catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

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──── 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀 & 𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃 ˊˎ -

☾ ⋆ ゚𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 / 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: A third part commission for the lovely @ghostofpolaris to really tie that knot between Mina and Alucard hehe 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Adrian 'Alucard' Tepes x Mina Belmont (OC) 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓: 5.9k 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: MDNI, NSFW content, smut, references to past sexual trauma

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You coo at the little baby in your lap as you collect another spoonful of mashed vegetables to feed him. You’re sitting outside Dracula’s Castle which stands at the heart of the little village that’s ever under construction. Simon Belmont has been left in your care for a few hours while Trevor helps with construction and Sypha teaches a group of villagers with all the knowledge she has as a speaker. Alucard is teaching another group the basics of medicine as there have been one too many incidents involving the many construction sites around the place and it’s always useful to have people on site who know how to attend to injuries. Trevor is helping with the construction of a new house and so with the other three people of your little quartet being occupied, Simon has been left to your care. 

You don’t mind in the slightest though as your nephew is an absolute delight. He rarely cries, he’s easily entertained but he does have a habit of wandering off if you turn your eyes away for too long. He’s almost one year old now and you’re sure you’ve never seen a baby crawl so fast in your life. He truly can give you a heart attack if you’re to take your eyes off him for a moment and then turn back to find him gone. But currently, he’s enjoying his food too much. He has his mother’s eyes and you believe that his hair will likely darken with time in order to resemble his father’s. 

You finish feeding him and clean his face and hands gently with a cloth before giving him some water too. With a smile on both your faces, you bounce your nephew on your knee as he makes little baby noises at you, pulling giggles from your lips. 

Unbeknownst to you, Alucard has finished tutoring for the day and is standing in the open doors of the castle, looking at where you’re seated just past the bottom of the steps on a blanket, caring for your baby nephew. The sight brings a smile to his lips at seeing how loving and caring you are, how happy you are to be looking after him. The two of you have done your fair share of babysitting together when Trevor and Sypha have needed a break, you’re always more than happy to look after him. 

Things have changed a lot in the last year but the two of you have also been incredibly busy with helping to build the village and teaching not only yourselves but classes of villagers too. You’re often too tired at the end of the day to spend your evenings with chats, books and music together like you used to. Not to mention you’ve also been spending more freetime with Trevor in order to try and reconnect with your brother and amend the rift that had grown between the two of you, something that Adrian didn’t blame you for in the slightest.

That’s not to say that the two of you didn't spend time with each other at all. There have been nights where one of you will find yourself unable to sleep from the stress of the current list of responsibilities upon you and so you will find yourself in the other’s bed and arms for comfort to finally drift off into sleep. 

Adrian still holds you with your back flush to his toned chest, arms encasing you and his breath puffing out softly against the nape of your neck. The bodies have been removed from their stakes outside, naturally, when the castle was attacked and the village later built upon it. He finally told you just what they had done when you helped him burn the bodies amongst a stack of other fallen foes and night creatures. The story chilled you and you could, in fact, recall such marks upon his body when you first arrived but you had focused less on his scars and more on his alcoholic state when the two of you first became acquainted. But now that you recall them, his haunting story makes so much more sense. 

It crosses your mind sometimes when you’re laid in bed together and his lips are parted just slightly while he holds you in his arms. You’re a Belmont and you know how to assess the behaviour of non-humans. Alucard has very dangerous, very powerful fangs and he keeps them hovering above such a vulnerable part of your body when you rest together like this. On one hand, you’re glad that he has a way of holding you while also feeling safe. But on another hand, you hope that there will come a day when he feels safe enough to not feel that it’s not necessary for him to do such a thing. 

Though, you do have to admit, you missed that little window of time wherein Alucard had recovered from his period of alcoholism, had been looking after himself more and was much more welcoming to you compared to the cold nature that you had initially been introduced to. You missed how you’d play the lute and piano together, you miss how you’d lean in so close to read from a book that was set on his lap and how he would very occasionally put his arm around you to hold you close in the later days when he was more comfortable with you. 

Now when you go about measuring up boarded castle windows for repairs and replacements, it’s no longer with Adrian by your side and, in all honesty, you miss how he would have you hold one end of the tape measure to the sill of the window while he would float up to measure the height at the top. Just little things like that: you miss being able to spend more time with him. 

Right now though, you do have one of those precious moments with him as he comes to sit down on the blanket beside you and Simon. He leans on one hand which he places on the ground beside you so that his body hovers close to yours as he smiles at the little baby in your lap. You find yourself leaning back just enough for the back of your head to rest against his strong shoulder and Adrian takes the opportunity to shuffle even closer to you, feeling your warm body against his as you make baby noises back and forth with your nephew. 

The happy moment is smeared, however, when Adrian wonders if his parents ever had experiences like this one when he was just an infant: sitting outside the castle on a nice day, just your little family of three. They had all been so happy once and now he and his father’s castle with its broken engine were all that stood in the remains of the tragedy that had befallen his once peaceful and loving family. He had learned about science at his father’s knee, about medicine while perched on the edge of his mother’s desk. He had grown up in a bedroom that was designed by his parents, playing with toys that they made. There were other times that he was left to the care of tutors when his parents were busy, yes, but things had been so different not so long ago and a part of Adrian finds himself aching for things to have turned out differently. 

He goes about his day working on one task after another to try and put his mind at rest and at night he focuses on the smell of your washed hair to dull the ache that is gnawing at his heart, feeling as though it is being hollowed out. What sort of son kills his own father? Regardless of the events that led up to it, that was the final result, wasn’t it? And to see both his murdered mother and father brought back to this world in the same body… he’s woken up in a cold sweat from nightmares about it since. 

How he wishes things had been different, that the two of you could have still met regardless and he could have introduced you to his family over dinner. His mother would have adored you and he knows his father would have been sceptical of you being a Belmont at first but Lisa had shared the stories of how she met his father. Vlad would have warmed up to you the moment Lisa came to love you too. They both would have loved the music that you play. 

Adrian’s fangs catch his bottom lip for a moment as he tries to steel himself. This train of thought will bring him no good right now. Instead, he indulges himself in you. He props his chin on your shoulder as you play with little Simon and he reaches a hand forwards to tidy the baby’s pale blond hair and tickle his feet. 

You turn your head to face Adrian after a few moments and you press your forehead against his. You don’t know that he’s thinking about his mother and father but you do know that things have been difficult for everyone lately. It’s been difficult for anyone to catch a break when there’s always something to be done. Agriculture is only just being established in the village and so the people’s main source of food still comes from foraging and hunting which takes time and isn’t always fruitful. It’s a double edged sword, really, because each time the group comes back with food, you all know that it means there’s less to find tomorrow and they will have to venture out further and further as the days pass. You’re all really depending on these farms to take off. 

Then there’s always materials to find for construction, construction and repairs to be done, classes to be taught, children to mind, elders to be taken care of. No one able-bodied in this place gets to sit around, you’re all up early and out doing something to contribute to building this place up from the ruins and battlefield that it had once been. 

You know it’s quite a ways off yet but you can’t wait for the foundation of this place to finally be laid so that you can have some more time to indulge in the studies that you initially returned to the Belmont Hold for and – especially as of late – to spend more time with Adrian like the two of you used to. Hopefully, you’ll be able to have more time together than you did back then too. Hopefully.

He lets out a little sigh and leans more of his weight on you as he relishes in this brief moment of respite. You’ve had a few suspicions lately about how things are weighing down on him. He’s an immortal, he has far more stamina than anyone else in the village; so why is he so sluggish lately? Why does he seem so exhausted? You know it cannot be physical exhaustion so you can only arrive at the conclusion that it is mental. You recall his stories about Sumi and Taka, about having to kill his own father, about his father’s war beginning with the death of his mother. Alucard is at the beginning of his immortal life and yet he has already suffered so much. The thought pains you that he will have to carry these painful memories and experiences around with him for a much longer time than you could even begin to fathom, that you wouldn’t always be there to support him though it. 

