citizenies - anything muscle
anything muscle

posting stories or captions and reposting and sharing from others

396 posts

I Would Like To Thank Everyone Who Liked And Shared My Stories And Also To Those Who Message And Encourage

I would like to thank everyone who liked and shared my stories and also to those who message and encourage me in doing so. I love you all =)

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More Posts from Citizenies

5 years ago

I just saw Shazam. I can’t wait for that movie to come out so we can get all the gifs. There are some amazing transformation moments I would love stories to go with. My favorite was Ross Butler.

Ou haven't watched it yet, but did get to see some of the transformation bits.

5 years ago

So me and Tina were doing our stuff at the gym as usual when we heard someone say behind our backs, "Dude, that girl is manlier than you are" and "Shhh they're gonna hear". Just to note Tina is 5'5 but quite built due to genetics, even here attire would be considered manly in itslef.

I told her not to worry and that I would still love her even if she were the manliest one in the gym, heck the world even. She laughed a bit and say back to me that would be good for a change.

Guess the universe heard our conversation. As we continued i caught a glimpse of her and thought weird did she get a good pump on.

I thought nothing of it and continued, i went to the bathroom and when i went back i didn't see Tina. Thinking out loud i blurted weird where's Tina.

That was when i heard an ahem behind me. When i faced behind my sight was filled with pecs and shoulders so wide and thick with muscle.

I craned my neck upwards to look at masculine face that was oddly familiar. That was when the man's mouth opened and say uhm when you were gone i kind of turned into the manliest person here.

I looked around us but no one thought weird of someone turning to THIS. Tina said to me how are we gonna handle this. But I reply to her don't worry we'll get through this and not to worry because I still love her.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago
Would Like To Thank @maletfgrowthblog For Sending Me This Pic =)

Would like to thank @maletfgrowthblog for sending me this pic =)

Who says you can only grow weaker as ypu get older. Look at me i'm quite old now 75 to be exact but see how my body bulges with muscle.

I wasn't always like this you see. I was your typical old man getting weaker as days passed, and fatter seeing as my metabolism sunk. Some would say i was perfect to play santa on christmas.

That was until i got this ring of power as i call it. Found it in a hole on my bedroom's wall when i fell one early morning. I looked on how the ring was shiny yet thought how'd it got there.

As i checked inside of it there were some characters scribled in. One looked like a stick figure man and the other was a bigger one and some other things i couldn't understand. With nothing else to do with the ring i wore it.

As days passed my weakness slowly faded being replaced by strength and vigor. As weeks pass i noticed something else, my muscles looked bigger.

Then and there i removed it to check what will happen to me, but nothing happened when i removed it. I left it alone for a few days but still nothing i was still better than before.

Seeing as nothing bad actually happened to me i wore it back. Now an additional month of wearing the ring I continued to get bigger and bigger though my rich fat is still present, i felt better than in my teenage years, hornier too. Even got a few inches both in height and length.

As i continue to wear the ring i feel addicted to the power its giving to me and I don't know when to stop anytime soon.

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5 years ago

Hey, Joe i think somethings wrong. The contest is tomorrow and i'm growing again!

What do you mean if i drank from the clear bottle?

Of course i drank from it. You did tell me to drink it before the tournament, so i drank from both bottles now.

Oh no no no you should have told me that from the start! That i should ONLY drink from the clear bottle after 8 hours have passed after drinking from the blue one.

Oh god instead of stabilizing my growth, it actually kick starts it only way worse. OMG how big am i gonna get.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

What you think about female to mega-superchub of a man?

Sorry not really a fan for chubs >.