chiyuki-suishou - Chiyuki Suishou
Chiyuki Suishou

Hiya, I'm a Malaysian writer who loves gaming, anime, manga & visual novels.

679 posts



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Play the Puzzle Game during the Spring Festival. 300 coins per game.

You will win an image if you complete the game.

Thanks teenanime for this information !

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More Posts from Chiyuki-suishou

9 years ago

I cant seem to study wizardry the required times for the first year without running out of coins or fatigue levels rising how do I do that?

Hi Anonymous :)

The best way to earn coins is to do only Blackjack job with occasional rest. By doing so, you will achieve the Blue Collar ending but will end up with lots of coins to carry onto the next game.

To unlock Blackjack as your job, first, you will need Charisma>100 and Rebellion>50 ( Suggestion : Dancing Classes and Land of Damned ). 

After that, stroll around Wizard Alley to meet up with Ying, the casino owner ( after Nia’s cutscene ). You will get the job from her. Keep doing the job until the end but make sure to monitor your fatigue as well.

Once you think you have earn enough coins, just start a new game to pursue the ending that you want. The safe zone should be around 10k coins or more, but it depends on the endings. Romance endings might cost more.


You can lower fatigue by skipping events like Harvest Festival or buying desserts at the shop or through sleeping/outing/vacation activities.

Increasing stamina will also help since it increases the fatigue limit and the Child won’t get sick or tired easily.

As for wizardry, sleeping/outing is the best solution for fatigue. Increasing stamina through desserts is optional but not neccessary unless your ending needs Stamina requirements.

9 years ago
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !
New Favourite Song Added To My Playlist For Dance With Devils !

New favourite song added to my playlist for Dance with Devils ! 

The boys are awesome here ! They’re dressed in formal attire and their entrance came in like a wrecking hellfire >W< 


Jek’s evil laughter, Ritsuka’s gown, the appearence of the Lord Nestum Nesta.

Great episode with all the pieces coming together.

Now, the only thing I’m worried for Ritsuka is Lord Maksis, her real father.

Roen, you untrustworthy Pomeranian. He’s hinting that he will try something after the battle. Probably will have an unexpected twist in the finale.


I love Lindo’s attire out of all of the boys in this episode. But I’m betting on Rem to be Ritsuka’s lover in the end. My favourite devil is still Mage. Shiki in second. While Urie, well... let’s just say not my taste.

Since the series is finally coming to an end, might as well ask that question to everyone, who is your favourite devil / vampire so far?

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9 years ago

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays !

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays !

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9 years ago

Q & A Corner

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This Walkthrough

Where’s the boy’s version walkthrough?

I can’t afford the boy’s version due to some personal reasons... TwT I’ll try to get it somehow but no promises. Update : Thanks to everyone who help out with their contributions, the walkthrough for boy’s version can be found here.

I couldn’t get the ending I wanted! Help!

Feel free to ask me at Curious and Curiouser on this blog or send a message. I’ll be happy to help you out :3

I have images/information but where do I submit them?

You can either submit them to the Post Office on this blog or send them to my e-mail,

Will you post your monthly schedules from the game?

Sorry… but I won’t be posting monthly schedules of the game. The problem is that the classes and jobs increase/decrease the value of stats randomly so it may not be the same for every player. And by posting them, it will only cause confusion…

What is Priority Order?

The Priority Order is just a reference on the classes/jobs/requirements you should focus at the beginning, mid and end.

You are free to mix or combine them up to your liking.


The Gameplay

How to earn fast coins in the game?

Blackjack Dealer job and Blue Collar ending. Combine them both :3

Coins collected from a game will be carried forward to the next game and so on.

What are Tarots in the game for?

They contain helpful hints, useful tips and sometimes show your current situation. I’ll write the possible outcomes in this walkthrough to save your coins.

Does events count as a type of requirement or condition to get the ending you want?

Events do not count in all endings except for maybe romance endings like Snow’s New Year event. I’m 100% sure since I still join events even though I was heading towards Sleeping Beauty ending. Basically, It’s your choice to either join the events for stats and coins or ditch them for Stamina relief.

How many times do you need to take a class to be in expert level?

30 classes in total - 10 to Intermediate, another 10 to Advanced and the last 10 to Expert.

Is there a way of reducing care?

Hiya, there is only one way but it’s not practical. In Events and Vacations, which have the cutscenes with you and the Child, there are conversations ( but not many ) with choices that makes your care go down.

How do I earn Rebellious points?

To increase Rebellious stats, you can get them by going on Outings to the Cursed Land, attending Combat or Alchemy classes, and doing Blackjack Dealer jobs.

How can we unlock images under Others?

Those images can be gain from playing the Puzzle Game during the Spring Festival events.

How to raise up the heart meters?

By meeting love interests in the game. Some events will boost your heart meter as well.

I can’t find any of the login outfits (e.g. the Killua outfit, the pirate outfit, etc), is it a glitch?

It’s only for Boy’s version sadly…Hopefully they will add a girl’s version of them soon.

How can I get the CGs from the game without the Facebook share button blocking it?

The only way to get the CG is to either getting screen-shots during the ending scene or share the CG to Facebook by clicking on the Facebook button.

