chiyuki-suishou - Chiyuki Suishou
Chiyuki Suishou

Hiya, I'm a Malaysian writer who loves gaming, anime, manga & visual novels.

679 posts

Konnichiwa! I Have A Question Regarding The Game Love Story. I Accidently Found Leslie On August When

Konnichiwa! I have a question regarding the game Love Story. I accidently found Leslie on August when I was wandering at the market. Does that mean we can meet Leslie on any month(after June) on the 1st year?

Hi Anonymous,

Yes, any month on the first year will do as long as you have at least Care >50 ( Can be done as early as April ).

However, December is the latest deadline to trigger Leslie’s first encounter. 

If you do not meet Leslie at the market by the end of the first year, the player will never meet Leslie ever again, even though they reach Care >50 and visit the market on second year.

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9 years ago


Click here to go to Main Walkthrough.

Vacations will cost you 1999 coins, comes with an image and sometimes, a conversation scene. Having vacations on certain months and years will trigger different scenarios. Lowers fatigue.



1st year - March, April, or May



1st year - June, July, or August



1st year - September, October, or November



1st year - January, February, or December 2nd year - January, or February



2nd year - March, April, or May



2nd year - June, July, or August



2nd year - September, October, or November



2nd year - December 3rd year - January, or February



3rd year - March, April, or May



3rd year - June, July, or August



3rd year - September, October, or November



3rd year - December 4th year - January, or February



4th year - March, April, or May



4th year - June, July, or August



4th year - September, October, or November



4th year - December 5th year - January, or February



5th year - March, April, or May



5th year - June, July, or August



5th year - September, October, or November



5th year - December 6th year - January, or February



6th year - March, April, or May



6th year - June, July, or August



6th year - September, October, or November 



6th year - December


If you complete all of the vacations, you will get the Traveller’s ending !

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9 years ago

Hi! How are you? First of all, I'd like to thank for your walkthrough on Love Story You Belong With Me. Seriously, it is really helpful

Someone share this Leslie problem before - yes, it’s a bug if you can’t meet her at all on December first year. Same for Snow. 

You can highlight the problem to Catcap Studios support. Yours is not the first case.

9 years ago

First of all, thank you very much for the lovely detailed guides for Love Story - You belong with me, they will be of great help to many players. Um, I have a very silly question. The game says you can save CGs (and later use them as wallpapers), but how do you save CGs? I can see them in the memory section and I can take a screenshot on my mobile, but there's that annoying facebook button right in the middle that I can't get rid of. Help would be very, very welcome ^^'' (btw Boy is on sale now)

The only way to get the CG is to either getting screen-shots during the ending scene or share the CG to Facebook by clicking on the Facebook button.

However, there’s still some CGs which are still having problem sharing to FB, even after the latest update. So, I suggest screen-shot is the safest option.

9 years ago

Is the boy version in the chinese version of the game free??? I even saw there were other characters(like the black haired girl with the fan and the guy with the cloak). Were the characters exist in the english game & chinese game?

Hiya there,

No, for the boy versions, they are both paid.

The guy with the cloak is probably from the 3rd version of the game.

Overall, there are 3 Chinese versions, 愛養成, 爱养成2 and 愛養成3.

Currently, the English version follows 爱养成2, which is the 2nd version of the game. Catcap Studios skip 爱养成 for the English translation, maybe because it’s the oldest version of the game. 

But yes, each of those games do have different storylines and characters.

The first version has not much of a storyline, just a simple raising sim game.

The second version is about Linsu and Lucifer.

The third version is about Lucifer and Gabriel.

9 years ago

Hello! I love the walkthrough of the Love Story You Belong With Me game. Well, I was wondering... I tried to get the Snow ending triple times, however, I got the witch and ordinary life even though I followed your guide. Can you tell me what jobs should I join so that my mana/etc won't decrease? I also don't know how to find Snow at the market during first year but instead I met Leslie and the cookie woman. Is there any way I can achieve the ending without getting the ordinary life ending again?

Hi there, Anonymous ~

For Snow, you have to prepare the coins beforehand like the other romantic endings. That way, you can focus solely on classes. Try the Blackjack + Blue Collar to gain lots of coins which you can carry forward to the next game. Sebastian is 30k coins. Leslie is 40k coins. For Snow, it should be 35k+ coins.

Jobs :

Housework - Attack Rebellious DOWN Emotion Care UP

+ No Requirements

Choreman - Temperament Mana DOWN Emotion Care UP

+ No Requirements

Orphanage Assistant - Attack Rebellious DOWN Morality Care UP

+ Meet Leslie at Market on 1st year.

Bodyguard - Intel Temperament DOWN Attack Mana UP

+ Stamina >100, Go to Plaza

Physician - Charisma Attack DOWN Morality Temperament UP

+ Medicine 15 times

Waiter/Waitress - Intel Emotion DOWN Charisma Mana UP

+ Charisma >100, Temperament >100, Go to Jasmine Lounge

Tutor - Mana Rebellious DOWN Intel Care UP

+ Intel >100 Go to Plaza

Blackjack Dealer - Morality Emotion DOWN Intel Rebellious UP

+ Charisma >100, Rebellious >50, Go to Wizard Alley


Actually, that meeting is not neccessary for Snow. It’s been stated there on his part…


As long as the Child meet the requirements and encounters, you won’t get the Ordinary Life ending. As long as you don’t lack any stats or encounters...


Thanks for asking and good luck :)