Request: Ooh Can You Do A Drabble Of Haku Being Playful With His S/o? - Anon
➳request: Ooh can you do a drabble of Haku being playful with his S/o? - anon
➳notes: ah yes, Haku time. I’ve never seen a river so fine.
➳warnings/tw: none! but slight, slight spice if you tilt your head and squint.

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More Posts from Celestebride
Hello i hope this isn't too specific, may i request in the self aware au, for a player that actually is a god? ( Examples: God of love and beauty, god of time and or night etc, etc)And for whatever reason they use their godly powers to protect them?(the twst characters) Separately for lilia, vil and jamil! Thank you so much!
Self-aware au
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
My works are for entertainment and not meant seriously!!!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, religion, suicide, obsession, manipulation, unhealthy relationship, death, war, blood, murder, violence, unhealthy mindset
Jamil Viper/Vil Schoenheit/Lilia Vanrouge-Player who is a real God

God of wisdom
The Octavinelle trio and the fire rat had failed
We all remember Jamils Overblot happening, right?
Unlike the game however, they weren't able to beat him and despite the servant already seeing black spots in his vision the feeling of power and freedom was too wonderful just to give up on it
Deep down he also knew that this was his end, having heard the stories about other Overblots that also went terribly wrong
And then there was warmth in the cold desert night his heart had become, lulling him into a dreamless sleep and your voice telling him that it was ok, that he could let go, that you would protect him from his sorrows
Cue next morning and a crying Kalim later
There he was, alive
The one's that were present told him that he suddenly fell asleep during their battle
All they could say about the situation was that they surely had luck, after all it did end things in a positive, non-violent way
But Jamil knew what truly happened
You were a real God, not just an all-knowing scholar like they thought, the God of wisdom
If it weren't for your warning gaze he would have dropped to his knees, thanking you that you had saved his life
But apparently you didn't want them to know, so he held his mouth shut
This wasn't the end though
From then on out he started to become even more obsessed with you and whoops! Was that someone saying that you were just am otherworldly being and nothing more?
They jumped off the roof of the school on the next day, ending their life very early
Not knowing who you truly were was no excuse for denying you the worship you deserved. You, who knew about worlds beyond the stars and even much, much more
He had to know, he had caught a glimpse of it in your voice on that fateful day after all, telling him who you truly were
This had to mean that he was so important to you that you would tell him who you truly were, right? RIGHT??!
Jamil had learned how to serve and obey and who would he be if he didn't use that to show his loyalty to you. Even of it meant that there were blood sacrifices for which you never asked needed...

God of beauty and kindness
Vil was at his end
He felt like there was nothing to look forward to anymore
After going into Overblot and then even losing against Neige the dorm leader wanted to just delete his accounts on social media and burn his contracts with the film and modeling industry
I think it was your sixth sense as a God but you were there, in the room right when he was breaking down with him
And how could you not help him, he who was so lost and helpless
After all, you were not only the God of beauty but also the God of kindness
And that was the day on which the supposedly magic-less student made a miracle happen
Igniting the embers of determination of the Fairest Queen who was sitting slumped over in front of you you showed him who you truly were, showed him that he was worthy to witness the God of what he wanted to be sitting in front of him
Vil swore to never give up again
Ok he is happy, case closed. Want to drink something? How about- WHY IS THERE SOMEONE SUFFOCATING??!
Isn't that the model competing against Vil for a spot in that magazine?
In true evil queen... I MEAN FAIREST QUEEN fashion the man poisoned his rival
And then suddenly accidents happen all over the place to models and other figures in the beauty industry
Just yesterday a light fell onto an actor on a set, killing him in an instance
But there is no need to worry over Vil
He will make sure that he is extra careful!
And if you wouldn't mind, would you give him that bag with the screwdriver in it to him? Thank you!
Vil would be a fool if he were to ignore the blessing his God had given him, giving him the mission to become the most perfect one if them all
No need to wait for too long. He will make sure that he is worthy of you...
Just ignore the red makeup on his jacket. An assistant on set spilled it accidentally on his uniform

