Hate Em Babe HAHAHA I'm A Super Picky Eater Ngl But Omg
hate em babe HAHAHA i'm a super picky eater ngl but omg <3 look at us bein each others half?? halves?? ;))) :: tucks hair behind ear :: so what r we now??
:: like two pieces of an appl-🤢
More Posts from Catzula
Can’t take you seriously when you’re like 4’10
babe I know you're buthurt 😕🤝🤚 but let's not project, 'Kay? Find better ways to improve 😻😻
Bananas are god tier fruit people aren’t ready for that conversation
people who don’t like bananas simply don’t have taste I said what I said
just say you deepthroat and go
I like bananas to an extent. They're okay. When they're kinda green. If they're yellow I would rather go eat an apple- nope that's too far but idk what ur obsession with bananas are -_-
what side of the world are you from because im from the tropics in a very tropical island and the mangoes here are sweet af 😫
I've tried every mango there is they suck bruh how can y'all even,,,
I'm sorry I just thought I wrote piss out and I've been laughing for a minute straight
MANGOES R A 4/10?? BRUH 💀 </3 watermelons r eh :^/ how about strawberries?? r we free from berry slander?? 👀 :0
I love every berry ever HAYY literally every kind of berry I will eat till I pass out pls
I can tolerate apple slander but mangoes? That’s where I draw the line. Count your fucking days, loser 🙄
I'll slander anything especially mangoes. don't those fruits eat you back? I don't want no fruit eating me thank you very much ill stick w my trusty peaches