Hi! I Was Wondering If You Could Help Me Find An Unfinished Series/ Author? I Cannot Remember The Name
Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find an unfinished series/ author? I cannot remember the name of either one. I know that I was following the author but I can’t find them in my following list. She was talking about moving to ao3 but I have no clue if she did or not. The series was an ot7 soulmate au, there was something that happened where soulmates were soulmates were a new thing. The reader or the boys could write on their skin and would show up on the other. The reader only found out who they were after her friend drew a smoky face on her and the boys had it while they were doing a live tv thing. She meets Namjoon first, she was on her way to their apartment and he freaked her out. I’m pretty sure she met Tae next after he broke into her apartment. I don’t remember what happens next but I know that she runs away from the guys and try’s to live a normal life. The boys find her and they stalk her for a little bit. I’m so sorry that this was so long! 😅
🌷 Hi! This is by smasmashin who I noticed deactivated recently. Don’t worry she’s still on ao3; I think I started reading her fics on AO3 first before she posted here on tumblr.
You can still read her fics here and she goes by smashin on ao3 🥰. The one you are looking for is Buyers Beware
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More Posts from Cholychi
the evolution of jimin’s reaction whenever jungkook calls him without honorifics
The Other Woman
Harry cheats while he’s on tour

Summary: Harry and Y/N are both famous, he cheats and the media has a field day
Warnings: angst, the usual
Word count: 3.8k
Based on: harry cheats on reader and there both famous and media plays a big part on the whole cheating scandal by @coolkimchijoy16
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Ride With You (part 10)

Or, Jungkook’s ex- fiances can really hold a grudge
OT7 x reader (ex-fiancés au, Jungkook x reader focus, mafia au, slow burn, Taehyung’s a weirdo, sparring/wrestling, boners 👀, sexual tension?, night club scene ft. Stray kids, Jungkook wants you so bad bro omggg, reader looks pretty twenty four seven)

When you returned, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook, and Jimin were still up. Taehyung had been holed up in his room refamiliarizing himself with his flashdrive since you gave it back to him, and Jin had rushed off to his room immediately after he had driven you back to the house, already on the phone. He had been busy for the past few days, some situation with his father that you didn’t quite know the details about, only seeing him ghost through rooms and always on seemingly endless phone calls.
The men waiting in the foyer raised their head as you entered, Jimin letting out a snort. “I honestly thought you two would’ve ripped each other to pieces.”
Namjoon tilted his head as he lowered the book he had been reading into his lap, looking at the body slung over Hoseok’s shoulder. “That’s not Warner.”
“No, it’s not.” You smiled at him brightly.
When you didn’t explain yourself, he sat up, furrowing his eyebrows. “Why isn’t it Warner?”
“Because this dumbass shot him.” Hoseok scoffed, gesturing to the body on his shoulder. “When we got to the meeting, Warner ratted us out, so the informant shot him and ordered his guards to kill us. I wanted to just run, but Ms. Perfect over here lost her temper,” He now pointed a finger at you accusatorily, while you stood tall next to him, not ashamed at all. “And insisted we kill all the guards and take the informant as a hostage to make up for what he did.”
“That’s so hot,” Jimin breathed, ever present smirk on his face as he studied you, eyes locked on your figure. Jungkook sent him a bewildered look before brushing it off, turning to you, and standing up to make his way to your side.
“The important thing is you’re back home safe,” he said, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You look exhausted, let’s go to sleep.” And it was true, you could feel the exhaustion seeping into your bones, ignored in flavor of succeeding at your mission. The warmth of Jungkook’s hands as you moved them to squeeze your waist gently made your eyes start to droop.
“Right, go and get some rest, we’ll debrief in the morning.” Namjoon stood up from the chair he was sitting in now, everyone dismissed now that the mission had gone well— or rather, well enough. He and Hoseok moved down the long hallway that you now knew led to where they kept their hostages and you turned away, allowing Jungkook to pull you to bed.
After what felt like endless tossing and turning, you sighed, rolling out from under Jungkook’s arm. You weren’t sleepy at all, the new developments tonight only making you think about your next move. You were making so much progress with taking down your organizations, and even though working with with Bangtan was previously unfortunate detail, you found recently that you couldn’t be anymore thankful for their help. You were so close to getting to shoot those bastards in the organization in the face.
