Omg PLS Do A Part 2 To Your Archiexreaderxjughead Fic!!! It's So Good
Omg PLS do a part 2 to your archiexreaderxjughead fic!!! It's so good
Part 2 is up :)
Part 2
So happy you like it :)

birth-blood-blog liked this · 7 years ago
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✧ ・🕸️ ° 🎃 O c t o b e r : Movies To Watch This H a l l o w e e n 🎃 ° 🕸️ ・✧
Haven't watched the Season Finale of Supernatural yet but I'm still on tumblr.
The adrenaline is pumping through me with the risk !!!!

You Know Where I Am- Archie Andrews (4)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3
Summery: Your eyes are firmly set on a certain dark haired boy not realizing who was your perfect match all along. Its only when you finally pull your eyes from him it’s when you see who is really there for you and who you really feel for.
‘Y/n’ You stopped hearing your name being called and turned. Jughead was running towards you. It was the end of the day and a Thursday, meaning you had trace at lunch and you hadn’t gotten to talk to him all day. You stopped and held your books closer to your chest. ‘What’s up Juggie?’ You asked when he stopped in front of you panting a little. ‘Where you heading?’ He asked and you smiled. ‘Home?’ Raising an eyebrow with a laugh. Jughead smiled. ‘Let me walk you home’ You nodded turning and he followed.
It was silent for a few moments until he sighed. ‘I’m sorry’ He said looking down and you glanced at him. ‘For what?’ You asked him cocking your head to the side. ‘For hurting your feelings yesterday’ You opened your mouth to disagree but he just shook his head. ‘Archie told me don’t’ He sighed. ‘I didn’t mean it like that, I mean you are pretty, I can see that and you are an amazing person’ He paused taking a small breath. ‘But you’re my best friend’ He shrugged. You bit your lip.
He watched you for a moment waiting for your reply. ‘Betty liked Archie’ You told him not looking at him, you pursed your lips a unsettling feeling settling in your stomach at your words. Jughead chuckled but it ended quickly with a sigh. ‘Hasn’t everyone fell for Archie at some stage’ You glanced at him. ‘I didn’t’ He nodded and a large smile spread across him face when he looked down at you. ‘Good’ He nodded and reached out wrapping his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him.
He fell silent for a second. ‘I am sorry, I did not mean it like that. You’re perfect, I just-’ You nodded wanting him to just stop. ‘I get it, you know I’m a catch just not your kinda fish’ You chuckled and he let out a loud laugh and nodded. ‘And I’m sorry if I made you feel bad’ You nodded and leaned into him. ‘It’s okay Juggie, I’m over it’ Jughead nodded and the rest of the walk.
Jughead stopped at the bottom of the steps and you kissed his cheek. ‘Bye Juggie, thanks for walking me home’ You called running up the steps to your house. ‘Why did you not say anything? Why did you go to Archie?’ He called just as you were about to step in the door. You turned. ‘Archie came to me’ You said with a shrug. ‘And it was nice to hear those things from someone other than my best friend’ You chuckled with a small smile. Jughead narrowed his eyes. ‘Hear what?’ He stepped up onto the bottom step readjusting his bag on his shoulder. ‘Just what you said really, nothing more. He was trying to make me feel better, no biggie’ You gave him a smiled and he nodded slowly. ‘I’ll see you tomorrow Jug, I’ve got to study’ You told him and he said a quiet goodbye as you slipped inside.
The only sound you heard was your footsteps on the pavement and your heavy breathing. It was almost midnight and you had finished study about an hour ago and had some extra energy. Which was why you were running around Riverdale at midnight. Your breath fogged up the air in front of you as you panted. ‘Y/n’ You heard your name being called and you slowed slightly glancing over your shoulder.
You caught sight of red hair following you bright in even the darkness of the night. You slowed to a stop and turned when you realized who it was. It took him a few seconds to come to a stop in front of you panting he bent forward slightly. You smiled. ‘You okay there Archibald?’ He gave you a quick glare looking up at you through his long lashes before shooting you a large smile. ‘You should give the football team running lessons, damn’ He straightened and you laughed you rested your hands on your hips.
Your eyes fell to his chest again trailing down his arms that were prominent as he wore a shirtless top. ‘Well, I’m built for endurance you’re built for strength’ You smirked and you Archie smiled looking at your outfit. ‘You’re certainly looking very aerodynamic there’ He chuckled his eyes trailing over the exposed skin. If you weren’t already flushed you were sure you would have blushed bright red as you glanced down at your own outfit.
It was some short tight running shorts that only just covered your ass, a sports bra and a loose running top which had long arms meaning you could see in the sides down to the bottom of your ribs. ‘Big word for a jock’ You teased trying to cover up how flustered his comment made you. He laughed. ‘Hey, I’m not complaining. Just don’t wear it in school us jocks won’t be able to concentrate on the football’ You chuckled as he smiled widely at you.
You turned and he fell into step with you as you both walked down the pathway. ‘So what are you doing out so late Andrews?’ You asked him crossing your arms over your chest and he shrugs. ‘Out to clear my head’ He tells you. ‘Anything you want to talk about?’ You ask him.
He’s silent for a minute his eyes on your flushed face as you look ahead deciding on whether or not to actually tell you.‘You wont tell anyone?’ He should trust you, after all you trusted him, you came to him when you needed someone. Maybe you could be that person for him. Your head snaps to the side your eyes meeting his. ‘Of course I wouldn’t’ You smile reassuringly at him.
You watch as he takes a deep breath. ‘The reason Miss Grundy left was because of me’ He mutters. ‘We had a thing over the summer and Betty’s Mom found out and threatened to have her sent to jail, so she left’ You felt your eyes widen and your jaw fall open. Archie came to a stop in front of you as you kept your eyes on him. ‘You were sleeping with a teacher?’ You breathed and he nodded. ‘Holy shit’ You cursed blinking hardly being able to believe it.
