catarsis96 - Tulipanes De La Escritura
Tulipanes De La Escritura

Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well

225 posts

Adrian And You Losing Your Virginity To Each Other. Its So Awkward And Your Both Very Shy And A Little

adrian and you losing your virginity to each other. its so awkward and your both very shy and a little nervous (awe!) he definitely does his best to make it good for you even though he’s a bit nervous haha. he checks in on you—asks if he’s hurting you, he’s so gentle and hhh when you both get the hang of it there’s definitely some shared tears of happiness

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More Posts from Catarsis96

1 year ago


You could do a body worship for Alucard Castlevania, we know that he has that scar on his chest, plus the ones that could have been left from so many battles and maybe that makes him think that his wife feels repulsed by him, but quite the opposite! Please and thank you for giving us your writing!

A/N: It was a little difficult seeing where this was gonna go in the beginning-I decided to make this more loving than a kinktober type deal, but I hope you enjoy it all the same!! MWUAH

Body Worship x Alucard

You can feel Alucard distancing himself. It’s subtle. Unnoticeable really, to anyone who didn’t know him. But you did. And you can feel how he’s been detaching himself from society; from you. When you first noticed it, you thought the worst immediately: he didn’t love you anymore. He didn’t want to be with you, there was something wrong, he was trying to figure out a way to ask for a separation. But you calmed yourself enough to really look closer at how he was acting--and while the little voice in the back of your mind still taunted you and tried to trick you into thinking you’re the problem, you knew that wasn’t the case. But now that brings a different set of problems: Why wasn’t he saying anything about what was troubling him? You didn’t want to push it, especially since it was barely noticeable that there were any issues at all. You tried to coax it out of him, dropping things like ‘you know I’m always here if you need support right?’ or  ‘I love you Adrian, I’m here for whatever you need’. He just smiled and nodded as normal, though it didn’t reach his eyes the way it normally does.  You think you’d bring it up soon.

Alucard came home as normal in the evening time after helping the village’s men dispose of the remainder of the night creature bodies--it was a random attack, of some desperate stragglers trying to feed--hunched over and tired. You were by his side at the door, kissing his cheek and whispering ‘welcome home’ as normal, taking hold of his hand with a squeeze. There was that sad smile again. “Adrian, honey--what’s going on?” You asked, scared to raise your voice higher than a whisper. “You haven’t been acting like yourself recently.” You could see the gears turning in his mind, either steadying himself to tell you the truth, or make up some excuse--you weren’t sure which one. “I’m...simply tired, my love. I’m sorry for worrying you.” You sighed, knowing he decided for the latter. “Let me help you relax then, I’ll bathe you--”

“It’s alright.” Alucard mentally cursed himself at how quickly he rejected your offer, seeing you wince. He tried again. “It’’s okay, darling. I’ll be quick. I’ll meet you in bed, yes?” He went to the room after that. 

That nasty parasite of self doubt and loathing ate itself deep into your body, nesting in your heart as you tried to keep your composure while Alucard finished his bath. You tried to keep it at bay, especially after the last few weeks, but it was becoming so overbearing you weren’t sure if you could actually convince yourself anymore that he wasn’t avoiding you anymore. You laid in your shared room, almost having half a mind of sleeping in one of the guest rooms to give him space, but you don’t think your heart could take it if he decided not to come and find you. You busied yourself with a book, hoping it gets you tired quickly so you can at least rest for the evening. You heard the door click open, and trained your eyes on the pages in front of you, blinking away anxious tears that settled in your eyes.  Silently the dhampir climbed into bed and kissed your temple, your body tensing up when he got close. You were hoping the dull lighting would help you, but you knew better than to think his senses weren’t heightened enough to notice something off. 

“Darling, you’re crying.” Fuck. “What’s wrong?” You heard the genuine concern in his tone, and you weren’t sure how to continue from there. “Just been a day, I’ll be alright.” You tried to be as strong as he’s been, brushing it off, but he was persistent. “No, we need to talk about it. What’s going on sweetheart?” You couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Why won’t you tell me what’s wrong?”

He paused, in surprise. 

“Something’s been off for weeks Adrian, don’t think I can’t tell. I’ve tried to give you time to talk to me about it, I’ve tried asking, but you keep shoving me off.” Your voice was breaking, tears now flowing freely. “You’re not talking to me, it’s making me nervous. We haven’t even been...intimate with each other, for weeks now. Do you not--”

You stopped yourself, having to rephrase your question, it would have killed you otherwise to know if he didn’t love you anymore.

