Amo leer, me encanta el anime, series y muchas cosas más, 27 años, espero poder escribir algo pronto por aquí, mexicana. I hope they continue to take care of themselves against the covid and you are well
225 posts
Alucard Tepes X Reader, Romantic Headcanons
alucard tepes x reader, romantic headcanons <3 🌷🦇
a/n: more thoughts i had on our sweet dhampir boy! enjoy my rambling! typed this on my phone at work dont mind any mistakes lol
<3 alucard is so sweet, he is a hopeless romantic like i mentioned in another post, he loves to do things that make you smile. like bringing you your favorite flowers, fruits, writing you little poems on how you make him feel, reading the books that interest you so you can both talk about them later!
<3 i think his love language would be physical touch and acts of services, he loves to make your life easier, cooks for you, helps you clean, and if the two of you live in the castle together he loves spending time with you. watching sunrises/sets as the two of you sit on the high ledges of the castle (like he did when he heard the kids laughing at him) feeling the breeze on your skin and holding hands. if you’re scared of heights he wont mind watching from a safe space haha!
<3 loves slow mornings, alucard has all the time in the world (you too if you ask him to turn you, only if you want though), he likes lazy days sleeping in, cuddling, and staying in your night clothes all day.
<3 loves taking warm baths together, his father obviously was a man of science had lots of advanced technology for the time period, luckily that means you have a huge bathtub that can fit you and alucard. i think the bathtub is black of course set atop a dais with a few stairs that lead up to it. probably has some sort of pillars surrounding it that go up to the ceiling( if that makes sense) so, he loves bathing together cuddling together in the warm water and running his fingers on your scalp and vise versa
<3 going on forest walks together, its a habit he picked up. brings him a lot of peace hearing the river and the birds chirping, would probably lay down in the grass with you. taking in all of nature’s beauty together
<3 he indulges in your hobbies. he wants to be included in whatever your doing he clearly likes sewing since he made those dolls lol, so he would teach you how to sew and you can teach him any skills you have
he is just amazing!
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More Posts from Catarsis96
*looks around from the corner* Is it okay if I request Alucard and D coming home to find their pregnant s/o sleeping in their shirt? I know it's already similar to another request you've done but I have an excuse to include D since not enough people are requesting for him.
Feeling Safe and Secure

Warnings: ⚠️ fluff, some insinuation of coitus to come. Long post. (1463 words)
Oh boy! My first D question! Love this! (Some isyou found awake wearing their shirt) Thank you for being brave on Vampire Hunter D. Gets a little spicy towards the end. I do need to add some historical details before driving down the road on this one.
I have added a couple sites that cover D though book 29 is coming out in September this year. The start time of D is 15,000 years after nuclear in 1999. He is 10,000 years old and his mother was Mina the Fair. D stopped physically aging at age 17 and he is considered so beautiful that cis men even feel some attraction.
He is hated and feared for being the child of a Vampire Noble. The Dhampir travels the frontier (there is a capital city but most live in the frontier full of Noble created monsters.)
•Note on Alucard: I have penned a new term of endearment for Alucard for me to call him.: Lulă (Lu=alu and la=ula) It's German feminine for "famous warrior." Didn't know this was a real name at first. Girlycard/Allycard tie being the German feminine connection.
Poor source: as a girls' name is of Old German derivation, and the meaning of the name Lula is "famous warrior; other, foreign". Lula is an alternate form of Louise (Old German). Lula is also a variation of Luella (Old English, Old German).
One last question to my followers: is this a 2 for 1 or does Vladcard make it 3 for 1?
•🍷Alucard Hellsing

Let's start with the Sacred Ancestor in his form as Alucard. D's father is Dracula in the novels and Alucard is capable of possibly interdimensional travel, as the time lines between Vampire Hunter D and Hellsing are not the best for consistency or accuracy on details.
•Just when Alucard didn't think there were any more surprises he could manifest or learn, you entered his world. You conceived and now waddle around with some precious cargo he helped create.
"Alucard, we miss you terribly when you are gone on long missions…" you pout at him.
"And what does my puțin rotund unu (little round one) think will help with this?" He sighs actually puzzled on what will help.
"If only you had a shirt I could snuggle in Lulă…"
"Did you forget my clothes are a shadow manifested?" He smiles coyly.
You sigh tiredly as 'D' kicks your belly hard. "I still forget…"
•So Alucard is on a mission to locate a man's traditional Romanian embroidered shirt. Within days Shadow King slinks up to you waddling around once more.
"I told you to stay off your feet puțin rotund unu," he places a kiss on your cheek. His shadows produce the shirt for you.
You squeak happily in his ear,"It's perfect! It even has your scent!"
Alucard gives a scowling look,"Time to rest up and sleep. You know I love to watch you sleeping."
•♟️Now Vlad Dracula for grins and giggles.

•You became pregnant just after he left your side for the last time as a human. He has returned as the First Vampire.
•In the first six months Vlad wanders alone and silently. He is still unsure of his strengths, powers and weaknesses. There wasn't a manual for when you denounced God and if by chance demon's work, the only answers are in riddles.
•One evening he arrives at a secret location in Hoia Baciu forest. Most humans will never dare step foot in this haunted forest but him and…you.
•Your scent is strong but mingled with another. His jealous streak appears but choices to watch you get up in the darkness from sleeping and puttering around making food for yourself.
•Finally he enters the large cottage. "Acolo ești tot rotund și plin de copil. (There you are all round and full of baby.)"
Vlad's molten hellfire colored eyes study you. You are wearing his last shirt before being captured. It has stains and worn spots but yet it makes you look beyond beautiful in his eyes.
"Am așteptat în timp ce ai cerut și am o surpriză pentru tine Voivode.(I waited as you asked and I have a surprise for you Voivode.)" You chirp happily.
His ebony eyebrows raise up. "Copilul meu să fie.?(Is it my child to be?)
•🗡 Vampire Hunter D or just D.