Has he even had time to mourn, to process the things that have happened? It seems like his life has fallen apart so quickly and now you wonder if he really, truly, feels that he’s been able to patch it back together again yet. Losing both parents is something you can never completely recover from but Adrian had to kill his father. You wonder what’s going on behind those golden eyes of his. You open your mouth to speak-

“Father!” A group of five village children come running up to you when they see Adrian sitting down outside with you. It’s not very difficult to spot him with all that blond hair of his – more often than not, you see Alucard’s hair before you see Alucard. 

A handful of the village children have taken to referring to Adrian as such. Many of them lost their father or even both of their parents during the attacks on Danesti or in the battle at the castle against Death’s forces. You can see why as well: he’s incredible with children and so it’s no wonder that they’ve come to see him as their new father figure. You find it bittersweet in a way because while it’s cute that they adore him enough to see him as a father, you take a note of how now that their biological fathers have died, they’ve chosen an immortal to be their new father figure. You wonder whether that was a conscious or unconscious decision on their behalf, whether they sought out Adrian for that very reason or whether, in the face of their loss, his immortality just drew them in. Most children might not be able to understand the concepts of mortality and immortality at all but Wallachia has been devastated recently and these children are absolutely familiar with mortality. 

“Father! Will you come to play?” One boy, the most confident in the group, eagerly asks. Meanwhile, a little girl is already smiling at the sight of little Simon in your lap and she’s waving her hand at the baby to get his attention. Alucard sits up straight and suddenly you miss the warmth of him being so close, the soft puff of his breath upon your neck. Your intimate moment is broken and once again you’re filled with a yearning for more time in the day to spend with the dhampir. 

Adrian looks away from all of you for a moment, his tongue clicking as he parts his lips, ready to speak but unsure what words to choose just yet. You can tell that he also feels the interrupted moment but these children have a special place in his heart and he would feel cruel if he let them down. They can sense his hesitance.

“We can play football! That way we’re in one space and your wife can be near and watch too!” A little girl suggests and it’s enough for Alucard’s eyes to snap right back to the group of children in surprise. It was enough to plunge the both of you into a moment of shock. Were your feelings for each other truly so obvious that the village children assumed you were married? And yet there had been no time to nurture your relationship still. Beyond kisses to hands, cheeks and foreheads, and your embraces at night when you share a bed every now and then, there has been no time to truly let your relationship blossom. 

“Very well, let’s go.” He says with a soft smile. Adrian rises to his feet and helps you up too. He collects up the blanket for you and then later lays it down beside the open space where the children have chosen to host their game. He didn’t correct them at all and it makes you wonder why as you keep Simon’s attention on you by playing peekaboo in order to prevent him from wanting to crawl away. Did Adrian think that they just wouldn’t understand what it is you have? What even is it that the two of you have together? Or perhaps is he just trying to avoid being teased by cheeky children for clearly having feelings for a woman and not having asked her to marry him yet? You hope you can get some time alone with him this evening in order to ask him. 

You watch as he kicks the ball around with the children, switching teams between each match to keep things fair. He makes sure they all play nicely and you can’t help the way that your eyes take note of how his body moves. He’s so graceful, so elegant in all he does; truly a nobleman’s son. He has all the makings of a Prince and yet he doesn’t want any of that. Somehow that only makes him more noble in your eyes. 

When lunch rolls around, Trevor comes to collect Simon from you. Adrian has gone in order to check on the hunting party that went out this morning – they’re always more successful with his wolf form helping them with the hunt. You miss him already but you don’t have time to mull over your feelings and instead join Trevor in the village hall that’s recently finished being built and you do your part to help hand out what food there is. Everyone does their part to support each other in this village after all the hardships you’ve faced together. 

You seem to walk through the rest of the day in a daze as you think about Alucard, your mind never fully focused on the many tasks at hand. Why didn’t he correct the children earlier? Did he see you as potentially being his wife someday? Why are you even so caught up on this? It’s not like either of you are close enough to even begin to consider such far-off fantasies. Regardless, the interaction has filled you with a sudden hunger, a need to have one of those precious evenings again. You’ve already decided that you’re going to spend the night in Adrian’s bed, you’ll make up something about not being able to sleep and he’ll welcome you with open arms and his fangs hovering over the nape of his neck as he spoons you. You’ll wake to his little chuckles that he never quite contains about your fiery bedhead and you’ll act angry despite the fact that you now find this routine of yours cute and- 

You sigh as you finally resurface from the bath you have been submerged in. The last rays of evening sun filter in through your bathroom window and you finally get out of the bath to dry yourself off and dress in your nightclothes. You glance at your lute which is propped up in the corner of your bedroom – your bedroom, no longer a guest room – and realise how long it’s been since you had the chance to play it. Dust has started to gather along the tuning pegs and the neck. You miss those few nights where you would be plucking and strumming strings while Adrian’s deft fingers pressed piano keys. 

You pat your hair as dry as you can and make your way over to Adrian’s room. The two of you keep these wings to yourself while others have occupied the rooms closer to the entrance while they wait to have their own homes built. It feels more private further into the castle where you are, more like how things used to be. You just wish for things between you and Trevor to be how they are while things between you and Adrian to be how they were. 

You raise your hand to knock on his door but a sound stops you from doing so; crying. 

From inside, you can hear sobs and sniffles and desperate apologies, begs for forgiveness. You knock against the door and the noise stops entirely. Both of you hold your breaths as you look at the piece of wood that stands between you. 

“... Adrian?” You call out, pausing for a few moments in silence before you continue, “Can I come in?” More silence follows and you press your ear to the door to make sure that you haven’t missed some quiet approval or denial of entry. 

“...Come in.” You hear softly from inside and you’re glad that you pressed your ear to the door or else you might have missed it otherwise. You push the handle and make your way inside where you find Adrian sitting on the floor, on the rug at the foot of his bed. He looks up at you and his eyes are a misty pink, his cheeks stained with the red tracks of his tears. 

“Oh, Adrian…” You’re by his side in an instant and trying to wipe away his tears but you instead just smudge the blood over his skin. “What happened? What’s the matter?” Your voice is soft and comforting and he doesn’t know what overcomes him when he reaches forwards and wraps his arms around your waist. He holds you tightly and begins to cry against your shoulder. Deep down, he feels guilty for staining your nightdress like this but the comfort of crying in your arms outweighs his guilt. He holds you tightly, desperately, as though you’ll crumble to ask the moment he lets go. 

“I wish things had been different.” He sobs out against your shoulder as his fingers clutch at the material of your nightdress and press into your flesh beneath. You have a fair idea of what he means but you still want to be clear about things so that you can know what exactly you’re comforting him on. 

“What do you mean?” You ask gently as you bring up a hand to cradle the back of his head, holding him in return, before you begin to delicately comb your fingers through his blond mane. 

“My parents.” His voice breaks and you hold him a little tighter as the words bring yet another series of sobs bubbling forth from his lips. 

“They’d be proud of you.” 

“How could they be?” He comes back immediately and you can tell by his tone that you need to tread lightly. 

“You’re teaching a village of people medicine, ancient and modern sciences to heal the sick and wounded. Wasn’t that the life’s work of your mother?” Your nose nudges against the side of his head as you kneel on the floor with him and hold him closely. With how he has buried his face against you, Adrian’s bloody tears wet your shirt while his ear is pressed to the pulse of your throat. Your human heartbeat soothes him, lulls him. It reminds him of his mother holding him as a child, the only heart that had beat at such a pace in the castle with his being so slow and his father’s being still. “And you have done what your father could not. You’ve taken what he left you and you’ve made a community from it instead of locking it all away. Can’t you see? You’re the best of both of your parents.” You pull away to try and wipe his tears away again. 

