causeimhappinesss - Caroline ♡
Caroline ♡

Caroline-Maria, 24, french writer & book cover artist. Requests: closed. My novels - My masterlist - buy me a ko-fi please 💜 - my rules - My AO3: BetrayedWriter

196 posts

Hey I Was Wondering If You Could Do Albert Wesker X Sick Reader. Tysm For Reading

Hey I was wondering if you could do Albert Wesker x Sick reader. Tysm for reading <33

Hey! Sorry for taking so long to answer... Do you have something specific in mind? And were you thinking about something like the flu or something more serious? :)

More Posts from Causeimhappinesss

2 years ago

Sore loser - Leon S. Kennedy x reader

Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x reader

Warning: slightly nsfw

Disclaimer: English isn't my native language (I'm french), so you can correct me if you spot somes mistakes :)

Request: May I request Fem/reader with Leon or Chris (if you can do both separately as well and clearly up to you to decide) I'm 5'3" short yet I feel like if I was strong enough to take both down on the ground while practicing hand to hand combat with slight nsfw at the end like being on top of them. Also I love your writings!!! And Take yo time if you have to


Even though you were a seasoned agent, you still had to train. It was essential for a D.S.O. member, especially when you were working with elite members such as the famous Leon S. Kennedy... A man full of sympathy, but a little too proud and confident, so he thought that training with you would be a piece of cake. He forgot that he himself had trained you a few months before another colleague took that task. Being 5'3 (160cm) short, you didn't impress men as tall as him, let alone enemies, and yet... they had a lot to worry about! You were proof that size doesn't necessarily matter! (Are we talking about a penis? I swear we're not)

That day you decided to review the basics of hand to hand combat, which meant being able to anticipate your partner's attacks as quickly as possible, dodge them and even turn them against him. Even though the blades you decided to train with were fake, the same ones you see in movies, you took it very seriously. You moved with such speed and grace that you seemed to fly over the ground like a ghost, so much so that it was confusing even for Leon. With his expert eye, he was analyzing your every move, managing once again to dodge one of your blows, at his side. He sketched an amused smile, almost teasing, while a gleam of mischief sparkled in his azure glance. If sweat was beginning to make your skin glow, his seemed as dry as the Sahara desert.

How the hell is that possible? So he's not human, but some kind of demigod? you thought, amazed.

"So, are you getting tired, rookie?" he chuckled, moistening his full lips.

Desirable lips, which you had so wished to taste these last months, but it seemed almost inaccessible to you. Yet, you could feel that indescribable energy coming from both of your bodies, every time you held each other so close. Your heart rate would speed up and a rush, similar to anxiety, would surge through your veins, then become blunt in your belly.

"Far from it. Speak for yourself, grandpa!" you joked, in a bold, defiant tone.

"Meanwhile, if I'm a grandpa, you still haven't managed to touch me or knock me down."

And he wasn't entirely wrong. You wanted to shut him up, if you couldn't do it with a kiss, but also to make him proud. Suddenly, you were more brutal in your attacks, which had the gift to disconcert him. You attacked him with a perfectly placed blow behind the knees and knocked him backwards. You swung astride his pelvis and slid the false blade under his chin. A victorious smile spread across your face, as bliss fogged your mind. You could be proud of yourself. You had just knocked Leon S. Kennedy to the ground.

"I let you win..." he grumbled in a hoarse voice. Of course, it was a lie and you could feel it from miles away. Leon's gaze was fixed on yours, as if he was probing you, but in reality he was trying to understand how such a thing could have happened. Was it the way your muscles rolled under your skin in the most graceful way, or was it the little bead of sweat that beaded on your skin, between your breasts, having a rather unobstructed view thanks to your low-cut henley? He lost because he was admiring your breathtaking beauty.

"You're a sore loser. That's all."

You approached her face to his and observed him, especially his lips, they were irrevocably calling you; they bewitched you. That kind of detail sometimes made you doubt his humanity. You almost wouldn't have been surprised if he was descended from Apollo.

"Do you remember what we said before we started, Kennedy?"

"That the loser would get a forfeit? Sure."

You finished sliding the blade down his neck, to his shoulder blades, under his navy blue shirt, which perfectly highlighted his bulging muscles, which you had loved to perceive on several occasions. Gently, you pressed your butt against his crotch and slipped your free hand on his chest. His Adam's apple went up, then down again, while his lips slightly opened. He held back a sigh.

"Do you want to know my forfeit?"


You arched over him, your chest pressed against his chest, then slid your lips against his ear. Your warm breath caressed his skin and caused him to shiver intensely. His heart rate increased and his hands found their way to your hips, close to your butt.

"I'm all ears... Miss Y/N."

"Kiss me."