•D, as quietly as his father the Sacred Ancestor, entered the unknown Noble's castle. D has chosen this Castle and underground installation to protect you. It protects you from the monsters created by the Nobles. The location is even better due to a weather controlled satellite that still works well.
•This castle/laboratory still has deadly security in which his blue stoned medallion recognizes him only. (The mysterious blue stoned medallion is recognized as Vampire technology and so D can bypass dealing with mechanical security.)
•The Dhampir finds you curled up on a velvet couch next to a magically fuel-created fireplace. One of many Noble inventions in this residence. His pale fingers stroke your warm cheek,"(Y/n) How have you been? Is the baby well?"
You rub your sleepy eyes open. "Did you find one you would wear?"
•Your Dhampir usually only wears form fitting black travelers clothes and leather with a hat. So D needed to buy something in his travels on the frontier.
D nods his head, deep brown locks move across his broad back. "Let's get you up and try it on?"
•You now nod your head in return and proceed to stand. His extra cloak, he left behind, is around your body. It opens to reveal you nude with a round belly. His baby inside you…
"Hmm, the shirt can wait for a moment, little rose…so my fingers can memorize your body once more. " His voice softly states as his blue eyes turn red from excitement from seeing your naked form.
•occasionally his left hand makes a tight fist to stop the homunculus demon symbiote from giving a grope to your breasts or even worse, a lick.
🍷•🗡 Polyamorous Alucard and D
•D places his right hand on your expanding round belly (the demon doesn't get to). A white gloved left hand with faded sigils from Hellsing, now also placed on your big belly.
•The twins growing inside you, have yet to reveal who the father is of them. D had rescued you from a vampire Noble's genetic laboratory and snatched from Alucard's grasp. You had been quite intimate with Alucard but chose to flee with D, not realizing the blood relative aspect.
•Alucard has been pursuing his son D as to the whereabouts of you. The Vampire King (title also used in Vampire Hunter D besides Sacred Ancestor) has suspected you are with child.
His Child.
•Alucard feels the twins shifted in your womb. Two is even better than one. A girl and a boy would make his world.
•It was a long and undeclared winner of a battle between them while you were secure in the castle, D finally allows his Father-Alucard to join him in the return to you. Your Dhampir wonders who is the father of yet unborn children. If they are his father's he plans to raise them more human than their noble family side of things.
•D's deep dark brown eyebrows raise up as Alucard's ebony ones raise even higher with the knowledge of what you wear right now.

•Alucard chuckles loudly at the fact it's one of his white poet's shirts that stretches over your plump belly. Yet a thin, deep blue undershirt peeks from under. That is D's shirt as it matches his eyes (some say gray blue-red when provoked).
•Alucard is standing at his 6'6" usual-ish (198cm) and D is no slouch at 6'3" (190 cm). They tower over you with hungry eyes full of unbridled lust. Alucard's eyes turm to a swirling collision of red, orange and hints of yellow while his So's reveal his parental ancestory by glowing red. The Vampire King tilts his head and flashes upper canines as D reveals his predominant upper and lower fangs.

•Alucard's gloves disappear as supernatural nimble fingers tug at the sleeves to remove his white poet's shirt. Then it's D's turn to remove his blue shirt. The son will make sure Alucard doesn't hurt you, so enjoy yourself with not one but two ungodly beautiful 'men'..

@alucardownsmyass @hunnie880 @amikartest
Position anon again, would you please write a NSFW alphabet for Alucard? Pretty please? 🥺
Alucard N S F W Alphabet*
I'm personally offended that I haven't done this for Lulu before. Anyway, rather than just spelling out his name, I'll give you the entire alphabet. Heh. This is LONG! Your thoughts and keyboard smashes are welcome. 🤭

