Caroline-Maria, 24, french writer & book cover artist. Requests: closed. My novels - My masterlist - buy me a ko-fi please 💜 - my rules - My AO3: BetrayedWriter
196 posts
Work Of Art (Michael Gray X Reader)
Work of art (Michael Gray x reader)

Request: Michael gray x reader where the reader is ashamed of her strech marks and hides them from him and he finds out and just loves her???
To the anon who requested this: I'm sorry but I have the feeling that your request is really good for a headcannon, more than an imagine. So, I hope it doesn't bother you! ♡
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
➳ You started dating Michael a few months ago and, yet, you never had sex with him. So, he thought you wanted to save your virginity for the wedding and he never forced you.
➳ Like all men, he had desires. Desires that he showed when you were making out, but you couldn't blame him, far from it. You wanted it, but you were afraid, afraid he would see your body. You've always been very complexed because of your stretch marks.
➳ Many times you thought about making love in the dark, but it was too risky for you. This complex was eating you as much as shame was consuming you ...
➳ Your boyfriend asked repeatedly questions about why he couldn't see you naked, whereas you had already seen his body, but it doesn't go further than kisses and some caresses:
- "You don't want me?"
- "You still have your period?"
- "Is it length and the fat of my cock that scares you?" he asked in jest, helping you to relax a bit. Of course, you couldn't help but laugh. You had never seen a penis before his so you didn't had the chance to compare.
➳ You always managed to dodge the question that would make you tell the truth, but you were afraid that he would get tired of you and go elsewhere to satisfy his sexual desires.
➳ You were always at Michael's or he was at your home when your parents were away. One day, while you were waiting for Michael at his place, you decided to run a bath since you still had a good hour to wait before he returned to his place. When your clothes littered the floor, you were completely naked and getting ready to enter the bathtub, the door opened.
➳ You immediately grabbed the towel and covered your body the best you could even if it was already too late. Of course, you were embarrassed because you would have preferred him seeing you for the first time in other circumstances, but also because he had probably seen your stretch marks.
➳ "Michael, couldn't you knock?!"
"It's my flat and I didn't think you would be here." he protested, raising hands in the air to show his innocence, but the smile of this cheeky little bastard said otherwise.
➳ Approaching you, he pulled slowly on the towel to finally have the chance to see your body, but also not to rush you and make sure you wanted the same thing. Except you hold the towel, having crimson cheeks.
➳ "Stop, please..." you whispered.
"Why? Everytime we're about to have sex, you're blocking yourself and I still don't know why... Tell me what's wrong, what I can do to put you at ease..." he said before he kissed the tip of your nose with tenderness.
"It's not your fault, Michael. I just don't like my body... To be honest, I hate it..."
➳ He looked at you like you were crazy and he frowned, obviously he didn't understand. So, when he began to gently pull on the towel again, you let him do it while you closed your eyes, refusing to see his reaction. You were sure he would look at you with disgust.
➳ The towel slipped and you felt embarrassed like you had never been before. When you felt the tips of his fingers trace each curve of your body, you shivered. He was so delicate... At this moment, you felt less ashamed.
➳ "You're very beautiful. What's the problem, baby girl?"
You opened your eyelids and you looked into his beautiful gray-greenish eyes while a glimmer of desire shone there.
"I hate the stretch marks I wear on my body. I hate them so much, Michael..." you explained shyly.
➳ Caressing your stretch marks before he laid kisses on EVERY part of your skin that was affected by your complex.
➳ "Your body is a work of art and these marks are a detail of it, love."
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More Posts from Causeimhappinesss
Hi sweetie! I think it’s awesome how well you’ve learned English and your wording and spelling is very good!
Hey! Thank you so much, it’s very nice of you! I would like so much to speak English as good as I write it aha
Oh nice, thanks, because I'm 4'9 (I'm not the person who requested tho) and Seb is 6'0 and always think is gonna be weird when one day I meet him (🤞🏻) because I'm too small 😂😂😂
I just said what I think so don’t thanks me aha ♡
I wanna love you (Sebastian Stan x reader)

Request: Sebastian Stan : the reader is a new Chris's friend and they met and get a long well, become friends, Seb start to have a crush on her and ask her out on a date, she was kind of in shock and after the 3 date she decides to stop going out with him because she doesn't think she's good/attractive enough for him and because she's too young but he insists because he's falling in love with he
Warnings: sad, angst
Disclaimer: I’m french and even if I’m learning English for eight fucking years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)
Last months, your life has become completely crazy! It all started the day when a man in his 30s passed the door of the animal refuge you were working in and even if you immediately recognized him, you didn't say anything. He came several times before he adopted a new dog so that the one he already had doesn't feel alone. Over time and through conversations, you became friends with the famous Chris Evans! It was the first step of these last months of madness.
The second step is when you met Sebastian Stan at a party, a friend of Chris you knew for his roles, he was a very good actor. That day, you were very shy because you had just met all his friends and colleagues playing in Marvel movies. Between Chris Hemsworth, Anthony Mackie, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett fucking Johansson, you didn't know which way to turn.