Deciding to wander a bit to ease your mind, you crept through the house in the dark, subconsciously finding your way to the kitchen. Usually, you didn’t come in here much, just eating food when it was served in the dining hall. The kitchen was large and almost pitch black, empty of its usual staff who cooked food, leaving it quiet and empty. You walked towards the cabinets, looking for a cup to get a drink of water. As you turned your back to open the cupboard, a chill rolled down your spine. You could feel roving over you, and turned your head quickly towards the source.
Taehyung was sitting at the table across the room, previously obscured in the darkness, but as your eyes adjusted, you could plainly see that he had his eyes trained on you over the edge of his mug, as he took a long sip of whatever he was drinking. As far as you could tell, he was shirtless, only sweatpants tied low around his hips as he reclined lazily in the chair.
“Why are you just sitting in the dark?” You questioned him, turning back around now that you know the source of your mini heart attack. He didn’t answer you and you didn’t care, turning back around, still fumbling around for a cup in the dark.
You only heard a slight scrape against the floor before you could sense his presence right behind you, arms closing in on either side. One reached above you, pulling out a cup and the other wound around your waist as he lowered his lips next to your ear. “You know,” he started, you freezing deathly still as he murmured into your ear. “When you first came, I wished Jimin had left you in the cottage where he found you and Jungkook. I didn’t want you here, not when you were a reminder of the fact that Jungkook thought he could leave us.” His hand set down the cup and raised to gently stroke through a curl of your hair. “But now, after you saved Jimin, after you brought back my flashdrive, I think maybe this was all fate.”
“Or maybe you’re just weird.” You finally managed to say, ducking out from underneath his arms and moving to the fridge, filling it with water. He chuckled, leaning back against the countertop, still looking at you with that unreadable expression. It was different than before, amused rather than hateful, but unimpenetrable all the same. A long moment of silence passed as the two of held eye contact with nothing but the sound of water slowly filling your cup before he spoke up again.
“It’s just all so funny. You’re our usual type, too. Sexy, smart,” a longer pause, and you could almost feel his eyes as they studied your face. “Deadly. But better late than never, I guess.”
You didn’t know how to answer that, so you didn’t, moving out of the kitchen as soon as your cup was filled. “If you’re done talking, I’m going to bed. Good night.”
“Night, puppy. Sleep well.” He said before you turned the corner, particularly running away from whatever weird aura he had created in there. That was… weirder than usual. Taehyung barely looked at you twice, and now he’s trying to cuddle in the kitchen? Whatever, you shook your head, finally able to relax your shoulders now that you were out of his vicinity. Being around them always had you on edge and made sinking back into Jungkook’s arms in your bed even better.
The debrief was a bit unorthodox this time. While you were used to a spread of breakfast and discussion, it seemed Jin was still busy with calls and Taehyung had locked himself back in his room after the weird conversation last night. Namjoon forwent calling everyone down for dinner and just called you and Hoseok to his office instead.
Jimin was there, too, sculking around behind Namjoon, knocking the pieces over on his chess board and running his fingers over the countless spines of books on his shelves. He sent you a secretive smirk as your entered but didn’t say anything.
“So, the mission?” Namjoon said, leaning forward at his desk as he waited for you to elaborate.
And so you did. You relayed every detail, from how Hoseok kept whining in to car, to how your hostage decided to try to beg for mercy from the informant, to how you killed everyone in the building and only left behind a singular soul for more interrogation. Jimin’s eyes lit up with interest the more you spoke, eventually settling on the desk right next to Namjoon, and you could practically hear Hoseok’s eyes rolling behind you, leaning against a bookshelf with his arms crossed.
“Sure, just go ahead and make it sound like you saved the day.” He scoffed.
“I did.” You replied, not even turning to address him. “If I remember correctly, someone wanted to just leave.”
He glared at you, probably a sour to throw back another insult, but Jimin spoke up first. “Of course, our kitten wanted to do everything she could before leaving. You’re such a hard worker, pet.” You stood up a bit straighter, subconsciously proud at the praise.
Namjoon nodded. “The both of you did excellent work. We’re waiting for the informant to wake up before we ask him anything, but we might postpone it even longer since we’ve been having some… trouble.” He said, a hesitant pause before his last word.