P.S. I go explicit and specific; read at your own risk. I also tried my best to keep it as gender-neutral as possible, so this is [Alucard x You]. However, I did have a little self-indulgent fun with W: wild card, the only section with an obvious she/her indication. Just so you know!
A: Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Aftercare is not optional to this dhampir. It's a must. It doesn't matter if you had a quick romp or a long night, he'd still take the time to treat you right, especially if he'd been rather rough with you.
Forehead kisses, soft caresses, helping clean you up—you name it and he's got it covered. It's all about making sure you feel loved, appreciated, and cared for.
Alucard is not one to just up and leave or make you feel used. In fact, it's noticeable how much more he dotes on you after actually using you up good and fucking you raw into next week. 😏
B: Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and their partner’s)
Your neck. Let's not even pretend that Alucard doesn't gravitate towards it. As you ride him, he buries his face in the crook of your neck and nips and pecks at your throat. There's a part of him that wants to sink his fangs into you then and there and another that wants nothing more than to whisper sweet nothings against your skin as you throw your head back in bliss.
Alucard likes his hands—the way they're so large against yours; how perfectly your hands feel in his own. He likes his hands gripping your thighs or hips, his hand coming down to slap your ass, his hands caressing every inch of you. The way his hand closes around your wrist, encircling it completely as if it was made to do nothing but. The way he pushes you down with his hand on the small of your back as he prepares to take you from behind. Most of all, all of the things his hands can do to make you cum.
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Alucard's desire to spill his seed inside you is next to nothing sometimes. If you'd let him, he'd bury himself balls-deep and cum inside you each and every time.
He loves to make you cum, loves the way you sound—the hitching of your breath, your begging, the way you can barely keep yourself from shaking as he coaxes yet another orgasm out of you. He loves to praise you for it. "God, you're fucking beautiful," is something you hear often. It just never gets old.
D: Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Alucard loves when you allow him to bend you over whichever way he pleases. Loves how tiny and pliable you look underneath him, adjusting and propping your arms and legs as he sees fit. Just the sight of you like that, it's enough to push him over the edge.
So, you know he draws you—you are his muse after all. You've seen his sketches. But not the ones of your beautiful, naked body. Not even the tasteful pieces he draws as you sleep. Not the ones where, try as he might, he just can't replicate how utterly divine you look when he fucks you. He's a talented artist, but nothing tops the real thing.
E: Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Is he very experienced? No. Does he know what he's doing? Hell yes. His mother was a doctor and his father is a man of science. He lives in a castle full of resources. He has deep knowledge of biology—he's got the theory down pat. Sure, he fumbled a little the first few times, but he quickly learnt how you like to be pleased.
Besides, being a dhampir, Alucard is in tune with your body's responses to his ministrations. When you're intimate, he can practically feel your heart racing, dear. He knows when you're close, can tell when he's hitting it good, need I say more?
F: Favourite position (this goes without saying)
Mastery. He sits on the edge of the bed, feet flat on the floor to support you sitting on top of him with your legs bent on either side of him, your feet flat on the bed. This position allows you to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss. It lets you start off slow, very intimate—with you grinding against and riding him. Once you're a little tired (or he starts growing impatient), he simply grips your hips and pounds up into you until you're a screaming wreck. His grip on your hips and his feet securely planted on the floor allows him to rut into you fast. And the view? Fucking fantastic. He loves watching you come undone like this, seeing you throw your head back and expose your throat to him. Yes.
For a quick romp, you can't go wrong with doggy style. When you're in his study and you both get a little too distracted? He’ll bend you over his desk and have his way with you.
G: Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Oh, he's very serious about giving both of you a good time, alright. He might do something that makes you giggle, sure, but for the most part it's probably accidental and not his intention. Sex with Alucard can be intimate and sweet or downright animals humping in the undergrowth (👀), no in between. He's not here for the shits and giggles, darling.
H: Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
It does match. Maybe not all the time completely bare, but he keeps himself neat and tidy. Do you see his luxurious hair? He takes care of himself down there too.
I: Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Alucard loves to see you and hear you. He's considerate and goes out of his way to find what works for you. So much so he probably has ruined you for anyone else. You'll never find a more receptive lover; it’s time to accept that.
When you make sweet love, he whispers sweet nothings against your skin. He peppers kisses all over you and makes you feel like the most gorgeous being on the planet. He's not afraid to voice his thoughts out loud too, praising you and urging you on.
J: Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
You remember those naughty sketches of you? Yep. He has used them a couple times while you were away. You're in his thoughts whenever he touches himself.
K: Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Edging. He not-so-secretly loves it when you beg. How are you to know how much more you can take? He'll just have to show you.
When you moan his name as you grip the sheets and quake beneath him? Yeah. He loves it, especially when you can barely even make out the words for “Adrian, please, please, please.”
When you take control and ride him like your life depends on it, it does something to his brain. You on top, taking control and looking absolutely beautiful as you do so... he could cum just from the thought of it.
There is a part of him that likes the thought of cumming deep inside you and breeding you. Maybe it's that loneliness that sometimes nags at him, maybe he yearns for a family, but he can't lie this feels utterly divine.
L: Location (favourite places to do the do)
The bed is cliche, but it works and is comfortable. Your kitchen counter, desk, against the wall or a tree, table, or out at some secluded clearing by the lake... Alucard is truly not that picky, as long as you're not out in the public for other eyes to see and you’re both comfortable.
M: Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your reactions and enthusiasm. Knowing you're into it just as much as he is.
When you sashay towards him, crooking your finger at him to beckon him closer? He's right there with you in a heartbeat.
When you wear his shirt and it swallows your smaller frame? It turns him on more than he lets on.
When you moan his name and gasp and writhe in pleasure. When you beg for him to take you harder, faster, and deeper. It just about short-circuits his brain.
N: No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any form of bondage or restrictions to his movement. It brings up unnecessary trauma and makes him feel that he's not in control or safe. He is mostly a switch, sure, letting you take control and dominate too, but tying him up is just a no-go for him.
He won't transform into a wolf. It's practically bestiality, which he's not down for.
Somnophilia or any other act where consent can be dubious. He's just big on consent and trust, for obvious reasons.
O: Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves having absolute control over your pleasure, knowing it's him coaxing the sighs and moans and screams out of you. He enjoys how easily he can make you cum and drive you mad.
That said, he also loves watching you pleasure him, taking as much of his hard length as you can, especially whenever you greedily swallow his load.
P: Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
It really depends. Sex can be whatever it needs to be in the moment. While he loves nothing more than to take his time and make sweet love to you, he also loves ravaging you and leaving you utterly spent. It's satisfying either way.
The usual case is he begins slowly and sensually, but by the end of it (and sometimes without warning), he's rutting into you like his life depends on it.
Q: Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He isn't above having a quickie if that is all time permits, but he would really much rather have his way with you properly!
R: Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Given that he's a dhampir, he knows exactly how to go unseen or unnoticed. It's likely his risk assessment is much more honed. You might think you're being risky, but he is well aware of the chances of you getting caught in the act.
As for experimenting—other than his hard reservations (the ones listed in N), he is game to experiment and try different things you may be curious about as long as you both feel safe and comfortable about them.
S: Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He's a dhampir... need I say more? The chances of you exhausting him first is little. Sorry to burst your bubble. 😆 He's got stamina for days, honey.
T: Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Alucard is not above using toys to pleasure you. But what can a toy do that he can't do better? Hah. Chances are he will attempt to learn how it pleases you and try to replicate that with his own cock, mouth, and hands.
U: Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be such a little tease. You know the way he banters. That snark and sass can sometimes make their way inside the bedroom too.
"What was that, darling?" he'd ask, as if his amazing sense of hearing wasn't enough to register your begging as he edges you for the nth time. "Tsk. Patience, my love..." he would even dare chide you!
Alucard also loves to glide his fangs over your skin, just enough to leave a faint mark but not enough to draw blood.
V: Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s not shy to let you know he’s having a good time, but he’s also not overly loud. He gasps, moans, and curses, a tight-lipped “Fuck!” slipping out once in a while.
W: Wild card (a random headcanon)
He loves to praise you. His way of talking dirty is to let you know how good you feel around him. How ethereal you are, how perfect for him, how you taste so sweet.
He encourages you as he pushes you over the limit. “Yes, yes, darling, you can take it. Cum for me,” he would say. He’d place a kiss on your open mouth as you convulse around him as he rips yet another orgasm out of you. “My sweet darling,” he would groan, wiping the sweat off your brow. “How perfect you are. Good girl.” And just like that, he’s about to do it all over again. RIP. 😫
X: X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s active and it shows. He’s well built without being overly bulky. It suits him—muscular/toned yet elegant and lean.
He’s packing a just-about-above average penis, but nothing you cannot handle. The man’s over six foot, it just fits.
Y: Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Alucard is the type to yearn and pine, so set the volume level up cause he cannot get enough of you. Enough said.
Z: Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sometimes you drift off to sleep together, but you usually fall asleep first.
He’s a night owl. He’d take you in his arms and stroke your hair as you sleep, admiring the way you glow under the moonlight, and wonder how he got so lucky to have found you. 🤍🌙
Without You