There was a moment when you isolated yourself because you felt a little too much, you don't know why anymore... Maybe because they talked a lot about the future shooting film they would have in common? Did they debate around an anecdote? You do not know anymore, the champagne that you had ingested already made an effect on your memory at this point. But what is certain, is that someone cleared its throat while you stared into space and when you raised your eyes, you met a magnificent azure look, enough to bring down all girls.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." he said with a slight smile.
"Sorry for what? You've done nothing bad..." you replied, chuckling.
"I saw how you were there, you were uncomfortable and lost, don't blame Chris, he's completely overwhelmed."
"No risk, he's really good as a man."
He nodded and sat next to you. All this evening, he has bewitched you to the point of forgetting the rest of the world. It was just you and him, nothing else mattered.
The third step is the one when he called you two weeks later and asked you on a date. At first, you were so shocked that you didn't know what to say, you stammered before agreeing even if he wasn't able to see you. Three days later, he came to get you by car, in front of your home. You had put on your best dress and showed yourself to your best advantage without seeming too superficial.
"You're beautiful!" he commented before kissing the back your hand.
You stayed for hours in the restaurant, until a waitress came to say they were closing. With him, time passed much too fast. He made you laugh, smile and backward, you noticed that he made you blush like a teenager of fifteen whereas you just came out of this period.
A teenager? That's what you were just two years ago, even if you forgot your own age in his company. After three rendez-vous, the fourth step has arrived. You couldn't help but tell your mother and your best friend that you were seeing a man. When they asked questions, that of the age was of course output.
"As long as he's not fifteen years older than you, go for it!" laughed your friend, but it hurts you deeply.
Oops... He was fifteen years older than you. You said nothing at the beginning, then you lied about his age, fearing her reaction, already tired with kind of behavior. To be honest, you've always been attracted to older men, which has always earned you warnings from your friends. You knew that telling your mother would be more difficult, you feared her reaction even if she was supposed to suspect it. She knows everything about you and you can't hide anything from her.
"How old is he?" she inquired, crossed arms and you read her just by a glance, worries were pulling her features.
"He's almost thirty-six, mom..." you confessed, hesitant. Her opinion counted more than anything for you, you wanted your mother's green light, her approval.
"Baby-" she began.
You refused to listen to her. You closed your eyes. You immersed yourself in your dreams. She didn't understand your feelings, not this time. After all, it was not a huge surprise, was it? The beatings of your heart resonated, it was the only thing you accepted to hearken.
"I can prove they're wrong!" you ruminated before you went to bed. Something in your head made you take your cell and do a simple research, you wanted to be sure you didn't imagine things. "Sebastian Stan ex girlfriends" you sought before biting your lower lip, observing the beauties he had touched before he met you.
"Maybe they're not wrong and I am... Love makes you blind." you supposed before you fell in the arms of Morpheus.
You haven't answered his messages or his calls. You shut down all your conversations on your phone and on social networks and it felt like someone shot you in the heart. He was the only person you thought of when you went to sleep and when you woke up, it seemed love cursed you. Cursed with love, yet you never met Cupidon on your path.
Eventually, he stopped trying and it was worse. This time, you were sure he forgot you and will ask someone else on a date. You were the flower he picked to have good times, but your roots were not replanted in the earth and now you are fanning without him. You weren't mad at him, you could only blame yourself. Except, you couldn't come back to him as if nothing had happened.
However, one evening you saw a beautiful car parked in front of the building in which you lived. It was the time of the fifth and last stage; the confrontation. He was standing near the front door, hands in his pockets and your stomach flipbacked in you. His baby blue irises were still breathtaking and his smile irresistible.
You fell in love with him. You got inebriated with him.
"Sebastian...? What are you doing here...?" you asked astonished.
"I wanted to see you. I missed you, sweetheart."
I couldn't help but blushed, biting slightly my lower lip.
"Why did you ignore me for two weeks? Did I say something that upset you?" he questioned, being nervous.
A sigh escaped my lips. How to explain without disappointing him?
"It's not your fault. I... I have feelings for you, but we can't be together. I'm too young and not pretty enough to be with you so... I ignored you to forget the last weeks spent with you." you explained quickly, ashamed, looking at your shoes.
"What? No... This is too stupid, Y/N."
"Thanks..." you murmured, not feeling good at all. You were unable to meet his eyes.
"No this way. What I'm saying is, this stupid because I feel the same. I'm falling in love with you and I don't want to fight it because I don't give a fuck about what peoples think about me, you or us. And yes, you are pretty to me, so stop devaluing yourself."
"I wanna love you, let me fall for you." he cut you, stroking your cheek.
You could only let him, so you pressed your lips against his as an answer. No matter what people say, it won't change what you feel for this man.
“I’m french and even though I've been learning English for eight fucking years, it's not perfect and I'm sorry if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could...” I think it sounds more natural this way! Your English is good though, keep it up darling!
Thank you! Tell me if you saw any other mistakes. :)
Hey! I just wanted to say that I still have 8 imagines to write so don’t panic if you don’t see your request posted today and in the next few days. :)