“Trouble?” You asked.
“Nothing for you to worry you’re pretty little head about yet, puppy.” Hoseok said, moving to put a hand on the doorknob. “We’re done here, yeah?”
“Yes, thank you both.” Namjoon said, watching you out of his office as he turned back to the paperwork on his desk. As you turned towards the door Jimin sent you a wink that you steadfastly ignored and closed the door behind you.
Everything was so weird lately. When you first got here you expected to have to fight to show them you were worthy of even being looked at, and now they regularly address you, and stare at you, and almost, almost respect you. And in Jimin, and apparently Taehyung’s case, like you. From what you’ve pieced together, Bangtan liked company, and used to surround themselves with guests, though you and Jungkook are the first in a long time.
Some twisted up part inside of you was happy to be here. Being on the run was boring and stressful at the same time, and due to the way you were trained, the stream of praise they’ve been giving you lately was only making you feel warm inside, and more inspired to work harder. But the other part was worried for Jungkook and took that being here was talking on him. It felt selfish to feel happy at all when Jungkook was likely suffering mentally just being here.
You sighed as you reached your room and slumped into the chair in front of your dresser. You surveyed the room, still draped in shades of pink and yet, after the time you spent here, it didn’t strain your eyes as much as when you first arrived. The dresser had been cleared of frilly pink clothes and replaced with the same kind of standard plain clothing they had given Jungkook, blacks and whites and greys and beiges. Your nose scrunched. The frilly clothes were horribly uncomfortable sure but as at least they were good quality and colorful. The thin, plain, polyester fabric of the clothing was not exactly the height of luxury.
The door creaked open, your only indication that someone was there at all. Jimin had entirely silent footsteps, terrifying in its soundlessless, especially since you knew his fondness of you could flip on a dime and he could easily sneak in and finish you in your sleep when he so wished.
If he so wished, you corrected yourself, because he leaned against the doorway as you sat, that same Cheshire Cat smile that seemed to be a permanent feature on his face. Lately, it seemed almost like Jimin didn’t harbor any hostility towards you anymore. Not like before with biting words and sarcasm.
“Hello, pet. Thought I’d check on you after the debrief. Did you sleep well earlier?” He asked with a tilt of his head. Even now, the word pet was purred, not hissed like when he would say it before dripped in venom. Now his words seemed coated in honey.
You weren’t sure whether to be grateful or suspicious.
“Well enough.” You answer cryptically, turning back to the mirror. Jimin hummed, stalking over and standing behind you, bending down slightly to see into the mirror of the vanity over your shoulder. You locked eyes in the mirror and you raised an eyebrow. “What do you want?” You asked blankly.
“There’s a lot of way I could answer that, pet.” He spoke, almost murmuring the words into your ear. “But for now, I just wanted to check on you and see how you were doing.” He shrugged like it was a totally casual thought and not like everything he did was a long thought out decision in a mental game. He placed one hand on your shoulder, the other winding into the locks of your hair, giving you flashbacks of your encounter with Taehyung last night.
He played with it, twining it around his fingers. “I miss when we had you dolled up all pretty. You looked so cute with those clips and charms in your hair.”
You waved his hands away, failing to hold back a glare. “I have to disagree.”
He chuckled, low and knowing. “I’m sure you do. After all, you have a penchant for the more… luxurious things in life, no? Gold, silk,” he paused, leveling you with a sly look. “Diamonds.”
Your eyes narrowed. “I’m asking again, and this time don’t lie. What do you want?”
“You want a new suit, right?”
“Of course. The things you have me go in are hardly mission grade.” You sniffed arrogantly, turning back to the mirror. Jimin’s smile only widened.
“Well then. How would you like to spar with me?”
Jimin led you to the same place he had taken you for aim training, what felt like ages ago. Crazy how much you like has changed in the past couple days. Walking past the dummies used for the practice range, he led you to a large square of padded floor, the nearby wall padded as well. Leaning causally against a wall with a notebook and pen was Taehyung, eying you with that same unreadable look from.
“Why’s he here?” You asked Jimin, still holding eye contact with Taehyung.