Friends…I am a Mrs. now! The wedding stuff turned my head to goo...feeling very romantic (but also horny). Sorry for the sappiness in this story, which I baked on/off over the past month. This Alucard is pretty soft with his Reader until he wants to troll.
With how important a concept virginity is in the world of Hellsing, I was surprised by the lack of virginity loss fics, especially with a partner Alucard actually cares for. So I wrote one. Your decision was made. You will not forsake your humanity in exchange for an eternity with your vampire King. On the night he was to take your virginity, there will be no going back.
“Eternity is a long time, little one.” Tags/warnings: 18+ NSFW, Alucard (Ultimate) x Fem!Reader, Vladcard x Reader, Riocard x Reader. Romance, angst/comfort, emotional sex, loss of virginity, vaginal sex, creampie, oral sex, sex marathon, slight bondage & BDSM, partial mind control, anal, snowballing (?), tiny bit of predator/prey (Alu can’t help that side of himself), AFTERCARE, Alucard uses his abilities... Words: 10441
Tumblr won't let me post the full fic even though I've seen longer fics here before. So here's the link.
An excerpt is below the cut.
Dracula was crying. It felt as though he murdered you metaphorically even if you were still living, which was foolish because the sex only solidified the fact you will never turn into a ghastly vampiric monster like him. Yet the act also represented the end of something. The dream that you might always be together. Bloody tears stained his face and the silky sheets. He held you close, squeezing you into the soft mattress as he wept silently, unwilling to let you physically part from him.
You understood. Your arms found their way around his broad back and caressed soothingly in an oval track. Salty tears fell down your cheeks as you mourned with him –you mourned the fact you won’t always be there for him.
Sir Integra gave her blessing to your relationship with her servant years ago, instructing you to take care of him because he was little more than a sobbing child. Her words were nonsensical at the time. This creature of mass destruction, a sobbing child? She had been right all along.
You kept rubbing his back while you peppered his head with light kisses. You were lost in the intimacy of the moment, but when you came to, the vampire in your arms was Alucard again, peering at you lazily like he wasn’t vulnerable just now. This was the form in which you met. You loved him as the King, but also like this. You loved him in all his forms. You pet his sinfully alluring face as he purred and leaned into your touch. He loved to be touched.
He was so beautiful it just wasn't fair. His stunning appearance and cryptic mannerisms used to fluster the heck out of you. Fortunately, after many years together, you managed to better compose yourself in his presence. Until the next time he discovered another way to pester you, as Alucard does.
The Cheshire grin told you he heard your thoughts. “I’m not reading your mind, sweet, you are telling me.” He looked too pleased with himself. You exhaled. Nothing was fair to begin with when it came to this immortal being. “Come love, join me in the bath,” you told him, making to get up from the tear-stained bedsheets when you were swept off your feet and into lean arms several feet off the ground. “Alu, I can still walk!” You laughed at his overprotectiveness.
A sound at the back of his throat reverberated as he silently drew the bath and poured in scents and products, never letting you out of his grasp while he waited for the tub to fill with steamy water. “We will rectify that by the time I am through with you.” He finally replied, lowering both of you into the water, a devious grin painting his lips.
The bubbly water level reached your shoulders. You wriggled against a toned, lanky body to get comfortable, ignoring the boner poking your rear as you enjoyed the bath with Alucard. His head was thrown back against the tiles as he felt you shift around, your vampire the image of relaxation and contentment, his long limbs hanging awkwardly outside the tub. You sighed and leaned against him, the soothing water jets the only sound in the room.
He washed you, sweat and fluids sliding off your body with each swipe of his hands. "My Queen. My love...I will protect you. Always." His voice was low, eyes lidded and rippling with intent as he scented your rising arousal.
He buried his long nose in the crook of your throat and crooned, the elixir of your blood that raced under the skin ravishing his senses. He had been obsessed with your neck since the night you met. How he loved to lick, nuzzle, and sniff your throat. Running dexterous fingers down your waist, he found slick vertical lips once more.
The vampire made his infamous landshark smile from behind you, two rows of pointy teeth glinting in the soft light of the bathroom. He lapped at the side of your jugular, a low moan sounding deep from his chest as he teased, “So tempting, love.”
You snickered, head tilting over as if to invite him in, daring him to bite as you held his head and pushed his mouth against your throat. His teeth ached with the compulsion to drink, your intoxicatingly heady aromas tickling his bestial nature…
His fangs descended, his cock twitched. Alucard growled, huffing and finally ripping away from the urge to sink fangs into your vein. “A dangerous game you play, little one.”