You moved back, a few inches away, to plunge your glance again in his. Delicate, one of his hands went up along your ribs, until he stroked your nape and made you bend against him. He pressed on your nape to get you closer to him and pressed his lips against yours. At that moment, you didn't know what would happen to the two of you, but it didn't matter, you were enjoying the moment, and those sweet lips. Little by little, one of his hands ventured under your top, while your tongues fought a duel through a feverish kiss.

You couldn't wait for Leon to show you what he was really capable of.


Hey, readers! I hope you liked it! Also, I created a ko-fi account with small commissions at $1, $2 and $8 to support me and my work or tip me here since I'm broke😊💜

My Ko-fi: carolinemertz

My AO3: BetrayedWriter

My Instagram: carolinemertz_

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3 years ago

Hey! I hope you're doing well 💜

Could you write a S.T.A.R.S. Wesker X reader (headcanons or OS) in which the reader is French, please?

(No "oui oui baguette" or crap like that, please 😭)

Absolutely no oui oui baguette dw😭

Warnings: none

Wesker with a s/o who is French

Hey! I Hope You're Doing Well

Wesker can understand and appreciate the effort that goes into learning and speaking multiple languages, he himself most likely learned multiple during his education under Umbrella

In fact, this includes French

He makes the effort to talk to you in your mother language on occasion, it helps him keep up with and practice his knowledge. He won't do it around the rest of the team though, that would be rude

He'll also personally shut down any potential mocking from the team, he tells them to learn another language themselves before making stupid jokes

He's never going to admit it, but if you have an accent, he loves it. He could listen to you talk in French for hours upon hours

From a business perspective, it's also highly useful for undercover missions. The two of you could easily pose as some rich couple from France

If you wish to visit your home country and you both have the time off of work to do so, he'll happily fund your trip. He enjoys spoiling you, and he has to admit he'd enjoy seeing the places and experiencing the culture of where you grew up

Plus, this far from his team or anyone he knows (aka Umbrella), he feels less pressured to keep up his stoic persona. Enjoy your increasingly affectionate Wesker, it's a rare treat

3 years ago

RE boys x reader (endometriosis headcanons)

Pairings: Leon S. Kennedy x reader - Chris Redfield x reader - Carlos Oliveira x reader - Albert Wesker x reader

Warnings: none

Disclaimer: I’m french and even though I've been learning English for ten years, it’s not perfect and I’m sorry if there are spelling or grammar mistakes. If English is your native language (or if you’re bilingual), I would really appreciate it if you could help me by correcting my errors. Just don’t be too harsh, please. :)



- Leon would found out after three months of dating, when you would refuse to go to a restaurant with him.

- you would lay in bed curled up against yourself and refuse to move.

- "why don't you just take some medicine? The pain will go away in 30 minutes."

- at that moment, you would have no choice but to tell him about your illness, the symptoms and the impact on your private and professional life

- Leon would be hella confused but he would understand and accept it, before trying to do his maximum for you at each crisis

- But Leon is also an awkward person, he's uncomfortable with people in pain, so he would avoid you as best as he could

- The only thing he would feel comfortable with is food, he would bring you everything you need, before pretending to go to work

- He would panic from time to time and wouldn't hesitate to take you to the hospital, if the pain is very bad

- He would secretly buy books about endometriosis and consult a lot of websites, in order to avoid any surprises

- "Does it hurt when we have sex? Why didn't you tell me? Fuck..." he would start to panic, pacing in front of you, hands in his hair, ready to rip it out. Honestly, it would be as funny as it would be adorable.

"Leon, pain during sex isn't for everyone. Take a deep breath, okay?"

"Huh? Ohhhh! Okay, that makes me feel better."

- He'd kiss your forehead and go grab a beer to relax because that's how Kennedy relaxes when he's stressed


- If he was still in his twenties, he would have asked you to stop acting like you just got shot, but the years have softened him and the experiences have made him more compassionate. (Did you know that Chris was a fighter even as a member of S.T.A.R.S.?)

- He would know this from the beginning of your relationship and would be very patient and gentle.

- Like Leon, he would read everything he could find about endometriosis to know how to manage your attacks and relieve your symptoms

- He would give you lots of hugs, kisses and the best massages possible

- He would ask Claire and Jill for advice on a regular basis

- He would buy you relief food, the best painkillers and make sure you see the best doctors

- Chris would cook your favorite meals during every crisis, because the guy has cooking skills, since he raised Claire (and he had to handle a lot of things after his parents died) and would agree to watch your favorite movies, even the ones he hate so much.

- "Is this going to stop us from having a family?" he'd ask after a year of dating. Chris is father material and would love to start a family, despite all the risks involved. This would also be his way of asking you if you would wanna start a family with him.


- Carlos would be panicked. Really panicked. He'd be gnawing on his fingers until they were a a little bit bloody.

