cjxkpopxwriting - CJ's KPOP Fics
CJ's KPOP Fics

FOREVER WE ARE YOUNG CIARA - SHE/HER - 32 - EASTERN US• • •BTS, EXO, ALL of NCT, WayV, Monsta X, Stray Kids, Ateez, ACE, GOT7, and Blackpink. Please see my rp blog @multixkpopxrp!• • • Drabbles, Series, and yes SMUT. Will consider requests and imagines! LETSGEDDIT! Side note: you may have to suffer my horrid artwork. 💜

201 posts

Im About To Drop A Jikook Sinday Drabble Late For My Friends Birthday Guys!

I’m about to drop a Jikook Sinday Drabble late for my friends Birthday guys!

Everybody like it and wish @softjiminsworld a happy birthday (even though it was the 15th!)

More Posts from Cjxkpopxwriting

5 years ago

Gift wrapped: Christmas Drabble

Warnings: 💕 none. This is pure honey boy Yoongi at his finest. He’s so serious but so soft and I wanna squish him. Maybe some language, and a kiss, but that’s it!

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Note: Yoongi is really struggling to get you a gift, waiting until the last minute. Afraid his gift is awful, he avoids you all night until you confront him and finally get it.

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Two Months Before Christmas:

“How is this so hard? Y/N is not that complicated!” He’s glaring at the jewelry on the other side of the display, frowning at the two he has in his hands. He can’t decide on size, style, or color as far as necklaces go, and he gives them back with a grumble before exiting the store and finding Hobi. “I hate Christmas shopping. What did you get for Y/N?” Hoseok laughs. “A little bag! Like all of mine! A satchel? Is that what they’re called? Mmm... yep. Colorful and hand beaded. It’s gorgeous. You can’t pick something? What about a perfume? Or... a gift card!?” Yoongi grumbles again, mood soured. “No... it has to be perfect.”

Two Weeks Before Christmas:

“This is stupid.” He’s scanned the merchandise for every fandom you were a part of. Lord of the Rings. Supernatural. He even dared to look at girl group items for you before he felt bad and closed the tab on his browser. “Fucking stupid holiday. Why do I bother?”

Two Days Before Christmas:

“So... this one is popular?” He eyes the woman at the counter cautiously as she’s gift wrapping the set of scents he selected. They were all name brand and high end, and he made sure you had at least five to pick from in case you’re not a fan of one or another. “Oh yes! These are the latest and greatest ones on the market! Don’t worry! I’ve put the receipt in the bag in case you need to return.” He rubs his neck as he leaves, feeling as though he’s fallen short.


He didn’t mean to avoid you... he just found himself naturally running when you popped up at the party. First it was a drink, leaving you chatting with Hobi and Namjoon whole he fled. Then it was snacks. The bathroom. Checking his phone. The bathroom again. More snacks. Another drink. Needing to talk to Jimin. He was running out of excuses and you didn’t look too pleased as your eyes met his across the room.

Fuck. How long was he going to do this?

He finally sets his drink down and runs for his room, not prepared to look at your crestfallen face for another second. He can’t hide for long though, not even making it to his closet before you basically kick his door in. “Min Yoongi, if you don’t tell me right this second what I’ve done to make you run from me, I’m going to leave and never come back.” Floundering, he begins whining. “What?! No, please don’t leave. You didn’t do anything! It’s me, not you. I mean it’s my gift.” He exhales and then takes a deep breath before rambling off another sentence.


Blinking, you’re stunned as you try to decipher the gibberish he just fed you before busting into laughter. “Yoongi, sweet heart, first, I’m sure I’m going to love it. And second... you didn’t have to get me anything.” He frowns, perhaps not having thought of that, and then quickly grabs the box to hand it over to you. “Well... I did. And... it’s this. And... if you hate it I kept the receipt for you.”

The box was perfectly gift wrapped, your name neatly scrawled on a tag attached to it. Taking the box gingerly, you hummed softly and then tipped your head. “Can I open it now?” His faint nod and flushed face made you giggle and you began to tug the side loose, gasping as your present finally came into view. “Versace? Salvatore... I don’t even know how to pronounce his last name... Armani? Wow... Yoongi...”