A Night for Hunting Ch 12 -The Feeling of Safety

T/W: Alucard (Ultimate) x F!Reader, Vladcard (that’s right, daddy makes his appearance), predator/prey, hunting, ruthless vampire king, romance, Romanian translations Words: 4855 On AO3
I am so excited to finally present this chapter! The premise was planned from the beginning and living rent-free in my head (happy to evict it at last) since I decided to extend this series months ago. I hope you like it! I am no history buff, but I did some light reading on Vlad and the contents of this chapter are also based on how Alucard behaves in Ultimate. A bit nervous, but I hope I got the feels right.
Happy belated Mid-Autumn Festival, fellow Chinese and (other nationalities) who celebrate this occasion! The full moon was beautiful.
Many thanks to @michi-tala for helping me with fine-tuning the Romanian phrases! @alastorhazbin
“You really are a king?" You asked, incredulous.
How could this be? A king should be the inspirational leader who guides his nation through strife and peace to glory, the shining star who navigates the tumultuous waters of diplomacy and the horrors of battlefields. A ruler with the intellect to create and uphold the laws, social institutions, and infrastructure to bring about prosperity. He should be someone well-versed in the art of war, yet mannered and cultured to mingle with others in his high society of privilege.
In other words, someone not quite like Alucard The Boor, who was inflexible about negotiations, poorly socialized, and a stalker to boot. What kind of king had the time to stalk some peasant woman for two years just for fun?
You however had to reconsider your conclusions. The longer you stared at that cocky profile, the more obvious it became that if you squinted, there perhaps was something a little regal about him. He was certainly not lacking in intelligence. And sometimes he demonstrated highly sophisticated mannerisms when he felt like playing the gentleman. He even spoke like a snobby British aristocrat.
Alucard chuckled to himself quietly at your racing thoughts. His eyes closed at the distant recollection of his past. At nearly six centuries of age, he found himself often ruminating about the past, whether as a human or vampire, but when pondering his first life, it was like reliving someone else’s. He remembered the anger, pain, and humiliation vividly. There was regret about his upbringing and later decisions as voivode, even if there were those actions during his reign that were necessary for the survival of his country and Christianity, and parts of Europe continued to view him as a hero to this day. But it all happened so long ago, he barely felt anything anymore, except a faraway, numb regret.
He was silent when recalling the fresh woodsy scent of the fir trees in his mountains. How he loved to ride through their forests with the wind in his face when he went hunting. His city Târgoviște possessed beauty beyond imagination, before he burnt it down and turned it into a desolate forest of corpses. Perhaps there was some melancholy when reminiscing about his homeland.
Warm fingers landed lightly on the sigils adorning the back of his gloves. Feline eyes opened to narrow slits to watch you looking at him with a questioning stare. It seemed you were finished with mocking his ways in your head.
Flattering child. Innocent little human. You know not of the monster you have involved yourself with, he thought.
“Cetatea (Citadel) Poenari sat atop the mountains. In its prime, it was an impregnable fortress with steep walls that offered a spectacular view of the forested canyon on the Argeș River. You would have appreciated its beauty.”
“Was that your home?” You asked.
“One of them. Its ruins are in what is now known as Romania.”
Wide eyes stayed on him before curving with merriment. “I think I would love to visit your old home one day.” Your wrist flicked in his direction to gesture at his dress clothes. “Did you look like this back then too? There’s no way you dressed this loudly then, right, Your Majesty?” You snickered while putting emphasis on his royal title.
He turned his hand over to grasp your fingers in his. “You wish to see me? All of me?" His brow rose as he evaluated you.
The room chilled suddenly and you hesitated. His shadow was facing toward the light, reaching for you, and the silhouette was wrong. You’ve already seen his flowing shadows, extra eyes, and bats, as well as when he assumed the face of another man. Was there more? Something forbidding was in the air.
“Umm…not the bugs. Please never the bugs again,” you whispered, trying to keep the mood easy tonight.
The orangey-yellow in his eyes spun like molten gold as he petted your fingers before lacing your hands together. Alucard leaned towards you, and as he did, he changed. This was important. Somehow you knew what Alucard was about to show you was intimate, a secret he did not carelessly share with others. You stopped breathing as you watched his transformation happen before your eyes.
Raven locks lengthened until his hair was past his thighs, phantom wind making the ends billow in the air like they were alive. Gangly arms filled out, his chest growing broad and putting on hard muscle in seconds. His red duster turned liquid and flowed over the heavy armour that materialized, settling into a black cape that was as intangible as his tresses at the frayed, surging ends.
His angular features grew wider at the cheeks, jawline becoming chiselled and covered with coarse stubble. The fiery gaze burned with wisdom and life experience. You had no words as you got a better look at this imposing man who now stood towering over you with his arms at his side.
"This was how I appeared as a human when I perished."
You stared at him from the couch, sitting with your legs in front of you in a “W.” Your mouth was parted as your eyes slid sluggishly over this dark warrior with disbelief. Power rolled off of him. It was in his bearing, the deadly grace with which he conducted himself, and the way the air was not quite right around him.
"You really are breathtakingly beautiful," you told him.
Alucard purred at your praise and your skin tingled. His rumblings were deeper than normal and it was so unexpected despite his now stockier build.
“...May I… touch you?”
Golden-orange glinted with warmth as this stranger stooped down for you to inspect his new body. You tentatively brought your hand up to his face and stroked his cheek. Cold. This Alucard’s skin was still cool to touch. The texture though, that beard was so scratchy. You ran your fingers through his hair, which was as soft as you remembered, but now so long you didn’t even reach the ends with your arm fully extended.
His name was an anagram. Alucard was a Romanian vampire. Your idiot brain finally made the connection that was in front of you this whole time.
“...You actually are Dracula?” The Son of the Dragon, a king and warlord from the Middle Ages. Probably one of the oldest –and strongest– of vampires.
“You are speaking to Count Dracula of Wallachia.”
You shivered at his voice. Even his accent was different, so foreign and exotic. It did things to you, but your mind had always been stronger.
If memory served you correctly, history did not have favourable things to say about the real Dracula. The Sir Impaler staked people, including women and children, for all sorts of reasons and no reason as well –as a gruesomely effective warfare tactic, for sport, and petty offences alike. He was the king who invited the sick and homeless to his keep for a feast and burnt them alive as a way to empty the streets.
“Yes, I commanded all of those acts in my past life.”
Fright blemished your features and you jerked away until Dracula’s gauntlet shot out to catch you and bring your palm back to his face. He took in the thin line your lips formed and the furrowed brows around your spooked gaze.
“But that will not be a fate reserved for you,” he promised with a sombre expression. Your eyes searched his face to judge his sincerity, wanting more than anything to continue trusting him after learning his identity, even when forced to confront the reality of the nature of your relationship.
It was wrong.
The king before you stood tall, his dignified comportment unwavering after the passage of centuries of grim tales told about him. He did not lie to you, nor did he offer excuses for himself. His noble features, proud and uncompromising, were solemn as you contemplated him.
Alucard never lifted a finger against you.
The warlord’s wicked piety preceded him, his prestige vicious and calculated. Any means to achieve his ends, which left ruination in his wake. Everywhere he went, he sowed destruction and instilled fear, even amongst his own people.
He was not mentally well.
If Alucard did not care for you, you would be worse off than dead.
Yes, by showing how he was a murderous vampire, an undead hellspawn who didn't die when he was supposed to.
He was violent and dangerous. What in the world were you doing with him?
You had your wellbeing and that of your family to worry about. What if entwining your fate with his ended in trouble that somehow found its way to them? Even as Alucard, he could be sadistic, harassing and nearly driving you to madness long ago. He continued to enjoy aggravating you and at times made you angry beyond belief.
You should not be with him. Tears came to your eyes.
But time and time again, Alucard came to protect you and went out of his way to take steps ensuring your safety and comfort. He looked after you when you were incapable and let you in on secrets about himself.
You fought with yourself. Alucard and this stranger before you were in fact one and the same. For all his nefarious ways, he did have honour, in his own twisted way.
You were past the point of right or wrong.
