catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

225 posts

Alucard/Adrian Seems Like He'd Be Sweet But So Unintentionally Creepy. He'll Be Watching His Darling

Alucard/Adrian seems like he'd be sweet but so unintentionally creepy. He'll be watching his Darling eat during that first morning in his home and just stare absentmindedly. He's still not used to having someone to spend time with and be around every day.

He also hates the thought of Darling fearing him. Plenty of people do, but he would NEVER hurt Darling! Even if they anger him, or say they hate him, or even fight him, he won't harm them directly unless it's to pacify them. He'll hurt anyone who tries to snatch them away or help them escape, but never them. He's likely to kill whoever tried to take them, drag Darling back, and throw them into their room or a dark underground part of the castle as punishment. If they're so desperate to be alone and without him, then he'll let them enjoy some solitary confinement.

And it still pains him to do it. No matter how angry or betrayed he feels, he loves them and just wants them to stay. Is that really so much? Yes, he's a monster, but is he really so unlovable and horrific that even after seeing his true self and how much he cares for them, they'll still hurt him like this?

He wouldn't have them share his bed at first, just because he worries about his nightmares and accidentally hurting them in his sleep. He also likely wouldn't initiate anything too sexual if they say "no" because he knows how it feels to be violated like that; if he goes under their clothes and they say to stop, he'll acquiesce while still kissing and caressing them OVER their clothes.

Eventually he'd say that he'd like to share his bed with them when he's ready, and from that point on they're sleeping with him every day. Their sleep schedule is a bit off since he naturally prefers nighttime and doesn't really need to sleep anyway, but he doesn't mind at all. He'll peek in as he patrols the grounds in the dead of night and smile at seeing them asleep in his bed. Watching them sleep while he enjoys a book is one of his favorite little pleasures in life. Also, Darling will definitely wake up more than once to him just staring at them with a small smile lol.

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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago

Trio on their wedding day:


Nervous? That’s an understatement.

The man had a hard enough time believing he even snagged you in the first place, and now he was here, waiting to say ‘I do’.

However, an hour before the event and the man is nowhere to be seen. He’s fled.

There’s no way he deserved someone so amazing.

You were perfect; kind, generous, loving, intelligent…everything he wasn’t.

To be stuck with him would no doubt ruin your life. And he couldn’t do that to you.

Sypha agrees to distract you whilst Alucard takes it upon himself to track Belmont down – mainly so he could kick the man’s arse before Sypha had a chance.

It doesn’t take long to find him, of course – the closest tavern being his place of hiding.

At the bar he sits, hunched over and cradling his seventh mug of ale.

He throws a punch the minute Alucard opens his mouth, but the Dhampir sidesteps, causing the hunter to stumble clumsily to the floorboards.

Threats and obscenities spew from his lips when Alucard hoists him over one shoulder and carries him from the bar like the misbehaving man-child he was.

Four cups of coffee and a few slaps later, Trevor had sobered up enough for Alucard to get him dressed.

He’s then watched like a hawk – after being threatened by Sypha – as he waits at the alter.

That’s when he sees you…and his jaw drops.

Holy fuck.

You were radiant. And you were his.

You were his.


A bit of a Bridezilla, to be honest.

The flowers weren’t there yet? God save the delivery man. The ice sculpture was of a goose, not a swan like she had ordered – she melts it down and does the job herself. Was that a fingerprint on the cake? Trevor’s a dead man.

Once everything is perfect though, her anger is replaced by giddy euphoria.

Spends the remainder of the morning bragging to all who would listen that today was the day.

The next two hours are spent in front of a mirror getting ready.

She can’t stop gushing over her dress – which is identical to yours, as per your agreement.

Since she has no family of her own, Trevor agrees to walk her down the aisle – as long as he behaves.

Alucard serves as her maid of honour. She couldn’t have asked for anyone better.

It’s finally time.

Her face brightens when seeing you already waiting at the altar.

She attempts to run to you, but Trevor keeps a firm grip on her arm, smirking at her disappointed whine.

But once she’s standing in front of you, her day is complete.


Appears calm and collected on the outside but is actually freaking out inside.

The day had finally come.

He was going to have a wife.

You were going to be his wife.

Is this what his father felt on his wedding day?

Doubt began to cloud his mind the longer he was left alone.