Your response was not what he was expecting. In fact, the second tears welled in your eyes, he was scooping you into a hug. And you returned it readily, burying your face in his neck. It surprised him, but also made his stomach twist in ways he’d not felt in a long time. He knew why you made him this nervous but he hadn’t considered it until now. And your fingers in his hair was nice. So nice.

“Are these happy tears or... tears of disgust?”

Your laugh and the soft shove to his shoulder made him grunt and he shook his head as you wiped your face and sniffled. “No! They’re amazing, really. Thank you... I... I got you something too. They’re probably not as nice as mine... but... you can’t open them until tomorrow!” He snorted. “Now I’m starting to believe you didn’t get me one.” Your shy smile made him smile right back, fingers brushing your hair from your eyes. “Y/N... can I... kiss you? As a promise that you did get me a present?”

You look shocked, but amused. He’s so charming in a devilish kind of way you never expected. “Insurance? Of a gift? Hmmm... ok.” And as your lips met, you felt something shift between you, like something unspoken was finally being said, sort of, which made your heart flutter and your stomach knot up. Parting with a sigh, you let your fingers clasp behind his neck as he dives in for another kiss, the two of you remaining there until a curious Tae came to find you, breaking your happiness bubble up and announcing to the entire party that he’d “found you”, eyebrow wiggle included.

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5 years ago

If you’re a Ben Solo/Kylo blog and you saw that I followed you and liked your stuff:

Please come visit me @fatedxdyad !!! 🥺🥺🥺

5 years ago

Cookie Crumbs: Christmas Drabble

Warnings: 💕 - It’s alllll sugary fluff! Maybe some language and a good smooch at the end. This is soft Jin, despite his sarcasm. Don’t worry. It all works out in the end!

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Note: You and Jin are attempting to make Christmas goodies the night before Christmas and while the whole thing doesn’t work out quite the way you wanted, one thing goes better than planned! It’s all fluff! No smut. Merry Christmas!

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“I don’t think you put enough...” he grumbled, the sloppy mix in front of him definitely not the consistency for chocolate chip cookies. “Well I’m sorry, Jin! I don’t understand the different measurements here and you told me to ‘figure it out’!” He looks at you with something bright and amused in his eye before he holds up the measuring cups. “So which ones did you use and how many?”

Fuck. How were you supposed to remember?!

“I mean, that was like... five steps ago! I just put the flour and counted? Maybe... four?” Jin blinked. “Four what?” Rubbing your head, you looked at them. “I used the red one! Four of the red one!” You sigh exasperatedly as he chides you for not looking at the measurement, also for thinking everything was “American” and that four was definitely not nearly enough.

He attempted to correct it.

What the two of you ended up with was rather large chocolate chip cookies that were so thick and dry you’d need a whole gallon of milk (also not a thing as far as Jin was concerned) to wash it down. “It says ‘Doe’ right here... come on. I know your Korean is better than that!” You glare at him. “A gallon is bigger! You need almost... four? ... of those!” He glowers as he attempts to chew through a chocolate cookie mini cake at this point, grumbling. “Next time we’re just going to get the premade ones.”

You close the book of recipes with a huff and throw the cookie brick in the corner, grumbling. “Next time we go to the states I’m going to... buy you a set of American measuring cups and see if you can convert it! No help from google or Siri or that Alexa thing either!” Jin put his hands on his hips. “That’s not fair! American everything is nonsense!”

Scoffing, you throw a handful of the flour you’d been cleaning up at him, leaving him dusted in white and sputtering. “Hey! Y/N! You’re messing my kitchen up!” With a snort, you shrug. “Oh I’m sorry? This is your kitchen? I thought it was the Bangtan kitchen.” Jin grabs a handful of flour and dusts you with it, making you squeal as you attempt to escape it. “Nooooo! Jin! These are my good clothes for later!”

“Later? Where are you going?”

He is feigning innocence but you buy it, staying still to wipe flour from your eyelashes to see. “Yes! I have a party. And friends outside of you guys!” He looks hurt, and clicks his tongue. “Well this won’t do then, let me help.” You are about to say thank you when the tale tell crack of an egg over your head sounds off... right before the goop from within it settles atop your head. “KIM SEOKJIN!” You rarely use his name and he bristles immediately.