For a moment, you attempt to rise to your feet in order to go over to the basin so that you might wet a cloth and truly clean the scarlet rivers from his face. But his arms around your waist tightens and his misty golden eyes, like winter sun behind clouds, plead with you to not let him go. So you don’t. 

“My father is dead because of me.” 

“Your father is dead because of some selfish, ignorant slaves of the church.” You correct him. “They killed his heart and… he was a dead man before he truly died, Adrian. And let’s face it, we know your father’s spirit: wherever he is now, he’s most certainly holding your mother in his arms. I can’t see anything taking her from him a second time.” You tilt your head a little as you try to reach into his soul to truly make him see what you see. “But don’t you see? You’re the best of both of them combined. A dhampir succeeding in all the generosity and charity of your human mother and spreading the knowledge of your vampire father to better the lives of those around you.” Your thumb swipes against the corner of his lips where tears have gathered. “The choices of others have made you suffer and have forced sacrifices upon you but your bad circumstances do not make you a bad person, Adrian.” You emphasise your last words so that he can hear how much you truly mean it. 

You’re surprised when his hands finally release your waist in favour of cupping your face instead. 

“I love you.” He’s not sure how deeply he means those words just yet. But what he knows is that things feel right when you’re together, that he misses you when you’re not together, that he delights in the nights you spend together and it aches when you have to part ways in the morning. Things are better when you’re around, complete and he hasn’t felt this whole since his mother was killed. He knows that his words surprises you, even without looking at the way your viridian eyes burst open. He doesn’t expect you to say it back, he’s not even sure if he can say it again. The words have just come out and he wants to be able to say them with conviction but your relationship has been given no time to grow. 

Now he’s afraid – no longer afraid that you will hurt him as Sumi and Taka did but he’s afraid that if he doesn’t do this with you now then whatever spark is between the two of you will be extinguished by all of your responsibilities tearing you from one another all the time. He’s finally ready for this, he thinks, but he just doesn’t know how to initiate it. 

You can feel the closeness between the two of you and he can see how your eyes fall down to his lips. He leans in just a little closer but he doesn’t quite have the courage to kiss you despite every beat of his heart compelling him to do so. 

“Adrian…” You begin very carefully and that same slow heart skips a beat. “Can I…?” You daren’t say it in case you spook him off. You know of his past and the last thing you want to do is pressure him or stir up bad memories. He gives you the slightest nod of his head and your lips meet his. 

Your kiss fills him with enough courage to be able to return it, to be able to pull you close as he pushes all of his fears aside and just plunges into the moment, moving so quickly that he doesn’t give himself a moment to think of everything that’s hurt him. Now, all he wants to focus on is what heals him: you. 

You’re surprised by the passion of his kisses but make no protest as you find your chest being pressed to his, legs tangling as you find your way into his lap. He’s panting already with the intensity of the moment as his lips slant across your jaw and his breath puffs out warmly against your neck. You’re a Belmont, you should know better than to let a dhampir’s fangs so close to your throat. But you’re Mina Belmont and you see no monster in the man who’s clinging onto you like his life depends on it, who’s broken and desperately seeking your body out to heal his heart. 

You reach up to pull your damp copper hair away from your shoulders and behind your back and turn your face to the ceiling. You know that this action means much more to Alucard than might meet the eye, that for one to bear their throat to a vampire is a sign of trust, of submission. You don’t yet know if you love him but you don’t doubt that such a feeling can grow and very soon at that. But you do want him to know that he’s safe, that he’s the one in control and you’re not here to hurt him. 

He remembers your words from all those nights ago, that you might be a Belmont but you’re unarmed and he’s a dhampir. He feels safe with you, he is safe with you. His fangs graze your pulse as he kisses but not once do they break your skin. He considers carrying you to the bed for a moment as his hands glide down your waist and to your rear, appreciatively squeezing as he lets out a soft moan by your ear, his lips immediately pressing to the soft spot just beneath it. But he decides that things will feel different on the floor, that he won’t think of- he pushes the thought from his mind immediately. 

Adrian snatches a blanket from the end of the bed and sets it down on the floor beneath your head as he lowers you down. He’s on top this time, he’s in control of the situation and his tears have stained the shoulder and collar of your nightgown red as though he’s bitten you… His fingers drag delicately over your pulse, his touch so sensual without even meaning to be. He finds himself wanting to bite you, to show the world that he’s yours as much as you’re his, that the world cannot keep you from him so long as you have these precious evenings together, even if his heart is pounding and he’s not entirely sure what he’s doing, just that your thighs feel so warm on either side of him. 

Your hair is splayed out around you like a halo of fire and he just feels that he owes so much to you. He holds so much love for you that he cannot bear to let this moment simply slip by and he’s tugging your neckline open to kiss across your collarbones. Your hands tangle in his hair to feel the silken gold strands between your fingers as his hands reach beneath your nightdress to tug your undergarments off your legs. The moment his eyes land upon your slit, his hands ghost over your inner thighs before his gaze snaps up to you in a silent question: ‘Is this ok?’ 

You nod your head and he proceeds. His thumb traces a tender circle upon your clit before it delves between your folds to collect up the gathering moisture and push it up to your sensitive pearl. He’s spent so long being frightened of such intimacy but now that he’s plunged into the moment, that it’s with you, there’s nowhere else he’d rather be, nothing else he’d rather be doing. 

You’d love nothing more than to drag out this moment for the entire night but Adrian’s sense of urgency, of need, has bled into you and you’re soon biting your lips and squirming beneath him when those fingers that had played the piano with you so well now explore you like you’re a new song to be learned, experimenting with where he applies more pressure or drags his fingers against, what tempo to move at. Soon enough, you’re reaching for his nightshirt and it makes him freeze for a moment when you pull at the ties. There’s a moment of pause and you wonder if you’ve made him uncomfortable but he looks into your viridian eyes that are gazing up at him with concern, with love and worry for his well-being and suddenly his moment of panic is over and he’s safe again. He pulls the shirt over his head to reveal the sculpted chest that you’re so used to seeing. (You had once been surprised to find out that Alucard even owns a shirt). 

He swallows thickly as his fingers withdraw from your pussy and he glances down to admire the cobweb of your arousal stretching between them. 

“This… this is enough now, right? It won’t hurt you?” You can’t help but smile softly at his words. Of course he would be worried about your comfort. He truly is such a sweet soul beneath all his layers of hurt. His words speak of inexperience but also of a want to learn your body, to be able to care for it and satisfy it. He’s trembling with the excitement of it all and you nod, giving him a little ‘mmh-hmm’ to let him know that it’s ok.

His hands bunch your nightdress up even more so that he can admire your glistening and swollen arousal before he pushes his bottoms down just enough to free his dick. You watch how exposure to the cooler air of the room makes his fang sink into his lower lip, not quite enough to break skin though. He strokes himself a few times before pressing against you and he sucks in a shaky breath at the sensation of your warm, wet slit against his sensitive tip. 

His face buries into your shoulder where he had been crying earlier – though now it’s there for entirely different reasons. He grinds his hips against yours until his cock can catch at your entrance and he finally begins to slowly sink into you. His chest presses to yours, pinning you to the ground while one of his arms snakes beneath your body. He pulls you up against him just enough to make your back arch and when it allows him in deeper, it tugs a little whimper from his lips. 

A moan is torn from your own throat at the feeling of him filling you up and your noise seems to only encourage him to do deeper. Your legs wrap around his waist though you’re careful to not do so too tightly. Adrian’s lips meet yours as he begins to rock his hips against you at a steady pace, worried he’ll finish too fast if he goes as quickly as he’s aching to do so deep down. 

He knows he’s not exactly the image of confidence and dominance right now but you’re letting him be in control nonetheless and it’s these things that you do for him, these accommodations you make in order to help him heal that just make his heart flutter for you in his chest and his lips crash onto yours as he feels your arms loop around his neck to hold him equally as close. 