Was he making the right choice? You were perfect, but would he be enough for you? Would he be attentive enough? Loving enough? Be able to provide for you? Protect you?

The man was spiraling.

Sypha uses kindness to try and ease his concerns but it didn’t seem to be helping.

Trevor tells him to call the wedding off since it was causing him so much distress.

That snaps him out of his depressive funk.

It was about halfway through the argument when he noticed the slight curl of Trevor’s lips, making him pause and realize what just happened.

His fears were gone.

There was a reason why Trevor was his best man.

Finally at the altar, he can’t control the grin that threatens to split his face in half.

He may not be perfect…but he had a lifetime to fix that.

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1 year ago

Can you do something about alucard being a father? Thank you. ♡

So sorry for the late response, dear Anon. Hopefully this will make up for it~

First reaction: Pure, unadulterated terror. What if he's not ready? What if you're not ready? What if there are complications during the birth? What if he turns out like his father? What if the child hates him?

Second reaction: Tears of happiness. Tries to wait until alone before letting a few tears loose but that's not always the case - he'll spot your growing stomach and immediately tear up.

Panicked researcher; many nights are spent sleepless as he sits huddled in the castle library, mountainous stacks of books on pregnancy and child-rearing surrounding him.

Concerned about the actual delivery of the baby. Dhampir births are a rarity, so there's not much knowledge at his disposal. This meant that it was difficult to know exactly what sort of effect the birth would have on you - human bodies are awfully fragile, after all.

Cries so much now that he's finally holding, not one, but all three babies. Then you cry. Then the triplets cry. Now Alucard is crying because the babies are crying. It's a beautiful, snotty moment.

At home, he's completely fixated on the babies. He's so curious about them: their movements, their little noises. He desperately wants to know what's going through their little minds.

Keeps a journal in order to document every single moment of their lives that he can.

Absolute master at getting them to sleep. Cradled in his arms, he'll rock them, speak to them about his day, and kiss their little faces until their eyes flutter to a close. Once asleep, he'll place them in the crib and simply watch them for a few minutes, a soft smile playing on his lips.

Becomes a private tutor the moment they begin to babble. Not only will they be well educated and polite, but he teaches them all about controlling their hunger, their strength, and gradually their powers.

Frequently plans playdates for his children and those of his former companions. They used to visit the nearby village every weekend, but that soon changed when the children nearly burnt down the entirety of the marketplace - Alucard secretly blames Trevor’s and Sypha's child for being a bad influence since his own children were angels. Now their weekends are spent playing in the forest surrounding the castle. Alucard and Trevor spend the entire afternoon bragging about their children being the best.

Once the children are older, Alucard has evolved into the type of father whose children can, and do, talk to him about absolutely anything. He takes their opinions, ideas, thoughts, worries, fears, and arguments in stride, allowing them to have their say - as long as they are respectful about it, of course. If they want, he'll offer an opinion or advice depending on the situation. If they were just searching for a sympathetic ear, he'll sit patiently and listen, offering a hug once they had poured their little heart out.

1 year ago
It's Been Quite Awhile Since He's Gotten Any Affectionate Touch Of Any Kind For Years Since His Mother
It's Been Quite Awhile Since He's Gotten Any Affectionate Touch Of Any Kind For Years Since His Mother

It's been quite awhile since he's gotten any affectionate touch of any kind for years since his mother was murdered, it's been a battle ever since then, to protect humanity, defeat his father and fend off any other vampire related threat

With that said you've been everything to him lately yet he's never figured out a time to express it, he knows affection is the correct way to go in showing you how he feels but it doesn't feel right to suddenly do so after such a long time, what if he accidentally drives you away? You'll definitely catch him off guard no matter how right the timing felt to you, how thoughtless it was to just wrap your arms around Alucards torso and bring him into your warmth yet it surely made a impression on him

Hesitant for a second or so but eventually he'll hold you just as close, relaxing into your embrace possibly too much. You're not going to get out of this easily, it'll take some reassurance that you'll give him more love even after he lets you go, that you won't go anywhere. Maybe a quick kiss on his forehead will give you a moment to escape due to his surprise, you'll have to deal with his touch starvation after words though for you have made Alucard incredibly aware of just how much he wants you

1 year ago

Adrian finding that he actually seems to think about and have concern for his Darling's habits. He never really felt that with his friends (granted, the only real health issue was/is Belmont's drinking) and acknowledges they're adults who can do what they like, he really fretting over this one human? Caring about humanity, he's felt that. But he's used to only worrying about his own safety and being pretty damn aloof. So the way his mind keeps wandering to those unhealthy habits of his Darling bothers him. It might be because his Darling is human and leave such short lives. He just wants to make sure they're around for as long as possible.