God of time
You and I, we both know that this will end in a tragedy and yet you still ask for him in this request
But ok, you are asking for it
Leonas Oveeblot, it happened so fast and unpredicted leading to him leaving for a short while to get help
And to what does he return? The other students lying knocked out on the ground and you standing there proud, not being afraid for a second
You stood there like the true God that you were
And it also ended so quickly, flicking the lion's forehead the student fell into himself like a house of cards
And then you turned around and oh... he was lost in time and space
Lilia is old. He has seen the rise and fall of kingdoms but there was nothing that could have prepare him for the eternity that he saw in your eyes
Suddenly he was nothing more than a child, suddenly realizing that all his joking about his age was truly nothing more than a joke to you
You were after all the beginning, the end and everything in between
The Headmage who had followed the general after the told him what happened seemed to be frozen in time, or rather was until you seemingly decided that it was time to move on in time itself
Of course everyone was confused why Leona was lying on the floor when he was the one beating others into submission just a minute ago
But Lilia knew, and Lilia knew that ou knew that he knew
This leads us to now, the time in which Lilia rests his head in your lap whispering with crazed whispers that all the bloodshed was worth it, that you were finally here
But for what happens next even you, a God, could do something against his next step
The Valley of Thorns is powerful if we are talking about magic
And they are more than looking forward to lay the world to your feet
It is like these peaceful times never existed, Lilia was once more a raging general who now even pulled his own son into the bloodbath he created
But even Lilia knows that you are just an excuse in his life. After all, worldly beings aren't meant to live so long as he already did, making him search for some reason in his life and if it is to end massive amount of life then be it that
And in all the sadness, in all the pain and blood there is a small, gentle part of him lost in time, cradled in your arms whilst it weeps tears of sadness and despair
2928 : ARMAGEDDON - 00

prev. next. wattpad.
the mortals.