- He would ask you all the time what you need, what he can do for you and he would do it immediately.

- Like Chris, he knows how to cook and will use his skills to charm your taste buds to make you forget all your symptoms, especially the pain.

- Carlos would find THE solution: to make you laugh, to entertain you. It would start by doing a little dance, salsa while cooking, with a very kitschy apron.

- He would start singing with a sugar baby Russian accent in the most hilarious way (A/N: I have nothing against Russians, I just needed an example 💜) because he's very good at imitating accents

- He'd go so far as to twerk on you, when your pain would be less severe

- When you're better, he would take you to the spa so your body can relax and you can spend romantic moments together (he's a sentimental guy but he'll never say it out loud)


- You would have hidden your illness from him since you know he doesn't want a weak human, also because you knew how lucky you were that he considers you almost his equal

- The way he would find out? Albert would start planning to bring an heir into the world, without even telling you. First, he'd swap your birth control pill for a placebo without you even realizing it. Your symptoms would get stronger and you wouldn't know why for months, but you'd keep hiding it from him. For a few months, he would keep having sex with you, mostly based on your menstrual cycle. The fact that you didn't get pregnant would raise questions.

- He would start making more and more researches about your health, including your fertility. As an extremely intelligent and scientific man, he would quickly guess that you have endometriosis.

- At first, he would hesitate to break up with you, since you can't give him an heir.

- He would come around to the realization that he's really in love with you and would confront you about it before trying to reassure you, but... He's Wesker, not Chris.

- He would try to develop a treatment, even though it's not his field of research, and inject products into your body to make you hyper fertile. Then he would market his new products on the black market.

- Albert isn't the most understanding person, but he would make sure you that you take your treatments, eat properly and stay hydrated. He would also give you some massages.

- You would have by your side the best specialists because you are precious to him. After all, you are the Goddess of the next world.


Instagram: @carolinemertz_

AO3: BetrayedWriter

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2 years ago

Family - Albert Wesker x Reader

Request: Hello! Do you write pregnant reader? If so, may I request Wesker finding out his s/o who’s younger than him is pregnant and his reaction? It can be head canon or imagine! Thank you and have a nice day 💕

Warning: none

Disclaimer: English isn't my native language (I'm french), so you can correct me if you spot somes mistakes :)


When you first started dating Wesker, he was very honest with you about what he wanted from his partner. Among all his expectations, he wanted to quickly start a family, as he saw the years slipping away with no heir to take over his empire.

"Your youth is an asset, Y/N."

He was right, you had just turned 25, after all. 

Being a pragmatic man, he waited only a year into the relationship to consider starting a family with you, because he was sure you were the woman for him. He didn't pressure you to get pregnant right away, but he did tell you about his desires, such as having a child within the next two years.

If he could expect you to get pregnant, you tricked him into a double surprise. First, you planned the pregnancy without even telling him. You made him think you were still on the pill so he wouldn't expect it.

Wesker was a proud, arrogant person who liked to have the spotlight on him when it came to his work. On the other hand, he liked discretion when it came to his personal life. For his birthday, you had decided to do something at home, decorating your living room for a romantic atmosphere, you had called a caterer who took care of the cooking and you waited for him. He thanked you with a sweet kiss, promising to give you a hard time in your bed.

You were able to eat and talk about everything and anything, until dessert, when you decided to take a break. For the occasion, you decided to give him two packages, the first one containing a luxury watch. 

When he opened the second package, his eyes widened, seeing a positive pregnancy test and small white woolen slippers.

"How...? I thought you were still on the pill?" he asked, in a husky voice.

"I wanted to surprise you."

Wesker got up from his chair and wrapped his muscular arms around you, pressing kisses all over your face, before kissing you full on the lips. He was still surprised, but happy, so that a smile stretched the corners of his lips.

"I love you so much..." he breathed against your lips.

All evening long, Albert would not stop sliding a hand over your still flat belly, amazed at the idea that a little being, the fruit of your union, could grow there.

"This is the best gift of my life, you couldn't do better... Even if I like the watch!"

"To thank me, you owe me a full body massage."

"If it ends up like in the porn, I won't refuse."

That night, Wesker slept like a baby... He couldn't remember sleeping so well all night. He was now fulfilled, he had a great partner, and he was soon to be a father. That was true wealth.


Hey, readers! I hope you liked it! Also, I created a ko-fi account with small commissions at $1, $2 and $8 to support me and my work or tip me here since I'm broke😊💜

My Ko-fi: carolinemertz

My AO3: BetrayedWriter

My Instagram: carolinemertz_

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2 years ago

Can we please I am begging you, can we get a part 2 of ‘Hate Makes You Blind’? please

Hey! I don't have many ideas, actually :(