It doesn’t prepare him at all for what comes next.

You are suddenly armed with a handful of eggs and he is free target practice, pegged twice with eggs before he begins to slide over the messy tile. You drop two more, scrambling to stay afoot and suddenly you’re both falling. Hard. The sound he makes as his back hits the floor makes you feel for him, sure he’s had the wind knocked out of him. But... he’s holding you tight against his chest, securing you to prevent your pain, eyes clenched shut as he hisses in pain.

“Are you ok?”

He manages to rasp while breathing and you scramble to check on him, struggling with the slick floor. “Yuck! Eggs... Jin... we made a huge mess. And are you ok?” Your torn from our frantic attempts to check on him when he reaches up, fond smile on his face, to pick a piece of eggshell from your bangs. “I’m... perfectly fine.” You attempt to move again, not sure how to handle his change in behavior, when your hands slip again, and he braces you, noses bumping with the proximity in which you land.

“Jin, I’m sorry... I..”

And then he does it. He throws your whole world for another loop, a soft kiss sending everything astray. You hesitated, though, and he’s suddenly panicking. “I’m sorry... I should’ve asked and...” Silencing him with another kiss, you melt into his chest, enjoying the tender moment. He’s so gentle and calm, taking his time as he maps out your lips, and when you part, he’s grinning like a damn fool. “I think this makes up for the cookies. And the mess.”

You giggle and push his egg soaked hair from his face, nodding. “Ok... so... how about if I make it even better and say that... we can retry that cookie recipe... and I’ll skip the party... and share Christmas Eve with you?” The eldest laughs softly and nods. “Are you playing Santa now? Because I swear you just read my Christmas wish list...” After you two manage to get off the floor, using his shirt to mop up the egg mess, you successfully make a good batch of cookies, steal a few more kisses, and end up curled up on the couch while waiting for ‘Santa’ to arrive. “Merry Christmas, Seokjinie...” you whispered against his chest. “Merry Christmas...” he replied.

And it was.

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5 years ago
Bts Are Going To Be Such Good Dads
Bts Are Going To Be Such Good Dads
Bts Are Going To Be Such Good Dads
Bts Are Going To Be Such Good Dads
Bts Are Going To Be Such Good Dads

Bts are going to be such good dads 😭❤️

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5 years ago


Author’s note: My girl @softjiminsworld just had a birthday on the 15th. So... she requested a Jikook Sinday Drabble and I’m a little late because life sucks, but here you go sugar! 💜

Warnings/Preface: If you don’t like Jikook/Kookmin or whatever you wanna call them, that’s fine. Just don’t bring the hate to my blog. Love comes in all shapes and sizes and we will probably never know if they’re a thing unless they want. This is PURELY FICTION and I’m making no assumptions about their lives. Please be warned, this is smut, so if you’re not about that, don’t read on. You’ve been warned. On that note, heed the symbols!: 🔥💕 because they gotta be a little sweet behind all the spicy!

Post writing note: There isn’t a whole lot of graphic smut. It’s talked about lightly, compared to other smut I’ve seen, and I hope that doesn’t upset anyone. There’s a blow job. Though it’s... a sort of first time type of thing? Jungkook is... soft for Jimin. And Jimin is territorial. And there’s some sweet Jikook stuff at the end. It was shorter than intended... but I hope you like it!

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He was staring and he knew it. But how was one not supposed to look at the divine creation that was Park Jimin when he was like this? Practicing for the MMA performances had been a bit stressful right after coming off of vacation. Not that it had been that much of a vacation, and not that they were out of shape. The hustle and bustle and drag of their old schedule right before break came snapping back with a painful sting like a rubber band pulled back too far. Even he, the king of pain endurance, was almost to his limit.

This was a good distraction.

Jin had dropped a bowl of ramen in his lap as he sat cross legged on the rehearsal room floor, obediently watching as his hyung spun and flipped and twisted and rolled in the most beautiful ways. His limbs moved like water, eyes closing when he really got into it, the cloth he held flowing behind him merely an extension of his body. How he wished he had his good camera. His phone would have to do.

