sora! (18)
111 posts
Ch0lwrld - I Need You, My Love - Tumblr Blog
open the door, mr. choi!

synopsis: going up to yeonjun's dorm, the man you believe to be a complete tool, and asking to use his shower isn't very fun.
genre: one sided enemies to lovers, fluff, angst??
pairing: yeonjun x f!reader
warning: very unrealistic writing of living on campus (i'm manifesting here..), a curse word here and there
author notes: this is so incredibly short but i like writing banter so..lol this really is just banter. reblogging is appreciated!

Transferring to a different college mid semester for better opportunities proved to be that mistake. The mistake you realize is going to be hard to top, the biggest one you've made in your entire life.
In addition to losing daily contact with your friends, you were in a complete foreign city, practically stranded. You had zero relationship with your professors, there were completely different material you had to learn to pass exams, and you had no time to make any friends. even after you decided to go through the on-campus housing route, You were only on friendly speaking terms with your roommate.
You wished you reviewed the dormitories, but you hadn't which then cost you to learn that the girls dormitory had constant complaints about water supply; it was either the sink, the toilet, or the shower — it would just decide to stop working.
Thankfully, the time you've spent living with your roommate, you only experienced one — the sink. There were problems with it practically every other day, ten times more constant than everybody else. Which caused you to naively believe it canceled out all the other occuring problems everyone else had.
So, imagine your surprise when you walk in under the shower head, butt naked, with not one drop coming out on your hair.
"Yunjin!" you yell out, panicking as you adjust the diverter still with no sign of water. "Yunjin is the water out!?"
You sigh when you can't hear a response through the door, and opted to step out the shower, and carefully walk towards the door. You slightly open it, making sure to only poke your head out as your eyes wandered around the dorm.
Great, there's no sign of her.
When you get dressed again, you throw yourself on your bed, staring at the time on your phone. 8:39PM.
Your roommate had helped you out with getting a blind date, in hopes of "putting yourself out there". Though at the time you didn't meet her with much excitement, pretending to despise the idea—Currently, you were practically a few seconds away from pulling out your hair at the thought of missing it.
For god sake, you haven't been on a date since, what, two years? And even worse, when you finally got a chance, you weren't ditching the date on your own accord, but because you couldn't shower!
"I'm gonna fucking sue them!" you shout, directing your pit of rage at your ceiling. Though, right after, you bury your face in your pillow, groaning like a little child, knowing that no matter how many complaints you submit, there would be zero response. So, at the moment, it felt like the best thing to do was give up.
Give up and ...reschedule.
No, you can't—you won't. You have to go on the date—today. An adrenaline-like surge of determination motivates you to shoot up from your bed, and quickly head to your bathroom again. You will go on this date, you owe it to Yunjin—and also, to yourself.
When you look at the counter, you immediately spot the magic wand practically ogling at you, begging you to use it. Your deodorant.
What other option did you have? When you pick up the deodorant stick, you shut your eyes, praying that the combination between deodorant and perfume could manage to make you smell good enough. You exhale, the gross thought making it hard for you to even lift your shirt.
You hear a ping of your phone, quickly opening your eyes, dropping your hand, which in turn also gets your hand off the piece of fabric you were holding.
When you look at the notification, you exhaustedly exhale, your shoulders dropping. It wasn't surprising to see it was him. Yeonjun—the guy you've been working on a project with for the past few months.
And also, the guy you've been trying to avoid ever since you got assigned the project. He was practically a mosquito, buzzing near your ears every waking moment of the day. It was easier for him when he got your number, as per your professor's request. According to her, it would be easier for you two to communicate with each other's contact numbers.
But you begged to differ, especially after these tortuous days of having your phone go off randomly throughout the day. All it did was tear away your focus from more important matters.
You opt to ignore the text, like you always do— and focus on your preparation for your date. That is, until a light bulb lights up above your head, halting your movement, as you furrow your brows in thought.
The boy's dormitory never had an issue with water, it was a usual complaint you'd overhear girls around you say in your morning classes. Their issue was odor. Which you would bet a few cents that that was specifically the consequence of the herd of men living in one space, but you digress.
Sure, you aren't very fond of the idea to go up to the man you find pretty repulsive—in terms of personality, repulsive. He was the walking definition of a douche, but you just got a date, in two years! Who knows the next time you'll get the golden opportunity again? So, you grab your towel and head out the bathroom.
You only hope that your lack of answering back texts wouldn't backfire on you.

