswered. At this point you contemplate signing your words when the mer replies in a hoarse voice, “water,” which very much should not be considered a reply but you do not ponder on that issue as you see the said merman daintily faint back into oblivion.
“Time for a second trip,” you push up your sleeves and stare at the pan that your brother bestowed upon you…no you aren’t going to cook him. You were better than that.
Kingsfoil will have to wait.
Your afternoon is spent repackaging your merman into a less suspicious form which unfortunately involves putting the sheet back on. For the second time you crack your back at you prepare to carry the huge guy on it.
The beginnings of the lake right by your house start to show up. “I hope you like it big guy.” With a splash, the giant fish falls into the water and you do not cringe at the sound it makes or the amount of water it sprays on your abused back.

Adrian felt the rush of water around him as he swam, his senses attuned to this unfamiliar aquatic environment. The water was gentle and cool, a far cry from the hot summer sea of his home. His eyes flew open, taking in the swaying waves of the water body, though it lacked the vastness of the ocean and the familiar taste of brine he grew up with.
The water here felt lighter, and he could sense the curious whispers of the fish surrounding him. It was as if they were welcoming him to this new realm. The soothing water worked wonders on his wounded body, and he felt the relief of being free from the strange cloth that had trapped him earlier.
As he swam further, he saw your back turned to him, standing near the edge of the water. Without realizing it, his actions led him closer to you, and before he knew it, his hand tugged at your heel. You let out a screech as you fell into the water, but Adrian couldn't stop himself. Fear, anger, and a sense of betrayal filled him as he watched you struggle to keep afloat.
Instinctively, his tail wrapped around you, holding you in place as he pinned you to the edge. Your eyes widened in shock, and you tried to pry your hands away from him. A whirlwind of questions filled his mind. Who are you? Why did you bring me here? What do you want from me?
But before he could voice any of these questions, he noticed your eyes closing shut, and your limbs losing their force. Panic surged through him as he tried to understand what was happening. Just as confusion gripped him, a force pushed into him.
Since Dracula is a vampire basically dead he’s cold, and Lisa was human making her warm, that Alucard being a mix of the two is anemic and despite being warmer than a vampire, he’s colder than a human and likes to wrap up in his cape cause it’s cozy.
But this also means that when it comes to you he naturally gravitates to you.
When sleeping in bed you two could start off on your own sides, but you’ll always wake up to him curled around you and legs tangled with yours.
But on the flip side, he gets a laugh watching you jump when he surprises you with a cold hand under your shirt.
Or you crying out he’s “too damn cold! Heat thief!”
It brings him such joy to hear it ringing throughout your shared home.
you’re his warmth, his blanket, his warm home to come back to.
Though he does love making you tremble as his cold hands slide down your sides, holding your heated skin.
Or enjoying having you in his lap, your back against his chest and your legs spread, just for him to slowly bring a hand down and make you jolt, gasping from the cold touch of his hand on your sex.
Craving of You

Request: With the incident happening, may I see Adrian as time goes on slowly reciprocating physical affection between us, his lover now? Like from brief hand holding to him just plopping his head onto our shoulders or just him sleeping inside our bedroom and cuddling close to us.
Pairing: Alucard x GN Reader
Wordcount: 1.8k
AN: Sorry it took reallllllyyyy long but here it is. I hope you like it. I had alot of fun writing this. (Also I'm trying to get to other requests to have faith in me ya'll)

Humans sleep a lot, or maybe that’s just you. Adrian cannot fathom the extent of your need for sleep, even though he is part human himself. You remain the connoisseur of naps, resting your eyes for 15 minutes or indulging in a 12-hour special on weekends. You remind him of a cat basking in the sun. Sometimes he wonders if sleeping could qualify as a hobby for you.
You sleep with the most peaceful smile on your face. Your brows are free of any crease, as if even the darkest of nightmares cannot challenge your will to find rest.
Your hair falls around you messily, and your limbs entangle themselves in the nearby blankets and pillows. A few wayward strands rest on your forehead, gently swaying with the rhythmic warmth of your breath.
And Adrian cannot bring himself to sleep. He cannot convince himself to look away from the sight in front of him, even as nightmares and horrid scenes haunt his dreams. It's as if the physical separation of your separate beds is insignificant.
Lost in your dreams, you clutch your pillow closer to you, and for once Adrian wonders if it is concerning to feel envious of an inanimate object. He could be there, in your embrace, his arms around your waist, allowing you to snuggle into him.