The two of you don’t bother to try to muffle your sounds, knowing there is no one in this wing of the castle but the two of you and you feel Adrian hike one of your thighs higher over his hip and he moans against your lips each time you tug at his long hair which spills around you like curtains to block out the rest of the world. 

After a while, he grows more confident in his pace and his forehead rests against yours as he thrusts into you with more fervour. His head swims with pleasure but your pretty moans make him think to not so long ago when stroking your clit had prompted the same reaction and so he reaches down to rub quick little circles into it. The stimulation is unexpected and fills you with sudden pleasure that pushes you over the brink of orgasm, a sensation like liquid lightning running through your veins. The tight squeeze of your walls as you finish causes Adrian to come too and he has just the faintest amount of sense to pull out of you and quickly stroke himself to completion, finishing with sticky ribbons of cum over your abdomen and clit. 

He pants a few times before leaning over you again but this time he rests on his side. You both share the folded blanket beneath your head as a makeshift pillow as you come down from your highs. 

“Be mine?” Adrian asks softly. “Only mine.” His words make your racing heart skip a beat but your head is swimming too much for words and so you merely nod. You lean in to kiss him and then curl up against his chest, wrapping your arms around him while he does the same. 

That hollow feeling in you both vanishes and suddenly everything feels whole again. 

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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago


Cat and Mouse

Cat And Mouse

Before you and Alucard became an item, you played a game of cat and mouse. At times you provoked to lead him on for a chase, at others he hotly pursued your retreating tail of his own volition.

Your sexual frustration built up over the year and was now boiling over, so you finally decided to do something about it because your restlessness was driving you to distraction, which was no longer sustainable in your field of work.

When you come home to the Hellsing manor one night smelling like sex with a human man, but the scent of your arousal still clung heavily to you, Alucard appears and mocks your lover for being unable to satisfy you. He offers you a good time if you'll follow him to the basement. The vampire king would love to have sloppy seconds if it meant he could show a lady like you the fine art of making love.

"Fraternizing with human men, little one? It appears you didn't have the fortune of finding one who knew what he was doing."

"Come with me, sweet, let me demonstrate to you how carnal pleasures should be experienced."

His face split into a shit-eating grin, crimson eyes glowing bright as he stared at you pinned under him, panting and leaking. "If you came to me to begin with, I wouldn't have left you wanting like that. You would have gotten it right the first time."

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1 year ago


synopsis; the great vampire, the son of dracula sees that you have wandered into his tower. he can't help but smell your delicious, sweet blood, he might need a taste. wk; 3k

warnings; mdni, smut 18+, heavy smut, nipple play, blood play, biting, choking, unprotected sex, kinda dub-con, f!top & m!bottom, nicknames, wlw, vaginal sex, knife play, beta read!

note; so i was very much inspired by thomas doherty's vampire show? movie? idk i want to see it but havent. and i was rlly inspired by interview with the vampire. i love a vampire theme so much! and i hope you like this babes. remember to reblog, like and comment i would rlly appreciate it.

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step by step you trudged up the muddy hills, snuggling closer to your coat and hugging it to your body. breaking through and cutting between the howling of winds. 

you were on a journey with a destination. 

the destination? dracula’s castle. 

the meaning for this trip was plain and simple. for a story. you were a journalist, wanting a taste of literature mixed with meaning. maybe this dracula was misunderstood. it was known that the commoners did kill his wife, that was his reason.

you nodded to yourself, remembering those facts. that could cause anyone to kill. a broken heart can make a man mad, so why should dracula be treated any differently.

in the distance was his castle. it was hard to track it down, you had kept tabs and studied its movements for months. 

as you saw the high, victorian building, your heart started racing. this was the change of a lifetime. yes, it was your chance to get his story out and for him to finally have a voice. 


you mediated for a moment on this decision. yes it was dangerous. you possibly could die but wasn’t that the thrill? the excitement of it all. the impossible. 

it was decided. 


you knocked on the monstrous door, heavy the feel, 5 times. each knock louder than the last. 

but nobody answered. 

“hmm, that’s odd. maybe there’s an opening in the back-” you pushed lightly on the door and it opened. it was, unlocked? but…that seemed too easy.

you entered the residence and closed the door behind you. the inside was warm but not inviting. the energy was something of evil. something to be feared. 

a lump was in your throat, your hands held into fists. 

you were on alert. 

there was muffled music and talking. there was more than one voice. 

“i thought i heard the door,” a man with a loud scottish accent said. “i wonder who it is.”

your eyes widened. should you hide?

“mmmm,” a woman hummed. her voice deep, dripping with sex appeal. “i can smell a human.”

in a flash, a group of vampires stood before you. the man with long red hair and a beard, and a woman with white, straight hair. chest puffed up, proud. 

that feeling before adventure and risk, yeah, that flew out the window. what you saw in the eyes of these creatures was pure lust…for blood.

“please, i want no problems.” you surrendered, turning around and trying to leave but you realized you couldn’t. you were locked in, perhaps by a spell. “i am sorry for intruding.”

the white haired female vampire inched closer to you. her white hands reaching to caress your arms, causing goosebumps to litter your skin. “c’mon kitten, why don’t you play with us.” she smirked, “we don’t bite.” 

you closed your eyes, waiting for the vampire bite as the vampire opened her mouth wide. ready to drink your blood. 

“wait!” another vampire, supposedly, came down the stairs. his hair was long and golden like streams of sunshine. it laid elegantly over his shoulders. “what is the meaning of this?”

the female vampire chuckled darkly, “we have a meal right here. and she smells amazing. so sweet and delicious, it makes me want to be ravenous. i have never smelled anyone sweeter.”

the blonde vampire pushed her back and gave you a look of concern. “do not be afraid. stay. enjoy the party.” his voice was deep but carried a prince-like accent. 

you made another decision. to run. you quickly dashed for the door again and tried prying it open. “help me! please someone help!”

again it didn’t work but not because of a spell it was because the blonde vampire shut it close as he pinned you against the door. you had tears falling down your face as you kept your eyes shut, fearful. you winced as the vampire laid himself on you, having you pressed against his chest. you turned your face in disgust as his lips ghosted over your neck, knowing the pulse there was the area to bite. it was the sweetest spot. the vampire smirked as his big hands gently touched your chin. he inhaled all your scent and shook his head, “no, no my dearest you mustn't leave.” he left a simple kiss upon your cheek. again he kissed there, loving how soft your skin felt under his rough lips. “shhhh.”

“i-i’m sorry,” you shook, lip quivering. 

the vampire lifted your face and his eyes met yours. your e/c eyes looked up at him with pure innocence and curiosity but also fear. you looked into his orbs for answers, pleading. 

the vampire couldn’t contain himself. his mouth opened slightly as he couldn't’ break away from your angelic eyes. how beautiful they were. he caught himself falling for you in that second. and then he breathed you in. your smell was causing him to see stars and wish he could have his way with you, just once would be a blessing. 

he had to separate himself. he quickly stumbled back, having your scent stay in his nose, haunting him. 

the other vampires looked at him with a raised brow. “is everything alright, alucard?”

alucard quickly composed himself, fixing his hair and his black corset. “get her prepared. this evening, she is yours, then the night…she is mine.”

the female vampire smirked, “alright love, let’s get you dressed up.”

‘i want her more than anyone.’ alucard thought, staring at you up and down as you went with camila. 

“i can read your mind, you know,” camila crossed her arms. “maybe i want her, too.”


“there, all better.” camila winked at you as she put the finishing touches to your dress. 

you accepted this. at least it was something you could write and you weren’t dead. “may i ask, what even is this? what is this party for?”

“it is just a vampire ball.”

you held your breath. a lump in your throat you couldn't swallow, “you mean to tell me, there are more vampires out there and i’m the only human.”

camila laughed, “unfortunately yes. and i am not to fond of sharing you but that fuckin alucard.”