Though it took him a few knocks, Yeonjun finally opens his door. His jaw slacks a little and brows raised, clearly taken back by your sudden visit. You wait for him to say something—or rather, you take the time to study his figure for a good second; your eyes instinctually taking in how...good he looks. His dyed hair subtly spiking his eyes, his lips looking a little more pink than usual, and the flowy dress shirt being down two button, exposing his chest—
"Y/N checking out Yeonjun part, what, a hundred?" he stupidly grins, leaning on his door frame with his arms crossed.
"Part zero." you deadpan, he was back to getting on your nerves.
"Right..." he purses his lip, which earns an audible scoff from you, his confidence was astoundingly high. Normally, you'd think it was a praiseworthy trait, confident people are cool, but Yeonjun was something else.
"Okay—look, I have no time to waste. I need your help." you say, cutting to the chase.
"Clearly..." Yeonjun says, his gaze falling to the towel hanging on one arm, and a plastic bag tight in your hand.
"First, sorry for coming here so unexpectedly—"
"Hold on," he raises up a hand to stop you, which is an annoying thing he's been doing to you lately. "Did you just apologize? To me?" he then puts a hand on his heart, pouting like a child.
When you try to open your mouth again, his finger was on your lips in attempt to shut you up — he was getting dangerously confident. You glare at him, which sends the message loud and clear as he drops his hand immediately.
"Look, if you're here for the project, I can't. I actually have a bedtime I have to follow through."
You furrow your eyebrows in disbelief. "A bedtime? What are you? Twelve?"
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head in disapproval. "Damn it Y/N, this was the part where you were supposed to prove to me that you're worthy of me letting you in my dorm."
"I'm not here for the project, Yeonjun." you sigh, your energy drained from all his talking.
"Then what? It's like—" he raises his wrist to take a look at his watch. And to your dismay, his smug smile prepares you for some more teasing. "My, my, my. Coming to my dorm at nine? So I see it you changed your mind about, you know..." he puckers his lips in attempt to make smooching noises, which only earned a judgemental stare from your side.
"We're never going to have sex—ugh, I just came to use your shower, the one at my dorm stopped working." you've learned to stop yourself from engaging with his antics, it only cost you more social battery after all.
"Ah." he says, biting his lip as he appears to think more of your request. "I'm sorry, can't." he concludes.
"Huh? Why?" you ask then immediately groan at a thought, "God, do you have a girl naked in there?"
"You don't realize it sometimes Y/N, but you are a slut shamer."
You deadpan, letting out a long sigh. "Are you calling yourself a slut?"
"Frankly, for your information, I don't have a girl in there. She actually left a few minutes ago." he says ignoring your question, though he couldn't be happier from the annoyed reaction he got out of you— which he was quick to love and appreciate the more he got it.
You roll your eyes, "So, why can't you?"
"Glad you asked," he says, reaching in his pockets to dig out something. He faces his phone to you, your messages open, only blue texts being on the screen. "You've been ghosting me for like, two weeks."
So your lack of replying back is biting you in the ass.
You didn't have time, dropping the plastic bag full of your date clothes, reaching out to your pocket to get your phone.
You quickly type up an 'okay' without reading the text, and hit send. When you hear the sound of a notification from his phone, you put up a tight lipped smile as you shove your phone in your pockets, picking up your clothes and pushing yourself in his dorm.
Yeonjun broke into a smile you don't catch, as he looks back to you. "Breaking and entering is a felony Y/N!" he yells out.
You ignore him, your attention more focused on how weirdly neat his place was. Was he a fast cleaner? Tidying up the place this fast after sex?
You guessed that was what a long duration of experience gives you — the ability to clean up in minutes. But then you noticed a computer open, with the desk it's on being surrounded with crumbled paper.
You hear the door shut, guessing it was Yeonjun, which snaps you out of your thoughts as you immediately head to the bathroom. If you stayed a second later, there was a 50% chance he would've stopped you to ask questions.
When you enter the bathroom, and lock the door behind you, you're pleasantly caught by surprise.
The smell—the smell wasn't foul. You hate to admit, in the back of your mind, you'd always have this image of Yeonjun—a player who was gross.
You don't exactly know why you held onto it for so long since there were multiple, multiple times you got close enough, that your nose could pick up his cologne—it smelled really good, not too strong, just enough.
And when you stand there in his bathroom, weirdly finding yourself inhaling the scent of the air—it smelled pretty fucking good.
A loud knock on the door your back is leaning on startles you, making you jump. "Hey, hurry up! I'm giving you fifteen minutes."
Fifteen minutes? What a psycho.
You shake your head at your own ungratefulness—he was letting you borrow his shower, which you genuinely appreciated, so you undressed quickly in hopes of showering forty minutes max.