The heart was never rational. You wanted to remain with him. So with an uncertain quivering heart, you chose him too. You got on your knees and went up to this infamous veteran to huddle against his chest, needing to see if the sense of security you felt whenever Alucard was near was present with this form of his too. You couldn’t even look at him.
Vermilion flames smouldered gently without your notice.
A hand went delicately across your back to hold you close for several moments before tracing along your shoulder blades. An arm went around you and settled at your waist. Then multiple shadow tendrils wrapped you loosely around the ankles, thighs, and biceps. You shuddered at the electric contact with his darkness. Prickly stubble dug into your chin as this king claimed your lips for his own. He was as gentle as Alucard. It was comforting and eased your unsettled thoughts.
You finally pulled apart.
“You are timid with me,” he announced, breastplate vibrating with the bass of his voice.
“Everything we do is new,” you said as you put your arms around an icy plated torso and watched the end of his cape twirl. His lips chased yours as you looked away again. Relaxing into his embrace, you whispered, ”I can’t believe you are real,” as if speaking louder would make him disappear like a mirage.
“The legends have a basis.”
He ran the backside of an armoured finger across your cheek. His expression was soft as you met his gaze again, nothing as severe as his rugged appearance suggested. The shadows enveloping your limbs flared.
“What say you? Would you like to be one of my kind?"
Huh? He meant…he meant turning you into a vampire? And offering you eternity?
Again you tensed. He was serious. The weight of his question hung in the air between you until you gulped and averted your eyes, nervousness tainting the air thickly.
"I suppose it is too soon to ask you this." The hand came to rest on your head where he ruffled your hair. You glanced up at him in surprise.
Dracula smiled at you. "My Darling."
The gleaming silver orb above loomed large, illuminating the navy skies with an ethereal haze. The moon was full, just like that first night, so clear you could see every crater on her surface. Your anxiety around Dracula gradually dissipated. He had a much quieter disposition than the normal him, but honestly, a break from his usual provocative ways was appreciated. He was still the same person, you reminded yourself. You began to close the distance between you incrementally and walk closer until you brushed his side with every stride.
It was not yet Halloween. Actually, it was nowhere near that month of haunting. Anyone who happened upon the pair of you would find his full body armour odd. It was mildly ironic for you to comment about Alucard’s unconventional clothing, only for his ‘true’ appearance to be just as outlandish for these modern times. What did you expect? It seemed the king captured people’s attention no matter what he did in whichever era.
The relaxing stroll was picturesque. For once, the streetlights functioned as they should and lit up the quaint storefronts without Alucard’s interference. The boulevards were clean and the summer air fresh, but clamorous with singing crickets. The engines of the occasional car rumbled in the distance and punctured the tranquility. The first vampire let you lead the walk, wordlessly following you through every turn as he sensed your worries ebb with each passing minute, enjoying the way you eventually bumped against him with each step.
A warm breeze brought the perfume of the faint sweat trailing behind you into his sinuses. His vampiric senses were hyper-aware of your presence, such as how your little heart pumped hot blood through your veins with each thud while you continued to wander.
How he missed roaming the nights together.
Vampires were natural hunters. It couldn’t be helped. Orange gold deepened into a lustrous crimson as his pupils narrowed into predatory slits.
Alucard was no longer beside you. There was only empty space and silence when even the insects fell quiet. Spinning around to seek him, you heard heavy purring in your head as fallen leaves rustled about in a swirling circle around you.
"What are you waiting for Dear? RUN." A pointy nose poked your ear.
Jumping at the familiar voice, you felt the solid presence of him sighing into your ear from behind as he purred and nudged you.
Oh? He wanted to play? You unfroze with a smile, not needing to be instructed again. You took off, but it was different this time. You were able to see your path well enough to not trip over yourself, rapidly finding a way from the streets where the stray vehicle still roved and into pedestrian side roads.
Unlike past chases, there was no panic or fear. Despite your earlier misgivings, you could barely even remember why you were terrified of Alucard stalking you after all this time together. As you zipped through the desolate night streets, your heart pounded with exhilaration the longer you ran. It felt good to set aside your worries for now and just enjoy your time together.
Alucard, you are here?
The shadows followed you with ease in the corners of your eyes. The rich, sanguine glow to their edges was a dead giveaway. You laughed as you took a turn leading you someplace you've never been before in the dead of night. With the knowledge that Alucard was with you, the night became a game full of mystery and adventure.
He caught you by the waist, hauling you back to his chest while the arm that held you slowly slipped up your torso until he seized your breasts. The wandering hands were metallic and frigid against your skin.
“If this was a real hunt, it would have concluded. It'd be sensible to surrender yourself to me now.”
You squirmed in his hold with a breathless titter, earning a hiss in your ear and a lick to your cheek before he let you go. You giggled and used the opportunity to slither away and scamper off.
You ran and ran from his harrying; repeatedly he would catch and wrestle with you before you were released. The most brazen event was when he suddenly appeared and let you run face first into him, then stroked languidly down your rear until you found your bearings and escaped. How he taunted you.
Eventually you came to a stop when your breath escaped in soft pants, shirt clinging with your exertion. You looked around for somewhere else to go and perhaps hide so your vampire had to search before bolting again when you didn’t find a spot to your satisfaction. You didn't know where you were going at all, just making turn after turn wherever you could –through unlit alleys and parks and crossing under bridges, until you arrived at a ravine to recover.
The vampire was nowhere to be seen. You snickered upon hearing something drop and a crackle in the dark. "Y–you don't scare me anymore. Just come out," you gasped out.
Words that were spoken too soon. Trouble slid out of the shadows as several ruffians leered at you. Forcibly exhaling, you inched back at their appearances, ready to dash away in the direction you came from. Needles, used condoms, and other garbage littered the ground and the air was dank with the stench of old urine and vomit. So you stumbled into the derelict quarters of society’s undesirables, but you did not want their acquaintance.
"Leaving so soon, pretty bird?" One of the skinnier blokes sneered. He was covered in ugly tattoos.
“Why don’t you stay awhile and keep us company?” Another said. He was just as ratty as the first, but smiled as he approached. Their sinister intentions were clear as day, despite the false nicety.
“Yeah, we don’t often have the pleasure of such lovely companionship.” The third stood back where it was too dark to distinguish his features.
I do not appreciate others interrupting my hunt. Leave.
The muted voice simultaneously thundered and the brutes shouted at the vacant surroundings.
“Who’s there?”
“Piss off, wanker!” Tough words from the men, but you were already apprehensive not for yourself, but them.
The shadows at your feet bubbled up.
“What the fuck?!” One of the hooligans hollered in shock at the mass of darkness that grew from the ground in front of you. He glanced back at his friends before squaring his shoulders.
The man crashed into an ancient conifer and was held there several feet off the ground, gasping for breath as he was slowly flattened –his face gave in first, the nose and lips crumbling inwards. It was as if he was submitted to the work of a hydraulic press. He heaved with effort to break free as his eyes bulged and his chest squeezed tight, unable to even scream under the crushing compression.
As you watched in shock, the death happened too quickly to process, yet like time slowed for you as well. His head popped like a gusher with blood jetting from both ears. You saw every detail as the ruffian's body was squashed by an invisible force until even his bones gave out and he became a splatter of viscera decorating the bark. Only a hand remained intact, but even that snapped at the wrist without a surface behind it to counteract the pressure.
You screamed at the crunching horror when it finally ended with a wet splat.
Alucard rescued you yet again. He appeared nonchalant about his victim's barbaric demise, his stance at complete ease.
“!!!” Your would-be assailants were initially speechless as they jittered back at the supernatural display of violence.
One of the remaining men sniffled, swiping his nose as he howled, “Arsehole!”
There was white powder dusting the ground and around their nostrils. They were high, which explained the ongoing aggression and bravado as knives came out. Your gaze flickered up to Alucard’s face.
You knew that maniacal grin, the one that reminded you of when you first saw him at work. No. All your fears about him resurfaced. You forgot how to breathe as you darted in front of him to cling to his arm.
"You can't kill them!" You yelled.
Being with him was wrong.
He paused, the king's gaze sliding to yours with a bored expression. "Why?" He drawled callously.
