catcell - Adventurous Cat
Adventurous Cat

I'm a curious "Cat" who's mission is experience as much as possible. Look at the world through my eyes.

185 posts

Its Dirty Martini Time! #drinks #martini #greygoose #catvsnewjourney

Its Dirty Martini Time! #drinks #martini #greygoose #catvsnewjourney

Its dirty martini time! #drinks #martini #greygoose #catvsnewjourney

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More Posts from Catcell

9 years ago
#beautification For #theholidays With Family In #California #nailart #xmasnails #nails #nailstagram #nailpolish

#beautification for #theholidays with family in #California #nailart #xmasnails #nails #nailstagram #nailpolish #snowflakes #snowman #christmas #xmas #spaday #pamperingmyself #onholiday (at Noble Nails Spa)

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9 years ago

Littlest Things, Sweet Surprises

I was walking in Barrio Chino the other and saw a baby walking with her mom with a huge ¼ kilo of helado dripping all over her hands. The area in Belgrano reminded me of nice residential places in Queens, reminding me of fond memories of home. I also took a walk from Plaza Italia down to Villa Crespo through Palermo. During this time, I realized that living in Congresso instead of the commercialized Palermo gives me a more authentic experience.

Buenos Aires (BsAs) is a city full of tension, economically and politically, and at the same time a place where anyone can easily feel at home. As an avid world traveler, I cannot say that I have felt like I was part of a family as must as I do in BsAs. Here, foreigners, neighbors and friends alike are embraced as family. Despite the poverty found right outside the center of the city in barrios (neighborhoods) like Barracas, the people are always coming together to help one another. The best example of this is on the trains and subte. Different from the beggars on the NYC metro system who 9 times out of 10 are ignored, those who solicit or beg for assistance in BsAs actual get consumensated for their struggles. 

Its not easy to forget all the challenges the people of Argentina, primarily porteños (BsAs locals), who vocalize the fight with protests and marches along Avenida de Mayo almost everyday. They take democracy seriously and want to preserve anything and everything that is Argentinean. Although many of the things that claim to be Argentinean has been adapted from other European cultures, however, over time the people of Argentina self-identify and reaffirm these customs are their own. So why would I want to live in a barrio that resembles a more Westernized country? Why wouldn’t I want to get exposed to the lifestyle of the average porteño? All I know is that this trip to BsAs has definitely changed my perspective when traveling in the future.  

8 years ago
This Pretty Much Sums It Up. #hillaryclinton2016 #wecandoit #catvsnewjourney

This pretty much sums it up. #hillaryclinton2016 #wecandoit #catvsnewjourney

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8 years ago
Trying The #matchalatte At #chalait Before Meeting #feelingadventurous #catvsnewjourney (at CHALAIT)

Trying the #matchalatte at #chalait before meeting #feelingadventurous #catvsnewjourney (at CHALAIT)

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4 years ago

8 Things we can Learn from Introverts

1. Solitude and loneliness are not the same thing.

2. You can be alone and enjoy your own company.

3. You can be alone and be at peace with who you are.

4. Being alone can help you access your authentic, genuine self.

5. It can help you to discover who you want to be, and the goals and achievements that are meaningful to you.

6. Being alone can help develop your creativity.

7. It can help us to establish healthy personal boundaries.

8. It can make us more alert and sensitive to others’ needs.