solanine. ❝ the poison in the nightshade.❞

• adonis. ❝ the lord.❞

roxanne. ❝ the dawn of the day.❞

keara. ❝ the dark one.❞

sandros. ❝ the defender of humankind.❞


So I read a lot about Pandora and some Greek myths and I got very curious.
Can I have yandere yandere Greek gods (arse Poseidon Zeus Hades Hera Aphrodite and Athena) x human child Reader please
Like how they found a human child and how they take care of her and take her as ther own
Broken Truth (Laying on the sofa with swirls on her eyes): Why so many...?
Mask: Just relax, I'll do this one.
Broken Truth: Thanks, Mask.
Mask: Let the words weave together.
Zeus + Hera (King and Queen of Olympus)
Having you was Hera's Idea, she was sick of looking at her husband and his bastards that she decided to venture into the mortal world to see what she could see and she stumbled upon a small house where a single mother lived with her child - the most lovely and kind child she had ever see; she knew that she had to have them for herself and she wasn't gonna let anyone or anything keep her away from them. Every day, Hera would hide in plain sight to watch the child work in the fields with their mother and she wasn't pleased with how close the child was to their mother, it was going to be hard to separate them and bring them to Olympus. When Zeus got curious about his wife's actions, he offered to get rid of the mother and deliver the child the Hera in exchange for her forgiveness and she agreed. One day, the child's mother was attacked and killed by a lion and Zeus came down to collect the child and delivered them to Hera, who hugged the child and shushed their cries for their mother, saying that she was going to be their new mother and everything was going to be alright.
Poseidon (Gods of the Seas)
Poseidon and Amphitrite were upset that the fates haven't blessed them with a child yet and this caused the king of the seas to take the form of a dolphin and explore the land above; there upon the beach of a child with eyes as blue as his own and sun-kissed skin just like his wife's - this child was the perfect blend of both of them. That's when Poseidon knew the fates had answered their prayers - this mortal child was meant to be theirs. First, they took the father - he was a fisherman and they created a massive storm that swept the father away in the seas, never to be seen again. Then, the mother followed him - without her husband, she ventured into the wilds to find herself and was torn apart by the beasts of the forest; leaving the child all alone. Posiedon came before the child and introduced himself before taking the child to the undersea kingdom where the child met the queen and their new mother and father. The child wasn't for it but they didn't have a choice - Poseidon and Amphitrite weren't going to lose their child.
Hades (God of the Underworld)
While he and his wife - Persephone - had a child, they wanted something more - a new child that they could groom and make not a Prince or Princess of the Underworld. Hades was looking through the orb before him to see if he could find a child with his characteristics and Persephone's heart but he couldn't find them in the city, so he looked in the countryside and found the one he was looking for - a child with back hair and fair skin but there was no sight of parents; was this child living alone? Hades went to the world of mortals in the form of a hound and befriended the child, listening to the grief and anger towards the parents that abandoned them; Hades wiped the tears away and slept with the child in his canine body and he would move his plan forward. While the child was sleeping, Hades dragged the child's soul to the Underworld after giving them poisoned water, allowing them to die in their sleep for that was the only way to bring them to the underworld. When the child awoke in the underworld before the King and Queen, they announced they were going to be their new family and nothing would take them away from them.
Aphrodite (Goddess of Love)
Being the Goddess of Love made Aphrodite feel powerful but she felt like she was missing something - something that her mate, Ares, or her husband, Hephaestus, could give her - a beautiful child. She looked in the mortal realm and found a child with [hair length] golden hair and [eye color] eyes praying at the shrine for love and acceptance; this child was lovely, their voice was heavenly, and their looks...they were beautiful/handsome. Everything about this child was perfect and she was going to have them. During the prayer, the goddess herself appeared before the child and offered them the love and acceptance they wished for in exchange for their loyalty as her child; considering they had no family that loved them, they accepted her offer. Aphrodite walked them to the realm of the gods and raised them as her own - to be an image of beauty and love, just like their momma.
Athena (Goddess of 'War')
Athena was known as the Goddess of War - a rival to her brother Ares, the official God of War - because some people approved of her tactics rather than Ares but she was the Goddess of Wisdom and she knew what she wanted and how to get it - and she wanted a child, an heir to raise and possibly take her mantle if they proved to be strong enough. She looked for an orphan that had no ties to the mortal realm and found one that had the spirit of a warrior, surviving on everything they had and the wits. When Athena appeared before them, the child refused her offer to take them up as her child and that made Athena want them even more. She tampered with their hunts, with their training, with their crafts, and everything until the child called upon her and agreed with her terms. Athena took them to her realm and raised them to be a warrior to rival Ares himself. Her warrior. Her heir. Her CHILD.
Can i request a reader with a etheral, angel - like beauty? Like they're stunning and beautiful as hell. With Vil, Malleus and Leona please. ( gn!reader please.)
Hi! Sorry, this took so long! I’ve been busy with a lot of things going on!
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Headcanons! I had a lot of fun writing this, especially playing around with the personality of the reader for each character!
Vil Schoenheit
At first, Vil was jealous of (S/O). How could they be so effortlessly ethereal? How do they not see what they did to other people with just a glance or a smile?