“Taehyung designs the suits, remember? All the weapons and technological enhancements we use comes from his genius mind.” Jimin smiled, the closest thing to a genuine smile you had seen from him. “He needs to watch you fight to know how you usually move to ensure your suit will always be comfortable on you. Can’t have you ripping your suit to pieces again, right? Though I wouldn’t mind the view.”
“Are we sparing or not?” You said instead, settling into a loose fighting stance.
“Fine, since you’re so eager,” he playfully rolled his eyes, settling into a stance as well. “I know my arm just healed, but don’t go easy on me.”
“Trust me, I won’t.”
“Me either.” And with that he practically lunged at you, fast and powerful, and you was all you could do to dodge out of the way. He attacked you fiercely, not letting up a bit, powerful kicks and punches swinging at you at insane speeds with no clear rhythm. You kept jumping out of the way of his attacks, bending and flipping and moving, and mostly trying to remember how to breathe.
“You’re on defense, pet,” he growled, not letting up at all. “You need to fight!” He yelled, sweeping a leg underneath you and sending you sprawling to the floor. Before you could even recover he had you pinned down, hands pressed to your shoulders and his hips pressing down into yours.
“Come on, where’s your fighting spirit?” He teased. You pushed against his shoulders and found him near immovable, bearing down on you with the force of a boulder. Changing tactics. you tried to press your hips up against his to flip him over, freezing immediately when you felt something else pressing against you, hardening against your leg.
“Okay, I’m pinned, you got me!” You said, melting into the floor in an attempt to get distance between your bodies.
“Aw, so soon? It was cute watching you squirm.” He purred, a glimmer of heat in his eyes.
You scoffed, “With your third leg poking me? I’m sure it was.
That startled a laugh out of him, and he got off you, helping you up from the floor as well. You turned to Taehyung, pretending the heat on your face was just from the exertion. “Is that enough?”
Taehyung was also watching you intently, his eyes darker than their usual earthy brown. “No.” He replied.
You huffed, turning back to Jimin. “Fine. You want me to fight? I’ll fight!” You jumped towards Jimin, then ducked low, trying to catch him off balance, while you surprised him, if the look on his face was anything to go by, he reacted quickly, blocking both your attacks and jumping back. He came at you again, pure force and power and this time you were prepared, weaving between his attacks like water sliding off a leaf, and managed to plant a punch on his ribs. He fell back, surprise plain on his face, momentarily out of rhythm and before smiling and jumping back in with twice as much enthusiasm.
You grappled at each other, slipping and sliding out of each other grasps. Neither of you could get a handle on each other, bodies wrapping around each other and away, almost like a dance. Jimin’s hands slid over your skin in movements that definitely felt purposeful, his flirty smile not faltering even as sweat starts to drip down his face.
“Why are you smiling?” You huffed.
“Anyone ever tell you how pretty you look while fighting?” He managed to easily quip while bending over to dodge a kick of yours.
“No one who fights me usually lives long enough to say anything.”
“Should I feel honored?”
You huff again and he takes your moment of frustration to slam you against the wall pressing you against it with his body, solid muscle holding you in place.
“How are you so strong?” You definitely did not whine, because you are very mature.
Jimin chuckled, smiling down at you, your punches against his chest and stomps on his feet hardly phasing him. “Pet, not even you know everything about fighting.”
He grabbed your hands and pinned them above you, grip heavy like metal practically handcuffing you to the wall. He leaned in closer so that your noses were almost touching. “Such large bite for such a tiny kitten. Yield.” He commanded, eyes narrowing.
“No!” You snapped at him, still struggling to push him off. He regarded you with a steely look, then—
Jimin dropped his head onto your shoulder, laughter spilling out of his lips. You stopped in shock. He wasn’t holding you against the wall anymore, his hold on you lax, but you stood still against it, not sure what to do. You had never heard him laugh like this before, a real full bodied genuine laugh. He was almost doubling over with the force of it, stepping back from you. “I’m sorry pet, I just,” He managed to get out between giggles. “It’s just been a while since I’ve had someone to spar with. This is more fun for me than you can imagine.”
“Can’t you spar with each other?” You asked, dropping your hands and letting the blood flow back into your arms.
He sighed wistfully.. “It’s not the same. No one here is even near my level, I could bring any of these guys to the floor easily.” He smirked pridefully, softening as he focused back on you. “But you’re a challenge. It’s exciting.”
