charlie-the-killer-plotbunny - Charlie The Killer Plotbunny
Charlie The Killer Plotbunny

English, she/her, I mostly use this tumblr for browsing cat videos and good omens

154 posts

Work Was Not Worth Getting Up For. If The People Who Came In Today Are Representative Of The Population

Work was not worth getting up for.  If the people who came in today are representative of the population as a whole, then shoot me now, cus I don't want to live on this planet any more.


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Selpa, this is amazing and you need to see it :)

All right. Which one of you beautiful Avengers fans in this world made this.

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Odd Things To Happen At Work #9

My shifts for tomorrow got changed last minute at work tonight - instead of working the late shift, I'm in 7 hours in the day instead.  I start at midday.

It's a sad state of affairs that I now count 12pm as an early start to my day.

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Odd Things To Happen At Work # 7

Ok, so I get that I look foreign.  After several people - including my colleages for some time - refusing to believe that I am, in fact, English, I understand that I look Mediterranean.  Spanish, most people seem to think.  That doesn't explain why last weekend a guy - who had already asked me once if I was Spanish and been told no - insisted on attempting to order from me in Spanish.  I don't speak any Spanish beyond 'si' and 'ocho', but I don't need to know more to know that whatever he was saying, it wasn't Spanish.  Gibberish maybe.  Certainly not any language spoken by any other person on the planet.

He did this twice before resorting to pointing at what he wanted.

The thing that really confused me though, was that he was English.  Why didn't he just talk to me like a normal person?

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dogs dealing with cats sleeping in their beds

I've just gotten back from holiday, to the news that the job I interviewed for a couple of weeks ago is mine.  So, in the next two weeks, I start a new job, move to a new house in a new city with a new roommate, and get entirely new furniture.  A time for new beginnings, I think.

If this isn't the time to actually start jogging, like I keep telling myself that I will, there will never be one.