“Do you want a divorce?”

At that, his hands flew to your face, holding you like you were a delicate flower--brows furrowed and eyes scared. “Of course I don’t--I love you more than anything in the world.” Desperation filled his words. “You are my most precious treasure, I couldn’t live without you--”

“--Then what’s going on?” 

He sighed, wiping your tears away before retracting his hands, staring down at the calluses that have formed over the years. “I’m...scared. I look at myself in the mirror and find nothing but a monster staring back. These scars, are--..they’re hideous, you don’t deserve a monster like me. You deserve so much more than this--and I fear one day you’ll recognize that.” It was your turn to wipe away his tears, he didn’t realize he’d begun crying. You had climbed into his lap before he knew it, stern look on your face. “Don’t you dare ever speak about my husband like that again, do you understand?” He blinked, cocking his head to the side. You continued,

“It’s okay to feel vulnerable, everyone has off days of self consciousness--but don’t you ever call yourself a monster. I love you Adrian Tepes. I love you more than I need oxygen to breathe. You are no monster, and you are not hideous in any way. Are you listening to me? You’re everything to me.” 

Your hands trailed down his chest, tugging at his shirt, silently pleading him to just take the damn thing off. He concedes, barely, and assists you in peeling the clothing off, unable to look you in the eyes. You frown. “You know what I see?” You whisper, hands tracing the major scar on his chest, and branching off to the smaller ones. “I see strength, and courage, and someone who puts his own fears aside for the ones he loves. I see a man who puts his life on the line to protect others--even strangers.” You lean down and start placing kisses on his shoulders, and start your way down his chest. “I see someone who loves, someone who is kind, someone who is worthy of love and kindness too.” You hear his breathing hitch, a tremble in his breathing as he tries to steady himself. You press on, shimmying lower off his lap and pulling at the sheets. “I see a man who gives his all to everyone around him, and never asks for any of it back. I see a man who never takes, even if he deserves to.” You plant more kisses around his adonis belt, and his hips, grazing your teeth on his skin.

He’s crying now, you know, and he still tries to hide. Alucard shuts his eyes so tight it feels like his lids will rip. He’s been torturing himself for the last few weeks, feeling the ugliest he thinks he ever has. And not because he thinks his physical attraction has lessened, but because of the monster he sees every night in the mirror. His skin is littered with the remains of battles and war, etched forever on his body the horrors he’s endured. And he sits in his loathing, and then looks at you--this angelic being that has made home in his heart, and he wonders how you love him like you do. He wonders what you see in him, how it could possibly be different than what he sees in himself. And now, after all this torture to himself, he listens to you wax poetry about him, how you are so terribly in love with him, and it overwhelms him so much he can’t help but cry. But still, he doesn’t feel worthy of it all, and so he tries to shrink away, but you won’t let him. 

“Look at me, Adrian.” 

You’ve trailed back up, except now your robe is off and you’re sitting in only your underwear. Your body also has scarring, from battles that you’ve endured in your life also. From men before him who have put you in harm’s way. From night creatures who have attacked your previous village. You have markings that your body has naturally given you, because you’ve grown. Scars and marks are littered on your skin, and you bare yourself to Alucard regardless of it all. Tears continue to flow, though you’re whipping them away. His hands trace your body, squeezing the sides and fingertips touching the raised bumps. You let him explore, bringing his hands to the even larger wounds that he hadn’t traced yet, as if he refuses to acknowledge that you’ve been through such pain. He wishes he could take them away. 