You rolled your eyes, ignoring the heat on your face once again. “Well, good for you, I guess.”
“Admit it, you like this.” He taunted, poking you in the side.
You smacked his hand away, trying not to smile and failing. “So what?”
“So when was the last time you let yourself have fun?” He asked, seeming genuinely curious.
“I have fun all the time.”
“I mean this kind of fun, princess.”
“Well, I usually save that kind of fun for my boyfriend.” You joked, trying to keep the mood light.
It did not seem to work, Jimin looking off into the distance again. “Right. Of course you do.”
Jimin shakes his head, seemingly making a conscious effort to stay cheerful. “Don’t feel bad you couldn’t beat me, you were quite close.” He teased again.
“I’ll beat you soon enough. I just need more practice.”
“Guess you’ll have to stay until then.” He said, sending you another one of those secretive smile. He turned to the other person in the room, who you had wholly forgotten about. “How’s that Taehyung?”
“Perfect.” He replied, not lifting his head from his notebook, scrawling something furiously fast. “You’ll have your suit soon.”
“Good.” Jimin walked over to him, peeking at the notebook. “Thank you again, pet.” He said, and you got the feeling you had been dismissed. You walked out quietly, and left the two in privacy.
The next time you see everyone, they’re standing around in the living room, speaking urgently in hushed tones. You and Jungkook had spent the last hour together after you got back from sparring, Jin apparently having made Jungkook do his usual chores all morning while he took some more calls. Jungkook was excited to see you when you got back sparring, kissing you eagerly, but at the fatigue in your movements, he eased up, seemingly content to just lay in bed with you after you’d showered and talk as you rested.
Now in the living room, the two of you originally just passing through after Jungkook convinced you to help him steal snacks from the kitchen, Jin is addressing everyone in what seems to be an impromptu group meeting. “Shouldn’t we just reschedule? We aren’t exactly in the position to be dragging them around.”
“Dragging who around?” Jungkook said, giving up on sneaking to the kitchen in favor of digging for information.
They all looked up, realizing you two were standing at the edge of the room. “Perfect timing.” Namjoon announced. “An ally of ours has had some suspicious activity as of late. It’s been a while since we paid them a visit so we were planning on dropping in on them tonight. But, with you two here…” his tone trailed off.
Taehyung spoke, “They should just come with us. We can handle them, it’s not like they’re in a position to misbehave.”
You did not like being spoken about like you were predictable, as if these men knew exactly you’d behave and react. Although, honestly, with the information they had complied of you and the way they study your every move like a hawk now, they probably do.
“We can play this to our advantage. We’re trying to get information out of them, they’d never expect these two to be with us. Maybe they can get them to say something they shouldn’t, let down their guard.” Jimin added, automatically agreeing with Taehyung, like always.
Namjoon sighed. “We’re supposed to trust them—“
“And we don’t. Pretending that we have blind faith in then won’t change that. Let’s make it certain.” Yoongi cut in with finality. Everyone in the room seems to be warring against Namjoon and it was moments like this that you really appreciated not actually being apart of their dynamic. Then again, they were comfortable with each other weren’t they? They could fight and still sleep in the same bed the same night. They probably cuddle even when they’re angry with each other. They’re just that close.
Namjoon eyed everyone in the room carefully, though no one budged against his intense stare. Finally he sighed, and agreed, “Fine.”
Jin rolled his eyes, making it clear that despite the distance away from you lately, his dislike for you hadn’t eased. “Well, no reason not to have extra help, I guess. I can’t come anyways.”
“Right. How’s that going by the way?” Yoongi asked, though he sounded more amused than sympathetic.
Jin groaned, leaning back in his chair dramatically. “Horrible. I have no idea why, but my dad is pestering me more than usual.”
“I told you to let us kill him.” Jimin hummed, as if commenting I’m on the weather outside, idly tapping against the wine glass he was holding. These guys drank a lot, you noticed.
“He’s better alive, less work for me.” Jin shrugged, his phone ringing almost immediately after he finished talking. He eyed the device with a level of annoyance you previously thought he could only direct towards you.
“Seems like a lot of work from my perspective.” Hoseok commented, and Jin rolled his eyes again, leaving the room to take the call.