Archie reached out and placed his hand on your shoulder and you shivered a little. ‘You can’t tell anyone’ He whispered and you nodded violently. ‘I promise’ You reached up putting your hand on his slightly. ‘I won’t tell anyone’ He smiled down at you slightly. ‘Do you miss her?’ You asked tentatively your head cocking to the side a little. He nodded and dropped his hand from your shoulder. ‘A little, but I think I’m starting to move on’ He smiled widely down at you.
You nodded. ‘Well, that’s good’ You smiled back at him. ‘Let’s get you home, you’re shivering a little’ He said wrapping his arm around your shoulder pulling you into his body as he turned. You hadn’t even noticed you were beginning to feel the nip in the air until he said so and then it was the only thing you could feel. Well apart from Archie beside you and the heat radiating off of him. You snuggled in closer to him wrapping your arms around yourself. ‘It would be easier to just run’ You chuckled. ‘It would’ You looked up to see him nodding but neither of you moved from the position you were in and stayed walking.
After Archie had walked you home last night you had showered and went to bed, content and tired, only thing was, you overslept. Now you were rushing through students to get to your first class, Calc. Just as you ran through the door you heard the bell ring and you let out a long sigh before your eyebrows furrowed. You made your way to your desk and put down your books. Your chair was already pulled out and you slid into it. ‘You know me and Jug are okay now?’ You raised your eyebrows.
Archie chuckled and nodded. ‘I know’ He nodded with a smile.’ But you break this down so much better than Betty that I’ve decided I’m taking his seat’ He shot you a playful smirk his arm draping over the back of your chair. ‘Plus they were so engrossed in their Blue and Gold conversation it would have been a shame to split them up’ You chuckled and leaned your elbows on the table leaning closer to him. ‘And what if I don’t want you sitting here Andrews?’ You smirked back at him. He leaned in his face inches from your own. ‘You’re stuck with me’ He whispered and you were about to say something witty back, you hoped, when your teacher walked in calling your attention to the top of the class.
You had finished your work and were leaning over helping Archie. You stopped mid sentence and just looked up at him. ‘Okay, what is it Arch? You are completely distracted today’ You accused and his head snapped towards you. He sighed leaning closer. ‘I’m meeting with Oscar Castillo later today again with some music’ You smiled. ‘That’s a good thing, right?’ But you seen the doubt in his eyes and he looked down. ‘I don’t know’ He shrugged. ‘He must have liked you if he wants to see you again Archie’ You put your hand on his arm. ‘You’re passionate, just let him see that Arch’ Arch put his own hand on yours. ‘Thank you’ He smiled looking at you and you smiled back.
You were waiting in the hallway with Valerie. ‘How do you think he’ll so?’ You asked. She looked up at you and smiled slightly at you. ‘The song is good, hopefully he will see his potential’ You leaned back against the lockers biting your lip and closed your eyes. ‘Since when have you and Archie been close? I mean he always mentioned you but I never thought you were close’ You opened your eyes.
For some reason your felt happiness spread through you. ‘Well, we actually weren’t very close until, well a few days ago. But I mean of course he’d mention me we were friends before we got closer’ Valerie nodded a smirk on her face. ‘Well that is true’ The door opened down the hallway and both your heads snapped towards it. Archie came out shaking and shook Castillo’s hand before he turned down the hallway walking towards the door. You waited until he was around the corner to push yourself off the locker and rush towards Archie.
Valerie reached him first. ‘What did he think?’ Archie turned and you both knew instantly from his expression. Sadness overwhelmed you at the crushed look in his eyes. ‘Sloppy and repetitive’ He muttered his eyes on the floor. ‘Oh, Arch’ He just shook his head. You reached out your hand resting on his shoulder. You tugged on his pulling him to you. You wrapped both your arms around him standing on your tippy toes to hug him tighter as on of your hands slipped into his hair. You felt his arms wrap around your waist and he buried his face in your shoulder.
Valerie reached out patting his back. ‘It’s okay Archie, you’re only starting out, they’ll evolve’ You glanced at her smiling gratefully and she nodded before saying her goodbyes and leaving you two standing in the hallway your arms around each other. ‘She’s right Arch, you have a natural talent. It’ll take time to polish it up, and maybe now isn’t the time for a mentor, maybe this is the universes way of saying you need to figure it out on your own, no influences. Just you in your music’ Archie pulled away his hands coming to rest on your hips.
He smiled slightly down at you. ‘What if without anyone’s help they’re terrible?’ He whispered. You smiled. ‘Let them be, let them be as terrible as they want. If you try hard enough the next one will be better, slightly less terrible. Until one day you write something that isn’t. That’s how it works’ You placed your hand on his cheek. ‘No one is the best first try, not even the people who end up being the best. They all start somewhere, but they always keep trying, and going until they are. With time and practice comes improvement, you just need to keep going. You’ll get there. I promise’ He smiled down at you.
Then he looked at the floor. ‘You can’t promise th-’ You let out a laugh. ‘Of course I can, You’re talented anyone can see that. You have a natural talent. I can promise that, and I’ll be right’ You smiled forcing him to look back up at you. ‘You’re only doing this a few month Archie, give yourself time to find where you should be, what kind of thing works for you. Give yourself time to grow into it and when you do you’re music will be more amazing than it already is’ You smiled at him.
Archie watched you for a long moment before he leaned forwards pulling you to him his lips attaching to yours again. This time you didn’t hesitate to respond.

Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff
This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.
If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!
DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!
This is cracking me up..why on earth did they delete his response in the movie!? hes so offended LOL