The sound of the camera dedicating a soft moment to memory shattered it despite Jungkook willing it not to, and Jimin glanced up, smile breaking the serious expression when he realized it was his dear Kookie who had taken a photo. “Jungkook-Ah! I forgot you were here for... well I’m not even sure how long I’ve been in here? What time is it? And when did you get ramen?” Jungkook was already gathering a bite of the saucy noodles for Jimin when he sank to his knees on the floor in front of Jungkook, pillowy lips parted expectantly. “Jin-Hyung brought them because I didn’t come when he called. He even scolded me. I’m surprised you didn’t hear...”

Jimin hummed as he chewed, slurping at the end which made Jungkook giggle and reach out with his sleeve to wipe at the older man’s chin. It had happened on repeat, moments like this, so many times over the last year, and he knew their fans had their speculations about their relationship. Up until this moment he had wondered to himself as well, but when their eyes met? He felt every bit of his resolve that it all meant nothing, that Jimin was only taking care of him, shatter.

His thumb had plucked the soft cushion of Jimin’s lower lip as he swiped over it, and his brain caught the bounce back in slow motion. Jimin’s pupils shrank to a pinpoint nearly as Jungkook lifted his eyes to his, and in that moment everything seemed to stand still. Jimin reached for his bowl and he let him have it, supposing perhaps the man had decided he wanted his serving for himself. Instead, it was sat aside, near the door, as Jimin’s bare feet padded across the cushioned floor to lock it. What came after Jungkook never could’ve prepared for.

The blur that was Park Jimin hit his chest like a bag of cement, and the press of eager lips that followed it made sure Jungkook felt like he’d been punched free of every ounce of air he had contained before. But oh how it soothed afterwards? The softness of Jimin’s lips contrasted the burn of need that had built up for years when Jungkook parted his lips to voice his confusion. The sound, however, left as a soft moan and it was swallowed up as Jimin slid over his thighs to straddle him.

There was the sensation of fingers in his hair that distracted from the rush of blood to his groin as he all but surrendered to the kiss, brain finally recomposing and catching up to what was happening. He was kissing Jimin. Well... he was now. Fisting the material of Jimin’s shirt, he tugged it off and over Jimin’s limbs and head and threw it, a needy sound leaving him as those delicate fingers became white hot daggers dragging lines up his abs under his shirt and making him shiver like they were cold.

“Kookie, tell me to stop if you want me to...”

It was a warning, or permission to back out, but he had never left something undone and at this point he was sure he didn’t want to. Nipping at Jimin’s bottom lip in an answer, he ducked out of the material in the next moment to allow Jimin to strip him of his sweatshirt. “Don’t stop.” Was that his voice? He sounded more like Yoongi than himself just then and he was sure it had a lot to do with desire. How long had he felt like this? And Jimin? How long had they denied this?

“I want you so bad, Kookie. Please let me have you...” Saying no wasn’t an option, but fear of never being on this side of... anything near this made him gasp softly. “Jiminssi, I’ve... I’ve never...” The older man nods softly, biting his own lip until there is an obvious dent. “That’s ok... I’ll... I’ll just touch you. And we can... figure everything else out. Do you want me to touch you?” The pathetic whimper and nod that left Jungkook right after made him flush darkly, the pink spreading from his ears all the way to under his pecs. “Yes... please.”

His own hand wasn’t unknown... but the second Jimin broke through the flimsy barrier that was made up of his jeans and boxers, he knew nothing could compare to this. To be touched and explored by another was so foreign yet... he wanted nothing else. Surrendering to the other, he leaned back against the mirror, feeling Jimin shift. The soft nip and suction of lips at his neck and chest dragged a ragged sound from his chest as his hands searched for something to grab. A fistful of hair would do.

And Jimin loved it.

He purred against Jungkook’s ear, his fist now firm and sure as it tightened and pumped. His wrist was rolling slightly, adding a different degree of sensation that made Jungkook squirm. Wiggling down the mirror, he connected their lips again, hips lightly lifting off the floor and into Jimin’s hand as the other watched Jungkook begin to unravel. So many pieces of the younger male had been witnessed but he had never ever seen this.