How did they stay so kind, humble, and angelic all the time without notice?
He hated (S/O), he wanted to be them. To have people see him as more than a pretty face and villainous persona.
But then Vil began to realize he and (S/O) weren't so different. Everyone saw them only for their beauty, everything else came second. They were seen as an object to ogle at, just like how so many people saw him. But instead of him being seen as the villain of every tale, they were the damsel in distress.
Thats when Vil decided to have Rook do some “research” on them. Asking him to find out whatever he could, common ground that the two could start conversating on, anything that would make getting closer easier.
And when Rook had delivered on what was asked of him, Vil approached (S/O) with the knowledge he had acquired, the intent of making an acquaintance or perhaps a friend, clear in his mind just as the rest of his goals are.
But what he go was so much more. (S/O) turned out to be an incredibly smart person, knowledgeable in so many topics Vil could hardly keep up.
(S/O) was kind, but that kindness only stretched so far. And as it turned out it wasn;t that far at all. Once that carefully tended thread of patience snapped a raging demon took the place of that ethereal angel everyone saw on the surface.
Vil fell in love without even noticing, his heart captured not by (S/O) looks, but by them as a whole person. Their flaws and quirks and everything that made them who they are.
(S/O) confessed first surprisingly enough. They made it clear they wanted to be with Vil and not “Vil.” They were frustrated, and weren't entirely sure how to get their entire point across, but Vil got the message. He understood entirely what they meant and accepted their confession, returning the gesture with more grace than they had presented him with.
After the two of them became a couple They were seen as the celebrity power couple on campus. Their beauty was unrivaled, and their infamy spread like wildfire.
Once Vil’s fans got wind of the news he was no longer on the market most of them were happy for him, excited to know that their favorite celebrity was happily in love with someone who was sure to cherish him like the treasure he was. But there are always a few bad apples that’ll ruin the whole bunch.
Vil, unfortunately, had to put his foot down and make it crystal clear that his relationship was none of his fan's business. Who he loved and was with wasn’t for them to nitpick and shout for change. If they didn’t respect him in his choice to be with the one he loves then they weren't a true fan of his.
Malleus Draconia
He found (S/O) rather striking, like a lightning flash in the dead of a starless night.
Malleus expected to just admire them from afar, believing if he approached they’d fly away just like everyone else seemed to. Intimidated by his aura and status.
But to His surprise (S/O) was the one to approach him, starting off their encounter with “Your horns are so pretty! Can I touch them?” Malleus was amused by their boldness, but (regrettably) declined their request to touch his horns.
That didn’t seem to deter the human, however. They always came back to him, always with some sort of gift; A pretty rock or odd gemstone they found, a messy bouquet of wildflowers, or an invitation for the two of them to have lunch or dinner together, always ending in an amusing disaster.
It took him much longer than it should’ve to realize (S/O) was trying to court him, in their own odd, messy little way. It was endearing, Malleus couldn’t help but soften at the realization that his first friend was trying to biome his significant other. (S/O) wasn’t just angelically beautiful, they were bold, and messy, and disorganized, and so captivating! How could Malleus not fall in love with this adorable child of man?
He began to reciprocate their courting efforts. Gifting them jewelry and clothing meant for royalty, inviting them out to balls and banquets held in his or his grandmother’s honor, eventually, it became an unspoken rule that those gatherings were in honor of Malleus’s chosen partner as well, even without a formal announcement the two were together.
Some began to fear (S/O) out of association to the Crown Prince of Fae, others believed he had cursed their psyche somehow, and some were merely impressed and amused at the duality of the couple.
The dark and gloomy fae prince’s heart seized by a bold and ethereal human? Truly a contrast destined for greatness.
Leona Kingscholar
Leona didn’t care for (S/O) at first. Another pretty face around campus? Not his problem that another wannabe drama queen started walking the halls, acting like they were the hottest thing since sliced bread. As long as they left him alone he couldn’t care less.
He mostly ignored them whenever their paths would cross in the halls. But it was difficult, something about them… it was almost as if they were posturing him.
Eventually, Leona got fed up and confronted them about it. He wasn’t expecting the feather-faced herbivore to try and start a fight.
He learned very quickly that (S/O) was more than a pretty face, they were strong and domineering. They demanded attention and controlled what form it took with ease. They were pretty, but not in a way like ice or glass, more in the way of a venomous snake or poisonous flower.
They gained his respect, which grew into admiration, and finally into infatuation. Leona was not happy to realize he fell in love with that feather-faced (S/O), but sucked it up and confessed faster than even he expected, considering his nature.
(S/O) was amazing, truly a catch and they damn-well knew it! If they were going to be with anyone it was going to be Leona, he was the only guy worth their time as long as they were concerned.
Leona’s romantic gestures are sloppy, but sweet, rakish, if you will. His efforts did pay off, though., (S/O) didn’t make it easy on him by any means. It's a good thing Leona likes a challenge when he sets his mind to something, especially when the ‘prize’ is something as worth it as (S/O) is.
People that only know (S/O) from afar were shocked to see them with Leona in any aspect. I mean, a pretty, elegant, angelic-looking person with the callous, and rough Savanaclaw dorm leader? It seems like some joke. But those that actually know (S/O) know that Leona is exactly their type.