However, there’s still some CGs which are still having problem sharing to FB, even after the latest update. So, I suggest screen-shot is the safest option.

Events modified by stats ( by Sayuri )

a. Dialogue button in the top left corner

Normally, this opens a menu where each choice gives you a cute conversation between the Demon Hunter and the child and some stat bonuses as following:

- Greeting: 1-5 care randomly

- Talk gently: 1-5 emotion randomly

- Talk harshly: 1-5 morality randomly

However, if you raise your Rebelious stat ABOVE 100, the conversations change, the child’s responses turn from cute and obedient to mocking and rude and it doesn’t matter what you choose, the options STOP giving you stat points.

b. New Year Event

Normally, if you accept to go to the New Year’s celebration, you get three dialogue options that give you stamina/intel/charm and some emotion. However:

- If you have Emotion>100, the event changes to a CG of the child giving the caretaker a present (there’s three versions of this CG, one for each growth stage of the child). No stat bonuses.

- If you get at least two hearts for a character, it changes to a conversation with thay character. No stat bonuses

Thanks Sayuri for sending this ! 

How to get the Reflection ending?

Answer here.


The Child

Is it neccessary to use Dialogue to talk to the Child everyday?

No it’s not compulsory. Do it only if you wish to increase Care, Morality or Emotion. Conserve your energy.

Can we get the other endings by not changing the Child’s clothes?

Yes, it’s optional.

What happens if we only focus on going to the The Cursed Land aka Land of Damned? Does the child become evil?

No, the child doesn’t become evil. You will get the dreaded Ordinary Life Ending instead. Been there, done that. It’s dissappointing QwQ *cries in corner*

What will happen if the Child keeps going for the choreman job every year? Will I get the chef ending?

If you do choreman every year, you will probably get Blue Collar ending instead. Blue Collar is an ending where the Child continuously do jobs with occasional rest and not going to classes.

Can you marry the Child?

Emm... not sure as of yet. But there’s at least two endings with you and the Child in the end. Update : yes, you can.

How do we increase the Child’s popularity?

Popularity can be gain by taking Expert Classes. It can also be gain by talking to anyone at the Castle once you unlock the Castle area with Intel >100.

To unlock the castle areas, you need : Guard - Intel >100 Knight - Popularity >50 Minister - Popularity >100 Castellan ( Ian ) - Popularity >150


Leslie, Orphanage

How can we meet Leslie on the first year? Why doesn’t she appear in my game?

You need at least 50 Care in order to meet Leslie at the market on the first year. If the requirement is not met, you won’t be able to encounter her at all. The deadline is on December - first year.

Where’s the orphanage? Why is it not there on the outing map for Girls version?

In the Child’s first year, visit the market on December ( you need Care >50 ). You will meet Leslie there. Continue visiting the market until the scene where the Child aids Leslie to get help from the Castellan. This will let the orphanage appear on the map and the Orphanage Assistant job will be available as well.

How about the Boys version? Why is the Orphanage there from the start and not the Girls version?

“In the boy’s version the Orphanage is there from the beginning. You meet Leslie when visiting the Orphanage the first time. To unlock the job, just visit the Orphanage a second time.”

- Aki


Other Characters

Why is Sebastian being creepy at times to the Child?

I suspect Sebastian is the one who must not be named or at least has something to do with that person since he also share the same name and characteristics in the Kuroshitsuji series.

At the castle, besides the Castellan, can the other characters be courted?

Yes, but only in certain endings. There is no relationship heart bar for the others.

How to unlock Ian’s character?

It’s automatic, you don’t have to do anything about it. There will be a cutscene that happens in the June month of the second year, where the Child and Ian meets for the first time.


Jobs, Jobs, Jobs..

Why doesn’t the Waiter/Waitress job unlock even though I have the stats, which is Charisma>100 and Temperance >100?

“To unlock the waiter job you need to meet Caroll first. That means at least you need to have dance classes 3x. You still need charisma>100 and temp>100.”

- Aki


Misc & Others

How long does it take for support team to answer e-mails ?

Unfortunately ( or fortunately ), I have not contacted their support team through e-mails but I’ve seen them posting comments on the posts on their Facebook page concerning the endings. 

It’s best to send them an e-mail first. If let’s say they did not give a reply in 2-3 days, then try contacting them through message on their Facebook page.

At the mean time, do not reinstall the game because it clears the data, means you lose progress and any possible transactions.

Are all the events in Chinese version available in English version?

About English version, there are differences from the Chinese version like in Sebastian’s ending, where in English, the Child and Sebastian are in the house while the Chinese version shows them at the castle area instead.

So, I would say most likely no, they may have change some of the events. 

How many games are there in this series ?

Overall, there are 4 games in the series, 愛養成, 爱养成2, 愛養成3 and  爱养成4.

The first version has not much of a storyline, just a simple raising sim game.

The second version is about Linsu and Lucifer.

The third version is about Lucifer and Gabriel.

The fourth version is about raising a fox demon.

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9 years ago

Hi!! I want to know how to exactly unlock Ian's character. It seems I have to go to Plaza first and I'll meet him in the 2nd year. And thank you so much for your walkthrough. It's been a big help!

No, it’s automatic. The meeting in the plaza that I meant is the cutscene that happens in the June month of the second year, where the Child and Ian meets for the first time.