Jimin turned towards you, smiling warmly. “Ready to play eye candy again?”
“Overjoyed, even.” You responded blankly, tightening your grip on Jungkook’s hand. He squeezed back and you loosened some tension from your shoulders.
Namjoon at least seemed sympathetic, but you figured it was more so you’d cooperate rather than any actual concern. “We’ll find you both something to wear and then we can go.”
“We have your old suit, Kookie. Remember the one we got you for our anniversary?”
“Burn it.”
“Hmm, no actually. I think we can get our pet a matching dress. Would that make you more inclined to wear it? I’d love to see you in it again.”
“You know what? Just do what you want. You usually do anyways.”
“That’s the spirit.”
The limo pulled up to a nightclub off the west end of the center of town, where the lines between their gang and their allies blurred. It was big and bright, neon signs lighting the building in fun attention grabbing shapes, spelling out Thunderous. It was packed with a line wrapping around the building of impatient looking people. The boys slid out first, walking right past the line as if they didn’t see it at all, Jimin and Taehyung pulling Jungkook along with them and sticking to his side. Namjoon hung back for you, gesturing for you to link arms with him.
You eyed him, watching the way Jimin and Taehyung pulled Jungkook ahead like kids excited to play with their toy. It seemed like they were going to be having fun with keeping you two apart tonight. You looked back at Namjoon, hesitatingly linking arms with him. “How come I always end up hanging off your arm? You got a soft spot for me, Joon?”
“No, it’s just better to keep an eye on you.” He said as you kept walking. The people in line glared at you all as you walked right up to the bouncer, hardly stopped for a second before being let in. You resisted the urge to stick your tongue out at them.
“Keep telling yourself that.” You replied to Namjoon instead. Hoseok and Yoongi appeared, drinks already in hand, Hoseok eyeing the closeness between you and Namjoon with a suspicious gaze and Yoongi looking like he couldn’t care less about anything, looking around the club with apathy.
A voice caught your attention, snapping your gaze away from the scenery. “Namjoon-ssi, always an honor to speak with you.” The man who spoke held out his hand as he approached Namjoon, respectfully but amicably and you realized this was likely the owner of the club and the gang you were here to meet. He shook Hoseok and Yoongi’s hands, and finally shaking Namjoon’s hand as with a strong grip, then the man turned to you, holding out a hand for you to shake as well.
You studied him instead. Average height, with some muscle, but his commanding and outgoing personality suggested he was not one to be underestimated. You forwent shaking his hand, turning your nose up at him and looking a way as if he never spoke. Partly to see how he’d react, partly because you didn’t trust him and partly because you just really didn’t want to. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Yoongi smirk and Hoseok scoff.
“A shy one huh?” The new man said, and you could detect an Australian drawl to his words. “I’m Bang Chan, but you can call me Chan.” He smiled, leaning into your line of sight to catch your gaze.
Namjoon moved his hand around your waist and chuckled, deep and rumbling through his chest. “You’ll have to excuse our princess. She can be a bit spoiled.” You raised an eyebrow at the word princess but said nothing, opting to just observe for now. You glanced around the club past the bar section you were in to the left where music was surely blaring over the dance floor. If you looked hard enough you’d probably find Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook there, but you figured you’d leave them be. They wouldn’t hurt Jungkook so hopefully you could stand an hour or two away from him.
“She’s quite pretty.” Chan’s gaze roved over you appreciatively and you leaned further into Namjoon, eyeing him suspiciously. Yoongi shifted slightly as if to cover you from sight and cleared his throat, any pleasantness he previously had gone. “We have business to discuss.” He reminded him coldly and Chan’s gaze snapped away from you to the three Bangtan members.
“Of course, this way.” He led you to a hallway off to the side, a series of doors trailing on either side. He opened one, revealing a comfortable looking sitting room, velvet couches and a mini fridge inside. Two men were already inside, sitting casually on the chairs. They straightened up when they spotted Namjoon though, leaving space for their leader to join them on the couch they were on.
Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok made themselves comfortable on the couch across from them, sitting like they owned the place, while still commanding power and clearly displaying who was in control of the situation. The couch was rather large, but with three men sittting on it there was hardly space for you to join them.
