charhtebobo - Queerios

She/her or they/them, 30, UK. Just a Yorkshire queer often obsessed with fictional characters :P

1984 posts

No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.

No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.
No Problem For I Bear The Power Ofone.

no problem for I bear the power of…one.

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More Posts from Charhtebobo

7 years ago
So..watching Synchronized Swimming From Underwater Is Absolutely Ridiculous
So..watching Synchronized Swimming From Underwater Is Absolutely Ridiculous
So..watching Synchronized Swimming From Underwater Is Absolutely Ridiculous
So..watching Synchronized Swimming From Underwater Is Absolutely Ridiculous

So…..watching synchronized swimming from underwater is absolutely ridiculous

7 years ago

A sand pendulum that creates a beautiful pattern only by its movement.

But  why does the ellipse change shape?

The pattern gets smaller because energy is not conserved (and in fact decreases) in the system. The mass in the pendulum gets smaller and the center of mass lowers as a function of time. Easy as that, an amazing pattern arises through the laws of physics.

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7 years ago

@notyourlaura requested Hermione and Fleur for the female ships headcanons and I got v carried away alright

ok lbh Hermione would have very mixed feelings about Fleur when they first met

But Fleur would fucking fall in love Hermione immediately I am 110% on this

Hermione’s confused bisexual heart would be in turmoil because like ‘she is too pretty, and she’s a veela, and she’s not that impressive I mean yeah she’s in the triwizard tournament but like whatever and why does she keep talking to me is she trying to get one over on Harry like what’

And as sweet and lovely and pretty and fiery as Fleur is she would be tragic at wooing someone because all her life she never had to try, men just sort of fell for her, even if her english wasn’t perfect or she said something wrong they still liked her, so she is just a mess with Hermione

Fleur would talk to all her Beauxbaton friends about how smart and lovely and pretty Hermione is but anytime she tried to say something to Hermione she would mess up and insult her because her english is still a process

‘She said my hair was terrifying’ But like she meant terrific or something equally ridiculous

Viktor takes and interest in Hermione too and him and Fleur get low key really competitive over her attention

Like to the point where literally everyone knows except Hermione, who sort of knows that Viktor is interested but is still pretty convinced Fleur hates her or something

But then also she knows Fleur doesn’t hate her but she also doesn’t know like?? why is this pretty girl talking to me and why is she insulting me again and why does she look so nice while she’s insulting me what is going on

Ron would be hella bitter ok because he still has a thing for Hermione and she’s ‘fraternizing with the enemy/enemies’ 

And he would insult Viktor and Hermione would be annoyed and then he would insult Fleur and Hermione would go 0-100 in a heartbeat 

and then later she would be like ‘im just being truthful’ after roasting tf out of Ron as if she hadn’t just let him rant about Viktor for like fifteen minutes and her only response to that was just to roll her eyes and ignore him

Hermione goes to the Yule Ball with Viktor because when Fleur tries to bring up the Yule Ball she is trying to ask if Hermione has been asked by anyone but says ‘You haven’t been asked, no?’ and Hermione had literally just had a conversation with Ron who had assumed she wouldn’t get asked so she thinks Fleur is doing the same thing and she just goes off

And Fleur is like?? both upset that she upset her but also like ‘wow look at her hair when she’s angry it sparks and her accent is so pretty and I wonder what it would feel like to kiss her’

So Fleur would go alone to the Yule Ball and she would dance with whoever she wanted and she would literally stare at Hermione from the moment she arrived to the moment she left the ballroom

Oh my god when she found Hermione crying she would, like, aggressively bolster her up

(Fleur would be the type whose pep-talks are like ‘you are literally perfect and everyone around you is fucked and you don’t need them–no, stop saying you did something wrong, you literally do nothing wrong ever shut up you’re perfect and this is everyone else’s fault’ even if the person she’s talking to literally does everything wrong all the time)

And because Fleur is angry that Hermione’s upset she’s not as flustered so she can speak easier and she can actually get her thoughts accross correctly

Hermione would listen to it and correct her on her grammar because obviously she would do that and internally she would be freaking out like??? ‘why is she being nice?? oh my god she’s so pretty and now she’s nice oh my god’ she would be so overwhelmed

When Hermione is Viktor’s most important person in the second challenge Fleur would be absolutely devastated because obviously that means they’re in love and she doesn’t stand a chance

(Her sister notices the pining looks she is sending in Hermione’s direction after the second challenge and she would ask about it and immediately regret it because Fleur would go on for, like, an hour, because at least in French she can articulate how beautiful Hermione is to her and her sister is the only person she can talk to about it now because all her friends have told her that they have heard enough about Hermione oh my god)

She would go to Hermione basically to say ‘I respect your decision and if you want me to leave you alone I will’

She rehearses the words because she wants to say it right this time

And oh my god Hermione would sit there in petrified silence because her little confused bisexual heart would be like…running around in circles and screaming 

It would definitely be one of those ‘are you flirting with me?’ ‘I have been for the past four months but thanks for noticing’ situations oh my god

Hermione would tentatively offer for Fleur to tell her in french, because once Fleur finds out Hermione thought she hated her she’s trying to explain that she doesn’t, but she’s nervous, so she keeps messing it up

And Fleur would just like…stop…like…you understand french?? are?? are you serious this is so much easier

and she would just like wax poetic about Hermione for like five solid minutes as Hermione tries to keep up because like yeah she knows some french but oh my god please stop talking so fast did you just call me angelic what is going on??

when they start dating Fleur would be so extra oh my god she would be around Hermione all the time and she would compliment her in french if she couldn’t think of the word in english and her and Hermione would have these odd half english half french conversations that no one can quite keep up with

Fleur smiling like a damn fool everytime Hermione corrects her grammar 

Hermione kissing Fleur everytime a guy is staring at Fleur not exactly because she’s jealous but because she knows Fleur hates it when guys stare at her so she doesn’t want her to notice so she just kisses her to make her happy

Fleur begging Hermione to let her play with her hair and Hermione doesn’t want her to but then when she finally does Fleur manages to wrestle it into impressively pretty braids so Hermione just lets her play with her hair all the time and Fleur is loving it

Ron would still be bitter but he wouldn’t say anything because Hermione would hex the shit out of him

Harry would ship fleur and hermione so hard oh my god he would be rooting for them so hard

Fleur and Hermione would be such a power couple I’m so in love with them oh my god

7 years ago

If you publicly and unreservedly condemn the actions of Nazis in Charlottesville and elsewhere, including everything from quiet hate speech to vehicular terrorism, can you please reblog this post.

I think a few friends, a few followers, every Jew who happens across this post and my own heart could do with knowing that there are more of you out there than there are of them