- Marlowe! - 30+ - Neurodivergent and generally low spoons - Not super social - he/they/it and queer as fuck - get off my lawn *shakes cane* - goat
This blog is not intended for minors!
If you believe harassing someone over thought crimes or fiction is okay, you’re not welcome here. Please block me and leave. If I follow you and then later unfollow you, it's nothing personal -- more often than not, it's because you post too much stuff that I can't filter out such as discourse, negativity, etc. Gotta be in the mood for that stuff, y'know? Mutuals: Please tag negativity in some way so I can filter it. I’ll try to tag anything you need, as well! Just send me an ask. If you want, I have a few weird triggers you can ask for, but it’s not necessary! Tags! #plusle tag - positivity or things that make me happy to look at #minun tag - negativity #corvidposting, etc - photos of corvids or whatever animal is named, like bovidposting, bunposting, etc. not a super serious tag idk??? #my art - can also be found on @chevrine-art …that’s about it so far!
tomohirosibuyahappyanimals liked this · 1 year ago
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Concept art sketches for Luigi’s costume for the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie. The costume designer was not informed about the correct spelling of “Luigi” at the time of the creation.
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ok so i have very, very vivid memories of teaching my dad the difference between a fake pokemon card and a real one using this exact card as a child, at a flea market in florida??? the fake was missing the drop shadow around the art frame pretty sure i still have it!!