He was violent and dangerous.
“Because you can't just go around killing people!"
Omfg did Alucard think he was the Terminator? As ridiculous as the exchange was, this was no movie. Alucard’s eyes narrowed as a savage aura flared and pulsed with danger when the remaining two men floundered backwards in jerky movements. Perhaps their sense of self-preservation was still existent.
Dracula’s baleful glare did not conceal his wrath. These worthless lowlives dared not only threaten you, but if it weren't for his presence, they would have violated you in the most disgusting of ways in this dirty scum hole. He knew it, because he could sense their base desires and the opportunistic evil that lay dormant within them. He too was a creature of the abyss who knew darkness when he encountered it.
Unspeakable rage tainted his thoughts with promised violence. Their perverted longings were the ultimate transgression against you. It was unforgivable. You may be soft and kind, but he was not known for mercy. Rapists should be staked and displayed for others as a warning.
There were millions of other ways he could end them and The Impaler started listing them. He could telepathically wipe their memories and order them gone, which was always the simplest solution when it came to nosy humans, but he wanted these ones dead.
He lifted his hand before you desperately caught it between both of yours and pushed it down, hoping to hold him back. Your stomach churned from his glower as you imagined what he was going to do to them. How many times was he going to shoot them? Or was he going to rip them apart with his bare hands instead? Would there even be anything left of them when he was satisfied with the mutilation?
“They didn’t do anything to me, I’m okay! Let’s just go home!” You pleaded.
“You do not get to decide who must die, draga mea."
"Alucard is not here right now."
The crimson gaze flicked back up at the interlopers and blazed with fury as the pair of imbeciles decided it was prudent to use your interference with his punishment as a means to flee. Their human movements were sluggish to his vision and reflexes anyways. He knew their intentions the moment they thought it, caught the twitching of muscles as they began to turn and run in slow motion. Cowards who could not even face their well-deserved execution.
So they should lose their legs first.
They froze after mistakenly meeting Death’s gaze and receiving the order to remain motionless. The shadows licked at his feet and twisted, rising to whip about in the air.
Shit. But –this was your vampire. At the same time, this was evidently someone else, a warrior. A king. How were you supposed to address him? Your Majesty? Dracula? That was his title and name. But what was his name? You were frantic. Think! What was it again?!
"...Vlad…Please don't do this, I beg you…" Hauling all your weight, you threw yourself at him, the tears now falling freely as his tendrils stretched and lashed towards his latest quarries. How did it go from a beautiful moonlit walk together to this bloodbath?!
Through the fog of his ire drifted another scent beyond the putrid fear of his prey. Your fear. He saw the dread in your eyes. Countless others have made the same face while grovelling at his feet for mercy. You however, were not begging for yourself, but the remaining rotten swine behind you. He growled with displeasure at what you asked of him, the mind running feral with imagery of what he wanted to do, waiting impatiently for the miscreants to give him another reason to end them.
The Nosferatu glanced back at you. Your face was the same as that time, when he vanquished the undead that hunted you. He really was a monster. You were afraid of him.
Upon realizing you had your vampire’s attention, you tried to reach him further. “Just…just take the blood of the one who's already dead. And then…" your voice cracked and dropped to a whisper. "Let's go home. Please."
He focused on everything that was you, on the salt of your tears and sweat overlying body lotion. Your desperation. In the background were the pungent stench of gore and the unwashed bodies of men. The king growled as he stared at you again. It was your second thoughts about what you were getting yourself into by being with him that did it. He snuffed out his need to kill as he came back to himself.
You were petrified about what was next, but Dracula won’t let you regret your decision to stay. He did not wish to prove your trust in him was misplaced or that your reservations about him were well-founded.
“Since this is one of the only requests my darling little human has ever made of me, I shall grant clemency this time,” he snarled through razor teeth. The paralyzed men cowered at the demon in front of them, at last recognizing how close to Death’s door they came.
"Vermin such as yourselves aren't worth the effort anyways." The unholy king’s eyes glowed with a hellish light. "Leave," he commanded.
Under hypnotism, a ring of scarlet surrounded their irises and the thugs slunk away with a dazed expression. They were at last permitted to go through with their flight and disappear back into the bowels of London as his gaze bore holes through the backs of their skulls.
The danger passed. You were hiding behind the vampire, who felt your anxiety when his attention turned back to you. He could not fault your distaste for brutality and death. Despite his blinding fury moments ago, he was unable to maintain his anger with you. His expression lightened.
You licked your lips, trembling with a bone-deep fear you hadn't felt in a long time. “Are you not going to drink his blood?" Staring everywhere except at your saviour, you eyed the corpse of squished organs, bones, and flesh painting the vegetation.
"Do you seek your meals from the gutter?" He snorted, eying the pile with disdain. "Besides… you are more than enough." The vampire grinned, a single fang glinting in the gloom like he just told you the best inside joke.
Your eyes widened at the unexpected change in atmosphere from the offhand comment. Alucard and his mood swings.
Taking a deep breath to soothe yourself, the tension was slow to leave you. You looked at him again. "Thank you for stopping," you told him with honest relief.
"Little one, you are safe when you walk the night with me. Nothing will harm you," he said as he faced you fully and brushed your cheeks gently.
You held his hand to your face, opening it up and leaning your cheek into the icy steel. He took a step to his right to block the view when you tried to examine the remains of the body turned into slush. A layer of clouds blocked the meager light of the moon so you couldn’t see it anyways. All you saw was the sunset in your vampire’s eyes.
You gulped. The eldritch power surrounding the vampire wrapped around you, and instinctively you knew it was cold, but you felt warm and safe on the inside. It felt like you were home.
"I believe you." You took the single step to close the distance between you and pressed up flush against the vampire.
Affection kindled in those stunning eyes. There it was, behind the face of another man, this ruthless king, was the Alucard you knew and fell for. Your expression broke as you buried your face in his chest, needing reassurance as the mess that came to pass tonight caught up with you.
He was caressing your head again, tousling it to the beat of your heart when you peeked up at him with dewy-eyed innocence. Resplendent little human, he will shelter you from the horrors of the world.
"Luna vieții mele."
"Tu ești luna vieții mele."
You blinked in confusion, straining to try catching the gist of his words, but it was hopeless. Fortunately many Latin languages share some similarities. You were reasonably sure he mentioned the moon.
"Și fără tine, nu există lumină."
How infuriating. If there was something Vlad wanted to say to you, he could just do so directly instead of using a foreign language you didn’t understand for dramatic effect.
"What does that mean?"
He gave you a cryptic smile and offered his arm. “It is time to return."
Yeah right, like hell it did. He said a lot more words than if he was just talking about going home. You stared at the outstretched arm of a gallant Medieval man, brows crinkling when he did not elaborate. It seemed you would have to figure out the meaning yourself.
You curled in to stay close to him, placing your hand on his arm and weaving your fingers around the crook of Dracula’s elbow so he could lead you home through the dark of night.
~To be Continued~
Ch. 13- TBD? "Stargazers in Romania"
Notes: Alucard really doesn’t like rapists.
Even knowing Alucard shapeshifts, it’ll take getting used to his other forms. It’d be weird if someone just accepts another body/face/voice/personality as their SO upon the first time meeting them, right? At least I think so. The Count is ‘her’ Alucard, for now at least.
This chapter isn't meant to be a character analysis of the historical person's actions, but more the reservations a rational person should have when deciding whether to stay as freaking Vlad III Dracula's SO.
It is admittedly a bit cliche that Alucard is always just in time to save the Reader from her demise, but in my other Hellsing work, she names him her “guide and guardian (angel).” The title is well-deserved.
*The next chapter will be delayed because I will be going on my honeymoon for several weeks. I’ll likely be able to fit in some writing time as we travel between countries. I’ll probably also be using that time to continue planning Part 2 of this story (we aren’t there yet). Yes that’s right, Millennium will feature in this fic, although I will only loosely follow the canon Ultimate events and be taking some liberties with how vampire things work.*
Buckle up, we’re only about half-way. I estimate there to be around 23-26 or so chapters in total to complete this fic, although later chapters will likely be shorter.