And it was a masterpiece.

Bunny teeth were slightly concealed by his upper lip as it stretched across them in restraint. Bottom lip jutted out as he moaned, the sound breathy and melodic and almost familiar to Jimin’s ears, like he was singing. “That’s it baby... let me show you what I’ve been wanting to see...” Jungkook answers with a breathless whimper, hand sliding behind him to brace on the cool surface of the mirror, hips rocking up again. Jimin is knelt between his parted thighs, now, tugging his pants lower, and Jungkook swears the room starts to spin.

The heat and the wet from Jimin’s mouth are all over the throbbing surface of his cock, swallowing him up and he can’t breathe. “Oh... oh! Hyung... I... Jiminssi...” How could Jimin had reduced the Maknae into a whimpering, damp eyed mess covered in a pink flush on the floor this easy? His tough exterior had all but melted into a submissive mess on the rehearsal room floor and Jimin was drunk off of it. His eyes fluttered closed as Jungkook lifted his hips too sharply, pressing into the back of his throat.

Exhaling carefully to control the urge to vomit, he made the trip himself so Jungkook didn’t have to, swallowing him up on the descent. It seemed to make Jungkook fall apart a little more, the intensity of being swallowed whole too much for the younger man. “I’m gonna... Hyung you need to... I can’t... please... oh! Fuck!” Jimin didn’t move despite Jungkook’s feeble efforts to move him off before he found himself pumping white hot shots of his release down the back of Jimin’s throat.

Everything felt similar to watching frosting drip down the sides of a cake... or ice cream melting under the sun. His head was thrown back, body jerking in random and slightly embarrassing ways as he realized Jimin had promptly swallowed everything he’d let go of. The proof was shown a second later when Jimin exposed his tongue and teeth and then scooped Jungkook up for another kiss. Limbs feeling rather boneless, Jungkook panted, and grappled with getting up off the floor. “Damn... I... are you ok?”

Jimin laughed again, the light noise a stark contrast from the animalistic sound Jungkook had made moments earlier. “Jungkook-Ah I’m fine... I wanted you to... I promise... come here. God you look so good right now... are you ok?” His hands wandered through his red tipped hair, shoving it back in handfuls as he attempted to find words. “That was incredible... I.... what about you?” The moment seemed to quiet for a moment and Jimin slid into Jungkook’s lap, once more, his fingers resuming the tender stroking.

“We have the rest of the night to practice. You can... find a way to pay me back later, hmm?” Jungkook’s tone dipped when the satoori came, matching Jimin’s as he nodded. “Later? Yeah... we can... continue this. I just... when did you... how long?” He had tasted himself on Jimin’s lips, eyes still focused on them before he forced them up to the others eyes. “Kookie... since the first day... I’ve known I felt differently about you. I just... it took time to get here I guess? It’s not going to be easy... but after the fans started noticing and making theories and gushing about our treatment of each other, I began examining...” “me too...” “Yeah?” Jimin looked at Jungkook fondly, and he blushed, hiding his face in his neck.

“I’m so sorry. This should’ve been more romantic! And thought out!” Jungkook laughed. “Since when do we ever do anything the normal way?! It’s... it’s our thing. You are me.” Jimin nodded. “And I am you. Jungkook-Ah... I want this. For forever.” Jungkook found himself blushing now, lips pursed as he forced his body up to sit eye to eye with Jimin, taking the moment in. “Forever sounds good... we can start there.” Jimin was giggling now, kissing Jungkook’s jaw. “Why do you always have to one up me? Why? Why can’t I win?”

Scoffing at his words, Jungkook shook his head. “You can’t! It’s impossible. Others have tried and failed. I’m the Maknae. The golden one. The master. The lack of all trades! I’m the international play boy!” Jimin snorted, only to whine and attempt to escape when he was easily rolled and pinned. “You’re my international playboy now, though, right?” He added when Jungkook found his gaze. “And you’re my calico cat. Now... let’s see about me returning the favor...”

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