Alucard’s hands find purchase on your back and press you to his chest, feeling contact with your skin grounding him. “I’m sorry...” He chokes out, ashamed of how he’s been treating you over his own insecurities. You shake your head anyways, hands raking through his curls. “Don’t apologize, my sweet boy. Just let me love you.” He whimpers, and nods against your chest, moving in tandem with you. Your hips move up to allow him to push his pants down far enough to release his hardening cock, and you rub yourself against him still clothed. You hear him sigh, tightening his arms around you as you do so. “I love you so much.” He murmurs against your skin, hand dipping between your bodies to pull your underwear to the side and prod at your entrance, slowly dipping into your wet heat with a groan. Your fingers tighten in his hair--it’s been some time since you’ve felt him like this, the stretch stinging just a bit as you get used to him again. “Adrian--” You moan, grinding down on his lap. “I love you, you’re perfect for me, you’re everything I need--” You continue your praise as you find a rhythm, bouncing yourself on his lap. He’s overwhelmed, your very presence pushing him into euphoria. The doubts and hatred he had for himself dissipated with each clench of your pussy, with each praise you’re whining into his ear. “Darling, I won’t last tonight--I’m s-sorry.” He grinds out between clenched teeth, nails digging into your hips. You continue fucking yourself on his cock, tits pressed against his chest. “I want to feel you Adrian, please--please, fill me up.” You beg, kissing his face, wherever your lips can get to. You press kisses on his forehead, his temple, his cheeks and nose and chin and finally his lips. You feel him buck into you, meeting your bounces with thrusts of his own. You whisper sweet nothings in his ear: ‘You’re an angel, Adrian’ , ‘you’re my world’ , ‘You’re so beautiful’. 

He doesn’t last much longer after that, crying into your shoulder as he tenses and cums inside your pussy. You don’t dare let him go, combing through the tresses around him with your fingers. I love you, I love you, I love you. He chants those words in his mind until he calms himself enough to say them out loud, to declare his love to you in that moment and every moment after that. 

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1 year ago

Without You

Without You

Friends…I am a Mrs. now! The wedding stuff turned my head to goo...feeling very romantic (but also horny). Sorry for the sappiness in this story, which I baked on/off over the past month. This Alucard is pretty soft with his Reader until he wants to troll.

With how important a concept virginity is in the world of Hellsing, I was surprised by the lack of virginity loss fics, especially with a partner Alucard actually cares for. So I wrote one. Your decision was made. You will not forsake your humanity in exchange for an eternity with your vampire King. On the night he was to take your virginity, there will be no going back.

“Eternity is a long time, little one.” Tags/warnings: 18+ NSFW, Alucard (Ultimate) x Fem!Reader, Vladcard x Reader, Riocard x Reader. Romance, angst/comfort, emotional sex, loss of virginity, vaginal sex, creampie, oral sex, sex marathon, slight bondage & BDSM, partial mind control, anal, snowballing (?), tiny bit of predator/prey (Alu can’t help that side of himself), AFTERCARE, Alucard uses his abilities... Words: 10441

Tumblr won't let me post the full fic even though I've seen longer fics here before. So here's the link.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

An excerpt is below the cut.

Dracula was crying. It felt as though he murdered you metaphorically even if you were still living, which was foolish because the sex only solidified the fact you will never turn into a ghastly vampiric monster like him. Yet the act also represented the end of something. The dream that you might always be together. Bloody tears stained his face and the silky sheets. He held you close, squeezing you into the soft mattress as he wept silently, unwilling to let you physically part from him.

You understood. Your arms found their way around his broad back and caressed soothingly in an oval track. Salty tears fell down your cheeks as you mourned with him –you mourned the fact you won’t always be there for him.

Sir Integra gave her blessing to your relationship with her servant years ago, instructing you to take care of him because he was little more than a sobbing child. Her words were nonsensical at the time. This creature of mass destruction, a sobbing child? She had been right all along.

You kept rubbing his back while you peppered his head with light kisses. You were lost in the intimacy of the moment, but when you came to, the vampire in your arms was Alucard again, peering at you lazily like he wasn’t vulnerable just now. This was the form in which you met. You loved him as the King, but also like this. You loved him in all his forms. You pet his sinfully alluring face as he purred and leaned into your touch. He loved to be touched. 

He was so beautiful it just wasn't fair. His stunning appearance and cryptic mannerisms used to fluster the heck out of you. Fortunately, after many years together, you managed to better compose yourself in his presence. Until the next time he discovered another way to pester you, as Alucard does.

The Cheshire grin told you he heard your thoughts. “I’m not reading your mind, sweet, you are telling me.” He looked too pleased with himself. You exhaled. Nothing was fair to begin with when it came to this immortal being. “Come love, join me in the bath,” you told him, making to get up from the tear-stained bedsheets when you were swept off your feet and into lean arms several feet off the ground. “Alu, I can still walk!” You laughed at his overprotectiveness.

A sound at the back of his throat reverberated as he silently drew the bath and poured in scents and products, never letting you out of his grasp while he waited for the tub to fill with steamy water. “We will rectify that by the time I am through with you.” He finally replied, lowering both of you into the water, a devious grin painting his lips.