He could, but he hasn't been able to. Not since then… not since his body finds every contact repulsive, even the ones his heart craves. His mind, heart, and soul know that you cannot and will not ever harm him, not when he is aware of the depth of your love for him.
He cannot be fooled, not after you broke down every wall he had built around himself in the aftermath of Taka and Sumi's betrayal. You did so without complaint, expecting nothing in return. And if by some remote chance there existed a possibility of your betrayal, Adrian would choose death by your hands without a moment's hesitation.
A fall for you would be sweeter than any other.
Separated by the narrow distance between your beds, in the dark of your unlit room, Alucard reaches his hand towards you. His hand lingers in the air, yearning for you and your warmth.

"Ai," you exclaim, trying to retract your hand but failing to do so. You freeze as you watch Adrian hold onto your hand. It had been an accidental brush of your fingers, something you did not intend, not at the cost of upsetting your lover.
On any normal day, you would have immediately pulled your hand back and apologized for the contact. It has always been the reality of your relationship, and you have accepted Adrian, all of him.
However, your world tilts on its axis as Adrian surprises you by not letting go. With trembling fingers, your beloved interlaces his fingers with yours, and you savor the point of contact that he has granted you.
So, you smile with all the love you can muster. You smile to show your happiness, your pride, and your affection. Adrian's hands feel cold against yours as the lines of your palms align.
Maybe if times had been different, you would have kissed your beloved. You would have cupped his cheeks and looked right into his eyes, but for now, you let him lead at his own pace as you map the expanse of his hand with your thumb, offering the comfort he has allowed you to offer.

"And then we just ended up leaving because honestly, there was no point in staying," Adrian listens to you ramble as you take another bite of your watermelon.
The heat of the long summer dissipates as the sun descends to the corner of the world, casting a hazy shade of orange over everything. Birds rush back to their nests with renewed urgency, and cicadas sing the song of the night.
Both of you sit on the secluded porch of your childhood home, the backyard now bearing the fruit of your day's labor. A subtle scent of jasmine fills the area from the tree you planted in your childhood.
It's a perfect evening next to you, but Adrian cannot focus. His mind is filled with thoughts of you—your carefree smile, your eyes, your voice. He feels intoxicated by your essence. A part of his heart sings with joy as you still hold his hand close. Despite your complaints about his icy cold fingers, you allow it anyway. He is surprised by how natural it feels for you to hold his hand in yours, how habitual it has become for your fingers to intertwine and for your thumb to run soothing patterns on the back of his hand. It feels nothing like the past he fears; it is different, and he knows it.
Your love doesn't bind him; instead, it offers him freedom.
Adrian's throat dries as he steels his mind. He has to do it, for your sake and his own. Months ago, his dreams were nightmares full of terror, but now they are the manifestations of his desires, desires that urge him to follow your touch.
With a slight tilt of his head, Adrian inches closer to you. His gaze lands on your lips. He yearns, but he resists. Someday he will, but for today, Adrian finds comfort as he rests his head on your shoulder.
Your voice stops, and Adrian feels the sharp breath you suck in. He almost fears rejection. Does it mean you don't desire him? Is he too late? But all his fears dissipate into thin air when he hears the loud thud of your heart. To his sensitive hearing, it sounds like a loud drum.
A smile blooms on Adrian's face as he feels the heat rushing up your neck and catches a glimpse of the light red that colors your ears. Adrian simply closes his eyes and snuggles closer to your arm, leading to where your hands are linked.
His nose nestles in the hollow of your collarbone, and for the first time in his life, he feels goosebumps on his skin. A thrill of pleasure consumes him, leaving him wanting more. In those moments, no fear, no trauma plagues him. There is no room for it anymore; you have taken over everything.

You clench your fist, feeling your knuckles crack under the force of your motion. You despise everything in this godforsaken room—the awful-tasting wine, the snobbish elite, the constricting fit of your formal outfit, the vampire who stands way too close to Adrian, and most of all, yourself for feeling this way.
Yet, you cannot help but watch your lover next to his friend. A friend from childhood who possesses the elegance of immortality that you lack. Morgan, a vampire, who holds fragments of Adrian's life that you do not.
You cannot help but notice how good they look together, how much easier it is for Adrian to accept closeness and the comfort that Morgan offers. Compared to you, who still struggles to calm him down after a bout of nightmares.