Hoseok pushed an short ottoman towards you, a small circular stool that was practically a pillow raised from the floor by stout little legs. “Go on, puppy. Get comfy.” He taunted, and you glared at him.
“You two are so childish. Just come here.” Yoongi sighed, pulling you by your wrist onto his lap. You pinched his arm in retribution and he looked at you boredly, as if he didn’t feel it at all, looking back to the men across from him as they began to converse.
“I swear I saw Jungkook earlier.” One of the men across commented.
“You did. We’re back together.” Hoseok cheerily lied.
“Ah, that’s good to hear. I’m glad you found him again.” One of the other men commented, seemingly genuine, an Australian coat to his words as well. “Who’s the new one then?” He asked, pointing at you.
“That’s just our new pet. Don’t mind her, Jungkook is fond of her so we’re keeping her around for now.” Hoseok waved the question off dismissively. You resisted the urge to stomp on his foot with your stiletto heels.
One of the men closer to you smiled, blonde hair falling over against his shoulder as he leaned closer to you, “Nice to meet you.”
“Hi.” You responded blankly after a long moment.
“She’s not very social. But anyways, we’d like to talk with you about some activity we’ve seen lately…”
The men trailed off into conversation. Stray kids, as they called themselves, had seemingly been allowing Ateez to hold weapons in buildings on their property, but Stray kids denied this, saying they had no knowledge of this and weren’t holding any weapons, which led them to discover that they actually had a rat within their lower ranks who was conspiring with Ateez to overthrow Stray kids and blah blah blah. Boring gang stuff. You rolled your eyes. Why did you have to be here? These people seemed pretty honest, as far as you could tell, and it’s not as of you could get them to say anything under the guise of a stuck up pet while Bangtan ran the conversation anyways.
Over the course of the conversation, the man who had said it was nice to meet you earlier had moved closer to the door, leaning against the wall next to it. When you caught his eye, he tipped his head towards the exit, then slipped out. You followed after, Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon distracted by discussing logistics with the other men.
When you exited, he was standing outside, not far from the door. He turned to you, making sure you were following, then walked out the hallway back towards the main club area.
It was harder to hear out here, but that just meant your conversation was less likely to be overheard. “Hey.” He finally said, smiling warmly at you. “You looked like you could use a break.”
You looked away, playing aloof. “Yeah, business meetings aren’t my forte.”
“Yeah, they aren’t mine either. Especially when Namjoon hyung comes. I love the guy but he’s terrifying.” He faked a shiver and you smiled.
“Nah, not when you get used to him.” You replied, hopping up into a nearby barstool.
He gave you a dubious look, seating himself into the barstool next to you. “Maybe he just likes you. He and his men are so creepy sometimes.”
“That I can agree with.” You gave a wry smirk and he laughed at your brazenness.
“How’d a pretty girl like you you get mixed up with them?” He said, attention trailing towards your dress. Or rather, he was likely looking at your figure in the blue satin, but you couldn’t help but admire your dress. It was beautiful, and true to the boys’ word, it matched Jungkook’s midnight blue suit, sleek dark blue fabric falling to just above your knees in an elegant but alluring cut, and a strapless neckline to fit the party look.
“It’s a long story.” You said eventually.
“I’ve got time.” He replied, easily. You found conversation with him was rather comforting, and being away from Bangtan with some one who seemed normal— as normal as someone in a gang can be anyways— was refreshing. “I’m Hyunjin, by the way. What kind of drink do you want?” He asked, flagging down the bartender.
“Oh, I don’t drink.” You denied, playing shy. It was best to stay sharp in unfamiliar territory, away from any of the boys. But maybe taking a drink would make him think your guard was lowered and make him inclined to ramble. You were technically here to see if you could glean extra information. A talk over a drink would be best for that.
“C’mon, it’s on us.” He insisted, and you nodded, feigning reluctance.
“A chocolate martini would be nice. I like mine extra sweet.” You winked, for good measure, and he laughed again, cheeks brightening slightly.
“An extra sweet chocolate martini, just like you.” He winked back and you faked a laugh. Hyunjin turned to talk to the bartender and turned back. “Do you…” His voice trailed off as his eyes focused just slightly behind you and you tilted your head.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, an eyebrow raised, but it wasn’t Hyunjin who answered.