The bubbly water level reached your shoulders. You wriggled against a toned, lanky body to get comfortable, ignoring the boner poking your rear as you enjoyed the bath with Alucard. His head was thrown back against the tiles as he felt you shift around, your vampire the image of relaxation and contentment, his long limbs hanging awkwardly outside the tub. You sighed and leaned against him, the soothing water jets the only sound in the room.

He washed you, sweat and fluids sliding off your body with each swipe of his hands. "My Queen. My love...I will protect you. Always." His voice was low, eyes lidded and rippling with intent as he scented your rising arousal.

He buried his long nose in the crook of your throat and crooned, the elixir of your blood that raced under the skin ravishing his senses. He had been obsessed with your neck since the night you met. How he loved to lick, nuzzle, and sniff your throat. Running dexterous fingers down your waist, he found slick vertical lips once more.

The vampire made his infamous landshark smile from behind you, two rows of pointy teeth glinting in the soft light of the bathroom. He lapped at the side of your jugular, a low moan sounding deep from his chest as he teased, “So tempting, love.”

You snickered, head tilting over as if to invite him in, daring him to bite as you held his head and pushed his mouth against your throat. His teeth ached with the compulsion to drink, your intoxicatingly heady aromas tickling his bestial nature…

His fangs descended, his cock twitched. Alucard growled, huffing and finally ripping away from the urge to sink fangs into your vein. “A dangerous game you play, little one.”

Without You

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1 year ago

Can you please write a fic where Alucard panics when his wife tries to leave the castle on her own as the last time she did she almost got abducted by bandits.

don't leave ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚

a/n: thank you for the request! warnings: angst, injury, weapons

“Adrian! I’m going on a walk, hopefully, I can find some of those sweet berries you like to have!” You cheerfully called out to Adrian, your husband as you headed out the door. You two had been married for a few months now, enjoying a simple life within your not-so-simple castle. Adrian proposed to you with a grand arrangement of all of your favorite florals, asking for your hand in marriage. How could you say no? After all, you two had been through, you were so happy to be his peace. When Adrian thought of home, his mind would go to thoughts of you. And so here you were, picking the little berries off of the bush. Adrian loved to have these as a side for his meals, and you knew he had a little bit of an enjoyment for sugar.

You gently picked the berries from their bush, placing them in your woven, cloth-lined basket. Smiling at yourself as you imagined Adrian opening the basket and happily grinning at them. After your small basket was filled with a respectful amount you decided to uproot some vegetables while you were at. Standing up, you patted your hands together, wiping off any dirt from them. As you walked over to the vegetable garden a shadow passed in the distance. Was someone there? You thought to yourself. This was yours and Adrian’s home, nobody ever came close. Not with the looming castle off in the distance. Its presence alone is able to ward off any unwanted guests.

The shadows grew bigger before multiple figures came from behind the tall forest trees. You panicked, and you shakily grabbed for the blade that you kept on you. A group of masked people crept up on you, whipping your head around, and you realized you were swarmed. The strangers approached you with weapons in their hands. You swung at them all nearing you, doing everything you can to defend yourself. One of the bandits’ weapons sliced down your back, you screeched in pain as you attempted to lunge at them, ignoring the pain coming from your back. One of the bandits kicked you down, your face making contact with the cool soil of the earth.

A single tear escaped from your eye. As you went to wipe away your tears, a flash of red dashed by, clouding your vision even further. Adrian. He had come for you. You closed your eyes, drifting off into a black abyss as the pain faded away. A comforting touch from your husband’s hands on your back.


“Please don’t go without me. Don’t leave, I can’t afford to let that happen again to you,” Adrian pleaded.

Your attack was a few months ago, and while you were scared and traumatized, you knew that you wouldn’t get over your fear if you didn’t at least try.

“Adrian, just let me. You can stay close behind me like I told you,” you said to him.

The two of you stood in the castle foyer, the grand doors awaiting your grasp to pull them open and face your fears. You eyed the lovely man in front of you. Oh, how it hurt you to see him like this. Adrian had cured himself for letting you get hurt. He blamed himself for the incident that happened to you in the forest. He stayed by your side the entire time while your back healed. The bandits had gotten you well, their sharp blade had cut deep into your back. A scar remained from the attack, it made Adrian burn with anger every time he saw it. They attempted to take you away from him, the love of his life.