Kinktober Day 13: Blindfolds(I'll do anything, to make you...)

warnings/kinks: mentions of past trauma, blindfolds, dhampir related things, biting, blood sucking, unprotected sex, boobplay word count: 1.3k pairings: Alucard Tepes x Fem!Reader teaser: “Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone. taglist: @beneathstarryskies. @loki-love. @witchofcustom. @dreadsuitsamus. @pyrofanatic. @butterflieskeepcominback.

The idea alone was crazy, but you were so sure it would help him if he would agree to it. After everything Alucard has been through, you wouldn’t be surprised if he were to get angry and send you away for even suggesting something like this. But the more you thought about it, the more it became clear that something like this could just help him ease through some of that trauma.
You didn’t want to make him upset. You wanted him to feel loved and cared for. The idea of introducing blindfolds into the bedroom was just another way to get him to fully trust someone again. You began to think of all the ways you would be able to give him such mind blowing pleasure this way.
It’s after dinner one night that you finally gain the courage to mention your idea. Alucard and you are sitting in one of the comfortable reading rooms drinking some red wine. He’s reading to you while you sit on his lap. You’re nervous but you know you really want to share this idea with him.

He looks at you and smiles softly. He knows you usually want something whenever you call him Adrian. There’s a moment of silence before he presses a soft kiss to your temple.
“What is it, my darling?” He murmurs against your skin.
You look down at your lap, “I had…an idea. I was wondering if you’d like to indulge.”
He cocks his head to the side, “indulge? In what, my love?”
You swallow hard. This is the most difficult part. You know that you’re not going to get a better chance than this but you also don’t want to offend your lover either. He’s the one you love the most and you know what he’s been through, especially when it comes to having intimate moments.
“I was thinking about doing something different in the bedroom,” you swallow hard again. “I was wondering if you’d let me blindfold you and—”
His response was so clear and it took you aback. You knew better than to push the issue, but you wanted to see if maybe you could make this work.
“I know that you’re scared, and you have every right to be. So I wondered if maybe you’d want to do it to me instead,”
He considers your compromise. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you but he’s just so afraid of all those traumatizing memories to come flooding back and to make him so uneasy that he wouldn’t be able to finish the act of making love.
“Is this something you truly want?” He asks, a curious look in his eyes.
You give him a soft smile, “I’d love to explore this facet of intimacy with you.”
And with that, he takes your hand and gets you to lead him into the bedroom. There the lighting is dim and the bed is inviting. You aren’t sure where this is going to lead to, but you’re more than happy to let Alucard take the reins.
He pushes you gently onto the bed and straddles you, making you giggle softly. The sound of your laughter is something that soothes him so much. Alucard then leans in to kiss you passionately, his hair covering the both of you like a curtain. It feels so sensual like this. He’s never felt this excited, despite the fact that your idea frightened him in so many ways. Your kisses become even more heated, and Alucard begins rutting against you.
“Let me blindfold you first. It’ll show me that I can truly trust this sort of situation.”
You don’t hesitate to agree to this. You want him to feel completely in control of the situation. So before he blindfolds you, he decides to slowly undress you. With every piece of clothing pulled off your body, Alucard teases the exposed body parts with his tongue and fangs.
“Such a pretty girl,” he mutters against your skin, his fangs grazing your hip bone.
Once you’ve got only your underwear on, this is when he decides to use the silk scarf to blindfold you. He makes sure you’re comfortable before he pulls away completely. You whine so softly at the loss of contact, but this only makes Alucard even more excited and aroused.
He strips himself, leaving himself bare to you. But a chuckle falls from his lips when he realizes you aren’t even able to admire his naked form. He crawls onto the bed, teasing you with his hands. They hover over your skin, causing the hair to stand on end.
“Adrian, please…”
Your words are so honeyed and sweet as they fall from your plump lips. Alucard smirks at just how pitiful you look. To a predator like him, this has to be one of the most exciting moments. He knows he’d never do anything to truly hurt you, but knowing you’re a little helpless without one of your most important senses excites him. But he also knows that it’ll be so much more arousing this way for you to feel him teasing you.
His long and graceful fingers ghost over your skin once more before he leans in to give you a passionate and hungry kiss. Your teeth clash together as your tongues rub and roll together. Alucard then spreads your thighs, making you gasp. He chuckles darkly before letting his lips hover over your pulse point on your neck.
“Such a horny little thing,” He comments as one of his fingers presses against your clothed clit.
You buck up into his touch, so desperate to feel even more. He’s loving every moment of this. It’s so much more feral and needy with you without your eyesight. You’re just a slave to all this pleasure.
The sweet sounds that come from you when he pulls your panties off and he begins rubbing your clit are so whiny. Alucard feels his cock throbbing with every whimper and whine. Then he proceeds to slowly kiss a trail down your body.
He stops at your breasts, cupping them together and pressing his face between them to smell your sweet musk. He begins sucking on one of the nipples before giving the other one equal treatment. And before you can wrap your brain around this amazing pleasure, Alucard sinks his fangs deep into your breast.
“Ah!” You cry out, reaching down for his head. You had no idea he’d be doing something like this, but it turns you on like nothing else.
Alucard drinks his fill, enjoying the sweetness of your blood. When he’s done, he continues his trail of kisses. Then he spreads your thighs even more, loving the way your cunt is pulsing around nothing. You look even more delicious now. He then presses one finger deep inside of you, watching as your mouth opens wide as you let out the cutest moan.
“I should blindfold you more often,”
You nod your head desperately, hoping that he’ll always be treating you to this kind of torture. It’s so pleasurable and to think you wanted to blindfold him. With the way he keeps pumping his finger in and out of you with precise expertise, you know you’ve made no mistake with letting him reverse the rolls. You’re panting and moaning as the pleasure keeps building. You can feel the coil in your stomach tightening. Your walls are clenching and clamping down on the long digit.
“Cumming! ‘M Cumming!”
Alucard has half a mind to pull away, but he’s too taken by your beauty. It’s so sexy to see you get off like this. As the pleasure washes over you, he watches you carefully. He doesn’t let up his ministrations either, just allowing you to ride out this very intense high.
When he does eventually pull away, he takes off your blindfold so you can watch him suck your juices off his finger.
“You are a good little pet, you know that?”