“that vampire out front? the one i met?”

camila nodded, “ he said that no one is allowed to touch you or feast on you. you are his.”

your hands were shaking as you picked on your cuticles. afraid of the unknown. “i was wondering if maybe i could meet dracula.”

“he isn’t here at the moment,” camila put her hand on her hip, “but alucard is his son.”

“dracula’s son?” you were bewildered. 

“the one and only. now, no time to waste. i will drop you off at alucard’s room. he is waiting.”

she did just that. you waited at his door, knocking lightly. 

“excuse me, mr. alucard.”

the door opened quickly and on the other side, alucard leaned against the doorway, “just alucard, beautiful.” his voice was husky. his gloved hand, caressed your face. but that was when he took you all in. your eyeshadow was an ashy gray, like bones and your lips were painted a deep, dark red, like blood. you wore all black. a lacy corset that had your boobs spilled and you had an enormous slit in your skirt that he almost saw your cunt. you wore flower laced, fingerless gloves that reached all the way to your elbows. your boots were stilettos and were leather black. “what do you think?” you looked at yourself, unsure. 

alucard thought to himself, ‘nothing in my past or future, i wanted to keep hidden. i wanted her to strip me, straddle me, laying me bare and plunder every part of me for anything she wanted. i wanted her to own me.’

That’s all. That’s the tik tok. He is literally perfect 🖤❤️‍🔥🌶🥵🥰 #thomasdoherty #theinvitation #theinvitationmovie #darkromance #spicybookto

you titled your head, wondering why he was silent. 

alucard bit his lip, you were making him uncontrollable. “you look exceptionally beautiful. as beautiful as those stars and the moon. nothing will ever exceed you.”

you were flustered. trying to search for words, “you look handsome as well, vampire.”

alucard smiled, almost blushing. “you make me want to ravage you.”

“in this dress?” you almost choked from his words. 

“it’s fine. i’ll just buy you a new one.” he gave a toothy grin. his fangs on display. 

you knew what he meant. that sneaky bastard. he was going to rip your dress before he fucked you. was he going to fuck you?


you went hand in hand to the ball. he was your date. the moment he led you down the whimsical staircase, all beady, killer eyes were on you two, especially you. 

“why are they looking at me?” 

alucard towered over you. your back to his chest, “it is because they want you. but do not worry my dove, i will protect you at all cost.”

somehow you and alucard managed to match in outfits. it looked as if you two were always together, like the missing puzzle piece. you both fit. 

you held his hand for most of the time. treating him as if he were your knight. you were so afraid but for some reason you trusted alucard. he was the only one that was truly nice to you and seemed genuine. 

“do you mind if i go get some cake?” you asked him after a dance. 

alucard stood, about to go with you but you persisted you go alone. “it is alright, alucard. i will be fine.”

alucard’s brows were raised, worried. “it is no bother my love. let me go-”

“i promise i will not leave.” alucard sat in front of you, his height now equal to yours standing. you smiled as your lips slowly landed upon his in a quick kiss. but it was perfect to him. your satin lips fell against his like silk, like pure butter. so soft and delectable. he wanted more of you. 

like that, he let you go and saw you make your way to the dessert table.

you didn’t know why you kissed him, it just felt right. for some reason you were enjoying yourself and enjoying his company. when you caught him staring at you it brought butterflies to your stomach . your throat got dry. it was as if love at first sight. but maybe lust at first sight. everything was foggy to you. confusing. if felt like a dream. 

“well, it seems the angel likes the devil,” camila giggled darkly, “i knew she would fall for you. irresistible charms.”

alucard's eyes dug into your form. he wanted ownership of you, he wanted you with him day in and day out. “look at her. i would die for her. i would kill for her.”


finally the night was ending. the party goers said their envious goodbyes as they glared at you. wishing they were alucard. 

you sat there. waiting for alucard, he wanted you to wait till everyone left the castle. when all were gone, alucard bent down, on his knees and leaned his head against your knees. “there is something about you, my dove, that i can’t shake away. that i can’t seem to break away from you. i know i only just met you but i feel there is more about you. i want to know more about you and what makes you smile.”

you chuckled, bashful, “well, i am a writer. i like to write stories and share people's thoughts. it has always been my passion but as a woman, there is only so much i can do.”

alucard tilted against your leg, “what a passionate woman. i can sense hard work.” he quickly sat up and looked guilty. 

“what’s wrong?”

his hand captured yours and covered every inch. “i am letting you go. i never held you against your will,” he laughed, “but i will not lie to you and tell you i don’t want you here.”

your lips parted as you looked into his inhuman eyes. 

“i want to have you here tomorrow and the next day and the next. but i won’t keep you here without your consent. so if you would like to leave, i would understand. just know that…i will miss you.”

you stared outside through the windows and noticed the leaves falling from the trees and turning a burnt orange. it was windy and seemed uncomfortable. you were by a fire, nestled in layers of fur and in front of you was the most romantic and handsome man you have ever met. and he wanted you. he desired you. truth be told, you didn’t want to leave. after this day you knew you wanted to explore alucard. 

alucard stood up and opened the door. standing in front of freedom, you huddled and shook in your jacket. “no, alucard. i choose to stay.”

alucard’s eyes widened and he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “if that is what you choose then i will worship the ground you walk upon, my dear.” he kneeled and kissed your hand, his eyelashes tickling your skin. 


alucard guided you upstairs to his bedroom. it was wide and had a fire going. it was warm and comfortable. there was a feeling in the air. a feeling that you and the vampire we're not going to keep your hands away. 

you wanted to kiss him, touch him, make love to him with the embers burning the whole night away till the sun comes up. 

alucard eyes stared deep within you. you both breathed heavily as you looked at one another. 

he did the first move. he removed his corset and cloak. having his hair brush against his undergarments with each sway of his movements. each rip of cloth was slow and sensual. his fingers dancing against each button or string. 

finally, he stood there naked. his skin plump and rosy, soft and white like the moon. he looked like a painting. his gaze was on you. waiting for your move. you could tell that a part of him was nervous too. maybe nervous because of his power in bed against you or perhaps because he wanted to make you feel good and make you happy. 

all you could look at was his cock. it hung so long and thick. his tip was a blushy pink and because he was as white as snow the veins on his shaft were so evident. 

with each noticed burning stare at his long cock, the more it turned him on. how interested you were in it. how much you wanted it. it made him get more turned on, it rose higher and higher. 

“all this for you, my love.” he ushered low. 

‘my god, that is huge!’ you thought. ‘i can’t imagine that fitting.’

alucard smirked. “sweetheart, vampires can read minds. and don’t worry. i will make sure you are really wet so that it slides right in and i’ll go really slow.” he winked. 

you coughed. could he do that this whole time? how embarrassing. 

you turned around and had alucard unclip and unzip your corset. his fingers ghosted against your skin. he was as cold as ice and you were so warm. his hand laid flat against your back, embracing your warmth and basking in it. “you are so warm, my love.” he whispered in your ears. he kissed your cheek, then down your neck, then all down your back till he got to your skirt. he removed all the clothing so gentlemanly. it was passionate. 

you twirled and faced him. alucard’s eyes darkened seeing you nude. your nipples hardened at his look. the air nipping the puckered skin. 

“fuck,” he groaned. “you are absolutely beautiful.” he crawled on his knees to you. inching closer and closer. when he paused at you his hands dragged against your legs. massaging the inside of your thigh, “like warm milk.” he dragged his tongue against your hot skin. when he got to the fat of your thigh he bit into your skin lightly, some blood appearing and seeping out. his tongue traced his bite mark and he finally tasted your blood. his eyes rolled in the back of his head at your taste. “this is like gold.” 

alucard picked you up and wrapped your legs around his waist. you both moaned as your already wet pussy was touched by his sensitive dick. 

“you can be on top,” he giggled as he entered into his matte black coffin. 