“I just…I can’t stand to see you in pain. When I saw you swarmed by those pricks I was so angry. I almost lost control, for a moment I thought they would be taken away from me. Please–” You cut him off before he could finish.

Walking up to him, you wrapped your arms around him, looking deep into his eyes.

“I won’t leave you, and I will have you there with me. Nobody can harm me as long as you’re there by my side. Okay?” You asked him,

“Okay,” Adrian took a deep breath before kissing you. Hot tears rolled down your face as you held him close to you.

“Come now, we can both do this. We must face our fears, love.”

You grabbed his hand gently in yours, guiding him outside with you.

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1 year ago

Adrian not knowing or caring if he could even have a true wedding since...well, holy matrimony is something he doubts a dhampir can take part in. It's not like he cares for the approval of God or needs it as proof of his love for his Darling anyway.

Still...he wants to have a small ceremony. He wants to give his Darling a symbol of that love to keep and wear on them forever. He wants to see them dressed in finery that HE'S provided for them, a prelude of the life they can share together. He wants to have them as his wife, his beloved. As His.

There's no need to have her wear white, as that's just another church custom. Whatever she winds up wearing, he'll give her his cloak to drape over herself as well.

Imagine if the "object" he has to symbolize his love is like...not just a ring, but a little doll version of them lol. Maybe its the one he made when he was being driven mad from loneliness, but still hadn't taken the final step to kidnap them take them into his home.

1 year ago

alucard x pregnant!reader thoughts 🌷

a/n: tw for pregnancy , body changes

• Alucard cries when you tell him you’re expecting, in his heart he knew you were pregnant but he was in denial about it. When your cycle hadn’t come for a few moons you spoke with him that you were most certain you were pregnant. He cries, the thought of being a father too much for him in the moment. He cried when he sensed you with child but hearing you say it pulled at his heart strings.

• Will cook you any strange foods that you’re craving! “what are you in the mood for today sweetheart?” He loves touching your belly, I think he would be able to hear the babes’ heartbeat too. So at night when you’re fast asleep, he has a hand on your belly. Listening closely to the faint second heartbeat within you.

• He goes through his mother’s textbooks and tries to find any notes she had about pregnancy. Considering that she was pregnant with a vampire, she had quite a lot of information. Notes about cravings, swelling, mood changes, when the babe will start kicking, and etc. He wants you to be as comfortable as possible and wants to be well informed on what to expect.

• He is there for you through all of the cramping and pains you have. Feet and legs swollen? He will massage you and make sure that your feet are propped up to help reduce any swelling. He makes sure you’re cool and comfortable. Adrian also gets you some new clothing with fabrics that will suit your growing belly, while staying comfortable.

• “You’re so beautiful, you’re going to be wonderful. I can’t wait to meet them.”

• Stays up with you whenever you’re restless, he will read to you, bring you some calming teas, and cuddle with you, a hand on your belly.

• He is well aware of the changes youre going through, you’re carrying his angel and he couldn’t be more proud of you. Adrian would also lift your belly up for you whenever you’re feeling a little heavy, offering you some relief.

• Is understanding of your mood changes, if you get a little bit snippy with him he will understand and give you space. He understands the importance of how your hornones are changing, and he never takes anything you say personally.

• He wouldn’t dare make you climb up any steps, it’s tedious but as you get later into your pregnancy and your a little more tired than usual, he will teleport you. He doesn’t mind at all.

• Loves when the baby kicks, you call him over excitedly and he almost knocks something over as he reaches to touch your belly. “Adrian! Come quick, the baby is saying hello!” and he freaking sprints over to you.

• Puts a hand on your belly protectively, especially when you aren’t in the castle.

• Loves going on walks with you and holding your hand, he says its good for you to be a little active and get some sunlight.

• When you enter the late stages of pregnancy, he prepared the nursery. He spends his days making toys, little stuffed animals, dolls, and even makes a cute stuffed sword that resembles his.

• I like to think Alucard is an amazing artist, a hobby he picked up in all the free time he has. He asked to paint you while you’re pregnant, a fond memory to keep and look back on.

• Is so supportive through the labor, he pats your forehead with a cool towel, holds your hand, encourages you, gently pats you on your head, and he definitely cries when he sees your baby. A tiny little being wailing, oh his poor heart!

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