Maybe if you were better, you would have the courage to selflessly allow Adrian a better chance at life with someone who would remain by his side until the end of times.
The bitterness of your wine lingers on your tongue as you try to pry your eyes away from the pair who seem deeply engrossed in their conversation. A part of you hopes that Morgan will be there when you are no longer in this world, that Adrian will have someone by his side.
It's hard to gulp down the next sip of wine as scenarios of your separation cloud your mind. You imagine a future where you're no longer part of Adrian's world, where he finds solace and love in the arms of another. It's a painful thought, one that tightens your chest and leaves you feeling hollow.
Was what you offered enough? Would it ever be enough of what little you could offer Adrian? Deep down, you know he deserves more, more than anything and everything you have to give.
Stuck in a room full of people who seem unaware of your inner turmoil, your steps falter as they lead you outside to a balcony, where the cold of the night sobers you from the slight daze of your wine.
Your breath comes in fast and loud as you try to control it, to quiet it down and hide it from the vampires flooding the room. Your vision blurs, and the world becomes hazy. Leaning on the dainty railing for support, you try to steady yourself.
Your heart beats loud and fast. It hurts—everything hurts. It hurts so bad that you lean in, bending at your waist. Your skin feels too warm, and the world feels too loud.
"Y/n," you startle when you feel hands supporting you. Trying to back away from your helper, you mutter quick apologies that seem to blend into your heaving breath. "I'm… I'm sorry… I… uh," your words stop when you feel hands cupping your face and lifting it up.
Cold hands, slender fingers, and flowing golden hair. A blurred silhouette of Adrian stares back at you. You fail to see his face through the tears that won't stop flowing from your eyes.
Now you have worried him, just what he needed. Despair fills you even further. "It's okay. I am okay," you try to reassure him as your breath starts to steady. "Give me a minute. I'll be there, you go back…" you try to pull away as you clear your throat, but Adrian remains unmoving.
You try to decipher the complex emotions in his eyes but fail to do so. Even the miserable smile you try to put on your face doesn't work.
"Have some faith in me. I may not have the courage to love as you do, but allow me to share your burdens as you have shared mine," you cannot bring yourself to answer as Adrian holds your hand in his. "Teach me and expect things from me. You know you deserve all of it. Get angry at me, cry to me, but… not like this… not alone. Don't bear it alone."
And then, without another word, Adrian leans in. His lips peck yours, the slightest touch that leaves butterflies in your stomach. The world goes quiet as you kiss your lover, your hands cupping his face as your lips explore his.
Your end will come one day, and it will hurt Adrian. It will grieve him, but before that day comes, there will be many others. And you will make sure to make them so bright that even in the gray of despair, there will always be a memory bright enough to make your beloved chuckle with amusement.
And if there exists a world beyond this, then you will find him there.
I will die on the hill that Dracula and Alucard can purr.
They don’t do it very often, and majority have never heard such things come from either of them.
It’s something they only do when they are truly safe, happy, content, and pleased.
And often do it subconsciously without even realizing it.
Dracula has a very deep low purr, it rumbles loudly and often if you’re on his chest cuddling him, you will shake to the frequency of his purrs.
He sounds more like a content dragon.
Alucard’s purr isn’t as deep, and it’s nearly mute, it’s incredibly soft sounding but it rumbles his chest, and he won’t notice he’s doing it unless you point it out.
He rejects his monstrous side, so if you mention it please ease his worries and tell him how much you love it.
He only purrs when it’s just you two, not wanting others to see him so vulnerable.
But he more purrs in the morning when he wakes up to you.
what the two vampires do have in common is how they will lean towards you, chasing your affection with their purrs for your ears only.
Greedy for your touch, greedy for your love they wish to drown in it all, and can’t help but give their own affection in return.
To cuddle you, to hold you, to kiss you with their purrs only growing in volume.
This man makes me think and write things I've never written about before. Praise kink, sorta kinda breeding kink if you squint your eyes, female receiving oral sex, mentions of other sexual positions, reader insert. I haven't posted smutty fanfic in a long time so please forgive me.
You had never considered it. As Adrian had spoken about wanting a family you initially dismissed the idea. Having children was not something you had wanted, ever. The vague idea had been there but never with other lovers, more the fact that everyone expected you to have children because you had the parts for it. But after spending months with Adrian and the way he talked to the children of the village, your body deeply imagined it, pressing your consciousness to not dismiss the idea and the blossoming desire in you.