You didn't pick up your hair brush with you, so consequently you were spending a great deal of time untangling your hair with your towel—which wasn't very..effecitve.
You already changed, obviously, but your makeup was undone. Just lipgloss was all you had time to do, you thought in your head, disappointed.
Not to forget—Yeonjun has been talking to you through the door the moment you shut the running water—not proving the mosquito reincarnation theories you've been holding onto, to be wrong. He was driving you very close to the edge of insanity.
"You're taking so long." he whines for the hundredth time. "I have to show you something."
You groan, walking towards the door. You were clothed now anyway, if opening the door would finally fix Yeonjun's mouth being a broken record, you would happily do it.
He shuffles away from the door when you push it open, flustered as he clears his throat.
Was he leaning on the door?
"What do you want?"
You think you see his eyes scanning your outfit for a second, a hint of confusion overtaking his expression but he turns away to walk towards the computer—the one that was previously surrounded with balled up paper, so you ignore it. "You look hot but I'll decide to ignore that. I have to show you something."
You exhale, your hair still pretty untamed. "Alright, I don't have that much time though."
He let himself fall on his spinning office chair, as he gestures his hand for you to sit at the edge of his bed.
You clear your throat, waiting for him to stop stalling through his spinning.
And he does.
"Okay." he exhaled, a little shakily. Which was weird. "So, remember the text you sent okay too?"
"Yeonjun...that just happened. Like an hour ago."
"Yep, yeah. Cool, cool, cool." he repeats, opting to spin once more. You raise an eyebrow, is he trolling you?
"I didn't like—you know, read the text. I mean, I can."
"You didn't read it? You should. Actually—nope, no. You shouldn't. You should. Yeah, you should."
You knit your eyebrows together at his odd speaking patterns. Reaching for your phone, you click on the message icon—until a number pops up, calling you.
All of a sudden, you get nervous. Your hand getting all clammy as you swiped right on the call.
"Hi." you breath out, biting your lip in eagerness to hear your date's voice.
Yeonjun only watches you, cocking his head at the sudden mood change. No—he was tilting his head because of all of that. Your dress, the matching bag, your lipgloss.
He furrows his brows, still watching you stutter on the phone, and practically making a fool of yourself with the way you were stupidly, prettily smiling ear to ear.
You never did that with him. Okay, sure, he likes seeing you roll your eyes or scoff at his antics— it brings him pure joy! But god, thinking now, he would appreciate it a hundred times more if your reaction to him was a smile—that smile instead. Or a laugh. Or a hug, maybe a kiss—
Time didn't wait for anyone—connecting the dots unfortunately only happened the moment you hung up the phone.
"Sorry, that was my date. I really have to go. What do you want to show me?"
You scrunch up your face, taken aback. "What?"
"You—you have, like, spinach stuck between your teeth."
Your eyes widen in shock immediately getting off the bed, but then you halt, turning to look at Yeonjun. "But I didn't eat spinach today. Or yesterday." you mumble.
"Well, I'm sorry I'm not a professional chef that can tell what that nasty piece of green leaf is in between your teeth."
"God, is it that bad?" you ask in horror, not waiting for his reply as you burst into the bathroom.
Meanwhile as you check your teeth in the mirror, Yeonjun immediately grabs the phone you left on his bed, which was still open—letting him breath in relief.
He immediately went on to his name on your phone to open the messages between you two—it was ridiculous but a smile still tugged on his lips for a split second when he noticed his contact name was the one he typed in a few months ago, still 'hottest man alive'—he took it a sign you didn't disagree... or it could be that you were too lazy to change it.
But he immediately shook his head out of the thought — doing his job of deleting the message that you sent an okay to.
"What the fuck are you doing?" you say with wide eyes, snatching your phone away from the boys hand.
"Just checking the time." he says with an awkward smile, a little startled of your sudden presence.
"On my phone? You literally have a watch." you say, your tone laced with confusion. Which signaled Yeonjun to shoot up from his bed, pushing you out towards the door—there was no way out of this but to push you out, and hopefully the date being horrible enough for you to forget about confronting him about this tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow. Preferably, for the rest of his life on Earth.
"Time for you to leave!" he yells, finally getting you out of his dorm, and now out in the hallway.
Before you could say anything—for example, reminding him that 90% of the stuff you brought was still in the bathroom—he slammed the door right in your face.
When you recollect your shock, you scoff, your annoyance through the roof.
What was he looking at in your phone?
You open it, hoping to find the answer.
But you're only confused as you only see your chat with Yeonjun open.
And even more confused when the text length of the message before your 'okay' was way shorter than what you remember.
Meanwhile, Yeonjun was sitting on his desk chair, biting his lip as he hesitantly hit the delete button on the music project he's been working on.