“can i be honest?” you spoke up as he placed you on his lap.

he laid against his arms behind his head, chest open to you. “of course, my dove.”

you dipped and bit his lip, “i’ve never fucked a vampire before.” 

alucard moaned. now he was seeing your bad side. alucard grabbed your face with more force and bit your lip too, causing blood to spill from your split lip. alucard stuck his long tongue out and tasted the iron liquid. he sucked and drank from your lips. this erotic move made your pussy pulse. “please give yourself to me.” he growled in your ear. 

you dragged your fingers against his abbs, softly circling his nipples. seeing them perk up you began flicking the skin. enjoying seeing alucard’s head dipping back as he bit his lip, subconsciously moving his hips against yours. 

“right there, my doll. the things you do to me.” 

the tip of his penis tapped against your cunt. you began to rock against him as well, loving his sounds he made. all the winces and cries. 

alucard sat up, holding you close against him so your breasts pressed against his chest. “let me, darling.” his kisses dipped down to your breasts. kissing your nipples. 

you hummed at the feeling. “don’t stop, alucard.”

“never, my dear.” and he had no intention of stopping. his lips wrapped around your bud, tongue swirling around it causing a delicious sensation, dripping down to your cunt. it heated you up. you moved your hips with his, harder this time. 

“you taste so delicious my dear,” alucard said in a husky manner. he put attention to both nipples. his tongue dripping out, tickling the skin, rolling the bud. his fingers played with the one unattended. alucard picked up your tit and jiggled it, playing with it and loving the feeling of it like jello in his palms. 

“these are majestic. i will dream of these every night.” he chuckled as he looked up into your eyes as he bit your nipple. his teeth grazed against them and cut the skin. 

“alucard!” your eyes widened. he collected more blood this time. it constantly dripping. alucard held your neck between his hands as he put pressure choking you. 

this caused you to puff up your chest, making our breasts closer to his mouth. 

“this blood. your blood,” he moaned as he kept feasting. “i will never get over this.”

it was insane to you. you enjoyed this feeling. the euphoric feeling. it made you so turned on and made your cunt so wet it was practically dripping. 

“don’t stop, please don’t stop.” you begged as he kept drinking. 

alucard became so enamored and turned on more than ever that you levitated in the air. both your bodies started to ascend, meshed together. alucard still had his hand around your throat but now he moved you to be in front of him and he was behind. 

“take it, my love,” alucard pushed his cock inside your seeping wet cunt. it was dripping and quivering with something, his dick, to be inside you. 

as his cock inched closer and closer inside you, you began to shiver and see stars.

“you’re so big, alucard.”

“vampire dick is always the best dick,” alucard kissed your cheek and he rolled in and out of you. each drag of his cock caused a squelching sound from your pussy. your cunt needed him. 

you both were floating around the room as his hips dived in and out. his seed and your juice dripping down his legs and splatting on the floor. 

“take it my dear. i know you can.” he rolled his hips. each time getting closer and closer. 

“alucard i think i’m going to-” before you could finish alucard pressed his fangs into the side of your neck. his legs and your toes tensed up. 

you have never felt this feeling before. 

you stood still as you shook from the sex. alucard was diving into your cunt while feasting on your neck. 

was he making you into a vampire?

“right there,” he growled. pounding inside you as your blood dripped from his lips. coating his chest and your back in your blood. “this blood!” he screamed as he finally cummed inside you. 

you were quiet as he emptied inside you. you felt your spirit left you. it was like an out of body experience. his cock made you see stars. you finally cried as you shook and came on his cock. holding onto him for support as he grasped your neck and still feasted on your blood. 

“you will change.” he whispered. 

you fell against his chest. tired and almost blacked out. 


when you came to you woke up, cuddling with him in his coffin. as you stood up you noticed your skin. it looked like you were dead! your senses! you noticed a particular smell. and heard every single noise. 

you sniffed the air and realized the delicious smell was coming from alucard. you licked your lips with a hunger and lust you have never felt in your life. 

you grabbed a cup and a knife. his body lay there naked, all elegance. you cut his arm with the knife and his eyes shot open. 

“do it. feast on me y/n.” his eyes darkened. 

you drained his blood in a cup and standing naked in front of him, eyes never leaving him you downed the whole gallon of blood. it splashed onto your face and crashed down on your chest. 

“how did that feel y/n?” alucard inched closer, his hands smearing the blood on your nipples. 

“amazing. i feel different.”

alucard chuckled, “you should, my dove. for you are now a vampire.”


taglist: @sailewhoremoon, @tonaken, @neonlavander, @moonbabysstuff, @smellsliketequila, @auds-dal19, @khione-silver

1 year ago

Alucard's Clothes Headcanon

Alucard's Clothes Headcanon

His psycho murder face gets me wet

Alu used to have real clothes tailored for him. He had an entire wardrobe of fine suits complete with cravat and silk handkerchiefs, as well has multiple sets of gloves embroidered with his restriction seals. And fedora hats. And each set of clothes lasted no more than a night in the field. Actually, they lasted no more than 5 min once Alucard went for his walks

At first, only Walter was appalled because he was supposed to clean and patch the clothes, but eventually, even Integra snapped when faced with Alucard's wardrobe budget. So she made him materialize his own clothing

His choice was between wearing clothes or having unlimited blessed ammo (Abridged Alu went on one mission in the nude just to troll Integra)

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1 year ago

Boo Boo

Boo Boo

Adrian Tepes x Female!Reader

Word Count: 1.5k

Summary: After a small fight, you two make up in the oddest of ways.

Sculpted by the gods. That’s the best way to describe the dhampir, Adrian Tepes.

He always scoffs when you say stuff like that. But the pink that dusts his pale cheeks is enough to keep the compliments flowing.

Love is a powerful word to describe your feelings for one another. Too powerful- it makes you a bit clammy thinking about it. Four letters but enough to break a person's entire being.

Adrian isn’t as in tune with his emotions as he may like to appear. Either pushing them away, or letting them devour him completely. No in between. Not the healthiest individual, but neither were you.

That’s what makes this all the more terrifying. Working to better yourselves, for each other. Wanting to be a healthier, more open minded person. Together- for each other.

It’s kind of romantic, wanting to change for the better.

Baby steps at first, beginning with drinking more water and eating healthier. Adrian constantly nags you for all the junk you eat, so you allow him to cook whatever he deems “proper cuisine”.

For Adrian, he’s working on relaxing. As bizarre as that sounds, trying to wrestle the man down for an afternoon nap is almost impossible. Now for a half hour a day, he has to either meditate or nap. No reading, or eating, or whatever mindless hobby he’s picked up. Just sitting there, alone with his thoughts.

This little self help duo you formed has been going well for the most part. Up until he showed up.

It wasn’t a big surprise when newcomers came to the little village Adrian founded. Most of them are stragglers, wandering from town to town then leaving after a few nights. And sometimes, rarely, they even come to have dinner in the castle.

He said his name was ‘Owen’, but after the stunt he pulled you’re not even sure that was his real name.

It was your idea to invite him over for dinner, after he told you a sob story about his awful travels and the loss of his parents. Pity invite, but an invite nonetheless.

“Lovely home you got.” His eyes roamed the beautiful interior.

“Thanks but it’s not mine. Adrian’s father passed it down to him.”

“You don’t say.” Even then you should have noticed his wandering eyes.

Dinner went well, he talked about his parents and seemed like a genuinely decent guy. Someone who’s had shit luck and needed to see that there was still goodness in the world.

Well that genuine nature turned out to be a load of horseshit. He wandered off to “take a leak” and you both found him in the attic, trying to swipe some magic weapons. He panicked and grabbed a nearby dagger, swinging it at you. It only nicked you but Adrian beat him to a pulp. You don’t know if the man would be alive if you weren’t there.

After kicking him out and threatening him never to return, it’s been tense between you both. He’s clearly upset but refuses to say anything. Adrian’s always been a bit cautious about inviting guests into the castle, for good reason- Dracula’s castle is known by many.