“ Do you want to have a baby with me? His deep voice was soothing and gentle, as his golden eyes peered into your soul pleading while he sipped his wine at dinner.
The question was honest. His eyes said it all. He loved you and for him, that love surpassed all else but he would always wonder what life would be like were you carrying his seed in your womb.
“I’m sorry.” He looked as if you had already denied him yet you hadn’t said a thing. “ But I would love to make you a mother but if you don’t want….I know the world we live in is not safe but I dare to imagine it so with you.”
Your body reacted in a surprising way. It warmed to the idea of a child…his child… growing inside you. You interrupted his clearly practiced request with a kiss and begged him to breed you right there on the spot. Why did it feel so right with him? He was so eager that the dinner dishes were thrown into the floor as he laid you out on the dinner table and fucked you properly all while resisting the urge to nip at your neck but you encouraged him to… if you were going to have his child you wanted all of him.
Lovemaking for the next few months had become a passionate endeavor not just to fuck and be satisfied with one another, though there was plenty of that evident in the bite marks that covered your body, especially the ones on the insides of your thighs. He enjoyed devouring you regardless of who took the lead that night. Promises to take care of you, give you whatever you needed, to ensure that you were safe and happy carrying the life inside you were daily prayers from him.
So it shouldn’t have surprised you that when penetration became uncomfortable in the last months of your pregnancy he was more than happy to forgo his own pleasure just to see you unravel. He would take his time exploring your body. Slowly parting your folds, fingers, and tongue working so diligently to please you. Adrian would kiss you and tease you until you were begging him. His sharp teeth running across your skin but never sinking into you, the fear of hurting you while with child was a hard rule for him so you forwent love bites for the time being. But his mouth made up for it in so many other ways, kissing down your chest slowing only to suck at your nipples even when your breasts had become full with milk. He wouldn’t drink but he was not concerned if a little dribbled out on his tongue. The look in his eyes said he enjoyed it but would never ask.
Long elegant fingers slid across the tight skin of your swollen belly followed by his soft lips and a gentle drag of his sharp nails. A tiny reminder of how your days of animalistic sex weren’t over. Just on pause.
“ God I love watching you come.” Golden eyes praising you in his loving gaze. His warm breath across your mound, a delicate kiss right above the places aching for him the most.
“You’re so beautiful. The way your back arches as if you are possessed by pleasure. I love knowing that I am the cause of that possession….”
He would stop and resume his attention across your thighs until you melted. Which was part of the plan. He loved the taste of you. You were now very aware of his desire to pleasure you, you opened to him and let him drink his fill not of your blood but your nectar. He would run his tongue slowly across the most inner and intimate folds before dipping inside you to lap at your core. His name would echo through the halls of the castle as you cried out clutching his hand as he reached for yours knowing that you wanted to touch him in some small way.
“ The way you look splayed out for me, your skin blushing down your face and neck to those delicious plump breasts.” He would urge you toward oblivion with the sound of his voice.
Pulling away from where he had been tonguing your clit to speak his words of encouragement. His fingers would replace his lips as he pulled you against his lean naked form to sit in his lap while he slowly and reverently finger fucked you. But he was always gentle, never too deep, and if it was too much to bear he would run loving circles around your clit until you cried out his name.
“Be a good girl and come for me, that’s it.” He would pull you up until you stared into his eyes. “ Let me watch.” He would whisper as if he wasn’t the one causing you the most intense pleasure. His hard cock would be against your ass, the tip covered in his arousal and still he would beg you. “I want to feel you spasm on my fingers.”
And as you climaxed pulling at his long, pale hair he would continue.
“ My god you are ravishing like this, absolutely undone. I don’t want to stop.”
Sometimes he would finish himself while you watched, occasionally you would licking the tip, but once again though he was afraid that any undo stress would be bad for you and the baby. Other times he seemed content just to see you climax in his arms. His last words were always the same as you drifted off to sleep in orgasmic bliss.
“ I promise to kiss away the pain whenever you wish…. even after you have given birth.”
You knew he meant it too. He would wait patiently until he you were ready but did not want to miss the opportunity to pleasure you with his mouth.
“ I love making you come. I think it might be my favorite thing.”
As your daughter was asleep in his childhood room, he would lay you out in front of the fireplace in your bedroom, eager to lick the soreness away until he could be inside you again.