ending a/n: i think i'm allergic to ending a fic with the two pairings getting together cz tell me why this was deadass just enemies to ????? T_T
😔😔😔 he loves them so much i need my 7 back

they’re always 7! cr. jung-koook

Swinging By a Fine Line || jjk | masterpost

“Spider-Man’s role was easy: save everyone, fight the criminals, don’t drop out of school, don’t expose his identity, and make time for his girlfriend. What was so difficult?”
This is a collection of stories that involve the same characters/environment. You can read them as stand-alone or all together. However, I recommend reading them in the order they appear. I hope you all enjoy the ride… or the swing *wink*! Thank you for reading (even if it’s just one chapter ^-^).
🕸️ Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(f) [note: reader is short and has medium-long hair; sher/her pronouns]
🕸️ Last updated: September 1, 2022 (ongoing)
🕸️ DISCLAIMER: This is all fictional. Characters do NOT reflect their real-life personalities, actions, beliefs, behaviors, etc. Character’s actions are for the plot. I truly love all seven. If I write a member in a “negative light” it’s NOT because I don’t like them. Again, it’s solely for the plot. Please keep this in mind.
f = fluff | s = smut | ac = action | ag = angst | c = crack/humor | hc = hurt/comfort
more about sbafl characters | bts masterlist
✨ swinging through the city with a little funk and s(e)oul✨
Feel free to visit my SBaFL survey about future content for this mini-universe. Answers are 100% anonymous and you are not required to answer all the questions. I will be honest and say it’s a little lengthy, but the questions are quick and easy to answer. I’d appreciate it bunches!

List order: Oldest -> Newest
🕷️ Tangled Thoughts (ac / ag) | 10.5k ↳ It wasn’t easy to leave your boyfriend of two years, but the constant lies made you question your relationship. You tried to move on, but you were somehow constantly tangled in his web. After being captured by an unknown, yet familiar, enemy, Jungkook wondered if he was doing the right thing by keeping his secret identity from you. Was it too late to come clean?
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“Everyone, let’s grow old together.” — Min Yoongi Happy 10 years bangtan 💜 (cr. namuspromised, qdeoks, 0613data, doolsetbangtan)

230611 Weverse Con Festival ©sasafor_txt | Do not edit, do not crop logo.
bitchin’ || pt. 2 (M)

The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
word count: 4.4k
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: multiple smut scenes, science talk, banter, jealousy, alcohol & LOTS of colorful 80s slang lmao
A/N: Bitchin’ is a multichapter fic, surprise!! This fic was inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Thank you to @junqkook for letting me use her likeness and helping me with Yara’s character overall. Hope you appreciate the easter egg based on her!
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
The eyes belonging to the girl in question, flashed your way, widening in alarm.
“Oh, yikes.” Was her automatic response, her bag of cool ranch Doritos falling onto her lap.
You were angry, that much was evident to her. Yara was sat in your shared dorm’s living room, a thick blanket engulfing her small frame. You briefly glanced towards the TV, it was tuned into MTV, the familiar music video of Every Breath You Take by The Police playing, before directing your glare back onto the copper-haired girl.
“Before you say anything,” Yara began, swallowing down whatever remaining food was in her mouth, “you should know they were having a rerun of the VMAs – which I missed last night – at the same time as the lab.”
“You left me alone! You said you would go to the lab yesterday!” You griped, crossing your arms over your chest.
Keep reading
3tan yoongi vibes
oh god damn it😩😩😩
i cried im hopeless 😭
the courtship chronicles | ksj

summary: dating has never been anywhere near your list of priorities, but kim seokjin is nothing if not determined. and when he comes to the rescue and accompanies you to your friend’s wedding, he decides to request only one thing in return: for you to let him take you out on fake dates and shower you in fake affection, and show you how much fun dating can be. he just needs to remember to keep the part where he’s been in love with you under wraps.
{friends to lovers!au, fake dating!au}
pairing: kim seokjin x female reader genre: fluff, comedy, and emotional hurt/comfort! word count: 20k a/n: big, big, big thanks to @aurawatercolor for commissioning me for this piece!! i honestly am so happy with this fic and even happier to give my main man kim seokjin the love and attention he deserves!!! this fic is pretty much slow burn from start to finish, so enjoy!
check out the post-script drabble here!
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he’s so beautiful ♡