Laying back to back in the darkness of your shared bedroom is not how you wanted to spend the night. He never lays on his side, claiming it’s better for blood circulation to lay flat on your back- so you know for sure he’s angry. Plus the small dramatic sighs he keeps letting out.

“Are you gonna talk about it or keep sighing all night?” The silent treatment was not part of your self improvement journeys.

“There’s nothing to talk about. Good night.” It's curt and full of attitude.

Sitting up quickly, you look at him. He feels you shifting but makes no move to face you.



“Adrian, talk to me.”

Still nothing.


The feeling of weight lifting off the bed has his attention, as he peeks over his shoulder to watch you grabbing your pillows.

“Where are you going?” He’s sitting up now, watching you clutch your pillow on a journey to the door.

“Sleeping in the guest room.”

He rolls his eyes.

“Don’t be absurd.”

“Adrian you’ve been an ass to me all day. You’re acting like you’re the one who got attacked!”

He looks at your wrapped forearm, sighing and laying back down.

“If you had listened to me in the first place, none of this would have happened.”

“Oh, so now you want to say shit.” Throwing the pillows at the foot of the bed, and crossing your arms. “As if you haven’t invited plenty of people over to the castle.”

“I have not.” The accusation has him sitting up on his elbows, furrowed brow.

“That couple from Lupu?”

“His wife was pregnant.”

“Those kids from Salo?”

“They were too young to be adventuring into the woods at night.”

“That cute guy from Hanna?”

“He was… very hungry.” Fumbling and struggling to keep eye contact.

“And cute.”

Adrian huffs in anger, the pout on his face would be upsetting if it weren’t so adorable.

“And now one bad apple comes through, after a couple dozen good ones.”

Crawling up the bed on all fours has him shifting up a bit. Almost like prey under a predator.

Finally stopping once you’re fully straddling his thighs, knees slightly bent making a perfect seat for your ass.

“You’re being a real arse to me, when I got a boo boo.” You hold up your arm like a wounded animal, giving a small pout.

He takes the bait and gently grasps your wrist, bringing the bandage to his lips. Ever so careful, his lips put barely any pressure on your wound.

“Perhaps…” Adrian pulls his lips away, “I have been a bit of a ‘jerk’.”


“How can I make it up to you?”

It’s a sweet request, pure even. He’s giving you a look filled with adoration and love. Mouth slightly agape revealing his pearly whites, two fangs one display. Cupping his cheek makes him gulp, the look in your eye making him equal parts nervous and excited.

“I can think of a few things.”

Leaning down, planting a kiss on his jawline, then along his neck, reaching his shoulder. No time to process what’s happening, you dig your teeth into the skin showing from his nightgown.

“Ah!” That cry wasn’t one of surprise, but pleasure.

“There, now we both have boo boos.” The joke doesn’t process with him, too busy panting - eyes not focused on anything.

“You okay?” His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against him. Based on the hardness pressed against your panties, he’s more than okay.

“You liked that?” He only nods, words failing.

He’s too much, and not enough. The pink flush across his cheeks, twitching between his thighs, and soft pants- wetness already damping your underwear.

Hand creeps up his back, landing snuggly in his hair at the base of his head. One small tug and he folds, granting access to the expanse of his neck. Wasting no time, you sink your teeth into the unmarked skin. Not enough to bruise, but it leaves a ring of small crescents. But that's not enough, for either of you.

One bite turns into two, then three, soon his neck is almost as pink as his cheeks. The last bit is the hardest, even when he cries out in pleasure, you don't pull away. Instead giving a small suck to the abused skin.

“Oh- ahh…” He falls back, your weight on top of him. Back of his hand flies up to his mouth, trying to silence some of the cries leaving him.

“When we agreed to try new things, I never had this in mind.”

“Quiet.” He tries to be intimidating, but fails completely.

“Seems like you’re the one making all the noise.” All it takes is small thrusts against his dick to get him squirming again.

Reaching down to rub him through the nightgown, his cock leaving a small wet patch on the fabric.

“P-please…” he whimpers, and just the desperation alone has you throbbing. “Touch me.”

“I am, pretty boy.”

“Don’t be annoying.” he glares, at least tries to. The rubbing becomes full on jerking, making his leg kick a bit. Like he’s full of energy that needs to be released somehow.

Shifting off him, and laying beside him. Pulling the gown up to reveal his muscular thighs and dripping cock. Small veins travel up the shaft, leaking pink tip revealed, twitching and begging for stimulation.

“Wanna come?” These two words have him nodding eagerly, shame is the last thing on his mind right now.

Starting to jerk him off again, and his reaction is immediate. Nothing but a jumble of ‘yes’ and ‘more’.

But once your hand slows to a complete halt, his eyes snap open, irritated.

“I was close.”

“I know.”

Moving down the bed until your mouth is by his crotch, planting a kiss on his weeping tip.

“But I wanted you to finish in my mouth…” his dick twitches, but you still ask, “Is that alright?”

To which he nods so fast he might have pulled something.

Smirking as you bring your lips back to his cock, giving the shaft a few kitten licks, gouging his reaction.

“You wanna come for me, Adrian?” Sucking on his tip, saltiness filling your mouth.

“F-fuck! Yes!” His head tosses side to side, blonde hair splayed against the pillow. Such a lovely sight.

“Good boy.”

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1 year ago

Madara SFW Alphabet

Madara SFW Alphabet

Happy Valentine’s Day! Madara doesn’t celebrate! So we bring Valentine’s to him.

Tried to come up with words to some letters that are a bit different. Have fun!

A- Asking you out

He’s quite awkward but acts nonchalant and indifferent. You were possibly unaware he was romantically interested. He knows he isn’t a great flirt, so he hides this by being forward and blunt like he normally is, making a date invitation sound a lot more like an order.

B- Body part (Favourite)

Are not his eyes. While he acknowledges their power and utilizes them to devastating effect, each Sharingan upgrade was derived from significant personal loss. His Sharingan is a reminder of his greatest losses and failures. Even his Rinnegan was only obtained after a lifetime of exceptional bitterness in his heart.

His hands are more favoured. Not only do they get him through regular stuff like the activities of living and taking care of you, they help him carry out many of his amazing feats, like forming hand seals, performing taijutsu, and wielding weapons.

C- Cuddles

He is affectionate in private with you when he no longer has his public image to maintain. He enjoys lengthy, wordless hugs anywhere in the house, as long as it’s with you –by the entrance, lying together on the couch, in the shower. He’s the one who will nuzzle you and hold on for a few more moments when you’re ready to part and do the next thing in your day. Your presence and touch drive his demons away.

D- Dominant MADARA is uber dominant. That’s what the big “D” in his name stands for, aside from the obvious. He likes making the major decisions in the relationship and would be upset if he wasn’t consulted. He is however easygoing on the more trivial choices in daily life and readily goes with whatever you decide. Careful, he will take advantage if you’re too agreeable with him. Don’t be his doormat. Remember, he likes to be challenged so he can prove he’s right.

E- Emotions

Expresses his feelings through physical or practical means. That includes defending you from enemies, acts of service (ensuring your coffee is made the way you like it in the morning, taking care of laundry from time to time so you won’t have to worry about it), sex, and through lingering non-sexual touches. Madara ensures you are clothed, fed, and have a safe place to sleep. You will be provided for and know you’re loved, even if he doesn’t gush about it. Madara isn’t the best with words unless he’s waxing deep philosophy or roasting someone.

F- Fighting with S/O

Madara’s not going to hit you, because let’s be honest. If he were to strike you in an argument, you would likely get seriously injured and/or die. This drama king often practiced conflict resolution through battle and getting himself beaten up (which sometimes he let happen, like with Gai so he could get his adrenaline rush), so he will let you hit him, on the other hand. I don’t advocate abuse from either partner, but Madara would let you hit him if you chose to out of anger until eventually, either he stops you or you run out of steam. At this point, he’ll try to talk things through, even if he is harsh and blunt (with no clue how to make his words sound nicer) and this first attempt may not resolve your differences.