Depending on how obsessed he is, he'll either:

Not say anything but think about it

Tell them that they should be taking better care of themselves, and gently prod them into doing it

Actually take their arm or something and tell them to stop

Like my specific example is an insomniac Darling. He'll tell them it's getting late and that just because HE doesn't need to sleep, that isn't true for them. Here, he'll even lie down with you for a bit until you fall asleep. He'll even stroke them until their eyes close (though it's not as much of a burden/bother as he might let on)

" know I'm not fond of being dismissed like that. I can tell you're tired. Come along...Alright, I'm annoyed. I'm carrying you to bed."

Or having a sick Darling and tending to them, forcing them to stay in bed unless he thinks they need to enjoy some sunlight and fresh air with him. He tries not to fret too much over them the whole time, but it's hard when they don't listen to him and act so unreasonable.

Also imagine if dhampirs/vampires have naturally colder body temps. He tries to check if Darling has a fever, holds a hand to their forehead, and then goes "...wait" lol

1 year ago

alucard x pregnant!reader thoughts 🌷

a/n: tw for pregnancy , body changes

• Alucard cries when you tell him you’re expecting, in his heart he knew you were pregnant but he was in denial about it. When your cycle hadn’t come for a few moons you spoke with him that you were most certain you were pregnant. He cries, the thought of being a father too much for him in the moment. He cried when he sensed you with child but hearing you say it pulled at his heart strings.

• Will cook you any strange foods that you’re craving! “what are you in the mood for today sweetheart?” He loves touching your belly, I think he would be able to hear the babes’ heartbeat too. So at night when you’re fast asleep, he has a hand on your belly. Listening closely to the faint second heartbeat within you.

• He goes through his mother’s textbooks and tries to find any notes she had about pregnancy. Considering that she was pregnant with a vampire, she had quite a lot of information. Notes about cravings, swelling, mood changes, when the babe will start kicking, and etc. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible and wants to be well informed on what to expect.

• He is there for you through all of the cramping and pains you have. Feet and legs swollen? He will massage you and make sure that your feet are propped up to help reduce any swelling. He makes sure you’re cool and comfortable. Adrian also gets you some new clothing with fabrics that will suit your growing belly, while staying comfortable.

• “You’re so beautiful, you’re going to be wonderful. I can’t wait to meet them.”

• Stays up with you whenever you’re restless, he will read to you, bring you some calming teas, and cuddle with you, a hand on your belly.

• He is well aware of the changes youre going through, you’re carrying his angel and he couldn’t be more proud of you. Adrian would also lift your belly up for you whenever you’re feeling a little heavy, offering you some relief.

• Is understanding of your mood changes, if you get a little bit snippy with him he will understand and give you space. He understands the importance of how your hornones are changing, and he never takes anything you say personally.

• He wouldn’t dare make you climb up any steps, it’s tedious but as you get later into your pregnancy and your a little more tired than usual, he will teleport you. He doesn’t mind at all.

• Loves when the baby kicks, you call him over excitedly and he almost knocks something over as he reaches to touch your belly. “Adrian! Come quick, the baby is saying hello!” and he freaking sprints over to you.

• Puts a hand on your belly protectively, especially when you aren’t in the castle.

• Loves going on walks with you and holding your hand, he says its good for you to be a little active and get some sunlight.

• When you enter the late stages of pregnancy, he prepared the nursery. He spends his days making toys, little stuffed animals, dolls, and even makes a cute stuffed sword that resembles his.

• I like to think Alucard is an amazing artist, a hobby he picked up in all the free time he has. He asked to paint you while you’re pregnant, a fond memory to keep and look back on.

• Is so supportive through the labor, he pats your forehead with a cool towel, holds your hand, encourages you, gently pats you on your head, and he definitely cries when he sees your baby. A tiny little being wailing, oh his poor heart!