“I’d say something’s wrong.” You jumped slightly, turning your head. Jungkook was standing behind you, tall frame cutting an imposing glare at Hyunjin next to you. His arms were crossed as he stared Hyunjin down, who was comparatively less composed, looking at Jungkook with nervousness and a bit of fear.
“Jungkook, what are you doing here?” You turned to question him. He had rolled up the sleeves of the suit, midnight blue folded right below his elbows. You could see the swell of the muscles in his arms more clearly like this and you couldn’t resist the urge to smile. Jealous Jungkook was always cute.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He asked, voice hard, but it softened when his eyes turned to you. “Why aren’t you with Namjoon, babe?”
“I got bored. Hyunjin offered me a drink.” You explained with a shrug, trying to subtly convey that nothing was amiss.
“Oh did he?” Jungkook repeated, voice flat. Okay, so that didn’t work. You held back the urge to reach up and hold his hand, not knowing how close you were supposed to act in front of Hyunjin.
“I wanted to ease her nerves. She looked a bit nervous.” Hyunjin supplied, and you wanted to applaud for managing to keep his voice from shaking. You knew that Jungkook’s stare wasn’t an easy one to handle.
“Nervous?” He reappeared, shooting a concerned look at you. “Thank you for your help, but we can handle her from here.” He gently but firmly escorted you out of your chair over to the corner booth he must’ve been previously occupying with Jimin and Taehyung, who was laughing amongst themselves before you and Jungkook returned.
“Aw, what’s wrong, Kookie? You look pouty.” Jimin asked when you got back, fake pouting in a bad imitation of the expression on Jungkook’s face.
“Hyunjin was talking to her. Alone.” Jungkook answered, sliding into the booth and ensuring you stayed close to him with the grip on your wrist. “Why the hyungs let walk away her alone, I have no idea.” He huffed.
Taehyung gasped, “Did you hear that Jiminie? He called them the hyungs. It’s been so long since we heard you say that, Kookie.” He gushed, making Jungkook roll his eyes.
“I’ll make sure to never do it again.”
“You said it was Hyunjin talking to her?” Jimin hummed, eyes glinting towards the bar. “I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.” He promised, a twinge of anger swirling through his expression.
You didn’t like the sound of that. “He was just being nice. Besides, Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok have it all handled. They were in the middle of boring business talk, so I snuck out. Hyunjin had nothing to do with it.” You explained. You’d feel bad if Hyunjin got in trouble for a simple conversation.
However, it seemed to have the opposite effect, all three of them turning to you with varying degrees of shock and anger. “Just being nice? He knows not to be nice to what’s ours. And why are you defending him?” Taehyung scoffed.
“I just—“
“You don’t have to worry about a thing, okay, pet? Leave making friends to us.” Jimin poured a cup of the bottle of whatever drink they had on the table, sliding a cup of something red towards you.
You glanced at Jungkook, who seemed as if he agreed seeing as he didn’t say anything, and lifted the drink to your lips. Their attitudes really had changed if they were going from ignoring you to monitoring whoever you talked with. Before you were sure they’d be happy to pawn you off to the highest bidder, gladly letting you talk to whoever you wanted as long as you weren’t bothering them. But now?
You placed the glass down onto the table again, emptied of its contents. These men were going to be a handful.
Taglist: @justmewondering-recs @zae007live @jcrml @royalchickens @devilsbooksworld @creatorspalace @scuzmunkie @uno7 @dreamamubarak @bbgniecyy @tinyoonsblog @cosmic-waves7 @arin-swear-rose @sld88 @skyys-universe @mageprincess7 @drunkzseok @n4mina @singukieee @elraeeee @ratherbefangirling @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @bex-tk1 @btspurplesky @shownusshoulders @iheartsvt @drissteele @kookstempo @juju-227592 @bjoriis @blancflms @mooncuddler @purplelady85 @iiitsmaria @anonynim @veronawrites @silscintilla @magicsweetener @tito-the-mermaid @queen-in-the-shadows @iloverubberduckiez-blog @scentisterror @sugarxbxby123 @mulletjoonsupremacy @bloodline1632 @ceoalpaca @yevenly @exfolitae @uarmyhore @xicanacorpse @azazel-nyx

The Man of My Dreams

jin and jungkook having fun playing with the magnifying glass 🥺