G- Good Morning (how does he wake you up) Usually he gets up early and leaves you sleeping after giving you a kiss. On other days, if neither of you have anywhere to be that morning, he stays in bed with you in his arms until you wake up naturally at an hour when you’ve had enough sleep. After memorizing your waking expressions, he kisses you all over despite your attempts to dodge him because you have morning breath.

H- Hypertension

Something that irritates and gives him a high blood pressure is a messy environment. Madara is an orderly person who probably has OCD. If you’re messy, he will try to rearrange your stuff and teach you about organization, until you can’t find your stuff due to his meddling. Since Madara wants you in his life and you’re not changing your ways, eventually you and him will call a truce in some areas of the home/in life where you get to have your way and he will turn a blind eye.

I- In Labour (and Delivery) He’s a nervous wreck and a bit of a monster, even if it isn’t the first child you’re having. Madara already lost too many people and he’ll be damned if he loses you too. It doesn’t matter to him if childbirth is much safer today than in the past. He yells and glares at all the people trying to help you, feeling helpless because he isn’t useful in a medical setting. This is his way of attempting to exert some control over the situation. He’s a disruptive menace and would have been thrown out long ago if anyone was capable of such a feat. Depending on your demeanor and stage of labour, maybe you snap and demand he leave. Otherwise he will bear your crushing grip on his hands without a single complaint and whisper words of encouragement and love to you throughout the entire course of labour. He’s civil again only after mother and baby are safe. Wait, but then he’ll be in over-protective papa mode. Never mind!

J- Juvenile

Madara is silly when he’s happy, which admittedly isn’t often. A friendly spar gets him going, while challenging him in dumb things (ex: a race, whoever can eat more of something, etc) will bring out his sense of competition and more childish side, provided whoever he is competing with provides some sort of resistance. He loves a good fight, even if it isn’t really a ‘fight.’

K- Kiss

Madara is a passionate deep kisser when given the choice. He prefers taking the time to explore you properly and unwind, which he only does in private. On rare occasions in public, he may pull you aside for a chaste kiss when he’s feeling emotional for you. He’s a visual man and likes to peek at your kissing face.

L- Little ones He loves children despite their fear of him. It’s one of the only times he has any semblance to being soft. Madara would love to have his own children with you. He is also the type to adopt kids and be a mentor to them. He is involved in his children’s lives, ensures they are trained properly, disciplined and is a firm, yet fair father (or father-figure). He will not be as cruel as his own father, not wishing to perpetuate the harsh style of upbringing he endured.

M- Macho

This silly man is a dramatic show-off. At home, he’s casual about his strength, offering to help lift heavy things and open tough objects. Whenever you happen to catch Madara training, he flaunts flamboyantly and needlessly performs much fancier techniques to flex for you when he’s sure you’re watching.

N- No (Deal breaker)

Do not lie or betray him. Madara highly values his bonds. It took so much for him to trust and become open with you. Therefore, he holds you to a certain standard. He expects you to reciprocate and be loyal and honest with him. He will give you the world and all of him in return.

O- Openness (when does he start revealing things about himself?)

Not any time soon. This man is paranoid and only trusts himself and a few of his closest kin. In fact, you should feel honoured if he even deigns you worthy enough to speak more than a few sentences to at a time. Madara telling you the deepest secrets of his heart? You’re more valued than you’d ever understand. Now that you got him to open his mouth, be prepared for an earful and him to not shut up.

P- Protect

Madara is at his heart a protector. Everything he does is about protecting others, even hypothetical future generations (which later morphed into a twisted plan to take responsibility for all humankind and forcing them into a dream world). He loves having people depend on him, which gives him purpose. He is generally peaceful until anything threatens those he swore to protect. He will ruthlessly destroy those things without remorse.

Q- Quizzes (how much does he remember about you?)

Everything, including all the small details about you and even if he’s quiet when you tell him things casually in passing. You’ll be the one to forget anniversaries or that you have an appointment tomorrow where you are supposed to bring extra shoes, not him.

R- Random Headcanon

Madara takes care of stray animals, sometimes bringing them into his home for the ones in direr need in order to feed, medicate, wash, and care for their injuries before releasing them. He’s a kind man at heart and someone has to care for those weak, forgotten beings. His previous rescues occasionally visit him in the garden. He doesn’t let his falcons out when his small animals are visiting.

S- Serious

He is seriously serious about his relationship with you, once he figured out he’s romantically interested, wants to be involved, went through asking you out, and is actively courting you (plus the other steps). He’s extremely committed and will try his best. I’ve mentioned before that once you’re his, he’s also yours. It would take a lot for him to give up on you and your relationship, likely a betrayal of unforgiveable magnitude on your part, which he would never get over.

T- Talent(less)

Madara is talented in almost everything and can learn basically anything he sets his mind to. Possessing the Sharingan is a useful shortcut for those endeavors. But what about the opposite? Madara is a terrible fit in any sort of therapist profession where he has to give advice related to people’s issues. Try picturing him as a psychologist, psychiatrist, or a marriage counsellor.

Madara actually has the perfect tools set up to make him successful in each of those fields –a deep understanding of human nature, excellent analysis and critical thinking skills, heck he can look into his victim’s mind with the Sharingan! He sees the problem very clearly. His issue comes back to his lack of talent in social interactions. His delivery of his diagnosis to patients would be interesting. It's way too blunt, and when coupled with his amazing insults, his patients end up more traumatized and with more problems than they started with. Perhaps his help leads to a divorce.

U- Unrequited Love

I am (very) biased, but how can anyone not love Madara once they get to know him as a person beyond his reputation? He has so many great personality traits once you get over a few of the less positive ones haha.

Unrequited love will be very painful for Madara, even if he’ll be accepting of this. He dwells on his undesirable aspects and why you shouldn’t be together. He holds this pain to himself and lets it fester, but goes on with his life and ambitions, keeping an eye out on you from a distance. No one loves harder than an Uchiha. There will likely never be anyone else who’ll replace your position in his heart even if he wants to forget you.

V- Vulnerability

Madara presents a stoic facade, but he’s truthfully very sensitive and prone to be hurt by the ones he loves most. He remembers all your interactions, even your conversations down to the exact wording. Depending on the conversation and the health of your relationship at the time, he ruminates over your words and may take things out of context. Beyond the tough exterior, there’s that sensitive man who feels excruciatingly deeply. This vulnerability leads to him feeling hurt, even if he doesn’t show it until much later, when his emotions boil over and he pettily throws your past words back at you in spite.

W- Wanderlust

Madara enjoys traveling. He is more open-minded about people from different backgrounds than other shinobi from the Warring States generations. If there was peace and he wasn’t wandering the world as a bitter missing-nin, if he didn’t have the responsibilities as clan leader and was not founding a village, he’d be very interested in experiencing different cultures and customs.

If he could hide his scary aura and murder vibes, he’d appreciate the anonymity of people not knowing who he is and getting to live with some normalcy. If he had his beloved Izuna (somehow) and S/O with him, this would already be picture perfect to Madara.

Y- Yearning (what he does when missing you) When he’s away on missions, he replays his Sharingan memories of you. Some of these were captured during random endearing moments when he was feeling especially soft for you. They keep him warm on his darkest days, reminding him there’s still someone at home waiting for him, someone who needs and loves him for who he is. They give him strength and help him stay sane. He can’t wait to come home to you.

Z- Zzz (sleeping)

Madara doesn’t sleep much. Have you seen his eye bags? When he finally gets some shut-eye, he’s the model shinobi. It’s as light as a cat’s. You can’t sneak up on him. Even if he was sleeping, he wakes and knows when you stir in slumber and when you’re dreaming. It’s almost impossible for him to sleep at all without you.

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