txt playing the "pick the radish" game 🌱

yoongi teasing armys before touching their hands 😭 cr. jung-koook


Agust D ’Haegeum’ Official MV

yeah go little guy

230211 yawnzzn Instagram Post

hello my love, happy valentines day! i hope this is enough for you and i tried to incorporate as much of your favorite colors and favorite looks but i think you’d like hobi in anything. you’re very sweet and i love the sincerity you have for him. it’s really touching and adorable. i have to say, this was really fun to do and honestly made me just appreciate hobi a lot (i was watching hobipalooza while making these LOL) i hope you enjoyed this set and don’t be shy to come by in my messages!
![[insert The Gently Holds Meme Here]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7e8e039574a82209c51c0ee7f4538ba8/ae967f0bff6fbc19-27/s500x750/59cd525bffa9cfe98496f6d2fb9b13ddcb5a920f.gif)
![[insert The Gently Holds Meme Here]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/603b0f1822305df3969eed6f9ebc6f2e/ae967f0bff6fbc19-83/s500x750/14ef973671ca33efed9eb5704b970d66a2b22a0f.gif)
[insert the gently holds meme here] ♥︎

suchtwa ep3 teaser

Get You The Moon (M)

Pairing | Taehyung x Reader Genre | Fluff, smut, angst / College!AU, enemies to lovers!AU, football!AU, jock!Taehyung x student reporter!OC Warnings | Explicit language, sarcastic banter, dirty talk, blowjob, facefucking, eating out, cumplay, cum-dumpster, fingering, rough sex, slight dom!tae, spanking, degradation, unprotected sex, ass-pining, tae has the phattest ass and dick but wbk Summary | Life has its ways of fucking with you, but you know you’ve hit 50 feet below rock bottom after being tasked to do a profile feature on Kim Taehyung, the varsity football captain, for your school newspaper. Pure torment awaits you, but this is alongside glassy eyes, pink cheeks and conflicted feelings that you’ve never dared to imagine with the likes of the devil incarnate. Word count | 19.6k

“What a surprise, you’re alive.”
It is exactly that fake enthusiasm and subtle mirthful nuance that’s too familiar to your liking that gives rise to the arch of your eyebrow. You don’t even need to look up at the owner of the voice to picture the shit-eating smirk that belongs to none other than your editor-in-chief-slash-best-friend, Min Yoongi. Such morbid greetings have been long established as an inside joke between the two of you due to the peculiar sense of humour that you two share.
This is just how he likes to start his mornings. Being the systematic person he is, he has his own morning routine in the newsroom. Regardless of the pile of work on his desk, he’ll first make a beeline for his first cup of coffee of the day, after which he will come sauntering your way to provoke you with his laundry list of snarky remarks – about work, being tired, being alive and dead, about how bureaucracy sucks, the negative sides of capitalism and what not. Well, you two share a deep-seated sense of misanthropy so albeit provocative, his laments are refreshing in the morning – a literal morning boost of positivity from negativity.
“Not for long buddy,” you shrug, looking up from your laptop and your eyes land on Yoongi, who looks just as dead.
“I barely slept last night – was busy rushing my essays. Essays, might I repeat. So it would be great if you don’t have much for me today, although I know you have a kink for torturing me.”
At this, the edges of his lips curl up and you instantly register the meaning behind the sinister smile: your impending doom.
“I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I do have something for my most talented and gung-ho reporter and best friend.”
“Kindly elaborate,” you smile back acrimoniously, squinting your eyes in distrust.
“It involves a profile feature of a popular varsity athlete.”
An involuntary groan escapes your lips almost instantly. Athletes are the worst people to interview.
“That’s not even the worst part yet. As we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of our publication this year, we’ll be doing a special spread on honorary members of the school, including club presidents, captains and valedictorians. Oh, which reminds me – maybe I should feature myself for being the most overworked Editor-In-Chief because this publication is sucking my entire soul, but anyway, I digress.”
He brings up his mug to his lips. It’s only 10am, but you wonder how many cups he has had, eyeing the pallor of his face.
“I’ve already assigned the other reporters their respective targets for the lack of a better word, and left the toughest nut for you to crack,” he grins smugly and that’s when it hits you.
Clocking you square in the face.
“Yoongi, no you didn—”
“Yoongi, yes,” his smirk widens at your aghast expression, “A profile feature on Kim Taehyung, for my most talented and hardworking reporter.”
Kim Taehyung.
Your biggest nemesis.
The boy who lives to torment you.
Keep reading

Namjoon as Howl